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Volume 149 No. 6

June 2009


Advertising Manager-Marta M e n n

Editor-Joe M . G r a h a m

Marketing Your Own Honey—563

Emai Web

Publishing Department-Amy Leebold & Dianne Behnke

Higher Prices Pushed Valué for U.S. Honey Imports Up in 2008 John Parker


Beekeeping for Beginners: Helpful Hints for Working Your Hive Kirsten Traynor


The Bee Photography of Eric Tourneret—Part II of V: Cameroon M.E.A. McNeil


Survivor Stock: A Protocol for Small-scale Beekeepers M.E.A. McNeil


My Friend, the Wax Moth—Pondering the Purpose of a Seemingly Useless Pest Grant Gillard


Marketing Your Own Honey—Part I of Two Parts Don Jackson


Florida—Sun, Tourists, Beaches, Citrus Groves, Gators, and Bees Cecil Hicks


Honey Bee Colony Mortality in the Pacific Northwest (USA) Winter 2007/2008 Michael Burgett, Randal Rucker and Walter Thurman Promiscuous DNA and Terramycin Resistance in American Foulbrood Bacteria K. Daniel Murray, Katherine A. Aronstein and Frank Eischen •

Letters to the Editor




The World 573


The Importance of Microbes in Nutrition and Health of Honey Bee Colonies—Part I of Three Parts Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman, Diana Sammataro and Rubén A l a r c o n . . . 583

@ Proceedings of the American Bee Research Conference

My Friend, The Wax Moth!—559


Honey Market


Classified Advertising


Advertising ndex


Col umns The Classroom Jerry Hayes Honey Bee Biology Wyatt A. Mangum

June Cover Picture Roby Baer painted this beautiful bccyard scene that she entitlcs "Beeline". She says, " I wanted to depict the beautiful rolling hills of sweet yellow clover and the hard-working beekeeper." For details on ordering this or other paintings from Roby's Fine Art and Prints, see her letter on page 517. SWWW3d089V A SVOI901018

June 2009

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531 547

The Traveling Beekeeper Larry Connor The Other Side of Beekeeping George S. Ayers

551 591

The American Bee Journal ISSN 0002-7626 THE A M E R I C A N BEE JOURNAL (ISSN 002-7626) is publishcd monthly at American Bec Journal. 51 S. 2nd Street, Hamilton. IL 62341. Periodicals Postage Paid at Hamilton. I L and at additional mailine offices. POSTMASTER: Scnd address changes to American Bee Journal. 51 S. 2nd Street. Hamilton. IL 62341. In the United States, $25.45 a ycar; two years. $48.20 and three years. S67.90. C a n a d á $30.45 a ycar; two years $58.20 and three years $82.90. Foruign $43.45 a year; two years $84.20 and three years $ 121.90. Subscriptions stop ai cxpiration date printed on labcl. Available in microfilm form

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