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PROWEB stands for Professional Women, Women, Executives and Business Women’s Forum. The initiative was established in 2005 to enable professional women, women executives and prominent business women to speak with one voice in Zimbabwe and specifically to harness the talents and skills of its members to contribute towards the improvement of the social and economic well being of Zimbabwean society.

PROWEB recognizes that there are many professional and successful business women out there. Their successes have never been sung or tapped for the good of wider society. PROWEB aims to celebrate the successes and rich experiences of women in business and to use these and other resources to mentor and empower other women, through development of the various skills which they require to enhance their potential. This intervention will contribute towards the eradication of poverty, creation of jobs and wealth, and ultimately, to the growth and development of the nation. PROWEB not only wants to contribute but to participate in the creation of wealth for all Zimbabweans, women included.

VISION As a non-partisan civil society forum, the vision of PROWEB is to have economically, professionally and socially empowered women who are serving and developing Zimbabwe.

MISSION To spearhead economic empowerment of Zimbabwean women through wealth creation nationally, regionally and internationally.

OBJECTIVE “to bring together Zimbabwean professional women, women executives and business women in various disciplines and occupations from both the private and public sectors to provide an opportunity for them to grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking, support and national recognition” In line with its principal object, and within the context of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development, PROWEB’s concomitant purpose is provide a forum for professional and business women.

STRATEGIC FOCUS AREAS In pursuance of its strategic intent, PROWEB is guided by the following Strategic Focus Areas: • Policy Development - Influence Policy Development and Laws that promote the Economic and Social Empowerment of Women. • • Capacity Building - Build the Capacity of Women towards Economic and Social Empowerment • • Community Service - To Empower Disadvantaged Communities and inspire a sense of Loyalty and Pride in our Country •

ACHIEVEMENTS In pursuance of its strategic intent PROWEB has manage to:

Sedgeperk Trust (Pvt) Ltd In May 2011, PROWEB formed a company called Sedgeperk (Pvt) Ltd to go into mining. The money was used to purchase a Special Coal Grant (SG 115) in Bulawayo. Iconic Woman Awards PROWEB hosted the inaugural Iconic Women Awards, which sought to celebrate Zimbabwean women achievers in the 60+ age group. The nominees were received from different categories. These included the media, academic, corporate, living with disability, charity/voluntary, arts (culture), social work, gender equality in politics, economic empowerment and outstanding achievement. Mentorship PROWEB is running a mentorship Program for young graduate girls called “Daring Damsels”. The objectives of the program are to provide the girls with a platform for mentorship and to empower young girls with life skill and especially business skills. Indigenization Act Workshop A workshop on the Indigenization Act titled: Indigenisation Act ‘: Unpacking the Opportunities therein for Women.’ The outcome of the workshop led to the development of Statutory Instrument presented to the Ministry of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment. The instrument had additional mechanisms to ensure the further indigenisation of the economy by promoting the active participation of women in the Zimbabwean economy.

Savings and Credit Scheme Cooperative ( PSACCO) PROWEB launched its Savings and Credit Cooperative Scheme in January 2012. Members of PROWEB Trust were invited to participate by saving $100 a month to the initial capital. The money contributed is lent out to different women in business. WOMENOMICS DIALOGUE The broad aim of the Womenonomics Dialogues is to establish a vibrant platform for professional and business women to better understand the Zimbabwean economy, especially the National Budget. Women should not be taken by surprise when the budget is announced. Instead women should make sure that their contributions are heard at the formulation stage of the budget. EXECUTIVE TRAININGS PROWEB with its collaborating partners hosted the Journey to the Top Series; Women get on Board Seminar,. The seminar sought to interrogate the non policy and non legislative barriers that hinder women’s ascension to board membership and leadership. The subsequent seminars will be a combination of discussion and dialogue on a particular theme and training input from the Gordon Institute of Business Science.

2013 PROWEB Prospectus PROWEB is in the process of compiling an updated e-directory of all professional and business Zimbabwean women. Empowerment consortiums PROWEB is also currently developing consortiums to ensure that women take up opportunities in all spheres of the economy. Community Service PROWEB has been involved in a number of community service outreach. This has seen Simbaredenga Orphanage , Bumhudzo Old People’s Home and Hupenyu Hutsva Children’s Home benefiting from donations from PROWEB.



PROWEB is mindful of the existence of other organizations that are working towards the empowerment of women. It complements efforts of other organisations whilst ensuring that the interests of its members are satisfactorily addressed.

CONCLUSION • In view of its vision and mission PROWEB’s strategic intent is that: By 2019 women of Zimbabwe own 50% of the economic wealth of the country and occupy 50% of the leadership positions in all sectors of the economy.

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