Division 8-A September Newsletter

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New York District Key Club

Lieutenant Governors Greetings

Hello Mighty Division 8-A!

For those of you who are Key Club first timers: my name is Carla Pacheco and I will be serving as your 2011- 2012 Lieutenant Governor for Division 8-A. The summer is over and school is now in session, but that doesn’t mean the fun is over on the contrary it’s just begun. This is the time in which we kick key club into high gear. Through out the summer all of you were very cooperative and active Key Clubs; you attended divisional meetings, divisional events, handed in your paperwork on time and I believe you deserve to be commended for doing such a great job! I know it feels like the Key Club Service year has just begun but in reality it’s half over, which means we must begin preparing for what? LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCE! As many of you heard from me at our previous divisional meeting, this years Leadership Training Conference will once again take place in Albany, NY from March 30th to April 1st. The cost for LTC this year is 250 dollars this year’s capacity is of 850 people (Key Clubbers, Kiwanian’s, Advisors.) You have all taken your first steps into the world of SERVICE and I hope you all finish your Key Club journey because in the end this journey will benefit you all. For you seniors who are joining Key Club because of your college applications; you have chosen the right organization to be a part of because you haven’t just joined a club you have joined a family and you will realize it as the year-ends and graduation approaches. I am currently a high school junior and have been a part of Key Club since my freshman year and every time I see the pictures on Facebook, or even on slideshows it brings tears to my eyes you realize that the years fly by, but you create lasting memories and lasting friendships that will last for many years to come. My advice for you all is enjoy your Key Club years and give back to your communities as much as you can because you do make a difference (don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!) Our October Divisional will be taking place on October 12th from 4:30pm to 6:30pm at William Cullen Bryant High School. Please note I will be starting this meeting on time so arrive earlier and prepared. Come prepared to give your club status reports, ask questions, and eager to participate in a fundraiser that will benefit Project Eliminate. Also at this October Divisional we will be having a vote on Division 8-A HOODIES! I want the entire divisions opinion on the hoodies because this is OUR division and your voice matters. Lastly, I would like to remind you all to pay your dues (we don’t need anymore suspended or inactive clubs on the international list) as well as get your paperwork in on time.

Divisional Links: Facebook Group: http://on.fb.me/Division8-afacebookgroup Google Group: http://bit.ly/division8agooglegroup Website: www.nydkcdivision8-a.webs.com

P.S. Look out for Divisional Events! (Hint: it involves ICE) I look forward to working with every single one of you before my term ends in April.

Yours In Service and Key Club Pride Lieutenant Governor Division 8-A New Club Building & Reactivation Committee Chair Carla Pacheco

Greetings from District Governor Domenick Pesce

Hey New York District Key Club,

For those of you new to Key Club this year, my name is Domenick Pesce and I will be serving as your New York District Key Club Governor. I would like to warmly welcome you all to this 2011-2012 service year. Whether you are a Freshman new to Key Club, or veteran member, I’m sure this school year will provide us all with great opportunities for service!

I have served in the Kiwanis family for the past 6 years at my home club of East Meadow High School in Long Island, New York. My job as Governor for the New York District consists of serving you, the Key Clubbers of the state in any way that I can. I facilitate Lieutenant Governors and District Board Officers to make the District run smoothly and successfully. As the school year begins Key Club becomes a lot busier than usual. Your clubs will begin to plan their own service projects and fundraisers. I encourage you all to get involved in not only your home club events, but Divisionals and Divisional Projects as well. Be connected throughout Key Club in the club, Division, and District level. The Governors Project also offers clubs to perform a more unique kind of service. This year’s Governor's Project is called “Music and Art Within our Hearts”. It simply advocates and encourages the planning of service projects or fundraising that somehow involves or promotes the music and the arts. With the economy in its current condition, and school administrators cutting left and right, students are beginning to lose out on things such as music, arts, and even Key Clubs! This is an opportune time to show your teachers, parents, and administrators how much extracurricular events mean to you as well as all of the good they accomplish. Finally, please stay in contact with the District by subscribing to our email list at www.nydkc.org, as well as the Official NYDKC Facebook Group (on.fb.me/meTPeC), what are you waiting for? Go to the homepage and subscribe! Encourage your Key Club friends to subscribe as well. I’m extremely excited to be working with so many of you this year and wish you all of the best luck in your school, SATs, college applications, and of course Key Club. Inspire to have an exceptional year! Yours in Service, Domenick Pesce New York District Governor Key Club International

Greetings from District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin

Hello New York District,

My name is Daniel Ivan Lin, your District Secretary for the 2011-2012 service year. I'd first like to welcome you back from your summer vacation and hope that all of you enjoyed yourselves over the past two months. For those of you whose clubs were inactive during the summer, welcome back to another year of action packed Key Club fun! Though it has only been a month, it is important that you transition back into Key Club as soon as you can. As simple as it may seem, there are many things to keep in mind. First, it is important that your club submits paperwork. For those clubs that were inactive during the summer, it is important that you submit a Monthly Report Form (due on the seventh of each month). For those inactive months, because a club is still required to submit a blank Monthly Report Form, you still need to submit one. Second, for those clubs that have not held elections or have not been able to obtain the contact information of their club officers, please make sure to submit the Election Report Form as soon as possible. A deadline has been set for all Election Report Forms and that date is Friday, October 7th, 2011. Please remember to save the date! I hope that the amount of paperwork I receive will increase as the school year continues and that we will continue to grow stronger as a district with respect to paperwork! Remember not to forget these basic duties and that you do more than what is necessary! Remember that dedication, a heart of service, and a smile are key to Key Club success! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at : daniellin.sec@nydkc.org. I hope that all of you will be successful in your school year and Key Club endeavors this year! Let's rock it / rocket, New York District! Thank you all so much! Please remember to stay warm! (And happy holidays in advance!) Yours in the spirit of service, New York District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin Submitting Paperwork: Paperwork submission is vital to the growth and development of the district. Paperwork such as MRF’s (Monthly Report Forms) help the district track how many service hours the district has provided for district projects as well as governors projects and it also helps Key Clubs receive the recognition they deserve for their hard work. FRF’s (Fundraising Report Forms) help measure how much money is donated to the district projects / selected charities. The final piece of paperwork that must be filled out monthly and it is known as the “Lieutenant Governor Evaluation Form” which evaluates how your assigned Lieutenant Governor is performing their duties as a district board member as well as how they are handling their division.

Where can I find these forms? MRF Online Submission: http://bit.ly/rmYrNy MRF PDF/ Mail Submission: http://bit.ly/ocDRFs FRF Online Submission (Only option): http://bit.ly/q7TZqC Lieutenant Governor Evaluation Form Online Submission (Only option): http://bit.ly/r3PKXY

Greetings from District Treasurer Emily Gicewicz


I hope the school year is going very well for everyone! My name is Emily Gicewicz and I am your District Treasurer for the 2011-2012 service year. If you are irresolute about what a Fundraising Report Form or a proof is, you have stumbled upon the perfect article to inform you! A Fundraising Report Form, commonly abbreviated as FRF, is a form that Treasurers must fill out after every fundraiser used to sum up your fundraising. This form can be located under report forms on nydkc.org. The form takes two minutes to fill out and all you need to do is send me proof afterwards. What is proof???? I am glad you asked; proof is verification you did the fundraising you said you did. It is basically to have two sources say the fundraising you did. Proof can be a copy of the check from the money raised, letter from the benefiting organization, or an expense report. Email or mail the proofs to the information below. If you have any questions on what could be a proof or if you have trouble getting one, contact me. What is so important about FRFs are the fact that is gives your club credit for the fundraising and your club deserves that credit. You worked hard raising the money and now all you need to do is say you fundraised! A frequently asked question is if you have to fill out FRFs for due submission and the answer is no, it is only for fundraising. If you club fundraises to garner money for dues, then you would complete a FRF for that. Speaking of dues, you can start submitting them today! Keep in mind December 1st is closer then it may seem. There is a Google spreadsheet for FRFs and it has information on who submitted what and what clubs still need to send stuff in. Please check it out at http://bit.ly/ouqddP! While you are on the World Wide Web, check out the treasurer’s new Twitter and please “follow” https://twitter.com/#!/NYDKCTreasurers! Thank you!

Wondering about how you can submit dues? Click on the following link for a step-bystep guide created by your District Treasurer. http://issuu.com/egicewicz/docs/how_ to_submit_dues

Governor’s Project!

Hello Mighty Key Clubbers, Every new service year, we, the members of the New York District, are challenged to fulfill new goals and initiatives. Along with this year's District and International Projects, District Governor Domenick Pesce has specifically selected another initiative that Key Clubbers can contribute to on a local and District level. Last year's project, appointed by Immediate Past District Governor Nadyli Nuñez, focused on education. The project aimed to help spread knowledge to a diverse array of people from children to adults. This year, to a put fun and unique twist on the annually appointed project, District Governor Domenick Pesce has created the initiative "Music and Art, within our Hearts" for the 2011-2012 service year. How exactly can you contribute to this cause? Any service project or fundraiser can count as long as it focuses on promoting the music and arts, two much neglected subjects during troubling economic times. You can create cards or artworks to donate to a local hospital, give a musical performance at a local senior center, or even donate to an art-based nonprofit organization. Almost anything you do can help achieve the Governor's Project! As chair of the Governor's Project Committee, I will be working with the rest of the committee to regularly release helpful suggestions and service project ideas via publicity materials and nydkc.org. All these resources will be easily accessible online, so please take advantage of them as you delve into the project this service year. If you have any questions regarding this topic, never hesitate to contact me at emmacheng.ltg@nydkc.org. Remember, even the simplest projects can count and you can be recognized for your work towards the Governor's Project at our upcoming Leadership Training Conference! Yours in Service Lieutenant Governor Division 11 Emma Cheng

District Projects

Hello New York District, As you start the school year and start planning the events for your Key Club calendar, I urge all of you to try and incorporate a District Project into one or more of your fundraisers that you plan to hold throughout the year. As of August, the District as a whole has raised a total of $31,671.79. With our goal set at $200,000, we still have $168,328.21 to raise before the end of March.

We will never reach our goal unless every club makes an effort to fundraise and inform your peers both in Key Club and out about everything that you can do with these 10 charities. There are 9 amazing charities that you can choose from, that provide service, not including Local Causes. If you would like a list of these charities or would like to learn anything about it including contact information, please visit the district website, www.nydkc.org. Almost any question you have about any of these charities can be found on the website, including information about what is a Local Cause. However, if you have any questions about anything, please contact either myself, Nicholas Viviano, or the three other committee members including Kelseyliz Habla, Josh Hill and Stephanie Pena. Even though we still have $168,328.21 to raise, I am confident that we will be able to meet our goal. I know I have said it before, but whether it is a bake sale or a multi-club fundraiser, you are still making a difference and bringing the District closer to reaching our goal. Yours in Service, Lieutenant Governor Division 4 Nick Viviano

Project Eliminate

Hey All! I am Lieutenant Governor Sean O'Connor here from the fabulous Division 19 here in Central New York! I hope all of you are back in swing with your schools, clubs, and activities. (And I hope Key Club is up there too!) As you all should know, Project eliMiNaTe has been selected as one of our District Projects this year. I am the chairman for this committee. Governor Domenick Pesce and I are looking forward to making sure that this cause is helped, and as soon as possible. For those of you who don’t know, eliMiNaTe is helping to cure Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus. This deadly disease steals the lives of nearly 60,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. The effects of the disease are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. This project is a joint project with the worldwide Kiwanians. With the joint efforts of Key Club and Kiwanis, it is extremely possible to eliMiNaTe Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus! Until the next issue, Yours in Service, Lieutenant Governor Division 19 Sean O'Connor

When and what is our Fall Rally or DTC?

Fall Rally is an event that is hosted every year by the divisions of the Metropolitan area hence the name of our Fall Rally. Fall Rally is a miniature sized Leadership Training Conference at which club officers can be fully trained by members of the district board. Each club officer has a designated workshop to attend; which will help them become better leaders and become more informed about what they’re asked to do as club officers. Fall Rally also consists of many other workshops such as: life after Key Club, K-Family Relations, how to write a winning college essay, public speaking and much more. Fall Rally is a learning experience and is open to all Key Clubbers; some clubs have been known to give points to their members for attending fall rally. At Fall Rally Key Clubbers will get to interact with Key Clubbers from Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island and of course other parts of Queens! The cost of this year’s Fall Rally will be $10.00, which includes food; pizza to be exact, all proceeds will be going to one of the 10 district charities. The date for this year’s fall Rally has been set to be taking place on October 29th from 8:30am to 3pm at Edward R. Murrow High School in Brooklyn. Please bring a writing utensil as well as a writing pad to write down all of the important information you will be receiving at this year’s METROPOLITAN FALL RALLY! Lastly, Divisional Executive Assistant: Omnia Ismail will be taking you to Fall Rally which means that sometime next week a meeting spot will be announced at which all clubs will meet up with Divisional Executive Assistant Omnia; in order to maker sure you all get there on time and don’t get lost. Can’t wait to see you all there!

What Did Division 8-A Do During the Summer?

This summer Division 8-A kept busy by attending various events! For starters more than half of the division attended the first event of the summer the K-Family picnic hosted by Kelly Chan and her home club (Queens College Circle K) shortly you all attended the Interdivisional picnic between Division 8 and 8-A, the Chinatown beautification clean up event and lastly, the IRI picnic. Even though it was summer time, which meant it was time for, relaxation and fun time Division 8-A kept on top of their paperwork and attended the long lasting divisional meetings. Division 8-A please give yourselves a round of applause because you have been doing an outstanding and exceptional job as a Division! You all make my job as lieutenant governor so much easier and I say this from the bottom of my heart I LOVE YOU ALL!

Turn the page for Division 8-A’s summer photos!

First Key Club Meeting: As soon as the bell indicated that ninth period was over, the Key Club room began to fill in with people. Students of all years began to pile into the room, which soon proved to be a tad small. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and my fellow seniors all looked at my fellow officers and me expectantly as we stared back at them in nervous apprehension. The crowd was larger than any other I had ever encountered, and I couldn’t stop fidgeting and laughing nervously. The crowd only grew within the fifteen minutes we waited for complete peace. Then, Ms. Diaz informed us that our new principal, Ms. Dwarka, was coming up to the room to see our club. The meeting began with Ms. Dwarka hitting the Key Club bell. As Samer explained what Key Club was, I watched as the new members began to be captivated by her words. People began to nod and whisper excitedly as she explained how to join. Francisco, Hosna, Doaa, and I all pitched in with comments, and Koko and Carla showed the Key Club video. By the end of the meeting, more than most of the crowd wanted to join and was ready to join. It was a wonderful thing to see the new kids excited about something my officers and I hold so close to our hearts. The first meeting was definitely a success. - MAHENOOR BAIG

Chinatown Beautification Day! On August 21, 2011 was the 9th Annual Chinatown Beautification Day. Rising early in the morning to head to Chinatown to clean up was an endeavor within its own. Bryant Key Club had approximately seventeen people in attendance, during the summer, which is a milestone in our Key Club. There are fewer events during the summer, however they are still worthwhile. We had a great time cleaning the streets. Chinatown Beautification Day seeks to instill environmental awareness among members of the community to create a collective conscientiousness about environmental hygiene. The Cleanup Day involved the physical manifestation of youth leadership and involvement. The fact that we cleaned up the streets of Chinatown may be disgusting, however we were supplied with gloves, tongs, brooms, garbage bags and garbage drums. We helped raise awareness for the community. Cleaning helps build patience, tests ones character and instills commitment. I am appreciative for having such a great Key Club that is devoted to giving back to the community.

Light the Night Walk “Light the Night” walk was the first Key Club event held on September 24, 2011 at Forest Park after the summer. “Light the Night” was about everyone’s support for a cure for leukemia. Leukemia is a type of cancer where there is an abnormal increase of cells in the body. The event was to donate as much money as possible and walk around the park, which took a full hour. As the event began, not many showed up but until the end there were hundreds of supporters who donated money. It was a huge success to the owner who is a cancer survivor as well. The Bryant Key Club had a great time doing many things, like getting lost and being supporters by walking in the event. The club literally just stood there at the event. We arrived at Forest Park at 5 p.m. when the walk was actually at 7 p.m. We got lost halfway until we asked for direction. The club just talked and listened to the live music but everyone still had a great time. At the end every supporter, survivor, and families who lost someone dear to leukemia gathered up for the main event of ”Light he Night”, the walk. It was an amazing sight to see, everyone gathered up lit up his or her balloons and walked around the entire park. My thoughts on this event are that this was a very successful event. I personally enjoyed “Light the Night” because it was fun, entertaining and I really loved the walk! Just going on the subway talking and laughing was amazing. I loved the walk it made feel like I did something different and I felt proud of myself by supporting them. Overall the first Key Club event after summer was amazing and I really look forward to the upcoming events.


Early Saturday morning on July 31st, 2011, Bryant Key Club headed to Cunningham Park eager to volunteer for the IRI picnic. The event was organized and created by Mr. Joe Aiello, Lieutenant Governor of Queens West, who warmly and kindly welcomed deserving families with various needs, for a beautiful barbeque. It was a spectacular day: from the amazing food, to face painting, to the popcorn machine, and loads of fun in the sun. Many key clubbers were in attendance from two divisions of the mighty New York District, but Key Clubbers weren’t the only ones in attendance; circle K members were also in attendance.

This event occurs every year and it is hosted by the Lieutenant Governor of Queens West Kiwanis. The event also features a walk for all of the IRI beneficiaries. This was the second year that Bryant Key Club attended this event and we found it just as memorable and fun as the previous year. It's amazing how we are able to express our needs and wants in form of speech, however some of the people that were there are unable to express their true emotions through speech, which we sometimes take for granted. That's why I am grateful for everything and wish to give back to those in need. The way we impacted their lives in unthinkable, the way we made a difference is unquestionable, by caring and giving back while others just look the other way, is undeniable.

As a club and a community we have made a lasting mark on this world full of social evils, we are determined to stay committed and care for others. Some of the new members didn't know what to expect but ended up having fun too. I hope all the families had a wonderful time and can't wait for what next year will bring. This was truly a remarkable experience and happens a few times, helping others in need is a wonderful hobby, which I proudly share with my key clubbers.

By: Samer Khawaja

Interdivisional Picnic: Division 8 & 8-A

On July 22nd, 2011 sunny-side community Key Club attended the interdivisional picnic at Cunningham Park. Community The picnic was available to any Key Club members of divisions 8 and 8-A. Our advisor and the current president of the Sunny-side Kiwanis Ms.Masiello drove us to the event. Once we got to the picnic area, there were already people from other Key Clubs from both divisions. Ms.Massiello wasn't the only adult attending the event: Mrs. Ovadia (President of the Woodside Kiwanis) and Mr. Jacoby the advisor of Bayside Key Club. Mr. Jacoby wasn't just a guest but he was one of the main reasons why the event was so successful.

The event begun around past 12 the afternoon but Sunny-side Key Club arrived earlier to help set up. The fee for the vent was 5 dollars; we received a nametag and a wristband with our payment. Lieutenant Governor's Carla Pacheco and Antonio Xu Liu commenced the event with a couple of icebreakers. One of the Icebreakers that we played was called the Color Jacuzzi, followed by another icebreaker called the Hug Fest. Everyone seemed to enjoy the icebreakers; it gave everyone a chance to get to know each other. Later on during the picnic, we were introduced to Oscar Tan the District Webmaster, as well the event specialist guest Rebecca Ovadia, president of the Woodside Kiwanis Club.

Throughout the day, we occupied ourselves playing games and sports, such as the potato sack race, ball on spoon (a ping pong ball to be exact), water balloon toss, and many more. The game winners all received prizes. All the games and sports we participated in left us hungry and tired but the organizers of this event didn't disappoint; they served hot dogs, hamburger with potato salad and macaroni salad, beside the chips and cold drinks. Sunnyside Community Key Club left the area around four afternoons with Ms. Masiello, who was very generous to give us a ride back and forth, and devoted her time for us to have a great summer break. After the long hot summer day, some of us even fell asleep in the car on our drive back home. We really appreciated for the event invitation and were glad to spend the time together with all the Key Clubbers.

By: Thenjing Dolka


On Friday, September 23, 2011, Martin Luther Key Club hosted an event called the “Fun Nite” at our school. The purpose of this event was to raise money for Breast Cancer Walk and for the school Key Club. This event also served as an example of an event to promote what key club is about. The weather was rainy when school ended. Right after school, Key Clubbers cleared the second floor of the school to set up. Doors opened at 3:00pm for the students in the school in which we charged an entrance fee of $2. The people who paid were stamped. By the entrance, people had a chance to sign up for a Hula-Hoop Contest and put their money in a lottery to see who gets taped up onto the wall. Five people volunteered for this: Cindy, Ms. Witto, Daniel V., Mr. Gast, and Mr. Lowig. The person who has the most money in his or her cup get the honor of being taped. Although the event started out slow, there were a good number of people in the Library playing board games and twister. There was a Wii to play with in the Chemistry lab room. We sold food by the Faculty Lounge. In the hallway, there were jump ropes and hula-hoops to play with. Eight people participated in the Hula-Hoop Contest that started around 4:30. Towards the end of that afternoon, Stancy counted the money lottery and we found out that Mr. Lowig, one of the school’s English teacher, had won. Before we taped Mr. Lowig to the wall, we gave out prizes for the Hula-Hoop Contest winners: in third place was Sally Kremer (6th grade) got a sticker and ruler, second place John Lawrence (10th grade) got silly key chain, and first place Kimberly Obando (12th grade) got a beach ball. After that, Mr. Lowig stood on top of a stool and against the lockers, and everybody participated in taping him onto the lockers. All the money that we collected from the $2 entrance fee proceeded to the Breast Cancer Walk. The rest of the money we raised that afternoon was split to a 50-50 between Key Club and the Breast Cancer Walk. It was a good afternoon and everybody had fun. Even though Mr. Lowig, and the hallways smelled like duct tape for that night, some of the students suggested of doing another event just like this next semester.

Garden Key Club:

Green Initiative Project

As part of the newly enacted green initiative, Garden School students save every can and bottle from lunch to be taken weekly for recycling. The Key Club takes responsibility to collect, clean, and deposit the cans. For every five-cent can, there is the occasional ten-cent bottle. Add them all up and you get a minimum of twenty dollars every week. The Key Club usually adds the money straight to the treasury but occasionally, we dip into our "can fund" to make donations. The most recent donation was a one hundred dollar donation that supplemented our Heifer Project fundraiser, completing a farm of animals that the school donated to a needy family in South America. Simply through nickels and dimes, the Garden School Key Club is making a difference.

Written By: Mallika Walia

Newtown Key Club:

Laguardia Airport Kids Day

On September 17th, 2011 from 10am to 4pm Newtown Key Club attended LaGuardia Airport Kiwanis Club Kids Day. Every year LaGuardia Airport Kiwanis hosts an event at LaGuardia Airport called Kids Day. At this event the airport allows the public (children from the community are invited to an afternoon of fun and exploration) to go in several of the airplanes and get a brief explanation about each airline and specific plane. At the kids day event food was served; which required the help of Key Clubbers. Each of the airplanes also required the assistance of at least 10 to 15 Key Clubbers; to usher people in, to make sure they get off safely, to make sure they don’t go under the plane and so on. Various of the children through out the course of the day needed help up the steps to be led into the cockpits to meet the pilots and learn how to use the controls. We were there to help every child and their family to be safe. Some students gave gifts to the kids and their families and also some students gave drinks. There were various carnival games at the event: water tanks (people would pay to try to dunk the person in the water tank.) The water tank dunking and basketball shooting made a lot of money the day of the event.

Written By: Rezaul Islam Immediate Past President


With Fellow Lt.g’s:

District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin showing us how to do the “Show your K” cheer!

With Lt.g Annie Division 2

With Lt.g Jay Division 7

With Lt.g Nicole Division 1

Doing the Beaver Song with Lt.g Division 24 Andrew Abbey District Treasurer Emily Gicewicz!

With District Secretary & Lt.g Division 8 Antonio Xu Liu!

Lt.g Division 4 Nick Viviano crashing an Asian family photo!

Hanging out with Lt.g Division 1 Nicole Jones!

With Lt.g’s: Gresa (Division 10) and Andrew (Division 24)

Sponsoring Kiwanis Club Contact Information:



Christ the King Sponsored by: Glendale Kiwanis: Club President: Kenneth Dunn (P)(347) 2234386 ken@kennydunn.com Club Secretary: Hank Kraker (P)(718) 386-4688 (F)(718) 456-2373 hankthek@aol.com

Martin Luther Sponsored by: Maspeth Kiwanis Club President: George Natali (P)(347) 223-4386 ken@kennydunn.com Club Secretary: Pedro Tronilo (P)(646) 302-1118 ptronilo@gmail.com

Forest Hills Sponsored by: Maspeth Kiwanis Club President: George Natali (P)(347) 2234386 ken@kennydunn.com Club Secretary: Pedro Tronilo (P)(646) 3021118 ptronilo@gmail.com

Newtown Sponsored by: Laguardia Airport Kiwanis Club President: William Huisman (P)(718) 746-0212 bhuismanadc@aol.com Club Secretary: Verdia Noel (P)(718) 656-3269 (F)(718) 656-3268 verdianoel@verizon.net

Garden Sponsored by: Laguardia Airport Kiwanis Club President: William Huisman (P)(718) 7460212 bhuismanadc@aol.com Club Secretary: Verdia Noel (P)(718) 656-3269 (F)(718) 656-3268 verdianoel@verizon.net

Richmond Hill Sponsored by: Kew Forest-Richmond Hill Woodhaven Club President: Antoine McCoy (P)(718) 526-3955 (F)(718) 526-3762 amccoy@nycsca.org Club Secretary: Joan DeCamp (P)(212) 766-4187 (F)(212) 3490964 joan.decamp@gmail.com

Grover Cleveland Sponsored by: Glendale Kiwanis Club President: Kenneth Dunn (P)(347) 2234386 ken@kennydunn.com Club Secretary: Hank Kraker (P)(718) 386-4688 (F)(718) 456-2373 hankthek@aol.com John Adams Sponsored by: Ozone Park Kiwanis Club President: Jonah Cohen (718) 649-3848 Club Secretary: Jason Schneider (P) (917) 929-5438 schneider_jason@verizon.net

St. Francis Prep No Sponsoring Kiwanis Club Sunny-side Community: Sponsored by: Sunny-side Kiwanis Club President: Carol Masiello (P) (917) 913-7313 cbm125@nyc.rr.com Club Secretary: Joanne M Billharz (P) (718) 784-2468 (F) (718) 784-3855 William Cullen Bryant: Sponsored by Woodside Kiwanis Club President: Rebecca Ovadia (P) 516-432-5690 regorff@yahoo.com Club Secretary: Herman Ovadia (P) 516-432-5690 woodsidekiwanis@yahoo.com


October Divisional: October 12th, 2011 4:30pm – 6:30pm William Cullen Bryant High School

Breast Cancer Walk: October 16th, 2011 7:30am - 10:30am Flushing Meadows Corona Park REGISTER AT: http://bit.ly/ra381d

JDRF Walk: October 23rd, 2011 7:30am - 10:30am Flushing Meadows Corona Park REGISTER AT: http://bit.ly/rnystR

Metropolitan Fall Rally: October 29th, 2011 8:30am – 3pm Edward R. Murrow High School Key Leader: November 11th – 13th Silver Bay, NY Register at : www.Keyleader.org

Paperwork Status & District Contact Information



District Administrator:

Mr. John Goldstein: nydkca@frontier.com

District Governor:

Domenick Pesce: domenickpesce.gov@nydkc.org

District Executive Assistant:

Yasmin Soliman yasminsoliman.ea@nydkc.org

District Secretary:

Daniel Ivan Lin: Daniellin.sec@nydkc.org

District Treasurer:

Emily Gicewicz: emilygicewicz.treas@nydkc.org

District Editor:

Amber Lee: amberlee.editor@nydkc.org

District Webmaster:

Oscar Tan:

Lieutenant Governor: (347)-841-5921

Carla Pacheco: carlapacheco.ltg@nydkc.org 32-41 71st, East Elmhurst, NY, 11370

Kiwanis Committee Representative:

Rebecca Ovadia: woodsidekiwanis@yahoo.com


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