New York District Key Club: New Club Building & Reactivation Committee Newsletter Volume 1

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New Club Building & Reactivation Committee Chair Greetings

Hello Mighty New York District Key Clubbers, My name is Carla Pacheco Lieutenant Governor of Division 8-A and also the current committee chair for the New Club Building & Reactivation Committee for the 2011-2012 Key Club service year. My committee plays an extremely important role in the development of the New York District. As a committee we are in charge of providing guidance, finding resources or creating them, help increase the number of Key Club charters all around the district. We don’t only focus on chartering new clubs, we also focus on the clubs that have lost their way and help them re-charter so that they may be part of the wonderful K-family once again. Another part of our plan to the path to success for our committee is having committee meetings, so that we can find or create solutions to the issues that are faced by Key Clubs all around the district. Our job is to help you, so that for years to come the clubs we have encountered and/or communicated with are still in existence but stronger then ever. The New Club Building & Reactivation Committee will be working closely with the Kiwanis Family Relations committee in order to encourage all Key Clubs to work with all the branches of the K-Family because it will only strengthen their club. It is a known fact that Key Clubs that work with and keep in constant contact with their Sponsoring Kiwanis Clubs are much stronger and successful then clubs who aren’t in contact with their Sponsoring Kiwanis Clubs. In this newsletter you will find a list of each Key Club and their sponsoring Kiwanis Club. The list of the Key Clubs and their corresponding Sponsoring Kiwanis Clubs is organized by division number. As you gradually progress and make your way through your 4 years of high school Key Club becomes more then a club and an important part of your schedule. Key Club is full of benefits that you will discover on your Key Club journey, and hopefully the benefits are so great that you will want to remain within the K-Family. Feel free to contact us; we are constantly taking questions as well as suggestions to help make the process easier for every single one of you! Yours In Service and Key Club Pride Lieutenant Governor Division 8-A New Club Building & Reactivation Committee Chair Carla Pacheco (347)-841-5921

Committee GOALS: § Re-activating at least 2 Key Clubs per division § Chartering at least 1 Key Club per division § Provide newsletter once every 2 months § Compile important resources from the committee binder onto a PDF file to share with the district. § Update the New Club Building & Reactivation Status Excel sheet § Create a list of “methods of prevention” that apply to Key Club disintegration

Meet the New Club Building & Reactivation Committee Members! Hey Key Clubbers! I, Andrew Abbey, am the Lt. Governor to Division 26 of Western New York, am proud to be serving all of you on the New Club and Reactivation Committee. Along with the committee chair, Carla Pacheco, and the other committee members, we are hoping to have a very successful year in store for everyone. Basically, I would like to introduce myself to the New York District and tell you a little more about me. I joined Key Club about two years ago and served first as a club secretary and second as the club president. I attend Westfield Academy and Central School with this being my senior year (and last year in Key Club!). I joined this Committee because I feel that Key Club is an amazing organization that can not only help others, but also create long lasting friendships. Within this committee we aim to help charter new clubs, and reactivate the suspended and inactive clubs with everyone’s help. Hopefully with the support of the entire district, the New Club Building and Reactivation Committee can be extremely successful with aiding old clubs, and helping to charter new ones! Yours in Service, Division 26 Lt. Governor Andrew Abbey

Hello Mighty Key Clubbers, I am one of the 28 lieutenant governors of the New York district. I am also currently one out of the four New Club Building & Reactivation Committee members. As a new club building & reactivation committee member I have been given the responsibility to maintain connections: between Key Clubs and the New York District. My experiences in Key Club are far ranged but they are all great because they were not only fun but also they showed that there are people who still care for others in this day and age. As for this committee, I hope to see it focus on the new club aspect. I hope this becomes the case because I sincerely hope that in the next few years we can shorten the list of the clubs in need of club reactivation. Due to lieutenant governors and the work of individuals that are on the district level. As for new clubs, there are few pieces of advice more important than paying your dues on time and filling out all the paperwork. It may seem like a lot but it helps the district not only recognize your work but also it helps us prove to all the other districts that we are appropriately named the Mighty New York district.

Sincerely yours in service, Bryan Comanici Lieutenant Governor Hello Key Clubbers! Division 21 My name is Katie Coley and I am on the committee for new club building and reactivation as well as the lieutenant governor for division 15. As part of this, I am the committee representative for divisions 2, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 (Lieutenant Governors Annie Porfido, Ellen Dooley, Kelsey Habla, Sarah Brady, and myself). So far I have talked to a few of you to discuss what the status is of each division and if any new clubs are being formed or being reactivated. A lot is being done and I hope all the divisions have been success with chartering and getting new clubs off the ground and to a great start. I myself have been working on trying to get a new builders club going at one of the middle schools and working closely with my surrounding Kiwanis clubs to get support for other clubs. If anyone experiences difficulties with trying to create a club, feel free to ask for help if you need it from myself or any other of the committee members. I have also worked on creating awards for chartering k-family clubs and reactivating former key clubs. These awards will be given to Lieutenant Governors who are successful in those areas, as an incentive for lieutenant governors to work harder. Yours in Service, Lieutenant Governor Katie Coley Division 15

District Governor Domenick Pesce’s Greetings:

Hey New York District Key Club,

Things you ma y not know a bout our District Governor: § § § §

§ §


Domenick Pesce is honored to be serving as the 2011 – 2012 New York District Key Club Governor. He has been part of the Kiwanis family for the past 6 years. He began his Key Club journey at East Meadow High School. Before he became Governor he held the following Positions: Ø Freshman Representative Ø Club Secretary Ø Lieutenant Governor of Division 6 Ø Committee member of the New Club Building &Reactivation Committee. Has been awarded Distinguished Club Secretary Domenick also serves on the KPTC Foundation Board, and has served as the KPTC Service Leadership Chair for the past year, and will continue to serve this upcoming year. He was part of the Woodland Middle School Builders Club.

For those of you that don't know me by now, my name is Domenick Pesce your Key Club District Governor. I'm extremely excited to be working with all of you this 2011-2012 service year. I will see to it this year we reach new heights as the Mighty New York District Key Club! I have served in the Kiwanis family for the past 6 years at my home club of East Meadow High School on Long Island New York. My job as Governor for the New York District consists of serving you, the Key Clubbers of the state in any way that I can. I facilitate Lieutenant Governors and District Board Officers to make the District run smoothly and successfully. This is the Newsletter to the New Club Building and Reactivation Committee. This committee’s job consists of the creation of nonexisting Key Clubs, as well as the reactivation of Key Clubs that have been weakened or lost. If you have any questions at all about chartering a Key Club or any branch of the K-Family around your area, please feel free to contact me or New Club Building and Reactivation Committee Chair Carla Pacheco. All contact information can be found on our District Website, Finally, please stay in contact with the District! If you are not subscribed to the New York District website (, as well as the Official NYDKC Facebook Group (, what are you waiting for? Go to the homepage and subscribe! Encourage your Key Club friends to subscribe as well. I'm looking forward to progressing within our time as NYDKC's so much. Stay connected by visiting the website ever so often and you'll be hearing from me soon! Yours in Service, District Governor Domenick Pesce

The Key to a successful Key Club

Hello Mighty Key Clubbers,

A successful Key Club strives on the essence of balance, a strive for excellence, and a heart of service. An essence of balance refers to the importance of not neglecting. A successful Key Club should not just be strong in service, but should also be strong in communication with their community, with other Key Clubs, and with their sponsoring Kiwanis club. A Key Club can be extremely dedicated to serving a specific district project, but should remember to contribute to the other projects as well. A Key Club can have great service, but unacknowledged for it because they haven't been submitting Monthly Report Forms for the past three months. Just like juggling, all the objects must be continually swapped in order to keep the rest from falling to the ground.

A strive for excellence refers to the desire to go above and beyond what is expected. A Key Club may have completed a lot of service in their community, but be unknown and foreign. Strive to make Key Club a household name. Part of becoming a successful Key Club is having great communication. With strong communication, a Key Club will build up a reputation of excellence. When setting goals, a club should set goals that are challenging instead of setting goals that they know they will reach. Lastly, a heart of service refers to the fact that this excellence and the actions leading to it should be done in the spirit of service. Key Club is a service organization and we act to serve and better our homes, schools, and community! With a heart of service, a Key Club will be successful. Yours in the spirit of service, District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin Stuyvesant High School '13 New York District Key Club Secretary '11-'12 (917) 405-7968 Submitting Paperwork: Paperwork submission is vital to the growth and development of the district. Paperwork such as MRF’s (Monthly Report Forms) help the district track how many service hours the district has provided for district projects as well as governors projects and it also helps Key Clubs receive the recognition they deserve for their hard work. FRF’s (Fundraising Report Forms) help measure how much money is donated to the district projects / selected charities. The final piece of paperwork that must be filled out monthly and it is known as the “Lieutenant Governor Evaluation Form” which evaluates how your assigned Lieutenant Governor is performing their duties as a district board member as well as how they are handling their division.

Where can I find these forms? MRF Online Submission: _jforms&view=form&id=1 MRF PDF/ Mail Submission: FRF Online Submission (Only option): _jforms&view=form&id=3 Lieutenant Governor Evaluation Form Online Submission (Only option): _jforms&view=form&id=6

Managing Key Club Finances

Hello New York District Key Clubbers, I hope you are enjoying the start the amazing school year! Dues are vital part of this organization; they make everything we do possible. Due to this we require every club to pay annual dues. The amazing New Club Building and Reactivation Committee has released a list with clubs that have not paid their dues last year, which makes them suspended, and clubs that have not paid their dues in a few years which makes them inactive. Now, if you club is either of these it is not the end of your club, all you simply need to do is pay your club’s dues!!!! Yes, it is that easy to make your club a club again! Any club who never wants to be in the suspended or inactive boat, all you need to do is pay your dues on time (before November 31). Please strive to be a super star club and submit your dues for October 31st, Early Bird Dues! Remember dues take about two weeks to process. As any business from the Fortune 500 companies to the local diner know you need to budget your money if you want to be successful, your club’s money is no exception. There is nothing worse than finding out you need more money than you have for a project or the opposite, having unused funds that can be used to greatly extent your club’s impact on the community. To avoid this problem do as the greats do (Wells Fargo, GE, and many others) make a budget/manage the finances. It is a great way to plan the year and see what the limits as far as money is concerned. If your club finances are low, I suggest taking advantage of the $1-$3 you are allowed to charge members in addition to the $11.50 for dues. This $1-$3 goes directly to your club fund and does not go to international. In addition to that try holding a fundraiser, you are all amazing fundraisers! If you go the fundraising root don’t forget to complete a Fundraising Report FormJ. How to make a club budget will be talked about at your local Division Training Conference or Fall Rally, so make sure someone from your club attends the treasurers workshop! If you ever need assist, have a question, or have a suggestion on how I can be a better serve all of you as District Treasurer, please contact me. Winston Churchill once said “We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give,” continue giving your amazing gift of service to all! Emily Gicewicz New York District Key Club District Treasurer 33 Helen Ln, West Sand Lake NY 12196 (518) 763-7309

Key Club Core Values:

The core values of Key Club International are leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness.

Wondering about how you can submit dues? Click on the following link for a step-­‐ by-­‐step guide created by your District Treasurer. ow_to_submit_dues

K-Family Bonding & Fall Rallies

Hi Guys, My name is Ellen Dooley Lieutenant Governor of Division 16 and also currently the Committee Chair for the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee. Many of you may be asking why is bonding with your K-Family members important, well the answer is quite simple: to try and make our world a better place. One common goal that all members of the K-Family have is to serve and help our world, working together just means we can serve the world with a greater power and make a bigger difference. There are many easy ways for your Key Club to bond with the different members of K-Family, and the easiest way is to plan an easy to do service project that you can invite everyone to! If you have already planned an event with your K-Family try having a K-Family picnic where you can share all of the fun service projects that you have participated in. No matter what you do bonding time will allow you to get to know the other members of the K-Family, which in turn will allow us to help change our world in so many good ways; because when we work together as a K-Family we can help to change the world in so many ways. Now you may be wondering: who is included in the K-family? Well the answer is the following: K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, Circle K, Kiwanis Club and Aktion Club. “Families do things together and we are no different” Yours in Service Ellen Dooley Lieutenant Governor Division 16 Hello Mighty Key Clubbers, Being part of Key Club International is not nearly as important as knowing how your role affects this service organization as a whole. Consequently, Lieutenant Governors are encouraged to hold Divisional Trainings and required to hold Fall Rallies to train the members and officers of different schools in different divisions regarding their respective roles in Key Club. Divisional Training Conferences involve only schools within one division, while Fall Rallies encompass neighboring divisions. Leadership Training Conferences on the other hand, involve every single division of an entire district in which Key Clubbers come together to attend workshops. These workshops include but are not limited to officer training, member training, public speaking, writing a winning college essay, running for higher office, and much more! It is important to attend these conferences and rallies as they will all delineate the function each Key Clubber is responsible for so that Key Club International can be as optimally efficient and proactive as possible. These are also great opportunities to garner experience and knowledge that you’ll be able to carry beyond the scope of a community service organization. They are also endemic to social networking with other Key Clubbers, officers, and Lieutenant Governors who all similarly strive to serve. If you have any further questions or concerns about Divisional Training Conferences, Fall Rallies, or Leadership Training Conference, please contact your Lieutenant Governor. Yours in pleasant service and love, Lt. Governor Jay Wong Division 7 of New York District Key Club International

Fall Rally Dates & Resources

FALL RALLY DATES: The following are the dates either set or thought of for each divisions fall rally, please not that some of the divisions are having fall rallies together. If you cannot find the date of your divisions fall rally on this list please contact your lieutenant governor for more information. Please contact your lieutenant governor for the time and location of the fall rally. Divisions: 1, 2 & 3: October 15th or 23rd (Contact your lieutenant governor for a definite date) Divisions: 4, 5, 6 & 7: October 23rd Divisions: 8, 8A, 9, 10, & 11: Either October 29th or November 12th Divisions: 12 & 13: October 29th Divisions: 15, 16, 17 & 18: October 30th Division: 19 & 21: (Date hasn’t been set yet please contact your lieutenant governor for more information) Divisions: 22: October 28th Divisions 23, 26 & 27: (Date hasn’t been set yet please contact your lieutenant governor for more information) Division 24: (Date hasn’t been set yet please contact your lieutenant governor for more information) Division 25: (Date is not available please contact your lieutenant governor for more information)

RESOURCES: Many of us have a hard time finding resources to help aid us when it comes down to planning Key Club events, fundraisers or anything else that revolves around Key Club. I have asked around the district board and resources were provided. Keep in mind some of these resources aren’t official key club international resources; they are resource suggestions that were found helpful by some of the district board members. -Enjoy v

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Divisional Links

Division 1: , Division 2: Division 3: Division 4: Division 5: Division 6: Division 7: Division 8: Division 8-A: Division 9: Division 10: Division11: Division 12: N/A Division 13: Division 14: N/A Division 15: N/A

Division 15: N/A Division 16: 59 Division 17: N/A Division 18: / Division 19: Division 20: N/A Division 21: N/A Division 22: N/A Division 23: / Division 24: / Division 25: N/A Division 26: Division 27:

Key Club Motto: “Caring, our way of life”

Sponsoring Kiwanis Clubs- Key Clubs (KC)

§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §

Division 1 Kiwanis of Greater Westhampton: Eastport South Manor KC Kiwanis of Greater Westhampton: Westhampton Beach KC Kiwanis of Southampton: Hampton Bays KC Kiwanis of Easthampton: Easthampton KC Kiwanis of Greater Riverhead: Riverhead KC Kiwanis of Greater Riverhead: McGann - Mercy KC Division 2 Patchogue Kiwanis: Patchogue-Medford KC Sayville Kiwanis: Sayville KC Lindenhurst Kiwanis: Lindenhurst KC Copiague Kiwanis: Copiague KC Amityville Kiwanis: Amityville KC The Mastics Kiwanis: William Floyd KC Bellport Kiwanis: Bellport Key Club Division 3 Huntington Kiwanis: Huntington KC Huntington Kiwanis: Half Hollow Hills East KC Huntington Kiwanis: Half Hollow Hills West KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Smithtown KC Three Village-Brookhaven Township Kiwanis: Ward Melville KC North Port Early Birds Kiwanis: North Port KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Walt Whitman KC Division 4 Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Carle Place KC Elmont Kiwanis: Elmont Memorial KC New Hyde Park-Floral Park Kiwanis: Floral Park KC Glen Cove Kiwanis: Glen Cove Key Club East Norwich, Oyster Bay Kiwanis: Great Neck North KC Manhasset-Port Washington Kiwanis: Great Neck South KC Hicksville Kiwanis: Hicksville KC Manhasset-Port Washington Kiwanis: Manhasset KC New Hyde Park-Floral Park Kiwanis: New Hyde Park KC North Shore, Long Island Kiwanis: North Shore KC Manhasset-Port Washington Kiwanis: Schreiber KC New Hyde Park-Floral Park Kiwanis: Sewanhaka KC County Seat, Mineola Kiwanis: Wheatley KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Herrick’s KC County Seat, Mineola Kiwanis: Mineola KC Division 5 Massapequa Kiwanis Club: Massapequa KC Massapequa Kiwanis Club: Seaford KC Massapequa Kiwanis Club: Plainedge KC

§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §

Massapequa Kiwanis Club: Farmingdale KC Bellmore Kiwanis Club: John F. Kennedy KC Bellmore Kiwanis Club: Wellington C. Mepham KC Wantagh Kiwanis Club: Wantagh KC Wantagh Kiwanis Club: CCA of Wantagh (BOCES) KC Merrick Kiwanis Club: S. H. Calhoun KC Division 6 East Meadow Kiwanis: East Meadow KC East Meadow Kiwanis: WT Clarke KC Levittown Kiwanis: General Douglas MacArthur KC Levittown Kiwanis: Island Trees KC Levittown Kiwanis: Division Ave KC Levittown Kiwanis: Gerald R. Claps Career & Tech KC Garden City Kiwanis: Garden City KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Hempstead KC Hempstead Kiwanis: Sacred Heart KC Uniondale United Kiwanis: Uniondale KC West Hempstead Kiwanis: West Hempstead KC Division 7 Baldwin Kiwanis: Baldwin KC The Rockaways: East Rockaway KC Freeport Kiwanis: Freeport KC The Peninsula- Hewlett: Hewlett KC The Five Towns, Long Island Kiwanis: Lawrence KC Long Beach Kiwanis: Long Beach KC The Five Towns, Long Island Kiwanis: Lynbrook KC The Five Towns, Long Island Kiwanis: Malverne KC Oceanside Kiwanis: Oceanside KC Valley Stream Kiwanis: Valley Stream South KC Division 8 Has no sponsoring Kiwanis: August Martin KC La Guardia Airport Kiwanis: Aviation KC Howard Beach Kiwanis: Bayside KC Flushing Kiwanis: Benjamin N. Cardozo KC Jamaica Kiwanis: Francis Lewis KC Has no sponsoring Kiwanis: Martin Van Buren KC Rosedale-Lavrelton Kiwanis: Queens HS of Science KC Flushing Kiwanis: Robert F. Kennedy KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Townsend Harris KC Division 8-A Glendale Kiwanis: Christ the King KC Maspeth Kiwanis: Forest Hills KC La Guardia Airport Kiwanis: Garden KC

Sponsoring Kiwanis Clubs- Key Clubs (KC) Continued

§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §

Glendale Kiwanis: Grover Cleveland KC Ozone Park Kiwanis: John Adams KC Maspeth Kiwanis: Martin Luther KC La Guardia Airport Kiwanis: Newtown KC Kew-Forest Richmond Hill Kiwanis: Richmond Hill KC Sunny-side Kiwanis: Sunny-side Community KC Has no sponsoring Kiwanis: St. Francis Prep K Woodside Kiwanis: William Cullen Bryant KC Division 9 Coney Island Kiwanis: Abraham Lincoln KC Eighty Sixth Street, Bath Beach Kiwanis: Bishop Kearney KC Mapleton Kiwanis: Brooklyn Tech KC Bensonhurst & Bay Ridge Kiwanis: Edward R. Murrow KC Gravesend, Brooklyn Kiwanis: Fort Hamilton KC Kings Plaza-Canarsie Kiwanis: James Madison KC Coney Island Kiwanis: John Dewey KC Parkway East, Brooklyn Kiwanis: Leon M. Goldstein KC Mapleton Kiwanis: Midwood KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: New Utercht KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Tele Communication Arts KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Xaverian KC Division 10 South Shore Kiwanis: CSI International Studies KC Richmond County Kiwanis: Curtis KC Staten Island Kiwanis: Staten Island Tech KC Brighton Kiwanis: Susan E. Wagner KC North Central Kiwanis: Tottenville KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Michael J. Petrides KC Staten Island Kiwanis: St. John Villa KC Richmond County Kiwanis: Monsignor Farrell KC Division 11 Riverdale Kiwanis: Bronx High School of Science KC Riverdale Kiwanis: DeWitt Clinton KC NYC Young Professionals Kiwanis: Fiorello LaGuardia KC NYC Young Professionals Kiwanis: HS Math, Science, & Engineering KC Riverdale Kiwanis Club: HS American Studies KC NYC Young Professionals Kiwanis: Hunter KC Chinatown Kiwanis: Stuyvesant KC Division 12 Culver City Kiwanis: Alexander Hamilton KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Ardsley KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Lincoln KC

§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §

Mount Vernon Kiwanis: Mount Vernon KC Spring Valley Kiwanis: North Rockland KC Spring Valley Kiwanis: Ramapo KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Mamaroneck KC Parkchester, The Bronx Kiwanis: New Rochelle KC Mamaroneck-Harrison-Rye Kiwanis: Rye Neck KC Yonkers Kiwanis: Saunders Technical &Trade KC Spring Valley Kiwanis: Spring Valley KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Ursuline KC * Hartsdale Kiwanis: Woodlands KC East Yonkers Kiwanis: Yonkers KC Division 13 Chester Kiwanis: Chester Academy KC Valley-Ellenville Kiwanis: Ellenville: Shawangunk KC Woodridge Kiwanis: Fallsburg KC Middletown Kiwanis: Middletown KC Minisink Valley Kiwanis: Minisink KC Monticello Kiwanis: Monticello KC Newburg Kiwanis: Newburgh KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Port Jervis * Newburgh Kiwanis: Cornwall Central Division 14 Plattsburgh Breakfast Club Kiwanis: Ausable Valley KC Rouses Point-Champlain Kiwanis: Chazy Central KC Lake Placid Kiwanis: Keene Central KC Lake Placid Kiwanis: Lake Placid KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Northern Adirondack Central KC Rouses Point-Champlain Kiwanis: Northeastern Clinton Central KC Plattsburgh Kiwanis: Peru KC Plattsburgh Breakfast Club Kiwanis: Plattsburgh KC Plattsburgh Breakfast Club Kiwanis: Saranac KC Saranac Lake Kiwanis: Saranac Lake KC Plattsburgh Kiwanis: Seton Catholic KC Ticonderoga Kiwanis: Ticonderoga KC Division 15 Glens Falls Kiwanis: Glens Falls KC Glens Falls Kiwanis: South Glens Falls KC Glens Falls Kiwanis: Fort Ann KC Glens Falls Kiwanis: Hadley Luzerne KC Glens Falls Kiwanis: WSWHE BOCES KC Glens Falls Kiwanis: Hartford KC

Sponsoring Kiwanis Clubs- Key Clubs (KC) Continued § Glens Falls Kiwanis: Bolton KC § Center KC § Saratoga Springs Kiwanis: Saratoga Springs KC § Queensbury Kiwanis: Queensbury KC Glens Falls Kiwanis: Southern Adirondack Education Saratoga Springs Kiwanis: Saratoga Springs KC § Queensbury Kiwanis: Queensbury KC § Glens Falls Kiwanis: Southern Adirondack Education Lehigh § Valley Industrial Park Allentown Kiwanis: Bethlehem KC Division 16 § Albany KC § The Helderbergs Kiwanis: Berne Knox-Westerlo Central KC § Latham Kiwanis: Colonie KC § New Scotland Kiwanis: Clayton A. Bouton KC § Western Turnpike Guilderland Kiwanis: Guilderland KC § Latham Kiwanis: Heatly KC § Kingston Kiwanis: Kingston KC § Saugerties Kiwanis: Saugerties KC § Latham Kiwanis: Shaker KC Division 17 § Gloversville-Johnstown Kiwanis: Amsterdam KC § Gloversville-Johnstown Kiwanis: Broadalbin-Perth KC § Fonda-Fultonville Kiwanis: Fonda-Fultonville KC § Gloversville-Johnstown Kiwanis: Gloversville KC § Gloversville-Johnstown Kiwanis: Johnstown KC § Gloversville-Johnstown Kiwanis: Mayfield Central KC § Rotterdam Kiwanis: Mohonasen KC § Schenectady Kiwanis: Niskayuna KC § Rotterdam Kiwanis: Schalmont KC § Schenectady Kiwanis: Schenectady KC § Schoharie Kiwanis: Schoharie KC § Scotia-Glenville Kiwanis: Scotia-Glenville KC § Wilton Kiwanis: Shenendehowa KC Division 18 § Sand Lake Kiwanis: Averill Park KC § North Greenbush Kiwanis: Catholic Central KC § East Greenbush Kiwanis: Columbia KC § Hoosick Falls Kiwanis: Hoosick Falls KC § Castleton-on-Hudson Kiwanis: Maple Hill KC § Rensselaer Kiwanis: Rensselaer KC § Troy Kiwanis: Tamarac KC § Troy Kiwanis: Troy KC

Division 19 § Frankfort Kiwanis: Frankfort-Schuyler KC § Frankfort Kiwanis: Iiion Jr/Sr KC § Oneonta Kiwanis: Charlotte Valley KC § New Hartford Kiwanis: New Hartford KC § Westmoreland Kiwanis: Oriskany KC § Utica Kiwanis: T.R. Proctor KC § Lake Delta, Rome Kiwanis: Rome Catholic KC § Rome Kiwanis: Rome Free Academy KC § Central Adirondacks, Old Forge Kiwanis: Town of Webb KC § Westmoreland Kiwanis: Westmoreland KC Division 20 § Chenango Valley Kiwanis: Chenango Valley KC § Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Greene Central KC § Broome County Kiwanis: Johnson City KC § Oneonta Kiwanis: Laurens KC § Broome County Kiwanis: Maine-Endwell KC § Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Norwich KC § Owego Kiwanis: Owego Free Academy § Broome County Kiwanis: Seton Catholic Central KC § Uniondale United Kiwanis: Union Endicott KC Division 21 § Baldwinsville Kiwanis: Baker KC § North Syracuse Kiwanis: Cicero North Syracuse KC § Eastwood-East Syracuse Kiwanis: East Syracuse Minoa KC § Dewitt Kiwanis: Fayetteville-Manlius KC § Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Hannibal KC § Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Henninger KC § Liverpool Kiwanis: Liverpool KC § Dewitt Kiwanis: Jamesville DeWitt KC § Syracuse Young Professionals Kiwanis: Nottingham KC § Oswego Kiwanis: Oswego KC § Solvay Geddes Camillus Kiwanis: Solvay KC Division 22 § Corning Kiwanis: Corning Painted Post East KC § Owego Kiwanis: Candor KC § Elmira Kiwanis: Elmira Free Academy KC

Sponsoring Kiwanis Clubs- Key Clubs (KC) Continued § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §

Ithaca-Cayuga Kiwanis: Ithaca KC Elmira Kiwanis: Notre Dame KC Elmira Kiwanis: Southside KC Ithaca-Cayuga Kiwanis: Spencer Van Etten KC Horseheads Kiwanis: Thomas A. Edison KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Wellsville KC Painted Post Kiwanis: West KC Division 23 Greece Kiwanis: Greece-Arcadia KC Lakeshore-Rochester Kiwanis: Bishop Kearney KC Lakeshore-Rochester Kiwanis: Northeast College Preparatory KC Lakeshore-Rochester Kiwanis: East High KC

§ § § § § § § § § § § §

Brighton Kiwanis: Brighton KC Canandaigua Kiwanis: Canandaigua Academy KC Penfield-Perinton Townships Kiwanis: Penfield KC Farmington-Victor Kiwanis: Victor KC Webster Kiwanis: Wayne KC Webster Kiwanis: Webster-Thomas KC Webster Kiwanis: Webster- Schroeder KC Division 24 Ogdensburg Kiwanis: Ogdensburg Free Academy KC Potsdam Kiwanis: Potsdam KC Watertown KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Carthage Central KC Watertown Kiwanis: General Brown Central KC Gouverneur Kiwanis: Gouverneur KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Indian River KC Norwood Kiwanis: Madrid Waddington KC


§ § § § § § § § § § § § §

Division 25 Aiden Kiwanis: Alden Central KC Buffalo Kiwanis: City Honors KC East Aurora Kiwanis East Aurora KC Holland Kiwanis: Holland KC Elma Kiwanis: Iroquois KC Lewiston Kiwanis: Lewiston-Porter Lockport Kiwanis: Lockport KC Niagara Falls Kiwanis: Niagara Catholic KC Niagara Falls Kiwanis: Niagara Falls KC Springville Kiwanis: Springville Griffith KC West Seneca Kiwanis: West Seneca East West Seneca Kiwanis: West Seneca West Division 26 Cassadaga Valley Kiwanis: Cassadaga Valley Central KC Northern Chautauqua Kiwanis: Fredonia KC Jamestown Kiwanis: Jamestown KC Westfield-Ripley Kiwanis: Ripley KC Silver Creek Kiwanis: Silver Creek KC Lakewood Kiwanis: Southwestern Central KC Division 27 Brockport Kiwanis: Brockport KC Irondequoit Kiwanis: Eastridge KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Geneva KC Nunda Kiwanis: Keshequa Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Livonia Mount Morris Kiwanis: Mount Morris KC Pembroke-Corfu-Darien Kiwanis: Pembroke KC Sponsoring Kiwanis N/A: Penn Yan Academy

What is the Key Club Vision?


develop competent, capable, and caring leaders through the vehicle of service."

FAQ’s What does it mean when a club is suspended? Suspended means a club has failed to pay Key Club dues for an entire service year.

What happens to a suspended club? A suspended club isn’t allowed to partake in Key Club activities and isn’t considered an official Key Club until they pay a $100 fee as well as pay for every new member they currently have (they must write and make it clear that they are paying for their members with the other money otherwise Key Club International will take it as a donation.) Your clubs name will remain on the International list until you pay your dues but in any case if your lieutenant governor feels that your school no longer has an interest in key Club and that you no longer want to be a Key Club your clubs name could be removed from the list upon request.

What do you mean a suspended club can’t partake in Key Club Activities? When a club is suspended they aren’t allowed to do the following things: § Use the Key Club tittle § Attend LTC § Do any sort of service as a club § Attend divisional events § Have key club meetings

What are charters? Charters are usually used in two occasions: 1. When a new club is formed 2. When a club is re-chartered (changing their club status back to active) IMPORTANT: CHARTERS CAN BE DENIED BY KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL ESPECIALLY CLUBS THAT ARE TRYING TO RE-CHARTER.

What does it mean when a club is Inactive? When a Key Club is inactive they need a charter in order to become active again, as well as

Who can sponsor a Key Club? It is requested that Kiwanis Clubs sponsor Key Clubs because it helps our Kiwanis Family grow stronger. A club needs a sponsor to be chartered but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a Kiwanis club it can be a local church, school or any other local place. It is recommended for a Kiwanis Club to sponsor Key Clubs because the rules and procedures for both clubs are very similar. Kiwanis Clubs fill out paperwork, pay dues, attend district conventions just like Key Clubs do so partnering up with a Kiwanis Club will be to your benefit and they will be huge supporters of your club. It is important to try to find a Kiwanis Club that doesn’t currently sponsor a Key Club so that your club gets as much help as possible (I am not bad mouthing Kiwanis Clubs that sponsor more than one club). A Kiwanis Club with no sponsoring clubs is a club you want to consider because they will have more time to help your club flourish. How long on average does it take to re-charter a club? It can take anywhere between 4 months to a year to charter a Key Club the process is long which is why its advised to charter a Key Club as early as possible. How many members are required to start a new club? To charter or re-charter a Key Club you need a minimum of 15 members.

FAQ’s (Continued)

Why is it still worth chartering a Key Club if a school has other community service groups/clubs? Joining Key Club International has many perks, the first and most important one is being part of the K-Family, through the K-family you get to meet adults from Kiwanis and Circle as well as work with those younger than you such as the builders club and K-Kids. When you join Key Club International you are dedicating yourself to serve your community, school and district. Key Club may sound like a lot of work at first but the reward out weighs all the work. The satisfaction you feel knowing that you just helped save a life or improved one through either service or fundraising. You meet new people in Key Club who share the same interest as you do: helping others. Key Club looks fantastic on college applications because besides being a legit international organization, it is the largest non-profit organization that is solely student run. When you first tell a fellow classmate that this international organization is run by high school students from different parts of the world (Key Club is available in over 38 countries) they might not believe you but the following facts will prove them wrong: § High school students run their home clubs; they occupy positions such as president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, editor, and webmaster. § High School students run their district; they occupy positions such as district: governor, executive assistant, secretary, treasurer, editor, webmaster and then there are the immense number of lieutenant governors that are assigned key clubs in their divisions that they must look after, inform of district and international news. § High School students run Key Club International; they occupy positions such as international: president, vice president, secretary and trustees (similar to lieutenant governors) who are assigned districts to look over, they attend board meetings conferences etc. I could go on forever about the perks of being a Key Clubber but I would never finish. Any of the information I just gave you would convince everyone and anyone to join Key Club. What if we can't find a faculty advisor? A club needs to have a faculty advisor in order to have a Key Club since it will be considered a school club. Most schools wont allow you to have a club without an advisor. What happens if my Key Club advisor retires or is fired? If you lose your Key Club advisor you must try to find a replacement as soon as possible. If this happens to you make sure you contact your sponsoring Kiwanis Club the moment it happens because they can help you through this process and provide a lot of support.

What is the cost of chartering a Key Club? The cost for chartering a Key Club is $600.00, which is usually paid by your sponsoring Kiwanis club. This fee includes the membership pins, cards, handbooks, certificates, a gong, gavel and banner.

Can I start a Key Club outside of my school? The answer is yes, there are some community Key Clubs that have been chartered (not your only option). If you decide to create a Key Club outside of school please keep in mind that the process is the same and the club will take just as long to charter if not longer. How are dues divided? The minimum a club change charge for dues is $11.50 for New York District Key Clubs. $6.50 goes to Key Club International and $5.00 goes to the New York District (each district charges a different amount.)

FAQ’s (Continued)

How do I pay or submit dues? At the begin of school year all clubs receive a letter with a password and username that they need to access the membership center ( ?action=logon) to either remove or add new members. You may pay online (with a credit card) at the membership center or send a check or money order by mail. More information can be found at the membership center.

What are some tips when it comes to paying dues? § § § § §

Keep your letter from Key Club International that contains the password and username in order to update dues. Don’t pay in cash Don’t send your dues to your district treasurer (send your dues to Key Club International) Don’t mail a copy of the membership roster with your payment Make sure your membership roster is up to date

My high school already has more than one service club. Why should we add a Key Club? First, and most importantly, most high schools can only benefit by having more clubs provide positive service opportunities for students. Multiple service clubs can, when properly encouraged, produce a synergy of service to a school and community. Second, Key Club is one of the few organizations that actually is a student-led organization from top to bottom. That means the members elect the officers and pay the dues. What better way to teach real responsibility?

How can I approach a school I would be interested in building/reactivating a club at? Before you go to a school you have an interest in building/reactivating a club at, make sure you have the full support of a Kiwanis club behind you. It is best to present the idea to the Kiwanians at one of their divisionals. Once this is set you the process will be much easier. You should put together a binder explaining Key Club to give to the principal of the school to give them a better understanding of what you are trying to bring into their school. Schedule a time to meet the principal with a Kiwanian who would be interested in being a Kiwanis Sponsor to the club. Make sure at this meeting you go through the binder and explain the responsibilities of the school and principal, as well as providing any forms that need to be filled out. Let the principal have a couple of days to consider your proposal. It's also not a bad idea to have a couple kids from that school in support of Key Club to help get the club started right away.

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