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outreach and to a culture of embrace for all of God’s people. Additionally, Arkansas is my home state and is still the home to all of both Jill’s family and mine. Earlier this spring, St. Mark’s search committee and I engaged in conversation, and with bittersweet emotion I write to you to share that I have accepted St. Mark’s call to become their next rector.

Over the past ten years at Christ Church, we have walked the Way of Jesus together. We have grown as a parish, both numerically and financially; revitalized Cathedral ministry; emerged stronger from Hurricane Harvey; restored our historic Cathedral; increased our outreach; persevered through a global pandemic; and positioned Christ Church for a future filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11). Beyond this good work, when I recall all of the Cathedral parishioners I have baptized, married, and buried—when I recall all the ways that we have traveled the journey together—I know that Christ Church will always be a part of me, and a part of my heart will always remain with you.

My final Sunday at Christ Church will be August 14. As I reflect upon our tenure together, I am reminded of St. Paul’s encouragement to the Christians at Colossae: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15). I am thankful for, and to, each of you.

Grace and peace, The Very Rev. Barkley Thompson Dean

Dear Cathedral Family and Friends,

The past decade has been one of growth and excitement for Christ Church Cathedral, and Dean Thompson’s leadership, youthful energy, spiritual guidance and unceasing hard work have played an instrumental role. Both as a community and as individuals, we have been transformed. We will be forever grateful for his time with us, and we will always love Barkley, Jill, Griffin, and Eliza. On the evening of Saturday, August 13, we will host a parish-wide event to celebrate the past ten years with Dean Thompson and his family.

Our transformation under Dean Thompson’s guidance is not transitory nor is it dependent upon his presence here in Houston. For while our deans and rectors always have been very important, our foundation is built on this community — each and every one of us. The Cathedral has grown in importance for me — after more than a quarter century and the tenures of three deans — in large part because of the amazing people I have met sitting in the pews each Sunday. Finally, Dean Thompson hired well, and we will continue to be blessed by our four dedicated priests and a committed staff, all of whom are unmatched in the Episcopal Church.

This is not the first time our community has faced such a transition, and after the departures of almost two dozen rectors and deans, we continued to grow and thrive. We will celebrate our 200th anniversary in 17 years, and I fully expect this church to be at the corner of Texas and Fannin in another 200 years. For while we are a community of

memory, and we will certainly cherish our memories of Dean Thompson’s time with us, we are also a community of hope and expectation for an even better future. God has great plans for us, and in this moment, we have work to do. Since being informed of the news, your Junior Warden, Flo Ray, past wardens Matt Wareing and Erin McMillin, and I have taken initial steps to prepare Christ Church Cathedral for those plans. Bishop Doyle has provided guidance about the transition. The vestry is already hard at work to identify interim dean candidates and commission a search committee that will find our new dean. Our hopes are to have an GUY HAGSTETTE, interim dean in place by Rally Day

SENIOR and for the search committee to be-

WARDEN gin its work soon thereafter, with our new dean selected by spring 2023. When we begin our search, Episcopal priests from throughout the Church will take note because we are unique — a historic cathedral in an urban setting with very solid finances joined with a thriving parish that is focused on God’s work through worship, formation and mission. We stand on the shoulders of the saints who came before us. We must now live into that same commitment, so we and future generations can continue God’s work just as we have since 1839. The vestry and I will keep you informed as we venture into this new era together. Yours faithfully, Guy Hagstette Senior Warden

Celebration of ministry for Barkley and Jill Thompson

The Thompsons will be returning to their beloved home state of Arkansas in just a few short weeks and beginning a new ministry in Little Rock. We have been privileged to share life with the Dean and his lovely wife Jill for the last nine and a half years. Their children, Griffin and Eliza, have grown up before our eyes and are now university students.

But before the Thompsons leave Houston, we need to have a party! The Vestry of the Cathedral would like to invite you to a Celebration of Ministry for the Thompsons on Saturday, August 13th at 7 p.m. in Reynolds Hall. Food and beverages will be served in grand Cathedral style. Parking will be available in the garage. The event is free, but we do need you to RSVP at http://www.christchurchcathedral.org/ rsvpthompsoncelebration so that we can get a headcount for food (and the fire marshal).

There will be a slide show, so if you have any photos of Barkley, Jill, or a group that includes either or both of them, please send image files as .jpg, .png, or .tiff to Brant Mills at bmills@ christchurchcathedral.org.

We look forward to sharing stories, laughs, and memories with you!

Costa Rica Mission Trip and more IN PICTURES

Above: Dean Thompson discusses medical debt relief with parishioners at Summer Place on July 10. Above: Members of the Latino Ministry Council host Summer Place on July 24.

Above: Members of the Latino Ministry Council host Summer Place on July 24.

Hosted in the homes of parishioners throughout Houston, Fall & Spring Gatherings bring together clergy, staff, and parishioners in a more intimate setting for a chance to mix and mingle. We hope you’ll join us at one of our four Gatherings this season.

Building community at the Cathedral is important! Our faith isn’t individual, but deeply, deeply communal. It’s not a mistake that every Sunday the Nicene Creed speaks of what “we” believe. Getting to know the folks we share the pew with isn’t just a nice perk of going to church — it’s a requirement! To better be the Body of Christ in our little corner of the world, we have to know our fellow members — their gifts, talents, strengths, and weaknesses. It’s through these fellow members that we experience the love and grace of God — and, at times, the mercy and forgiveness of God.

In a large place, building a community is a little more challenging than at a smaller parish. One way we hope to help you and your families find “your people” at the Cathedral is through our Gatherings! They provide a great opportunity to meet folks from all across the Cathedral in a more relaxed setting. You can expect food, drinks, and a really good time chatting with new and old friends. Take a look at our Fall Gathering dates, mark them in your calendar, and RSVP to Lisa Cantu. We can’t wait to see you there!

Fall Gatherings

Sept. 29 Oct. 3, 10, 24 Location information to come.

Make a difference with Kids Hope


For more than 15 years, in spite of the interruptions and stresses of hurricanes, flooding, and pandemics, a cadre of volunteers for Kids Hope at Christ Church Cathedral has provided reliable, caring, one-on-one mentoring, project partnerships, reading buddies, and program support for at-risk students and their teachers at public schools in the Cathedral neighborhood.

During this past academic year through a variety of online and in person efforts including partnering with students in holiday craft projects and Lego Imagination build, Kids Hope volunteers shared their time and attention with more than three dozen students.

This month, Bruce Elementary holds its annual Back to School event. Kids Hope expects more than 50 students to sign up, requesting a Kids Hope mentor of their very own. Unfortunately, as in previous years, this means we will most likely have more sign ups than we have mentors.

If you can find a few hours available to share with an elementary-aged student, you will find that the experience will not only help a child in need, but will also expand your own world view, connecting you to the extended Cathedral neighborhood. Most likely you will also discover what is common sentiment among mentors, mentors get as much out of the experience as the children they mentor, reaping rewards that far exceed the time and energy they invest.

Please consider joining Kids Hope. There are a myriad of roles available to meet a variety of volunteer schedules, preferences and talents. The need is there, and it is greater than ever. Stop by the Kids Hope table Sunday morning in the cloister and talk to a Kids Hope volunteer about their experiences.

Ask about how you might get involved, or contact Jennifer Sickman, Kids Hope Director at KidsHope@ ChristChurchCathedral.org. Join us! You will be glad you did.

Kids Hope USA is a national organization that provides resources for volunteer mentors for children from underprivileged backgrounds in a school setting. At Christ Church Cathedral Kids Hope is sponsored by the congregation through donations and volunteers, and supported by a cadre of volunteers who mentor, pray and plan activities for each school year.

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