December Divisional Newsletter

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Lieutenant Governor Greetings

Greetings Division 9-A, Since the last time I saw you guys (which wasn’t too long ago) I have been planning great things for our Division. I am currently in the process of creating the January calendar, this newsletter, surprises for our divisional festive, attended a Kiwanis Divisional, finalizing divisional hoodies, among other things. I am always open to advice, if you guys would like me to create a specific resource that you believe would help others in our division. I would like to give you all couple of reminders *cough* just in case you weren’t listening *cough .* We have two divisional events coming up next week, you can attend the Divisional Festive even if you didn’t sign up for the secret Santa exchange; please bring something to contribute (food, music, decorations etc), for those of you who want to attend our Divisional Ice skating event but didn’t pay in advanced the cost is: admission + rentals = $22.00 and $16.00 for admission only (if you own skates already.)

In this Issue:

Lieutenant Governor Greetings (PG 2) Divisional Cabinet Greetings (Pg. 3-4) District Governor’s Greeting (Pg. 5) District Secretary’s Greetings (Pg. 6) District Treasurer’s Greetings (Pg. 7) The year is coming to an end I can’t help but remember the Governor’s Project (Pg. 8) great moments I have had with all of you through out this year. District Projects (Pg. 9) International Projects (Pg. 10) Even though the year is almost over we still have two events K-Family Relations (Pg. 11) coming up: our Divisional Festive and our Divisional Ice skating Public Relations (Pg. 12) event. I would also like to remind you all to begin to make Distinguished Key Clubber Award (Pg. 13) arrangements for LTC (more info can be found on page 17), as Metropolitan Fall Rally (Pg. 14) well as attend our January Divisional at which our Lieutenant Tri –K Experience Governor Elections will be taking place. In order for a club to Queens West Kiwanis Lt. g Greetings (Pg. 16) endorse a Key Clubber to run for the Lieutenant Governor Leadership Training Conference (Pg. 17) position or vote they must have all their paperwork up to date. In Club Elections (Pg. 18) addition I need each club to email me about their club meeting: I Divisional Awards to Date (Pg. 19) need to visit each club as soon as school gets back into session! I Upcoming Events (Pg. 20) hope you have all had a great Key Club year as well as school year, I Spotlight Articles (Pg. 21 - 31) hope the New Year brings great things to our lives, families and Contact Information (Pg. 31) Paperwork Status (Page 32) division. Divisional Website: Divisional Facebook Group: District Website:

Divisional Cabinet Greetings

Aloha Key Clubbers! My name is Omnia Ismail. I am 17 years old and your District EA for Division 8A. I am currently a senior at Bryant High School. I'm very random and sometimes way too loud. I enjoy meeting new people and love working with Key Clubbers. :3, Being part of Key Club is like being part of a family. We care and we help in every possible way to make a better difference in the world. I am proud to have my position and to work with my Lieutenant Governor Carla. Key Club has educated me more about leadership and partnership than any other extracurricular activity but to me it’s more than an extracurricular activity, it’s another family. I just moved back from Egypt going into my junior year. Of course I came back and didn’t know a lot of people. I had a friend who told me to join Key Club (she kind of made me join at first). I didn't know I was going to enjoy being in Key Club so much. I didn't run for a position when the New Year started but regretted it so much. Towards the end of my Junior year Carla mentioned she needed a secretary I was really happy to take that position. Then there were a couple of bumpy roads and I was promoted to Executive Assistant. I love my job :) making sure everyone is on track, helping Carla stay on track, meeting district officers and club officers. Its all a blast for me. My only main goal is to make sure all of you are doing your job well. If you need help with anything I am always here for you to ask :), I am really thankful to be part of this organization and will try my best to make the Key Club experience great for everyone. :) Make sure you send in your MRF's on time guys! :D and Class of 2012! Have a ball :) don't worry Key Club isn't going to end for us. :)

Divisional Cabinet Greetings

Hello there my fellow key clubbers! I go by the name of Ely Cuberos; am 16 years old and your District Secretary for Division 8A. I am currently a junior at Bryant High School. I am a very outgoing and friendly person, I love meeting new faces all the times and getting to actually know people is something I really enjoy doing. Key Club has introduced me to some really interesting people and to people that are definitely worth my time. I regret not joining key club since freshman year, but am glad I still was able to be part of such an amazing club after all. My position for key club as your District Secretary pretty much involves me helping Carla stay on track( since as you may know, she always has something going on) I also have to help out during divisional key club meetings and events. Especially, when Carla speaks I have to do a lot of note taking. Working with Carla has been a wonderful experience due to the fact that I really got to know her and Became to grow this mutual love for key club in which we both share. If you ever have any questions don't hesitate to ask me! Am here to help you out; so please don't be shy!


District Governor Domenick Pesce’s Greetings

Hello Mighty New York District, I would like to welcome you all to the November Newsletters! The time has come during the service year that has us Key Clubbers extremely busy, as you all probably know. With the plethora of walks and fall service events, this time of year can get hectic. One event in particular to look forward to is our 2012 Leadership Training Conference! Like last year, LTC will be located at the Holiday Inn at Albany, New York. This year’s Superhero themed LTC will take place from March 30th to April 1st. I’m expecting to see of you Key Clubbers there! Join us on a weekend full with workshops, elections, dances, a talent show, entertainment, and great opportunities to meet and socialize with Key Club members from all over the state.

I encourage you all be there to begin a new service year, as well as run for District or International office and even share a vote in determining the new District Board and International Nominees. Leadership Training Conference is an unforgettable chance to learn about Key Club and the Kiwanis Family, have fun, but most importantly, celebrate the values of service that we all aspire to! If you would like information on things such as pricing, rooming, and accommodations please visit our website Official sign ups for LTC will be available very soon! In the meantime, be sure to apply to be on the Conference Committee. Applications are available on the NYDKC Facebook Group, from your respective Lt. Governors, and will be on the website soon! Finally, please stay in contact with the District by subscribing to our email list at, as well as the Official NYDKC Facebook Group (, what are you waiting for? Go to the homepage and subscribe! Please invite your Key Club friends to the NYDKC Facebook Group, we need more members! Thank you all! Please begin to think about convention and be sure to sign up early.

District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings New York District! For those of you who do not know me, my name is Daniel Ivan Lin and I am your district secretary for the 2011-2012 service year. I hope all of you have transitioned smoothly from the first few months of school and that you are now comfortably settled. These past few months, I have had the pleasure at speaking at several divisional meetings and fall rallies; feeling the immense Key Club spirit from all across the state. And though it seems like it has only just started, we are already halfway through this service year. However, though that is true, it is still important to be as productive as possible. This past month, I have worked with Webmaster Oscar Tan in recreating report forms on the district website. These new report forms have a cleaner interface and also a much lower chance of not being received. Though some of you are still using the old online submission, it is highly suggested that you begin using the new one. In an effort to help club secretaries better understand the different tasks they have throughout the year, I have created The Secondary, an elaborate guide on the year-round responsibilities of a club secretary. Later this month, I will be providing a new resource, Secretarial Referencing, a resource that will contain sample pieces of paperwork to give secretaries a better sense of how paperwork should be filled out. Aside from publications, I have also updated my webpage for club secretaries, I will be releasing the third issue of The Empire Secretarial later this month in hopes to better inform you on what I have been doing and what I plan on doing for the next few months. Leadership Training Conference is quickly approaching and with that comes the electing of new district officers. Those being said, if any of you are interested in running for district secretary, please feel free to email me at I will be more than glad to answer any questions you may have about what the office entitles. Lastly, I hope that all of you continue to serve your homes, schools, and communities with the reminder to take a break from Key Club work when necessary. Take this time to embrace the holiday spirit and the atmosphere formed by it. Spread the love and care for others, because caring is our way of life! I wish you all the best and hope that you will all enjoy your soon to come, well-deserved break! Hope to see you all very soon! Happy Holidays! Please take care! Please join us on Facebook if you haven’t done so already:

District Treasurer Emily Gicewicz Greetings

Hello Mighty New York District Key Clubbers! You’re either physic or have seen my plethora of emails and reminders in the past months because you know I am going to talk about dues. The seeming ad infinitum of my reminders is to emphasize the importance of dues. Without paying dues you can’t essentially be a Key Clubber. The date for dues submission has come and gone, but that doesn’t inhibit your ability to still send them in. The process is still the same and the PowerPoint I sent out can still help. All you need to do is update the Membership Update Center and send the check and roaster to International and the copies to District Administrator Mr. Goldstein. If you do not have your membership log in and/ or password, please have your club advisor contact Mr. Goldstein. As of right now your club is considered suspended by international, but use this as your motivation to get your dues in. When the dues are submitted you are considered in good standing again and that is where you want to stand! A reminder: if you do not pay your dues, you cannot attend the Leadership Training Conference nor apply for awards. As always, if you have any questions or ideas on how I can better serve you, please contact me. I wish you all the best in continuing to make the world a better place! Have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!


Lieutenant Governor: Emma Cheng – Governor’s Project

Every day, the music and the arts play a crucial role in our daily lives. Whether it is the music coming from our headphones or a grand orchestral performance, the music and arts can touch us in the most subtle and powerful of ways. This service year, as appointed by District Governor Domenick Pesce, the Governor’s Project ("Music and Art, Within our Hearts") calls for all the New York District Key Clubs to step up and promote this special initiative. You may be wondering-how exactly should I contribute to this cause? The answer is straightforward. Both fundraising and community service count. Along with the rest of the Governor’s Project Committee, I have compiled a comprehensive list of service project ideas and organizations specifically geared for this initiative. Perform holiday carols at your local senior center! Host a battle of the bands fundraiser at your school! You can even help out with simple projects like making holiday cards and decorations to donate to your local hospital.

Over the next few months, to assist each and every club, the Governor’s Project Committee will be publishing an official packet of ideas and guidelines for distribution, as well as regularly providing updates on the website. At the conclusion of the service year, the Committee will specially host a video contest to specifically recognize clubs that have recorded their endeavors and critical contributions to the Governor’s Project. Keep an eye out for more details about the competition! If you have any questions regarding the project or contest, do not hesitate to contact me at Remember, without your efforts, Key Club would never be able to reach its ambitious goals and commitment to service!

Liuetenant Governor Nick Viviano- District Projects

If you can believe it, the school year is almost halfway done. But, and possibly more importantly, the Key Club year ends in less than four months at the Leadership Training Conference. Even though to some it marks the beginning of a new term or the chance to see the new friends you made from the previous year, the Leadership Training Conference concludes the District’s chances to complete its goal of $200,000. With less than four months left to complete our goal, every club must make a conscience effort to fundraise for one of the ten charities listed on All ten of these charities help deserving people in need that could benefit from our efforts, especially during this time of year. Whether you aim to stop the spread of neo-natal and maternal tetanus through the Eliminate Project or want to help children living in poverty in the backcountry of the Appalachian Mountains through the Christian Appalachian Project, any and every effort will help. All this month the District Projects committee, including Lieutenant Governors Kelseyliz Habla, Josh Hill, and Stephanie Pena, will be posting advertisements for these charities on the District’s Facebook page so that you can get a better idea of what these charities do and the people they help in the process. Please take the time to look at the videos. You never know, you might get inspired to help one of them. I urge everyone to reflect on the current situation going on around the world. There are people that are less fortunate than us that need our help. Especially around the holiday season, it is important for people in need to understand that they have not been forgotten and there are people who want to help.

Liuetenant Governor Sarah Brady- International Projects

Happy Holidays, Mighty New York District! As the Holiday season is drawing near, it means two things: the first is that many people are in need of both support and just a friendly smile and the second: is that the year is starting to come to an end. The goals of the International Projects are currently far off. (Hopefully the totals will increase with the next MRF and FRF totals calculation) But because we are farther behind than expected for this time of the year that means that we must make a big push to reach our goals. For those of you who are uncertain of the goals there is a chart on the page with the totals and goals for each project. If you went Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF please make sure you fill out a Fundraising Report Form for the money you raised and your Monthly Report Form to report the amount of time you spent fundraising. November was Prematurity Awareness Month, which goes hand in hand with March of Dimes, another one of Key Club International’s Service Partners. The committee cannot wait to hear about the fun projects you did for that! Children’s Miracle Network is not known for this time of the year but that does not mean that your club cannot do anything for it. If you have a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in your area, we encourage you to do an arts and crafts project, cards, or even hold a fundraiser for Children’s Miracle Network. Please make sure you like the International Projects and Programs Facebook page! We only have a short amount of time to reach our goals!

Lieutenant Governor Ellen Dooley – K-Family Importance

g amazin e h t e v ou ha the Kiwanisy s r e b Club on’t? art of As Key ity to be a p those who d ily am un ut opport ut what abo rt a new K-F ld a ou . B : st Family er is simple eople who w ren in sw ild fp The an ne group o nce is the ch hese O T club! experie le schools. s i h at e t idd from articip m t p i d f o n e t a n s ry be ce ids and menta y chan the ele t have man ctivities. K-K that s no ea ic club hool t s kids do unity servic a t n a of m e sc in com s Club are tw l and middl rn a o r Builde entary scho unity and le clubs m m le m ese allow e elp their co a part of th f the Kto kids h ills. Being e a par y will b k s o t p i n e h e leaders these childr , meaning th re a few ea for uth allows y in their yo older. Ther when t Famil hey ge eep in mind t you t s a n st k star ue o contin that you mu ily club. To om your things new K-Fam a charter fr s ga nd chool’ startin ermission a u need the s y are the he p t yo need t iwanis. Nex lub and that visor. A c local K to start the dult ad rtering a e l b i s a al n approv vide a respo ur idea of ch ool o o pr sch ty able to ay to presen Kiwanis and oposal. w pr r perfect club to you powerpoint new K r w a u e o e n t y a a d cre rder an vent to do l is to o a p n i i c s i e n pri ything ted, plan an ce that we r e v e When club is star ce the servi ur nt o f o ra e b m m o e Family m d e m an r every with th to each othe . e lives can giv

District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin – Public Relations

t! Distric k r o m Y ew an d I a n i L Hello N n Iva s Daniel blic Relation s i e m My na etary and Pu 012 service cr -2 strict se r for the 2011 mittee of the i d r u o y ai m clubs ons Co ittee ch Comm Public Relati aims to help utilize d rd he ict Boa nderstand an vors. year! T r t s i D ru ea ork ct bette Key Club end Ne w Y i r t s i d ir the across ication in the lic relations n ub commu month, the p ing hard on he t s o rk ot This pa e has been w l edits t ion yet a n i f g e t t t in commi ing and mak ket, a publica and d c a a on proofre ition poster p ins informati e and ta tiv ed winter ased, that con more produc nd a le sa to be re w to become etter method several o b h as tips on l club through tion; as well b a fu munic e used for clu m success o c f b ion o hat can d on a Public hed t utilizat s e t a l e is temp ve start have this fin a h poster e tion. W and hope to all so much! promo o u ns vide le. Thank yo urces we have o i t a l e R o ib as poss l enjoy the res ! n o o s s l a you wi ppy Holidays e p o h a We r you. H o f e r o t in s

Lieutenant Governor Jay Wong – DKC Awards

Howdy Mighty New York District! How do you feel?! As I know all of you guys have been working so diligently in your community service endeavors, it is important to still keep in mind that good work should never go unnoticed. Therefore, if you’ve all been keeping a record of your work, filling out and submitting the DKC award should be a piece of cake! In order to do this, you first must figure out which division you’re from. Contact your club president or your Lt. Governor to find out. Depending on which division you’re from, that will ultimately dictate where your application goes. Next, go to and click on the tab that says, “Paperwork/Resources” at the top of the page. After that, click on “Club Resources.” Finally, scroll down until you find the Distinguished Key Clubber Award (DKC) Application. If you click on it, the form will be a downloadable PDF file in which you are able to type in your answers! How perfect! There are two ways you can submit the DKC Application. The first and most convenient way is digital submission. This entails typing your responses directly onto the PDF file, saving that file onto your computer as “DKC App,” and e-mailing that file. If you are from Divisions 1 through 13, your e-mails should be going to me, Jay Wong, at If you are from Divisions 14 to 27, your e-mails should go to DKC Committee Co-Chairperson, Antonio Xu Liu, at The other way you can submit the DKC Application is by printing out the PDF file, filling it out by hand, and putting the entire application in a manila envelope and mailing it to us. If you’re from Divisions 1 to 13, mail your envelopes to:

Lt. Governor Jay Wong DKC Committee Co-Chairperson 765 Hastings Street Baldwin, NY 11510

If you’re from Divisions 14 to 27, mail your applications to: Lt. Governor Antonio Xu Liu DKC Committee Co-Chairperson 63-11 Queens Blvd. Apt C8 Woodside, NY 11377

All DKC applications must be submitted to us no later than February 14th if submitting digitally. If you submit the application via regular mail, the applications must be postmarked by February 14th. Keep in mind that if you submit your application digitally, which is cheaper, faster, and easier, you will also get additional points added onto your application in the “additional criteria” section. That will bring you one step closer to getting your DKC award. Antonio and I can’t wait to read them! If you have any questions, feel free to contact either one of us at the emails listed above or at the following telephone numbers: (516) 507-8853 – Lt. Governor Jay Wong (917) 860-3793 – Lt. Governor Antonio Xu Liu

Have fun filling out your applications, Key Clubbers!

Lieutenant Governor Carla Pacheco – Fall Rally

Hey Guys!

Though it seems like Fall Rally happened a while ago, it was very recent. For those of you who didn’t attend Fall Rally (also known as Metropolitan Fall Rally) it took place on October 29th at Edward R. Murrow High School, in Brooklyn. The Metropolitan Fall Rally was held by Divisions 8, 8A, 9, 10, 11 in order to train our officers with the help of the lovely executive district board officers, who helped run workshops. The workshops that were available at Fall Rally were the following: - President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Editor, Webmaster and Member workshop -District Project -Project EliminateWriting a winning College Essay -Public Speaking -The College Applications Process -Governor’s Project -Life after Key Club -Ice breakers workshop Fall Rally helped various Key Clubbers become much more informed about Key Club on a District Level as well as International Level. At Fall Rally Key Clubbers interactdc with Key Clubbers from Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island and of course other parts of Queens! Laslty, I would like to thank those who attended and helped out because thanks to you we raised over $1,000 for Project Eliminate. Key Club wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for all the officers and members! See you at Leadership Training Conference!

Tri-K experience In the month of November I had the pleasure of attending Tri-K. The District Boards of three major branches of the Kiwanis Family attend this event, which usually occurs in November, this year it took place in Albany, NY, and bond with one another. Tri-K lasted for 3 days and 2 nights; it was a weekend full of fun, great food and of course service! During that memorable weekend I was With Mrs.Ovadia (My KCR) able to bond with my Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor: Mr. Terry, I was finally met my Circle K Lieutenant Governor: Christopher Godshall and spend quality time with my fabulous DISTRICT BOARD! Being able to meet individuals from the Kiwanis Family and hear their stories about their service journey was inspiring, they are stories I hope to share with you, my division, they are also individuals I wish you could meet in order to get a bigger sense of what the other branches are about and hopefully be inspired to continue your journey With the Circle K Mascot of service even after your high school years. My favorite part of the Tri-K weekend was the food, my second favorite part were the service project. We had two events through out the weekend: creating activity books/flash cards for children and a race to complete the K-family themed challenge. I was also able to have a successful District Board meeting with my fellow district board members; we made various important decisions, which I will share with my division at my December Divisional to which you are all invited to it will take place on December 16th at 5pm at John Adams High School. Tri-K was an amazing experience, I returned determined, focus and inspired to serve my community, guide my division and continue my K-family journey.

A few words from our Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor

Greetings Key Clubbers. My name is Michael Terry and I am the current Lt. Governor for the Queens West Division of Kiwanis. Carla has asked me to write a few words about myself. I was born in Memphis, TN, a long time ago. I have a Masters in Music from the University of Memphis and an MBA from New York University. I am also a Certified Financial Planner and wealth management is my business. Before becoming a financial planner, I spent 20 years in the magazine publishing business at Time Magazine, People Magazine and Money Magazine. Thirteen years ago, when I began my financial planning career here in Queens, I got interested in Kiwanis. I felt that it was imperative for me to get involved in the community if I were to have a successful business in that community. I soon found out that Kiwanis was more than just an opportunity to meet other business persons. Instead it was a service organization dedicated to helping make our world a better place. I was also drawn to Kiwanis because it does so much wonderful work with youngsters like you. When I started with Kiwanis I had two young children, now college students, and I was intrigued by Builders Clubs, and most especially, by Key Clubs. I was also highly impressed by Kamp Kiwanis and the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center. So a passion was born. I began to get heavily involved in the workings of Kiwanis. I gave back many service hours and served on the Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Maspeth. I also served as President of the club for two years and have the honor of being a distinguished past president and a Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Fellow. I promised the division that when my two sons graduated from High School and went on to college that I would volunteer to run for Lt. Governor. I am honored that they picked me and am enjoying my year, particularly because I’ve gotten to know your Lt. Governor, Carla and the Lt. Governor of Division 8, Antonio Xi Liu. My goals as Lt. Governor were, of course, to increase the service hours performed by Kiwanians, increase membership, and, of course, to form as many youth clubs in the division as possible. I am proud to say that we have already started one new Key Club, Maspeth High School. We also have two new Builders clubs and at least one other Builders Club in incubation. I also have a lead on a new community based key club which I hope to have formed by the end of the year. Finally, you guys are my heroes. You are already performing more service than most Kiwanians. Your energy, good will and humor is inspiring. I know you will keep up the good work. I also know that you will continue to give back to the community once you’ve left high school behind and moved into your future. I urge each of you to join Circle K at college or start a Circle K if your college doesn’t have one and I hope that all of you will someday be the leaders of Kiwanis. Thanks for all you do. Lt. Governor Michael Terry

Leadership Training Conference

I am sure a couple of you have heard of the New York District Leadership Training Conference or as many of us call it “LTC.” For those of you who have never heard of it or have very little information about the event here are the facts: Leadership Training Conference is an event that occurs at the end of each service year, it lasts 3days and 2nights in Albany, NY. It celebrates the success of the previous key club year and welcomes the new service year. This conference welcomes club officers and members. But it is essential for the newly elected officers (those who will be elected for the new service year) to attend LTC because of the impact the information you will receive at the conference will have on your club as well help with the success and development of your club. At LTC you also get to vote for your new executive board at caucus (which includes the district governor, secretary and treasurer. Only 2 delegates from each club can vote: there is a form for this that must be filled out prior to LTC and must be brought with the club officers to LTC. This form will be released later on in the year. There are many great things that take place at LTC aside from the workshops and it is essential that your club is in attendance which is why I recommend you start fundraising now if you haven’t already been doing so because This year’s cost for LTC is $233.00 for students, $271.00 for adults (double bed which means that if you have only one chaperone coming that they will be have to share the room with another adult.) If your chaperone or Advisor wants a room to him or herself the cost will be $500.00. You may as your sponsoring Kiwanis Club for financial help but keep in mind that they wont be willing to help you if you don’t start working with them as soon as possible. Your Club pays 1/3 Your Sponsoring Kiwanis Club pays 1/3 and Your family pays 1/3 for your trip to LTC (please remember that your Kiwanis Sponsors are obligated to help you and have the right to deny you the help and this will happen if you ask them the week before the conference and haven’t had any contact with them in the previous months. The conference will be taking place at the Holiday INN in Albany from the 30th of March to the 1st of April. Schools are not allowed to arrive earlier than 3pm (if schools wish to travel earlier from their designations they may take a tour around Albany and must cover their own expenses for the tour.) The deadline to register for the conference is March 15th. Any individuals that register after that will be charged $50.00. If your school registers late you won’t have a guaranteed room (which means you may not have a room. Hope to see you all there, register as soon as possible!

Club Elections

Club Elections must be held by the second week of January. The newly elected officers will remain in office until Leadership Training Conference comes around. Current Officers would be in charge of training their elected officers so that they may be prepared for their service year. Lastly, the Election Report form must be filled out soon after Elections take place and be send to the current Lieutenant Governor. I would like to be present during Club Elections if that’s ok with each club, please email me the time and date of the meeting.

ERF Can be found:

Divisional Awards up to date

December: April: Awards Given out by the Previous Lieutenant Governor May: -Creative May Newsletter -Communication Award -Attendance at Queens Special Olympics (Divisional Event): ~ Martin Luther Key Club ~William Cullen Bryant Key Club ~John Adams Key Club

July: Acknowledged Website Award – Martin Luther Key Club Outstanding Website Award – William Cullen Bryant Key Club Informative Website Award – Grover Cleveland Key Club

-Hosting December Divisional –John Adams Key Club (Will be emailed out) -Bringing the most Key Clubbers to the Divisional Festive – ??? (Will be emailed out) -Bring the most Key Clubbers to the Divisional Iceskating Event – ??? (Will be emailed out) -Divisional Newsletter Contributors (Service Spotlight Articles) – ??? (Will be emailed out)

November: Great Communication with Sponsoring Kiwanis Club Award – Forest Hills Key Club Great Communication with Sponsoring Kiwanis Club Award – William Cullen Bryant Key Club Great Communication Award with Lieutenant Governor – John Adams Key Club Great Communication Award with Lieutenant Governor – Martin Luther Key Club Great Communication Award with Lieutenant Governor – William Cullen Bryant Key Club Attendance at Fall Rally – Richmond Hill Key Club Attendance at Fall Rally – William Cullen Bryant Key Club -Hosting November Divisional Award - Garden School Key Club

Upcoming Events

December 29th, 2011 Divisional Ice skating Event – 1pm - ? (Central Park Wollman Rink)

We will be going ice-skating as a division; those who already paid (all 28 of you) received a group discount. For those of you who want to attend you may do so but you will have to pay full price: for those who need rentals: $22.00 for those who already have skates: $16.00. We will be standing on line so please arrive on time: I will be meeting up people at 74st Roosevelt Station at 12:00 PM. Also please note that the food there is very EXPENSIVE, so either bring a lot of money or bring your own lunch. If you don’t show up and you paid- you will NOT get a re-fund and your ticket will be SOLD to someone else. Bring extra: $4.50 for Locker Rentals (I think we might have to pay for them)

December 27th, 2011 Divisional Festive- 2pm to 4pm (Forest Hill Public Library in the Basement)

At the Divisional Festive we will be listening to holiday music, eating food and doing a service project. I asked everyone to register for the secret Santa exchange and I got 21 people to sign up ( a good number) if any one else would like to sign up you may still do so at please do so before Monday by Noon, so I may pair you up with someone. Please not everyone is required to contribute something (unless you are a guest) it can be food, music, decoration or craft supplies.

January Divisional/ Lieutenant Governor Elections

As previously mentioned Lieutenant Governor Elections will be taking place at the January Divisional, which will take place on January 11th at Richmond Hill High School at 4:30pm. If you are interesting in running for the position of Lieutenant Governor you must email a letter of intent to Mrs. Ovadia and Mr. Jason Steiner (Emails can be found on the last page) as well as myself (must be 200 words minimum.) Candidate’s will also be giving a speech and answering questions! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me!

Maspeth Key Club:

Having only been an official Key Club for a couple of months, thanks to the generosity of Kiwanis, the leadership of our advisor (Jessica Anderson), and trustworthy members; our club is becoming a big success! The club meets on Mondays from 3:064:00(sometimes 4:30) were we discuss future events and vote on which ideas we like best. Approximately 15-20 students attend each meeting. Our club is Democratic, every matter has a vote and majority rules! The agenda for each meeting is simple, start off with announcementsà Meet with your comity (Decorating Comity, Advertisement comity, ect..) End the meeting with final votes and results! Our hard work at meetings paid off mid-November when our Key Club hosted our VERY first event, MHS Movie night! Selling bracelets, snacks, beverages and more than 100 tickets to see Insidious raised more than $400, in which proceeds went to the Suisan G. Coleman for a cure foundation. Key Club members also had a fun time decorating and enjoying the movie along with friends. We hope to start planning MHS Movie Night 2nd in the near future! At the moment our priority is set on the MHS Candy Cane Lane Dance, which will be on Dec. 22, proceeds are intended to go to local animal shelter “Bobbi and the strays”. As well as the traditional canned food drive, which the Key Club has turned into a competition! When placing your can into the bin, you choose a teacher from the schoolà at the end of our collecting season the teacher with most “votes” will dress as a penguin for an entire day ;)! We are all very excited to make a difference and have fun doing so, many events are in the process of being formed and hope to see other key club member from different high schools attending!

John Adams Key Club:

Club Recap Wow! It’s been one heck of a ride, in John Adams High School Key Club! We’ve done a plethora of things, such as the Avon’s Breast Cancer walk in October, fundraiser for said event, throw a party for the custodians at our school, the bowl-athon for the Kiwanis Pediatrics Lyme Disease Fund, hosted a book drive and of course honored those unfortunate ones who had and were suffering from AIDS by wearing red on December 1st, and then wearing purple on November 17th for premature babies. Here is the run down of how the events occurred.

Light The Night Walk (September 25th. 2011) The John Adams Key Club started their service year with an invigorating and as well as an empowering walk to raise money for the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society, by walking to light the night with amazing balloons with light. This event took place at Forest Park and was attended by Marie Senat (president), Jasmine Urena (vice president), Sukhmani Singh (treasurer), and a handful of members. We even caught up with another friendly face from our school, Mr. Dwyer, our college office advisor and his awesome family.

John Adams Key Club:

Fundraiser for Breast Cancer (October 1st 2011) Our Key Club’s officers Marie Senat (president), Sukhmani Singh (treasurer), and Nicole Torrau (member), spent a glorious day at the Victory Field Park, fundraising for the Avon’s Breast Cancer Awareness, while supporting the Ozone Park Kiwanis’ Gladiator football team. It was a great day for the team, because of their astounding win, and the Key Club’s incredible fundraising success. We raised just over a hundred dollars, selling water, juice, brownies, cupcakes and chips. With their positive energy and attitude, they attracted a multitude of hungry customers. Breast Cancer Walk (October 16, 2011) It was another great weekend, in which John Adams Key Club attended the Breast Cancer Awareness walk in Corona Park, NY. To say that it was fun would be an understatement. Our advisor, Ms Patti, officers, Marie and Sukhmani, and several of our members attended the walk. We walked, mingled with other Key Clubs and helped make strides against Women’s Breast Cancer. I would say that it is a day well spent! Some of the members were even able to touch the rainbow!

William Cullen Bryant Key Club

The Breast Cancer Walk of 2010 was my first Key Club event ever. Thus, this year, when I met up with my fellow members, a feeling of excitement and nostalgia built up inside of me. About sixty and more of our members had shown to support the cause. After signing up, all of us gathered around with other key clubs from our division and fooled around while waiting for the walk. I surrounded myself with my officers and new members and talked animatedly about last year’s walk. We all bought ribbons and buttons to match our support. The walk was exhilarating. Hundreds of men and women in different shades of pink walked together to create more birthdays. Bryant Key Club was one of the loudest. My fellow classmates cheered, danced, and sang while walking down the pavements of Flushing Meadows Corona Park. Seeing all of us conjoined together in brilliant, aesthetic shades of pink made my heart flutter in pride. As a senior member and officer, I am rest assured that my members will continue to walk for breast cancer even after my time is done. - Mahenoor Baig



William Cullen Bryant Key Club

The St. Jude walk was awesome event because I got to walk a bridge going to Manhattan for the first time. It was interesting experience because I also got to take nice pictures of the Statue of Liberty from the bridge. The walk was fun to explore and seeing all the people supporting the St.Judes walk was incredible. The walk was cool, seeing people cheering the walkers from the start to the finish line. Key Club members received cool t-shirts to walk around in. I felt happy that I was able to explore different places that I never been to and it is good to learn something new. The things I like about St.Judes are that they never stop looking for cures and truly support the children. The walk is worth it, supporting the children who need our strength in staying healthy and safe. I always watch commercials of St.Judes,which show children that look sick and have cancer. I feel sorry for these kids and I wish the best for all, but I know by walking we helped to make a difference. - Kenneth Contreras

William Cullen Bryant Key Club

This event was about the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. This event was a message to tell people that diabetes is a serious thing. Diabetes is at the top when it comes to how many people are being affected by it. This year, the walk took place in Flushing Meadows Park. Many clubs from other schools had come to the event. I saw many tents selling items to raise money for the foundation. I felt special that day actually because I felt like I was making a change and helping this foundation reach its goal to find a cure and help its patient. I feel like not only me, but everyone that was there, made an impact and a statement that diabetes is something not to be taken granted for. Overall, this was a successful event. Bryant Key Club helped raise money to support the foundation by giving people sneakers to sell if they signed up. The sneakers idea was a successful idea because many of them signed up for it. Some of our former members, now in college, returned such as: Steven Lai to join Bryant Key Club in this walk. The walk was a bit short this year but after the walk was the main event. Many people from the Key Club danced their heart out when it came to the dance session. Also for everyone who attended had a free pass to enter the zoo! Overall this event was a huge accomplishment and everyone had a great time!

William Cullen Bryant Key Club

On October 29, 2011 the annual Fall Rally took place. This year it was held at the beautiful Edward R. Murrow High School in Brooklyn. Despite having to wake up early, walk in the freezing winds and trudge through the snow, the event was extremely productive. Due to the weather, we had about twelve Key Clubbers in attendance. The day started with continuous, informative workshops such as President/Vice President, Secretary, Treasuries, Members, etc. The second workshop I attended was very fun and interactive. It was the Fundraising Ideas/Service Projects. We were placed in different groups in order to break the ice between the attendees. The next workshop I partook in was Project EliMiNaTe, were we learned more about the importance and significance of maternal/neonatal tetanus and its impact. Above all, it only takes .60 cents to provide a vaccination for a newborn baby or a mother. After the very touching workshop, we had lunch. We were provided with unlimited pizza and drinks, which was defrayed from the $10 admissions fee. The last workshop was our very own Lt. Carla Pacheco’s that dealt with various ice breaker ideas. Bryant Key Club immensely enjoyed this event, from the human knot, to hugging random people, which brought the day to an end. This event was a crucial event for members interested in running for higher office, to gain insight about their upcoming duties and garner more information as to be a better, competent leader. The Fall Rally was indeed a great success. -Samer Khawaja

John Adams Key Club

Book Drive (November 28, 2011) The annual book drive was held again in our school, ready to be sent off to those who enjoyed reading, as many of us do. This project is still ongoing, and day-by-day, people are bringing lots of good reads, that we’re sure others will enjoy! Hopefully, many of the young bookworms out there, will be enjoying the books as much as the donors have.

Bowl-A-Thon (October 10th 2011) Phew! Just after an exhausting first few weeks of the new school year, it is pretty fair to say that we earned ourselves a break well deserved! What better way to get away from the stress of the new school year, by going bowling? Our Key Club attended the K-Family Bowl-A-Thon to help raise money for the Kiwanis Lyme Disease Fund, hosted by City College Circle K. Sukhmani Singh (treasurer), Jasmine Urena (vice president) and members Angela and Eugenio attended the event and had themselves a ball!

Purple Shirt for Premature Babies (March of Dimes) [November 17, 2011)

Students, teachers and friends brought out a purple shirt from their closets to raise awareness of premature babies, being born every single day. Our club included the whole school masses, which was great for the solidarity and the astounding number of unity. Whether it was just a coincidence or people were truly aware, many rocked their purple shirts happily.


William Cullen Bryant Key Club The ING Marathon was impressive because it was my first marathon that I had ever witnessed. There were a lot of athletic runners that were running the five boroughs of New York. I saw people encouraging them to keep going and it felt awesome. I gave about thirty and more cups of water to the runners to help them keep up their pace and not lose stamina. The marathon was very cool because many runners also wore costumes. The marathon lasted for a long time. I kept wondering how the runners were able to keep up their remarkable performance, and felt very awed by them. The marathon was a success, and by the end, it felt like a parade with all the noises. I am glad I was able to volunteer in the marathon for the runners that needed support of the volunteers. I would be glad to help out others when they need it. - Kenneth Contreras



Martin Luther Key Club Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Packing Samaritan’s Purse is a Christian Organization that goes out especially to third world countries to aid the poor, sick, and the suffering of the world. They give hurting people food, medicine, and other assistance. One of the programs that they host is called Operation Christmas Child. They bring gifts to needy children around the world who are deprived of basic necessities. This year, Martin Luther Key Club hosted two packing parties, although we still accepted fully packed gifts. One month before the packing party we announced to the whole school that we were going to take part in this project. Anybody was welcomed to bring in small appropriate gifts. Some of gift ideas include toys, hygiene items, school supplies, candy, and clothes. People who packed gifts could bring a note and a picture of themselves so the child could know who packed their shoebox. We also needed wrapping paper and shoeboxes to wrap the gifts. We collected gifts in the main office and in Ms. Witto’s room. The first packing party took place on November 15, 2011 right after school in Ms. Witto’s room. During that hour-long event, we sorted out the gifts that we received into categories: school supplies, toys, and basic necessities. From there, we put something from every category into each box. We finished the day by filling most of the boxes with each of the basic necessities of toothbrush, toothpaste, paper, pencils, and crayons. The second packing party took place on November 18 right after school again. Between the two packing parties, more gifts came in. During this three-hour event, we finished packing and wrapping all the shoe boxes. Each shoe box had a distinguished gender and age group to be given to. Some of us stayed after wrapping the shoe boxes to write notes for some children. At the end of the packing party, we ended up with 22 fully wrapped and packed shoe boxes. This project was a successful one. In each box, we had to include $7 for shipping. Most of this was covered by a student who donated $105 for 15 boxes! The others were donated by other key clubbers and teachers. Ms. Witto and few other teachers dropped off the shoeboxes the next day at a church collection site, making the collection deadline of November 21.

John Adams Key Club AIDS Awareness Month (December 1, 2011) Once again, the John Adams Key Club rallied everyone in our school to raise awareness for yet another great cause, AIDS. We had everyone wear red in honor of those who died of and were suffering of HIV/AIDS. Our school truly showed off their school spirit by becoming more united and showing support for a great cause. It was a great day, and very peaceful.

Contact Information




Phone Number

District Administrator

Mr. Goldstein

District Governor

Domenick Pesce

District Executive Assistant District Secretary

Yasmin Soliman

District Treasurer

Emily Gicewicz

Daniel Ivan Lin

(917)-405-7968 (prefers calls, Over testing) (518)-763-7309

District Editor

Amber Lee


District Webmaster

Oscar Tan

Divisional Lieutenant Governor KCR

Carla Pacheco


Mrs. Ovadia


Mr. Jason Steiner

Paperwork Status

Where can I find these forms? MRF Online Submission: MRF PDF/ Mail Submission: FRF Online Submission (Only option): Lieutenant Governor Evaluation Form Online Submission (Only option):


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