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CALENDAR OF EVENTS Visit christchurchcathedral.org/events or call 713-222-2593 to learn more about these and other events at the Cathedral.

Registration recommended Registration required Registration closed Childcare available (3 mo. to 12 yrs.)



Bridge Night 6:30 p.m., McGehee Conference Room.


AUG. 7 SUN All Cathedral Reads Conversation 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall. Virgina WoolfPLAYS AUG 8 MON

TO THE LIGHTHOUSECommunity of Hope — Circle of Care Second Monday of the month, 6–8 p.m. AUG 11 THU

Alzheimer & Dementia Support Group 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Zoom. Second Thursday of the month. 10 AM REYNOLDS HALL AUG. 12 AUG. 7FRI ALL CATHEDRAL Remember the Water of your Baptism Pool Party DISCUSSION Cathedral 6:30–8:30 p.m., The Quillian Center. Intergenerational event: all are welcome. AUG 13 www.christchurchcathedral.org/cathedralreads SAT

Threads of Comfort and Joy 10–11 a.m., Zoom. A gathering for those who love to knit and crochet. AUG 13 cont. SAT

Celebration of Ministry for Barkley and Jill Thompson 7 p.m., Reynolds Hall. RSVP at: www.christchurchcathedral.org/ rsvpthompsoncelebration


Conferencia Te 6–9 p.m., Mellinger. Contact Sylvia García, assistant to the Latino Ministry, at 713-590-3329 or email sgarcia@christchurchcathedral.org


Blessing of the Backpacks 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 1 p.m. Each year as children, teachers, and administrators prepare to head back to school we as a church family bring them to the front of the church to surround them with prayer and encouragement. Instruction in Eucharist 10–10:50, Cathedral. Designed to help us learn/remember why and how we receive the Eucharist.


Fundex — Discernment in Ministry and Life through Fun! 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall.


ALay Eucharistic Visitor Training 6–7 p.m., Reynolds Hall



Summer Place 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall, Aug. 7, 14 Cathedral Tours Tours are held every Sunday following the 11 a.m. service. They will also be held the third Sunday of each month (Aug. 21) following services at 9 a.m. and The Well.


Community of Hope International Training Mondays 1–3:30 p.m., Jeffers, 11 weeks beginning August 29.


EFM: Education for Ministry There is a morning group that meets from 9:30 am to noon and an evening group that meets from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Begins September 6, 2022. Contact Lucy Wagner at: lmwagner1219@gmail.com WEDNESDAYS

Cathedral Tours 12:30 p.m. Tours are available on Wednesdays following Noonday Prayer (August 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31). THURSDAYS

Summer Shade Aug. 4 Candytopia



Book Club 6:30 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Matrix, by Lauren Groff. SEPT. 11 SUN

Rally Against Hunger 11 a.m., Reynolds Hall. Sign up at: www. christchurchcathedral.org/rallyvolunteer SEPT. 18 SUN

Blood Drive 10 a.m., Sanders Hall. www.christchurchcathedral.org/blooddrive

Through August: COMFORT CALLS

from the Vestry

A Vestry representative will call you to ask how we’re doing and to hear your hopes and concerns

RALLY, from cover two locations: in Reynolds Hall and in Sanders Hall (bilingual). Ages 5 and up are invited to participate, and an extended children’s program will be offered for those under 5 years of age.

For those parishioners that have difficulty standing for long periods, sealing stations with chairs will provide a great opportunity to participate without too much physical strain. Thanks to many generous donations to the Dean’s discretionary fund, this event is free of charge. Rally Against RALLY DAY Hunger T-shirts are available for $10 after morning services in September 11 the Cloister. In order to pack 100,000 meals, we need everyone’s participation! And there are special volunteer opportunities for those who would like to help lead this effort: “Super Volunteers” agree to come on Saturday, September 10 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to set up the materials and to be trained as station leaders. Station leaders help direct the work of all the other volunteers the next day during the meal pack. “Cleanup Volunteers” show up at 1 p.m. on Sunday, when the morning volunteers are running out of steam. This crew helps complete the pack and load the truck.

Visit www.christchurchcathedral.org/rallyagainsthunger for additional information about the event and to sign up to volunteer and make a difference.

1117 Texas Avenue Houston, Texas 77002-3183

Houston, Texas PERMIT No. 6404

Did you know you can read The Bulletin on our website? If you’d like to go “online-only,” contact Ramona Sikes at rsikes@christchurchcathedral.org or call her at 713-217-1347.

Children’s Ministry to host pool party for all

Come enjoy some time with your family and friends as we wave goodbye to summer 2022 with a celebration and splash!

Everyone (the whole church family) is invited to bring a picnic supper to this free event at the Quillian Center (10570 Westpark Dr.) Friday, August 12, from 6:30– 8:30 p.m.

A short liturgy will be shared, intended to mark a day to remember each of our baptisms and the promises we make to each other in our baptismal covenant. To be sure there will be sun, lots of water, smiles, and memories made. If you have any questions, please email KariAnn at kalessner@ christchurchcathedral.org Remember the

WATER ofyour



Thank you for your generosity

July 10, 2022 marked the end of the campaign to relieve medical debt sponsored by the Mission Outreach Council and the Justice & Peace Council. The two councils joined forces to shine the light on the crippling effect of medical debt on so many and to challenge our Cathedral family to raise $5,000. Dean Thompson pledged an additional $5,000 from his discretionary funds for the cause.

We hoped that we could meet this goal. The medical debt initiative cleaved to the vision action plan “Rooted in Christ/ Built on Christ’s initiatives “Serving the World in God’s Name,” by engaging new outreach and justice initiatives to embody the Gospel in the world.

We shared with you the details of the medical debt situation throughout the United States and explained that we were partnering with a nationally known 501(c)(3) nonprofit — RIP Medical Debt — that locates, buys and forgives unpaid medical debt.

We asked and you responded generously and with compassion. We are pleased to announce that, including the contribution by Dean Thompson, more than $29,300 was raised — more than 5 times our goal! This amount exceeded all of our expectations and will allow us to relieve over $2,000,000 of medical debt. Once again, the Cathedral has shown a commitment and willingness to help those in need. We cannot thank you enough for your generosity. Each contribution has had a tremendous effect and will allow so many to be relieved of their medical debt.

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