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(^)lEff¡cieñtlSplits ofiVarietals

Volume 149 No. 4

A p r i l 2009

E m a i l Web Commercial Beekeeping 101—323

Editor-Joe M. Graham

Advertising Manager-Marta Menn

Publishing Department- Amy Leebold & Dianne Behnke

United States 2008 Honey Production Up 8 Percent USDA-NASS


• Wax Working 101 T'Lee Sollenberger


• Efficient Splits Roy Hendrickson • The Learning Curve—2009 Randy Oliver • What's New in Beekeeping—Part Two: Scientific Beekeeping Peter L. Borst Next Up, The Survivors—Part Two of Two Parts M.E.A. McNeil

335 343 349 353

• What's Missing From the Current Discussion and Work Related to Bees That Is Preventing Us From Making Good Progress? Kirk Webster Minnesota's Land of 10,000 Lakes Promotes Honey and Beekeeping Cecil Hicks

Efficient Splits —335 Letters to the Editor




359 The World 363

• Continuing Efforts to Safeguard U.S. Honey Imports —Part I of Two Parts Sylvia A. Ezenwa


• The Valué of Varietals Grant F.C. Gillard


• A Red Maple Honey Tasting Joseph Riddle and George S. Ayers


Honey Market


Classified Advertising


Advertising Index


Col umns The Classroom ' ; Jerry Hayes The Traveling Beekeeper Larry Connor April Cover Picture A honey bee visits a European plum flower {Prunus domestica). Spring fruit bloom is a welcome sight to both bees and man! This beautiful photo was taken by Tibor I. Szabo, RR l , Puslinch, Ontario, Canadá N0B 2J0. April 2009

317 323

Honey Bee Biology Wyatt A. Mangum The Other Side of Beekeeping George S. Ayers

339 377

The American Bee Journal ISSN 0002-7626 THE AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL (ISSN 002-7626) is published monthly at American Bcc Journal. 51 S. 2nd Street, Hamilton, IL 62341. Periodicals Postage Paid at Hamilton. IL and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to American Bee Journal. 51 S. 2nd Street. Hamilton. IL 62341. In the United States, $25.45 a year; two years. $48.20 and threc vcars, S67.90. Canadá S30.45 a year: two years S58.2Ó and threc years $82.90. Foreign $43.45 a year; two years $84.20 and threc years $121.90. Subscriptions stop at cxpiration date printed on label. Avaílablc in microfilm form

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