Contra Costa Lawyer January 2022

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Contra Costa


The Bench-Bar Issue Ericka McKenna,

2022 CCCBA Board President


Contra Costa  2021 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ericka McKenna President David Erb President-Elect David Pearson Secretary Sutter Selleck Treasurer Dorian Peters Past President Dean Christopherson Patanisha Davis Pierson Jonathan Lee Terry Leoni Cary McReynolds Craig Nevin

Michael Pierson David Ratner Marta Vanegas Andrew Verriere Qiana Washington

CCCBA   EXECUTIVE   DIRECTOR Theresa Hurley | 925.370.2548 |

LAWYER Volume 35, Number 1 |January 2022

The official publication of the

FEATURES INSIDE: Bench-Bar – A Lasting Partnership, by Kate Bieker and Theresa Hurley, Guest Editors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Changes in Juvenile Court, by Hon. Barbara Hinton. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Reflections on A Career on the Bench, by Hon. Steven Austin . . . 13

CCCBA main office 925.686.6900 |

Barbara Arsedo Carole Lucido

LRIS & Moderate Means Director Communications Director

Welcome to the Bench. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Jennifer Comages Anne K. Wolf

Membership Director Education & Events Director

Emily Day

Systems and Operations Director

CONTRA COSTA LAWYER CO-EDITORS EDITORIAL BOARD Ann Battin Corrine Bielejeski 510.210.2755 925.752.1826

Alice Cheng Matthew Cody 925.233.6222 916.718.8938

BOARD LIAISON Rachel Margolis Marta Vanegas Chapman 925.937.5433 925.837.0585

COURT LIAISON Andrew Verriere Kate Bieker 925.317.9113 925.957.5600 Lorraine Walsh DESIGN 925.932.7014 Carole Lucido Christina Weed 925.370.2542 925.953.2920

ADVERTISING James Wu Carole Lucido 925.588-5636 925.370.2542

PRINTING Modern Litho 800.456.5867

The Contra Costa Lawyer (ISSN 1063-4444) is published six times in 2022 by the Contra Costa County Bar Association (CCCBA), 2300 Clayton Road, Suite 520, Concord, CA 94520. Annual subscription of $25 is included in the membership dues. Periodical postage paid at Concord, CA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address change to the Contra Costa Lawyer, 2300 Clayton Road, Suite 520, Concord, CA 94520. The Lawyer welcomes and encourages articles and letters from readers. Please send them to The CCCBA reserves the right to edit articles and letters sent in for publication. All editorial material, including editorial comment, appearing herein represents the views of the respective authors and does not necessarily carry the endorsement of the CCCBA or the Board of Directors. Likewise, the publication of any advertisement is not to be construed as an endorsement of the product or service offered unless it is specifically stated in the ad that there is such approval or endorsement.

Q&A with CCCBA President Ericka McKenna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Finally! e-Filing is Coming to a Courthouse Near You, by Kate Bieker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 What Have You Done for Me Lately, by Theresa Hurley and Anne K. Wolf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Benefits of Membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

NEWS & UPDATES 4 ������������ 2022 Wellness Challenge 6 ������������ 2022 Judicial Assignments 11 ���������� PHOTOS: The Induction of Judge Julia Campins 12 ���������� CCCBA Basic Trial Skills 22 ���������� 2021 Diversity Award Winners 23 ���������� Welcome New Members 23 ���������� PHOTOS: Bar Babies 27 ���������� CCCBA Section Leaders 28 ���������� 2021 Financial Report 33 ���������� In Memoriam 34 ���������� Sustaining Firms 35-38 ����� Calendar 35 ���������� Advertiser Index 38 ���������� Classified Advertising 39 ���������� Annual Officer Installation & Diversity Awards Event CONTRA COSTA COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION CONTRA COSTA LAWYER


2022 Wellness Challenge The CCCBA Wellness committee encourages our members to make taking care of themselves a priority. For the first half of 2022 we will be holding a Wellness Challenge with a new challenge every two weeks. Check out the new Wellness Challenge page on the CCCBA website for a variety of resources for each challenge. You can also join us on Zoom on select Fridays at Noon to discuss your experience, discover more resources and learn about the upcoming challenge. Please join us!

Zoom meetings, Fridays at Noon | FREE Date Topic

January 7


January 21


February 4


February 25 Diet Adjustment March 11

Reevaluate & Reorganize

March 25

Reconnect – Reach Out

April 8

Strength Training

April 22


May 6


May 20

Try Something New

June 3


INSIDE Bench-Bar

A Lasting Partnership by Kate Bieker and Theresa Hurley, Guest Editors We hope you enjoy this combined Bench-Bar issue of the CC Lawyer! The word to describe the longlasting relationship between the Contra Costa County Bar Association and the court is partnership. The CCCBA is always willing to, and asking how, they can assist the court. The CCCBA has been a tremendous companion for the court especially with communication, particularly in the past 18 months! The CCCBA has participated in critical changes to how the court does its business and helped make these successful. A fairly recent example of this was the successful change to the Mediation Tier program that was led by the Family Law judges and staff and supported with ideas and feedback from the Family Law section of the CCCBA. The court appreciates the CCCBA’s support throughout the years and looks forward to working together on projects, the new case management system and any challenges the future might bring Contra Costa! CCCBA board meeting minutes give us some examples of how the Bench and Bar have worked together from the beginning of our organizations.

The oldest set of CCCBA BOD minutes, dated February 13, 1934, indicate that the meeting was held in the office of Judge A.B. McKenzie. At that meeting a committee was appointed to draw up a constitution and bylaws. At the April 23, 1936 meeting, Judge A.F. Bray raised concerns about the difficulty in appointing attorneys to defend indigent criminal matters in a manner that was fair to both defendants and members of the bar. A committee was appointed to formulate a plan for the appointment of counsel for indigent criminal defendants. In the 1940’s several recommendations were given to CC Superior Court judges about issues such as the number of days that judges should sit at Richmond Superior Court, master calendar operations and trial juror selection. On January 22, 1947, a resolution was passed by the BOD recommending CC Superior Court judges’ salary be raised to $14,000 per annum.

establish the Walnut Creek Municipal Court. In the 1980’s the CCCBA formed the Bench-Bar Settlement program to address the large backlog in the civil trial calendar. Bar members volunteered countless hours with the court and the CCCBA even used its own funds to increase court staffing.

The Central Contra Costa Bar Association (which was consolidated with the West Contra Costa and Mt. Diablo Bar Associations to form the CCCBA in 1978), filed a lawsuit that established a Municipal Court in Concord. A similar suit was filed to

Theresa Hurley, CAE is the Executive Director of the Contra Costa County Bar Association.

These days the CCCBA updates its members about changes at the court, asks for and provides feedback, holds townhall meetings, recruits Pro Tem judges and Discovery Facilitators and much more. Additionally, many CCCBA members have been appointed as Judges or hired as Commissioners. We look forward to continuing this partnership that benefits our members, the court and our community. Kate Bieker is the Chief Executive Officer of the Superior Court of Contra Costa County.



Rebecca C. Hardie Presiding Judge

Theresa Canepa

Assistant Presiding Judge





Supervising Judge: Theresa Canepa

Supervising Judge: Ed Weil (Complex)

Hon. Charles (Ben) Burch Hon. John Cope Hon. Leslie Landau Hon. Mary Ann O’Malley Hon. Terri Mockler [Hon. Jon (Rod) Rolefson (Temp-

Hon. Barry Baskin Hon. Jill Fannin Hon. Clare Maier Hon. John Devine Comm. Gina Dashman

orary via Assigned Judges Program)]

Hon. Laurel Brady (Mental Health)

Family Law

Hon. Joni Hiramoto (Trials & Motions) Hon. Nancy Stark (Trials & Motions) Hon. Jennifer Lee (Misdemeanor & Felony Arraignments, warrants, walk-ins, PXs) Open Judicial Position

Hon. Lewis Davis Hon. Wendy Coats Hon. Benjamin Reyes Hon. Leonard Marquez

Hon. Patricia Scanlon Hon. Glenn Kim Comm. Ayana Young

Juvenile Supervising Judge: Barbara Hinton Hon. John Kennedy Hon. Wade Rhyne Hon. Anita Santos Vacant Commissioner - Morning

Supervising Judge: Virginia George Hon. Susanne Fenstermacher


RICHMOND Supervising Judge: Christopher Bowen



Hon. Steve Treat Hon. Brian Haynes Hon. Julia Campins Hon. Kirk Athanasiou Comm. Palvir Shoker

Supervising Judge: Danielle Douglas

Vacant Commissioner Position

Misdemeanor Depts.

Supervising Judge: David Goldstein

Open Judicial Position


in Juvenile Court by Hon. Barbara Hinton Twenty twenty-one has been another year marked by challenges, resilience and significant changes within the landscape of juvenile justice. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Juvenile Court continued to conduct many hearings via a remote platform. The courthouse was closed to the public from Monday, December 7, 2020, to March 30th, 2021, during which time all cases were heard via Zoom, except for matters that required live appearances.

ations and ended the Zoom calendars. Several weeks later, due to the uptick in COVID-19 positivity rates associated with the Delta variant, the courthouse reinitiated remote calendars effective August 9, 2021. Throughout the various phases and transitions of the limited courthouse operations, juvenile dependency/juvenile justice stakeholders continued to collaborate and cooperate in the ever-changing improvised processes of safely maintaining access to the court.

Upon the courthouse reopening, the majority of the calendars continued to be conducted remotely in the morning session, while the afternoon sessions were reserved for live in-person proceedings. Effective June 23rd, 2021, in alignment with the evolving recommendations of the Center for Disease Control and County Public Health Department, as well as the Governor’s lifting of the state emergency orders, the courthouse resumed full court oper-

During the last year, sweeping progressive reforms have been made in the juvenile justice realm

On September 30, 2020, Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 823, (Juvenile Justice Realignment), effectively triggering a timeline for the complete closure of the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) within the Department of Corrections,

and establishing the Department of Youth and Community Restoration under the umbrella of California Health and Human Services. Essentially, the Department of Youth and Community Restoration is vested with the powers, functions, responsibilities, etc., previously under the jurisdiction of the Division of Juvenile Justice, thus shifting supervision responsibility of youth realigned from DJJ or youth who would previously have been eligible for commitments to DJJ, to local county probation departments. Effective July 1, 2021, DJJ stopped accepting new commitments with the sole exception of youth who had pending motions to transfer to adult court. In preparation for the huge undertaking of creating an infrastructure to establish a county-based secure program for realigned youth, the Chief Probation Officer,

Continued on page 8



Changes in Juvenile Court Continued from page 7

Esa Ehmen-Krause, has competently and effectively spearheaded a multi-agency group of stakeholders (Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council Subcommittee) tasked with creating a comprehensive plan implementing the mandated transition from state run DJJ facilities to local juvenile probation department supervision. Senate Bill 823 established a Juvenile Justice Realignment Block Grant program to assist in allocating funds to support the county-based programs for realigned youth and mandated that each county create a subcommittee tasked with developing a plan describing the evidence-based programming, services, placements, supervision and reentry strategies necessary to provide rehabilitation to the targeted juvenile justiceinvolved population. Starting in late October of 2020, the DJJ Realignment subcommittee began meeting, initially on a monthly basis, increasing to a weekly schedule in preparation for the initial plan to be submitted by the March 2021 deadline. Members representing Probation, the District Attorneys Office, the Office of the Public Defender, Department of Social Services, the Office of Education, the Court and members of the community collaborated with the assistance of the Project Manager consultant, Impact Justice, in drafting the plan.

the new county-based Secure Youth Treatment Facility (SYTF). In accordance with the directives of SB 92, the Contra Costa County Juvenile Probation Department created a new program at Juvenile Hall, the Briones Youth Academy—Secure Pathway. Upon a commitment to

Contra Costa County Juvenile Probation Department created a new program at Juvenile Hall, the Briones Youth Academy—Secure Pathway.

As the July 1, 2021 deadline approached, after which no further commitments could be made to DJJ (except for the minors pending transfer motions), a trailer bill (Senate Bill 92) was enacted on May 14th, 2021, providing the statutory framework for dispositional findings committing eligible youth to 8


the Briones Youth Academy, Senate Bill 92 requires the development of an individualized rehabilitation plan for each youth within 30 days, and procedure for setting progress

reviews, at least every six months. Senate Bill 92 also specified the final closure date for DJJ as June 30, 2023. The Juvenile Justice Realignment is a radical departure from the previous oversight and administration of DJJ within the California Department of Corrections. The Contra Costa County Juvenile Probation Department has remarkably risen to this herculean challenge. Another recently enacted law impacting both dependency and juvenile justice cases is the Family First Prevention Services Act. Effective October 1, 2021, whenever Children and Family Services or the Probation Department intends to place a minor in a Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP), a court hearing must be held to determine whether the court approves the out of home

placement. Previously, minors could be placed in STRTP’s without obtaining prior sanctioning by the court. The procedure now entails the submission of a report containing an assessment and recommendations from a Qualified Individual (QI) for the court to review in determining whether the placement is appropriate to serve the needs of the youth. Given the extremely limited time to implement the procedure for court review of the placement requests, both the Children and Family Services Bureau and the Probation Department have established procedures in compliance with the new law. As 2021 draws to a close, with hopes that we have shifted the tide of COVID-19 pandemic, I would like to acknowledge the truly special

community of dedicated dependency and juvenile justice stakeholders, court staff and countless others who have rallied together to ensure continued access to the courts through previously unimaginable challenges. When tasked with the multi-faceted and complicated mandate of restructuring and creating the implementation plan for DJJ realigned youth, a successful Juvenile Justice Realignment Block Grant Annual Plan was published on October 14th, 2021. In light of multiple permutations and changes in the courthouse operations, everyone worked collaboratively

to facilitate ongoing uninterrupted court calendars and evidentiary hearings. Lastly, I thank my dear colleagues, Judge Anita Santos and Judge John Kennedy, for their incredibly hard work and commitment to serving the youth and families of the county. Hon. Barbara Hinton is the Supervising Judge of the Juvenile Division of the Contra Costa County Superior Court.

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The Induction of Judge Julia Campins Judge Julia Campins was formally inducted to the Contra Costa County Superior Court, on October 15, 2021. Her induction was delayed by the pandemic. She was appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom on October 25, 2019, and sworn in by thenPresiding Judge Barry Baskin on November 18, 2019. Pictured Right: Judge Campins took the oath of office from Hon. Marsha S. Berzon; and accepted the gavel from CCCBA Board President Dorian Peters.


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Presented by the CCCBA Education Committee, CCCBA Litigation Section and the CCCBA Barristers/ Young Lawyers Section • 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm on the second Tuesdays of the month from January - June 2022 • $15 Barristers Section members, $25 Litigation Section members, FREE for Law Students, $35 CCCBA members, $45 non members • 1.5 hours General MCLE credit (most sessions)

Sponsored by IPRO | Trial Director

January 11 | #2 Discovery & Depositions -The Meat and Potatoes of Trial Preparation

April 12 | #5 Elle Woods says “I object!” Direct and Cross Examination

Speakers:Dean Christopherson | Ashley Ayad | Andrew C. Oberst Moderator: Jaime Herren

Speakers: Scott Lantry | Teresa Li | Eva Silva Moderator: Honorable Steve Austin

Learn the nuts and bolts of California discovery and deposition practice including the rules governing discovery, propounding and responding to written discovery, taking and defending depositions, and hear some insightful practice tips from experienced practitioners.

Learn how to handle all aspects of witness testimony during a trial so you can establish supportive evidence for your case or take on a tough adverse witness. This includes the best way to present the witnesses that you call to the stand with effective direct examination, the do’s and don’ts of cross examination, and the what, when, why and how of proper objections.

February 8 | #3 What Do You Want and How Do You Get it - Framing Issues and Drafting Pleadings

May 10 | #6 Mediation: What, Why, When and How?

Speakers: Erika Bornstein | Brittany Hendrix-Smith Moderator: Andrew Verriere

Speakers: Tom Crosby | Lauren Tate Moderator: Jaime Herren

Pleadings define the scope of the matters presented to the Court for resolution. In this segment of the Basic Trial Skills series, the presenters will guide you through how to frame the pleadings, issues to consider when crafting your pleadings, asserting your claims and defenses, and considerations in responding to pleadings.

A program designed to underscore the power of mediation, its benefits for clients, and how to effectively prepare for and represent clients at mediation. What works and does not work from a mediator’s perspective, and how attorneys can help a mediator help them!

March 8 | #4 Addressing the Jury During Jury Selection and Opening/Closing Speakers: Patrice Truman | Adam Wilks Moderator: Nick Casper

June 7 | #7 Creating Trial Presentations: Everything You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know Speakers: Nick Casper | Trial Director - IPRO Moderator: Adam Carlson

One of the most important ways to effectively communicate the The parts of the trial where you interact with the jury and address themes of your case and present evidence to the jury is by using them directly are very influential to the outcome of your trial. This visuals. Learn the important skill of how to best display visuals presentation provides an overview of effective jury selection and throughout the trial, including learning how trial software can help. opening and closing statements, including the best ways to put forward the themes of your case. On Demand | #1 Developing the Theory of Your Case Speaker: Anthony Matricciani The presentation will explain the necessity of a theory of the case, how to create and implement a theory of the case, and using narratives and themes to further the theory of the case. (1 hour General MCLE credit) Thank you to our Sponsor 2300 Clayton Road, Suite 520, Concord, CA (925) 686-6900 |



Reflections on

A Career on the Bench By Hon. Steven Austin After 23 years on the bench, I’ll be retiring in January. I’m looking forward to this next phase in my life, but as my retirement date approaches I’m having some mixed emotions. Being a Superior Court Judge is the best job in the world and I’ve loved every minute. It has been intellectually challenging, emotionally fulfilling and always interesting. The job has immense responsibility over people’s lives and society’s most difficult issues, while offering the opportunity to profoundly affect our world for the better. It also comes with the bonus of getting to watch and interact with some of the best lawyers in the state as they represent their clients. I can’t think of any better career. I didn’t know all of that in January of 1999 when I showed up for my first day of work at the old Pittsburg Courthouse. It was quite a shock to walk into that rickety old building to begin my judicial career as a criminal trial judge after 18 years as a civil litigator. The one long public hallway was packed with people there for a court appearance or to visit the methadone clinic in the middle of the courthouse for their daily dose. I remember learning on that first day that because there were no metal detectors I should always be aware that people in the hallway or in my courtroom may be carrying

a gun or a knife. My bailiff also showed me how to crouch under my Kevlar-lined bench in case of trouble in the court. I remember thinking, “Dorothy, you’re not in Kansas anymore!” But from that first day, I was hooked. The courthouse was always buzzing with activity and the busy calendars made every day fly by. The criminal attorneys were talented and patient with me as I learned how to be a judge while simultaneously learning criminal practice. And the staff, both inside the courtroom and in the Clerk’s office, was so knowledgeable and helpful that it made my transition feel effortless. They were also wonderful people and a joy to work with every day, both during my first stint in Pittsburg and later when I returned for three years during the transition to the beautiful new courthouse. One thing I’ve enjoyed most about being a judge is the chance the job offers to get involved in an entirely new area of the law. Besides my time in Pittsburg, I’ve had assignments in Family and Felony trials. It was so exciting and interesting to learn about those practice areas and to see the differences in the legal culture in each. I also served as Presiding Judge for our court a

few years ago. I’m still amazed at the scope and breadth of the issues that landed on my desk as PJ. But with seven court locations, over 300 employees and thousands of people coming through our buildings every day, the complexities of that job should be expected. I really enjoyed the unpredictable nature of my responsibilities and the opportunity it gave me to help develop programs and policies that benefited our community. After all of that, my home for most of my time on the bench has been in the Civil Department. I can’t think of any part of my 13 years here I didn’t like. The legal issues presented by the thousands of cases I’ve presided over have always been interesting and often complex. One of the best parts about the position is getting to take a deep dive into all kinds of interesting things in the world around us. Like how the brain works, the mechanics of a railroad crossing, how a gas station makes money, methods for dredging coastal waters and how you can get a nasty fungus from a pedicure. Every day I learn something new while participating in the human drama inherent in every lawsuit.

continued on page 14



A Career on the Bench Continued from page 13

I’ve gotten to do all of this while working each day with the remarkable and dedicated people that staff our court at every level. A number of them had worked with the Court for many years before I was appointed. And I’ve been blessed with the best and nicest courtroom staff all throughout my time on the bench. Annie Young has been my clerk for the last 10 years. She is incredible at her job and a warm, funny and engaging person. I’ve looked forward to seeing her and our bailiff Paul Welge each day for a long time now. I’m going to miss them both very much. I’m also going to miss all of the judges and commissioners on our bench. I’ve gotten to know a lot of bench officers around the state in



my time here and I know no other court has a better, more collegial or supportive group of bench officers than Contra Costa. It has truly been an honor to serve with them. I feel the same way about the many, many lawyers who have appeared in my court and who have selflessly volunteered as mediators, discovery facilitators and Pro Tems over the years. Thanks for all you have done to improve the justice system in our

county and to make my life on the bench so memorable and rewarding.

Editor’s Note: Help the CCCBA honor Judge Austin at the Installation and Diversity Awards event on Friday, January 28, 2022. See page 39 for details.

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Welcome to the Bench We are pleased to introduce two new judges and two new commissioners to the Contra Costa County Superior Court bench.

Judge Jennifer Lee

This native of Los Angeles traded in sunshine for snow and graduated from Penn State University, Dickinson School of Law in 1997. She began her career with Centre County Public Defender’s Office in State College, Pennsylvania. She returned to California in 1999 where she worked at Legal Aid of Marin and the Alameda County Public Defender’s Office. Judge Lee returned to Los Angeles in 2002 where worked as a prosecutor for the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office from 2002 to 2006 and in 2006, she joined the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. In 2018, Judge Lee left the district attorney’s office and took a position with Apple Inc. as security counsel before joining the Contra Costa County Bench as a commissioner in 2019. In September 2021, Governor Newsom appointed her to the Contra Costa bench as a judge.

Judge Kirk Athanasiou

Judge Athanasiou was appointed to the Contra Costa County Superior Court by Governor Newsom in September 2021. Since 2006,

Judge Athanasiou served as a Deputy Public Defender at the Contra Costa County Public Defender’s Office. He also served as a Deputy Public Defender at the Tulare County Public Defender’s Office from 2005 to 2006. After graduating from law school, and prior to sitting for the bar exam, he worked for a year as an assistant actuarial analyst at Blue Shield. He earned his Juris Doctor degree from the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. As an undergraduate at the University of California, Davis, he studied math and economics, and volunteered for the Legal Aid Society of Yolo County in Woodland. More recently, he served as a consultant and on the board of directors for Waterside Workshops, a nonprofit organization in Berkeley, that teaches underprivileged teens and young adults skills in bike mechanics and small boat building. Judge Athanasiou likes to spend his free time hiking and camping with his family, and attending live jazz shows.

Commissioner Ayana K. Young

Ayana K. Young served as Attorney III for the Alameda County Department of Child Support Services since 2021. From 20082021 she owned and managed The Law Office of Ayana K. Young where she gained an extensive background in civil litigation including

but not limited to personal injury, employment and labor law, family law matters and estate planning. She served as a judge pro tem in both Solano County and Contra Costa County from 2019-2021. She attended John F. Kennedy School of Law and received the Witkin Award in Wills and Trust. She is also a member of Zeta Phi Beta Incorporated, a philanthropic organization. Commissioner Young is very passionate about education and the law. She prides herself in being a true patriot and believes that, other than serving in the military, acting as a judicial officer is one of the best ways she can serve her country. She is ready to serve the community and bring fair and righteous judgment to the bench.

Commissioner Palvir Shoker

As an experienced attorney and mediator, Commissioner Shoker practiced personal injury and employment law from 20012014 before starting her mediation practice in 2014. She was the Court Mediation Program Director for The Congress of Neutrals, a non-profit organization providing free mediation services in Contra Costa Superior Court. She served as a volunteer mediator in hundreds of cases involving personal injury, neighbor disputes, civil harassment, unlawful detainers, landlord-tenant disputes and small claims. Commissioner Shoker was an Adjunct Professor at Chabot College and taught Contracts to Paralegal students.

Continued on page 16



Welcome to the Bench Continued from page 15

Elder Law is

Since 2018, Shoker has served as a Pro Tem Judge for Contra Costa Superior Court, handling small claims, unlawful detainers, civil harassment, and traffic court. In addition, Shoker served as President of ADR Section of CCCBA from 2020-2021.

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She earned her Juris Doctorate from Santa Clara University Law School and her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from California State University, Sacramento. Commissioner Shoker is fluent in Punjabi, Hindi, and Urdu.


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Happy New Year 2022

The Lawyer Referral & Information Service Can Help Build Your Practice

If you’ve been looking for proven ways to grow your practice, Join the LRIS now! Clients are searching online for CCCBA LRISmember attorneys 24 hours a day. Contact us now for cases in all practice areas, and especially if: • You Specialize in Tenant Rights or Juvenile Dependency • You Speak Fluent Spanish (Cases in all specialties available) • You Will Accept Moderate Means Clients

Learn More! Contact Barbara Arsedo, CCCBA LRIS Director at or visit 18


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with CCCBA President

by Theresa Hurley

Tell us about you and your family. I’ve lived in the Bay Area my entire life apart from a short stint in high school as an exchange student in Germany. I’m from San Jose and went to college at Berkeley and law school at Hastings and have lived in the East Bay ever since. A true Bay Area resident! I’ve been married for six years, and I have two young children ages two and four. It’s been a fun time being a lawyer, running a law firm, having young children and living!

What made you decide to go to Germany as an exchange student? On a whim I applied for a scholarship to go to Germany when I was a sophomore in high school. I didn’t speak any German; I had taken a couple of years of Spanish. My Spanish teacher taught all the language courses and told his classes about the scholarship, and I applied and got chosen. I told my parents I received a scholarship, and I went! I was gone my entire junior year of high school and lived in a small town near Frankfurt. There were quite a few exchange students from around the world and many of the German students had done exchange years in the US. It was a great year to learn how to survive on my own, and a lot of my character came from that year.

Why did you decide to become a lawyer? I wanted to be a businessperson of some sort, though at the time I didn’t know what that meant. I worked at

Ericka McKenna Van Heusen, the men’s dress shirt store, and that gave me a vision of business. I went to Haas School of Business for undergrad and assumed I’d do something in finance—as a financial advisor or stockbroker-something in the numbers world. Then I took a business law course and loved it. It made sense to me learning about business entities, LLC’s, corporations, and stock transactions. I decided I wanted to go to law school to be a business attorney. I think it was unique for a law student—liking numbers and focusing my legal education on business classes such as contracts and securities. I barely passed Civ Pro, and didn’t like Torts, Evidence, etc. I think that makes me different from other business attorneys because many attorneys go into general civil practice then eventually decide to stop litigation and do something else, such as being a business lawyer or do Estate Planning. I knew from the beginning I didn’t want to do anything litigation focused, as I’m not adversarial in any way. I wanted to represent business owners and entrepreneurs and help them avoid litigation. I represent small businesses regardless of the type of business they are in. By small businesses, I mean ones that are large enough to have legal issues but not so large so they have their own in-house general counsel. My clients now are all over California, which is a product of the pandemic and going virtual. Before the pandemic my clients were in the Bay Area in general and mainly the East Bay. Once businesses became comfortable with virtual meetings,



Ericka McKenna

Continued from page 19 they became more comfortable with working virtually with legal counsel.

How do people learn about your firm?

I am very active online. I get most of my clients from Facebook, posting in Facebook groups and listservs. I participate in various online groups that I fit the demographic one way or the other – working moms, attorneys, other professionals. My clients find me through these groups.

How did you get involved with the CCCBA?

I was essentially ‘voluntold.’ I had the great experience that the firms I worked at previously were very supportive of their attorneys getting involved with the bar association. One of the attorneys at a prior firm, Elva Harding, a past CCCBA president, was very involved in the Women’s Section board at the time and told me I was going to a meeting with her. The partners at my firm were very supportive. I joined the Women’s Section board, and it was just a wonderful experience. It was great to get to know and work with so many other attorneys in the area. When you are on a board you are planning events together, so you get to see how people work, and it has led to great referrals between us because we know each other’s work ethic. I served on the Women’s Section board for a few years and worked my way up to co-President. Many of these attorneys I’m still great friends with today, and we love referring clients to each other. Then Steve Steinberg, another past president, asked me to consider joining the big board. I told Steve that I wasn’t sure if it made sense for me to apply for the board because I didn’t know much about what the 20


BOD or what the bar association as a whole did, other than the Women’s Section and bar social events. Steve pointed out that there are many things the BOD does, and I brought a unique view based on my transactional business work. This caused me to ask who is the bar association for? It appears that the focus is on attorneys who are involved in litigation, but there are a lot of attorneys out there that don’t do litigation at all. Can we offer them programs to help their practice? Steve encouraged me to apply, and I did. It’s now my seventh year on the BOD and it’s been a great ride.

What have you done during your time on the BOD?

I am a very social person; the nonadversarial part of me wants to talk to everyone, get to know everyone. So, the first few years I was involved in committees that planned events such as the Bar Fund Benefit. I also did a lot of work with Food From the Bar in support of the Food Bank of Contra Costa & Solano. I also spent a lot of time on the Governance Committee, which I still serve on. This was second nature to me because of my transactional background. The largest involvement I’ve had was in the overhaul of the website, which came from my participation on the Communications Committee. The website project took almost two years, and it was a lot of work. We now have a great site to show for it.

What are your plans looking forward to 2022?

I’m really pleased with a lot of things the CCCBA has done recently with respect to reaching out to non-litigation attorneys. CCCBA PRO is one of those things – spearheaded by David Pearson, James Wu and Mika Domingo. I’m extremely proud that it gives attorneys and other professionals a chance to network with each other, learn about each other’s professional practices, law related or not. As a transactional attorney

a lot of my dealings are with nonattorneys—bankers, accountants, financial advisors. I like that we now have this program to introduce our attorneys to other professionals. In this hopefully post Covid world, we have learned a lot from the virtual events we have offered over the past year and a half. We can expand our base, getting people coming to events that otherwise wouldn’t have, we can reach other members. Now we need to look at how we incorporate what we’ve learned while also getting back in person for our members who prefer that format as well. The pandemic has also meant that we as professionals have realized that people have lives. What I mean by that is that we are now attending meetings virtually where our cat might walk across the screen, or your dog could walk up and want to be petted or your children’s heads would bobble in and out, and I think that is fantastic. It makes people realize that we are all human beings, not just lawyers. I’m really hoping for next year that we as a bar association continue to remember and acknowledge that. We have had recent events like the Bar Baby Halloween parade, and before the pandemic the Women’s section put on a Family Fun Day. I’m hoping events like that will help us to continue to normalize parenting as an attorney. This is near and dear to me as someone with young kids as I run my own practice. Ericka McKenna is a co-founder of McKenna|Brink|Signorotti LLP, a boutique law firm in Walnut Creek. Ericka is a transactional business law attorney who represents small and midsize businesses and property owners in all of their business and real estate needs, including (i) general business counsel, (ii) entity formation, restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, (iii) finance and lending due diligence, and (iv) real property leasing, transfers and acquisitions. She is looking forward to serving as the 2022 CCCBA President.

Finally! e-Filing is Coming to a Courthouse Near You By Kate Bieker

March 2022 will bring a major, longoverdue change to the Contra Costa County Court system! For many years, our court has relied on four separate legacy case-management systems, based on ancient programming languages from vendors that are no longer in business. In 2018, we, along with eight other courts led by the Judicial Council, requested state funding to replace the three other systems. In 2019, the Governor approved this funding but required a very quick turnaround to implement the systems – three years! We began our transition in 2019, starting with the Court’s Traffic system with C-Track from Thomas Reuters. It has been a very successful. The next step was to replace the other case types (criminal, civil, family, probate, juvenile). We selected Odyssey Case Manager from Tyler Technologies, a software solution being used by 29 of the 58 courts in the state. We assembled a team of subject matter experts to work through the transition of business processes and to configure the system. We began mapping out the transfer of all the data elements from the three legacy systems and transitioning it into Odyssey. This has proven to be a monumental undertaking and has been challenging, but our staff has been up to it. Our IT department worked hard to set up the necessary environment to safely house the case management system and to create a state-of-theart data center for redundancy of our network.

Thanks to Odyssey, we will finally be able to offer E-filing for civil, family law, DCSS and probate. (A tutorial on the system for court users will be announced in the very near future.) An on-line public portal to access case information will include calendars for judicial departments to confirm court appearances and hearings.

Going Paperless

The court has also embarked on a very aggressive project to go paperless! This is another monumental process that requires scanning and indexing millions of pieces of paper. When we go live in March, all new documents will be scanned as they come into the court. Another benefit of the Odyssey system is ongoing enhancements as requested and developed by the other 29 courts. Our court will continue to participate in this statewide working group to develop future enhancements. As communicated recently, court staff is participating in what we call a “Mock Go Live” through February. This is where staff performs each transition in the legacy system, and then performs it in Odyssey. This will give our employees the training and confidence necessary to have a successful transition to the new system on March 28, 2022! We appreciate your support thus far, and ask that you continue to have patience with the court in total and with our exciting transition!




2021 Diversity Awards Congratulations to our 2021 Diversity Award recipients who will be recognized on January 28, 2022 at the Installation and Diversity Awards Event. See page39 for more information.


Candelaria PC Law Offices of Natasha S. Chee Ferber Law, A Professional Corporation Hanson Bridgett LLP Key Counsel, P.C. Littler Mora Employment Law, APC


Cooper, White & Cooper LLP M.S. Domingo Law Group, P.C. Hartog, Baer & Hand APC Livingston Law Firm

SILVER Law Office of Ariel Brownell Miller Starr Regalia S.C. Selleck Law Law Office of Marjorie A. Wallace

Your firm can be recognized for its diversity efforts next year. Check CCCBA’s Diversity web page in late February for the Diversity Award Checklist for 2022. The completion deadline is the first week of December 2022.



Welcome New Members Please welcome the following new members who joined the CCCBA between January 1 and December 14, 2021. Autumn Adams Greg Adler Adam Arce Kevin Armonio Sabah Azam Lydia Bednerik Neal Jordan Behmke Lyla Bugara Garrett Burton Katie Capielo Harlye Carlton Samantha Chen Samphors Chhun Min Choi Gary Cloutier Geoffrey Cohen Tiffany Cordova Andrew Crowl Ryan Cummings Joseph DanielsSalamanca Colleen Davey Jesson De Leon Arvonne De Marco Julia Deutsch

Ross Dmochowski Joan Dorsey Gabriela Erostico Arnold Esqueda Melissa Estrada Neelufaar Fatemi Minna Fernan Josh Fleisch Ariana Flynn Hani Ganji Jessica Garcia Whitney Genevro Carolyn Goldstein-Hidalgo Patrick Goonan Richard Gross Peter Hamilton Lesley Hawes Andrea Henson Michael Hinckley Morgan Holmes Rebecca Houle Linda Iannotta Jamal Jackson Kristina Johnson

Bar Babies

Martin Johnson Thomas Johnson Valencia Johnson Marina Kanushkina Eric Kapral Eskinder Kebret Sylas Kern Brent Kernan Johnathon Kerpsack Mitchell Khurin Kyong Kim Shawn Kim Michael Kline Courtney Knigge Ralph Kokka Sarah Krasner Svetlana Kristal Ellie Lank David Lavine Daniel LeBel Noah Lebowitz Brenton Lew Gongrui Li Christopher Light Kayla Liu

Jessica Lordan Maria Celeste Magana Alejandro Martinez Barron Christian Martorana Erin McKeon Alexis Miller Richard Miller Evelyn Minaise Piper Morrison Misa Mujevic Dzodic George Navarini Ethan Niedermeyer Inna Nytochka Andrew Oberst Njideka Onyeagucha Brian O’Toole Tamra Otten Jessica Ozalp Gian Panetta Maya Patel Michael Patrick Luke Peters Kate Pitzak

Mia Polo Dorothy Proudfoot Lauren Quan Berenice Quirino Stephanie Riddell Alexandra Romero Katherine Rotmil Leslie Anne Salvador Dennis Sanchez Sarah Sandford-Smith Dorianne Santa Andrew Saxon Julie Seiger Spencer Sellers Bradley Sena Amanda Sherwood Rachel Shuen Rebecca Spodick Chris Steele Sela Steiger Laura Steinbeck Berlinie St-Fort Randall Strauss

Christopher Tanimasa Lucy Rose Taylor Stephen Tessler Ashlee Thomas Dominique Thomas Patrice Truman Shannon Tully Manuel Ugarte, Jr. Velma Waddell Jessica Ward Gwendolyn West Traci Whittemore Suzin Win Jeffrey Woo Gregory Wood Kelly Woodruff Melissa Yago Angela Yakou Christopher Young Farrah Zarea






Thank you to CCCBA members for sharing photos of your adorable children with us! Pictured above: 1 Carter Rodney Erb, born August 5, 2021, 2 Uma Subramanian’s grandchild Meena Kareli Iyer, 3 Rebecca Jones daughter Peyton (1) 4 Garret (6) and Olivia (4), Lisa Mendes’ children, 5 Dave and Christina Weed with Liana, (5) and Damon (2), 6 Laura Ramsey’s children, Billy and Jimmy, (5), and Elle (8)





What Have You Done for Me Lately? By Theresa Hurley and Anne Wolf

That’s a good question—and it’s more than a Janet Jackson song from 1986. In a time of change and uncertainty the CCCBA was there for our members in a myriad of ways in 2021. We brought new benefits to support your practice such as FREE access to Fastcase legal research. We started CCCBA PRO (Professional Referral Organization) which gives members another avenue for networking and building business. Our Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) expanded to operate 365-24-7 via an online self-referral system, in addition to staff on the phone lines Monday through Friday from 9 am-4 pm. P.S. The LRIS is a great place to refer anyone you can’t take on as a client! In 2021 we spotlighted some of the very talented people in our community. In February we held our first Visual Art Show where members displayed their talents in a wide variety of mediums. Several authors highlighted the need for pro bono service in the July Access to Justice themed issue of the Contra Costa Lawyer. In September we gave out the first annual Justice James J. Marchiano Distinguished Service Award to Ray Robinson and recognized our Pro Bono Honor Roll recipients. Entertainment was also on the agenda in 2021 from joint socials with the Alameda County Bar Association to attending a Cal Shakes performance to a Halloween Bar Babies Parade on Zoom. 24


Once Covid restrictions eased, the Wellness Committee restarted in-person hikes, had a bike ride and started planning a Wellness Challenge for 2022. We also had a Wellness-themed edition of the Contra Costa Lawyer in May 2021 – check it out! We put on a variety of popular ‘series’ including the Elder Law series where members learned about various areas of law that impact elders in particular. The Attorneys Behaving series examined important topics such as ethics, civility and competence and the Attorneys Working series educated members about cybersecurity, time management and cellphone forensics. The fifth annual and everpopular Member Information Series included discussions on Medicare, student loans and healthier habits. Check out page 12 for information about the 2022 Basic Trial Skills series. Some of our long-time events went virtual for the first time including the Officer Installation and Diversity Awards event and Bar Fund Benefit where we raised more than $56,000 for CASA of Contra Costa! We held the 27th Annual MCLE Spectacular as a virtual event for the second time and were again blown away by the outstanding programs put on by our sections and Keynote speakers. We are looking forward to holding these events in person in 2022! In addition to keeping our members

informed about changes at the CC Superior Court we put on training programs for Discovery Facilitators and those wanting to volunteer with eviction matters. Our DEI committee was busier than ever with new events such as a Juneteenth Celebration, Disability Rights programs, Diversity in Film and education about the Port Chicago Mutiny. In addition, our ongoing DEI Townhall series, fourth annual Lunar New Year celebration and third annual Racial Reconciliation Forum were also popular programs. The 22 CCCBA Sections were a force to be reckoned with in 2021, presenting over 100 MCLE accredited programs and some very creative social and practical support programs. They kept the CCCBA membership informed, well networked and upleveled all on Zoom. In 2021 there continued to be a plethora of programming related to Covid issues affecting our members and their clients. The Real Estate Section and the Employment Law Section did their best to tackle many of the most important topics focusing on Covid issues in the workplace and the Tenant Relief Act. The ADR Section’s two-part Pathways to a Mediation Practice presentation brought together a diverse group of practitioners and judges to discuss the benefits of mediation as a practice area or a practice enhancement. The Elder Law Section started 2021 with an eight-week Elder Law Training Series. This was a huge undertaking and a spectacular success. The Criminal Law Section offered their annual update in January and out of the box programs throughout the year from the tactical uses of fruit-scented markers during cross examinations, to the changing bail

laws. Our Family Law Section held over 17 programs ranging from electronic trial binders and crossover issues surrounding disabled children, to town halls and a judge’s night. Their eight-part Business Law 101 series announced the resurgence of the Business Law Section. It’s been interesting to watch heroines Britni Spearstein and Marta Stewardess execute their brilliant business idea. Attend in 2022 to see how their business forms. Recent life science cases and innovations in agriculture technology fueled the 2021 programming of the Intellectual Property Section. The Women’s Section thoroughly supported their membership with Book Clubs focused on racial and DEI issues, Social Hours (including chocolate tasting!), peer support programs and other topical programming. They also awarded two deserving law students with The Honorable Patricia Herron and The Honorable Ellen James Scholarships. The Estate Planning and Probate Section hosted their 28th Annual Estate Planning Symposium, and along with the Taxation Section and the East County Section, helped keep everyone current on the intricate issues surrounding Proposition 19. Focusing on recruiting more urgently-needed juvenile dependency attorneys, the Juvenile Law Section hosted programming highlighting the work of Contra Costa Juvenile Advocates.

competence credit program on banishing burn out, was just one of the 2021 contributions of the Litigation Section. The success of the 2021 MCLE Spectacular was due in no small part to our Appellate Section’s review of recent California Supreme Court cases. In the Spring, the Senior Section held its annual Law Day event and in the Fall hosted an in-person social event at a local winery. Adding to the fun, the Law Student Section hosted a Comedy Night, and the Barristers Section hosted a Valentine’s Daythemed scavenger hunt. While 2021 was the year everyone seemed to thrive on Zoom, the CCCBA section leadership looks forward to adding some in-person educational programs and networking events in 2022. We hope to SEE everyone again soon!

Theresa Hurley, CAE is Executive Director of the CCCBA.

Anne K. Wolf is CCCBA Education and Events Director

The Solo and Small Firm Section presented courses related to law firm operations and were integral in assisting the beginning of wellness programming for CCCBA, meanwhile the Bankruptcy Law Section hosted numerous practical discussion roundtables for their members. Hosting an extremely popular



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2022 CCCBA Section Leaders ADR





Jay Suen (Co-chair) Brothers Smith LLP



Nathan Lawrence Scheg Ironhorse Law Group PC

Gary A. Watt Hanson Bridgett

Carl Gustafson Lincoln Law, LLP

BARRISTERS/Young Lawyers Ariel Brownell Lee Law Office of Ariel Brownell


Joseph Hart Wolch Law Offices of Joseph H. Wolch


Joseph R. Snyder Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton


Rhonda Wilson-Rice Law Office of Rhonda Wilson-Rice

Jennifer Spalding Golden Gate University School of Law




Mark J. Hilliard (Co-chair) Brothers Smith LLP







Margaret J. Grover Grover Workplace Solutions

Kathryn S. Korn Korn Law Group



Rachel H. Leonard (Co-chair) Tate & Associates Ritzi K. Lam (Co-chair) Morrill Law

Jaime Bianca Herren (Co-chair) Holland & Knight LLP


Kathryn A. Schofield Schofield Law Group



Marta Vanegas Vanegas Law Group

Ashley N Bargenquast Tully & Weiss

Ryan W. Lockhart (Co-chair) McKenna Brink Signorotti LLP

John S. Richards Richards Law

Hon. Richard Flier (Ret.) ADR Services, Inc

William A Hickey Law Offices of William A. Hickey

Stay Up to Date with all CCCBA Sections! Find events, contact information, and much more online. Visit for-attorneys/ cccba-sections/



2021 Year-End Financial Report

(Based on projections as of mid-December. Staff and overhead expenses are not reflected under individual categories.)





















Executive Director:



Office Equipment:









Dues, mailings, committee meetings, applications, recruitment campaigns, printing costs.

EXPENSES: NET: profit / (loss)

Consultation fees, membership fees, percentage fees, advertising, brochures & marketing, phone system, postage, supplies, client surveys, committee meetings, staff education, Moderate Means Program, FLARe (Family Law Mediation program), Limited Representation program, marketing & panel recruitment, State Bar re-certification fees, free community legal workshops.

MCLE Spectacular, Education Series, Member Benefit programs, committee meetings.

Contra Costa Lawyer & Online Membership Directory: Printing, postage, production, mailing house, MCLE self-study tests, committee meetings, photography, directory practice area listings, advertising revenue (including website and weekly broadcasts), stock photos, video-editing software, etc.

OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Payroll, payroll taxes, payroll service, pension disbursements, medical, dental & vision benefits, workers’ comp insurance, staff professional development, WFH expense reimbursements. Education & travel, dues/membership fees, expenses, etc.

Computers, computer consulting services, database, photocopier, printers, postage machine & meter, etc


Conference room rental income, rebates (LMIC, Marsh Affinity Group, Job board, CLIO), interest & dividend income (including replenishing reserves), office rent and overhead, property insurance, office supplies, credit card processing fees, phone system, staff meetings, accounting, miscellaneous taxes, PPP grant, etc.

Installation luncheon, Board meetings, bar leader conferences, gavels & plaques, miscellaneous committee meetings, Errors & Omissions & EPL Insurances, legal services.


$16,244 $16,244

E-mail broadcasts, section leaders’ meetings, program registration, handbooks, event sponsorships.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Website modifications/updates, SPAM filter, Internet connection.










Outreach, awards, event sponsorships, Lunar New Year, Racial Reconciliation Forum, DEI Townhall, Disability Rights programs.


Total Reserves as of 11/30/21: $670,868



The Benefits of

Membership All of the businesses featured here offer discounts to CCCBA members that would not otherwise be available. Simply identify yourself as a current CCCBA member to the participating business at the time of your transaction. Having trouble? Contact CCCBA Communications Director Carole Lucido at

Airport Parking Park SFO 195 North Access Rd. South San Francisco, CA 94080 (800) 996-9214 Discount: Free two-year membership to PARK SFO Club (normally $100 a year), personalized membership card, free upgrade to valet parking. To join visit, click on Membership and choose “Bar Association Members.” Expresso Airport Parking 195 98th Ave Oakland, CA 94603 (510) 633-9917 Discount: Join the Big Shot 2.0 Rewards program for discounted rates. Visit

Appraiser – Personal Property Tracy Lindsey, Mediator & Personal Property Expert (925) 708-1823 Discount: Free 30-minute case overview consultation for CCCBA member clients.


Computer & IT Consulting

Provident Credit Union Walnut Creek Branch 742 Bancroft Rd. Discount: Exclusive $200 new account bonus for signing up for super reward checking.

Computer & IT Consulting Pacific Computer Consultants, Inc. David Jordan (925) 215-3559 x101 Discount: Free, no obligation 20 point cyber-security audit and one month free of Dark Web credential monitoring with any signed service agreement. Valid for firms of 10 or more computers.

PC Service Center Roy Brown 1932 Contra Costa Blvd Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 (925) 609-8287 Whether your firm has 30 attorneys or just one attorney, we can eliminate pesky computer troubles, minimize downtime and give you a reliable resource for your technology needs. If you’re ready to remove computer issues from your to-do list, a comprehensive service plan may be just what you need to get re-focused on the “right” priorities. Discount: CCCBA members receive a 15% discount off of published prices.

Find the latest information on CCCBA Member Benefits anytime at



Insurance (Insurance & Financial Planning) MassMutual Northern California Jimmy Diehl, MBA, CFBS, RICP, AIF, Financial Advisor, Managing Partner 3003 Oak Rd, Suite 250 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 (925) 979-2308 | 925-407-6886 jimmy-diehl Discount: CCCBA members receive a 10% long term care discount and a 10% disability income discount.

Insurance (Life & Health) Mass Mutual Financial Group Pacific J.P. McDermott, MBA, CLTC Financial Planner | Investment Advisor Representative | Financial Services Representative 1255 Treat Blvd., Ste. 400 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 (925) 949-7423 (Office) (925) 858-9510 (Cell) www.advisors.massmutual. com/jp-mcdermott Discount: Mass Mutual offers a 10% discount on Disability Income Insurance for CCCBA members.

Insurance Professional E&O, General Liability, Property & Workers Comp

Mercer Health & Benefits Insurance Services, LLC 4 Embarcadero Ceter, Suite 1100 San Francisco, CA 94111 (800) 343-0132 Mercer Health & Benefits Insurance Services LLC and the CCCBA are working together to provide members with direct access to this outstanding Lawyers Professional Liability Program, sponsored by the State Bar of California. You benefit from the State Bar’s buying power and oversight committee. • Easy Short-Form Application • Competitive Rates • Free On-Line MCLE • Optional Cyber Liability Coverage Coverage: See www.mybarbenefits. com for information regarding Professional Liability Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, and Accidental Death Insurance plans for members of the State Bar of California. For Workers Compensation and Business Office Packages e.mail calbar.workerscomp.service@mercer. com Mitchell & Mitchell Insurance Agency, Inc. Dan McKenna, JD, RPLU Mitchell & Mitchell Insurance Agency, Inc. | CA License #0620650 250 Bel Marin Keys Blvd., E-1 Novato, CA 94949 (415) 883-2520 dmckenna@mitchellandmitchell. com Discount: CCCBA members may receive a 5% discretionary credit on premiums.



Law Firm Support & Operations

DLC Consulting Services, LLC (925) 676-6277 DLC Consulting Services is your on-demand COO for solo and small law firms. If you are looking for an experienced business manager to reduce the time and stress of managing your business, we are here to help you with: • Opening a new firm • Conducting an operational review and putting in place processes to improve efficiencies • Accounting, billing, human resources and payroll functions • Strategic planning and systems management to accommodate growth • Non-biased reviews of software Installation, implementation and training of NetDocuments* Discount: CCCBA members receive a 25% discount on a commitment of five hours of time or 10% discount on a NetDocuments implementation. *NetDocuments is a highly secure cloud-based document and email management software.

Law Practice Management & Consulting Lawnch from Lawyer Success Network Jen Lee (925) 586-6738 www.lawyersuccessnetwork. com Discount: Use discount code CCCBA_500 to save $500 or 25% on Building a Bankruptcy Practice from start to finish.

Law Practice Management Software

Legal Research

Caseroads Discount: Contra Costa County Bar Association members are eligible to receive a 20% discount off Caseroads’ unique single tier pricing model. With Caseroads you get it all features for one low discounted price. Use the code: CCCBA21

Legal Document Automation Software Swiftscan Discount: CCCBA Members who sign up before February 15, 2022 will get the first year free (a $34.99 value). Members who sign up after February 15 will enjoy a 25% discount on their first year.

Fastcase Fastcase is the leading next-generation legal research service that puts a comprehensive national law library and powerful searching, sorting, and data visualization tools at your fingertips. Its law library includes case law, statutes, regulations, court rules, constitutions, and law review articles. It’s one of the largest online law libraries in the world. Fastcase’s powerful sorting algorithms bring the best results to the top of the list every time – making research powerful, fast and easy. Find the cases you need, no matter what kind of research you’re performing. Discount: Fastcase is FREE for CCCBA members. Log into your CCCBA profile to get started.

Casetext Casetext is a legal research platform that saves attorneys time and money through cutting-edge research tools, including artificial intelligence technology, and affordable pricing. A recent study showed that attorneys researching on Casetext spend 24.5% less time researching and find 20.8% more relevant results. Rukmee Patel (760) 224-9257 Discount: The service normally costs $65/month on legal research, but Contra Costa County Bar Association members get a 30% discount, bringing it to $45.50/month. You can find more information and sign up for a 14-day free trial at https:// and join Casetext for 30% off here: subscribe/casetext/CCCBA30

Marketing & Promotions Advertising Magic Thinking of a gift for clients, potential new clients, employees or investors with your firm’s logo imprinted on it? Advertising Magic can help with all kinds of promotional gifts from branded chocolates, phone chargers and pens, to noise cancelling headphones. Got an idea for something else? Give us a call!

Company Folders, Inc. Premium presentation folders, file folders, binders, stationery and more.

Rosalind Robe’ Boukis 2116 N. Main St., Ste. G Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 939-1111

Discount: 10% off plus free shipping within the continental U.S. Enter code CCCBA when requesting a quote.

Vladimir Gendelman 22 W. Huron St., #203 Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 738-7600

Find the latest information on CCCBA Member Benefits anytime online at member-center/ member-benefits

Discount: Free screen or setup charge on new orders ($50 value) or free half-hour marketing consultation. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION CONTRA COSTA LAWYER


Legal Technology Solution Providers

Clio Clio’s industry-leading, cloudbased legal practice management, client intake + legal CRM software streamlines law firm operations, improves productivity, and enables legal professionals to increase their revenues from one central location. With powerful tools for client intake, case management, document management, time tracking, invoicing, and online payments, Clio simplifies firm management so you can spend more time doing what you do best—practicing law. Approved by more than 66 bar associations and legal societies, Clio provides industry-leading security, 24/5 customer support, and 125+ integrations with legal professionals’ favorite apps and platforms, including Fastcase, Dropbox, Quickbooks, and Google Apps. (888) 858-2546 ext. 1 Discount: Contra Costa County Bar Association members are eligible to receive a 10% discount on Clio products that will not expire, as long as you continue to be in good standing with both Clio and the CCCBA. Sign up today.

Jubilee by LegalPRO Systems, Inc. Bobby Steitler (210) 561-5300 ext 901 Discount: CCCBA members qualify for a 10% discount on JubileeBK and JubileePRO subscriptions (either annually or monthly). 32


LawPay 3700 M. Capital of Texas Hwy. 300 Austin, Texas 79746 Direct Line to Sales: (866) 376-0950 With more than a decade of experience in legal payments, LawPay is proud to be the trusted payment partner of more than 135,000 lawyers. Designed specifically for the legal industry, LawPay provides attorneys with a simple, secure way to accept online credit card and eCheck payments in their practice.LawPay understands the unique compliance and financial requirements placed on attorneys. That’s why their solution was developed specifically to correctly separate earned and unearned fees and protect IOLTA accounts from any third-party debiting. For more than a decade, LawPay has made it as easy as possible for attorneys to receive payment for their services. To learn more about LawPay, call 866-376-0950 or visit the website. Discount: Contact us for the latest discount for members of the CCCBA. 24/7 Bilingual Receptionists for Calls, Chats, and Messages is a superior 24/7 virtual receptionist service for law practices of all sizes, from solo attorneys to large firms. Our North Americabased receptionists answer calls, chats, and messages; provide bilingual answering; screen and intake new clients; schedule appointments; and make outbound calls to leads who complete your online forms, ensuring instant follow-up with new potential clients. With 30+ direct integrations, including Clio, MyCase, PracticePanther, LawPay, Calendly, plus thousands more through Zapier, conversations are synced with your systems in real-time. Plans start at $240/month for virtual receptionists and include free spam blocking, plus a risk-free 14-day money-back guarantee. Live chat plans start at $0/month with simple per-chat ($10/chat) pricing, or $140/month for bundled chat pricing ($5-7/chat). (650) 727-6484 Discount: Contra Costa County Bar Association members get $100 off their first month of calls and chats with code CCCBA100, 5% off bundled services, and 10% off annual plans paid upfront. Learn more and sign up at https://smith. ai/member-benefits/cccba

Merchant Services Richard Wood 383 Diablo Rd., Ste. #217 Danville CA 94526 (925) 788-5057 Discount: Setup fee waived and free swiper with proof of CCCBA membership. Member benefit includes: • • •

Consultation to select the right payment system for your business Free terminal placement No Set Up fee, and no monthly minimums

Depending on the platform used, we can offer a customized solution.

Office and Virtual Office Solutions Victory Workspace, Home of Reliable Receptionist Victor Mataraso 1261 Locust St. Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 627-4200 and www.ReliableReceptionist. com Discount: CCCBA Members receive 50% off initial setup fees, a $25-$75 value depending on options selected.

See Smith.AI under Legal Technology Solution Providers

Print & Mail Services and Social Media Marketing Daily Digital Imaging (925) 935-3621 Discount: 10% discount for Social Media Marketing and/or Print and Mail Services when you identify yourself as a member of the CCCBA.

Travel - Car Rental Hertz (800) 654-3131 Discount: CCCBA members receive up to 10% off rental car rates. Use Corporate Discount Program ID# 2133824 when making your reservations.

In Memoriam

The CCCBA honors the following members we lost in the past year Lee Archer, 1940 – 2021 Commissioner Judith Sanders, 1950 – 2021 James Thelen, 1938 – 2021



gratefully acknowledges its

2022 SUSTAINING LAW FIRMS Firms with 30+ attorneys: Miller Starr Regalia

Firms with 20-29 attorneys: Bowles & Verna, LLP Littler Mendelson PC McNamara, Ney, Beatty, Slattery, Borges & Ambacher LLP

Firms with 11-19 attorneys:

Brothers Smith LLP Brown, Gee & Wenger, LLP Clapp Moroney Vucinich Beeman Scheley Doyle Quane Gagen, McCoy, McMahon, Koss, Markowitz & Fanucci Greenan, Peffer, Sallander & Lally, LLP Hartog Baer & Hand APC Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton Whiting, Ross, Abel & Campbell, LLP

Firms with 5-10 attorneys: Acuna Regli Barr & Young Attorneys Candelaria PC Casper, Meadows, Schwartz & Cook Craddick, Candland & Conti Edrington, Schirmer & Murphy Ferber Law APC Galloway, Lucchese, Everson & Picchi Gillin, Jacobson, Ellis, Larsen & Lucey Livingston Law Firm, P.C. Morison & Prough Morrill Law Patton Sullivan Brodehl LLP Seto Wood Schweickert, LLP



What Is a Sustaining Law Firm? Sustaining Law Firms of the Contra Costa County Bar Association have a minimum of five Contra Costa-based attorneys and maintain current CCCBA membership for all attorneys practicing under the same firm name in the local office. There is no fee to become a sustaining firm. These firms receive additional administrative support services and are recognized in the following ways: • On the CCCBA website at sustaining-law-firms/ • In Contra Costa Lawyer magazine (in print and online) • Displays at the CCCBA office and at all CCCBA-sponsored events For more information, contact Jennifer Comages, CCCBA Membership Director at (925) 370-2543 or

CALENDAR UPCOMING EVENTS | OVERVIEW January 7 | Wellness Committee

2022 CCCBA Wellness Challenge - Kick-Off more details on pages 4 and 36

January 11 | Ed Comm., Barristers & Litigation Sections

2022 Basic Trial Skills Series: #2 Discovery & Depositions - The Meat and Potatoes of Trial Preparation more details on pages 12 and 36

January 12 | Employment Section

February 4 | Wellness Committee

2022 Wellness Challenge - Meditation/Yoga more details on pages 4 and 37

February 8 | Ed Comm., Barristers & Litigation Sections 2022 Basic Trial Skills Series: #3 What Do You Want and How Do You Get it? more details on pages 12 and 37

February 8 | Business Section

Employment Law Update

#3 Business Law 101 Series: Human Resources

January 13 | ADR Section

February 25 | Wellness Committee

more details on page 36

Black Stories: How Implicit Bias Serves to Impede Black Advancement in Law and Enterprise more details on page 36

January 20 | Women’s Section Women’s Section Book Club more details on page 36

January 21 | Wellness Committee 2022 Wellness Challenge - Exercise more details on page 36

January 28 | CCCBA 2022 Officer Installation & Diversity Awards Event more details on pages 37 and 39

more details on page 37

2022 Wellness Challenge - Diet Adjustment more details on pages 4 and 37

March 2 | CCCBA Board of Directors

2022 CCCBA Annual Membership Meeting more details on page 38

March 8 | Ed Comm., Barristers & Litigation Sections 2022 Basic Trial Skills Series: #4 Addressing the Jury in Jury Selection and Opening/Closing more details on pages 12 and 38

March 8 | Business Law Section #4 Business Law 101 Series: Leases & Contracts more details on page 38

March 11 | Wellness Committee

2022 Wellness Challenge - Diet Adjustment more details on pages 4 and 37

Advertiser Index ADR Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

LawPay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Barr & Young Attorneys. . . . . . . . . . . 14

Lawyers Mutual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

The Bray Law Firm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Minchen Team. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Casper Meadows, Schwartz & Cook. 40

Morrill Law Firm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

JAMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Candice Stoddard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Judicate West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

The Law Offices of Michael J. Young Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

The Contra Costa County Bar Association certifies that the MCLE activities listed on pages 36-38 have been approved for the specific MCLE credit indicated, by the State Bar of California, Provider #393.



January 7

| Wellness Committee

2022 CCCBA Wellness Challenge – Kick-Off The CCCBA Wellness Committee encourages members to make taking care of themselves a priority. For the first half of 2022 we will hold a Wellness Challenge with a new challenge every two weeks. There will be a Wellness Challenge page on the CCCBA website with a variety of resources for each challenge. Join us on Zoom on select Fridays at Noon to discuss your experience, discover more resources and learn about the upcoming challenge. Please join us! Time: Noon - 1:00 pm, Zoom Meeting Cost: Free for all Register: Online at

January 11

Ed Committee, Barris| ters, Litigation Sections

January 12

Employment | Section

2022 Basic Trial Skills Series

Employment Law Update

The Meat and Potatoes of Trial Preparation

Speakers: Anjuli M. Cargain | Margaret Grover | Marta Vanegas

#2 Discovery & Depositions -

Speakers: Ashley Ayad | Dean Christopherson | Jaime Herren | Andrew Oberst Learn the nuts and bolts of California discovery and deposition practice including the rules governing discovery, propounding and responding to written discovery, taking and defending depositions. Sponsored by: IPRO Trial Director Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm, Webinar MCLE: 1.5 hours General credit Cost: $25 for Litigation Section members | $15 Barristers Section members | Free for Law Students | $35 CCCBA members | $45 non members

Learn about new California legislation and recent judicial decisions affecting employers and employees. The employment law landscape changes regularly in California. If you practice employment law, you won’t want to miss this timely presentation. Time: Noon – 1:15 pm, Webinar MCLE: 1 hour General credit Cost: Free for Employment Section members | $15 Barristers Section members $30 CCCBA members | $45 non members Register: Online at

Register: Online at

January 13 | ADR Section

January 20 | Women’s Section

January 21 | Wellness Committee

Black Stories: How Implicit Bias Serves to Impede Black Advancement in Law and Enterprise

Women’s Section Book Club

2022 CCCBA Wellness Challenge - Exercise

As we strive to educate ourselves on the systemic racism that exists in our country, its origins, and what we can do to end it, please join the Women’s Section as we discuss...

The CCCBA Wellness Committee encourages members to make taking care of themselves a priority.

Speakers: TBA Hear personal stories from a panel of Black lawyers, scholars and educators and gain their unique perspective of the day-today grind of the criminal justice system, academics and corporate life. Their stories will demonstrate how implicit bias maintains and propagates the existing power structure and social imbalance which marganalizes black, brown and low-income communities.

Book: One Life, by Megan Rapinoe Time: 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm, Zoom Meeting Cost: Free for all Sign Up: Online at

Join us on Zoom on select Fridays at Noon to discuss your experience, discover more resources and learn about the upcoming challenge. Please join us! Time: Noon - 1:00 pm, Zoom Meeting Cost: Free for all Register: Online at

Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm, Webinar MCLE: 1.5 hours Elimination of Bias credit Cost: Free for all Register: Online at

For more information on these events: Unless noted otherwise, please contact Anne K. Wolf at (925) 370-2540 or 36


Ed Committee, Barris| ters, Litigation Sections

January 28 | CCCBA

February 4 | Wellness Committee

February 8

2022 Officer Installation and Diversity Awards Event In Person or Zoom

2022 CCCBA Wellness Challenge - Meditation/Yoga

2022 Basic Trial Skills Series

Speakers: Hon. Rebecca Hardie | Ericka McKenna | Dorian Peters

The CCCBA Wellness Committee encourages members to make taking care of themselves a priority.

Please join the leadership of the Contra Costa County Bar Association and many of our local current and retired Judges for this annual event which celebrates all CCCBA members!

Join us on Zoom on select Fridays at Noon to discuss your experience, discover more resources and learn about the upcoming challenge. Please join us!

Hear from incoming CCCBA President Ericka McKenna about what is coming up in 2022. Contra Costa County Superior Court Presiding Judge Rebecca Hardie will give a State of the Court address before swearing in the 2022 CCCBA Board of Directors and Section Leaders.

Cost: Free for all

Time: Noon - 1:00 pm, Zoom Meeting Register: Online at

Time: 11:45 am - 1:15 pm Location: Walnut Creek Marriott, 2355 N. Main St., Walnut Creek Cost: In Person: $55 CCCBA members/guests Zoom: $25 CCCBA members/guests Register: Online at

Framing Issues and Drafting Pleadings Speakers: Erika Bornstein | Brittany Hendrix-Smith | Andrew Verriere

Learn the nuts and bolts of California discovery and deposition practice including the rules governing discovery, propounding and responding to written discovery, taking and defending depositions. Sponsored by: IPRO Trial Director Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm, Webinar MCLE: 1.5 hours General MCLE credit Cost: $25 for Litigation Section members | $15 Barristers Section members | Free for Law Students | $35 CCCBA members | $45 non members

In addition, we will honor retiring Judge Steve Austin for his many years of service on the Contra Costa Bench. We will also be presenting the 5th Annual CCCBA Diversity Award to qualifying law firms. Don’t miss this very special annual CCCBA event!

#3 What Do You Want and How Do You Get It?

Register: Online at

February 8

| Business Law Section

#3 Business Law 101 Series: Human Resources Speaker: Marta Vanegas and others TBA Time: Noon - 1:15 pm, Webinar MCLE: 1 hour General credit

February 25

| Wellness Committee

2022 CCCBA Wellness Challenge - Diet Adjustment The CCCBA Wellness Committee encourages members to make taking care of themselves a priority.

Cost: $15 for members of the Barristers, Business, and Real Estate Sections | $10 for Law Students, | $20 CCCBA members | $45 non members

Join us on Zoom on select Fridays at Noon to discuss your experience, discover more resources and learn about the upcoming challenge. Please join us!

Register: Online at

Cost: Free for all

Time: Noon - 1:00 pm, Zoom Meeting Register: Online at

For more information on these events: Unless noted otherwise, please contact Anne K. Wolf at (925) 370-2540 or CONTRA COSTA COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION CONTRA COSTA LAWYER


March 2


2022 CCCBA Annual Membership Meeting Please join us for the 2022 Annual CCCBA Membership Meeting. This is an opportunity to meet your Board members and share your thoughts about the CCCBA. Have a question for the board? Please submit them by Wednesday, February 23rd to Theresa Hurley at Time: 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm Cost: Free for all Location: CCCBA Building Conference Room, 2300 Clayton Road, First Floor, Concord, CA

or online via Zoom

Register: Online at

March 8

Ed Committee, Barristers & | Litigation Sections

2022 Basic Trial Skills Series #4 Addressing the Jury in Jury Selection and Opening/Closing

Speakers: Nick Casper | Patrice Truman | Adam Wilks The parts of the trial where you interact with the jury and address them directly are very influential to the outcome of your trial. This presentation provides an overview of effective Jury Selection and Opening and Closing Statements, including the best ways to put forward the themes of your case.

March 8

| Business Law Section

#4 Business Law 101 Series: Leases & Contracts Speaker: Marta Vanegas and others TBA Time: Noon - 1:15 pm, Webinar MCLE: 1 hour General credit Cost: $15 for members of the Barristers, Business, and Real estate Sections | $10 for Law Students, | $20 CCCBA members | $45 non members Register: Online at

Sponsored by: IPRO Trial Director Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm, Webinar MCLE: 1.5 hours General MCLE credit Cost: $25 for Litigation Section members | $15 Barristers Section members | Free for Law Students | $35 CCCBA members | $45 non members Register: Online at

March 11 | Wellness Committee 2022 CCCBA Wellness Challenge - Reevaluate and Organize The CCCBA Wellness Committee encourages members to make taking care of themselves a priority. Join us on Zoom on select Fridays at Noon to discuss your experience, discover more resources and learn about the upcoming challenge. Please join us! Time: Noon - 1:00 pm, Zoom Meeting Cost: Free for all Register: Online at




Joanne C. McCarthy, 3000F Danville Blvd., #257, Alamo, CA 94507. Call (925) 689-9244.


Beautiful offices w/ 11 solos. Networking. Single story building remodeled for lawyers. Built in’s, fireplace, molding, kit., conf rm, windows that open, etc. Very congenial. Rent varies. Paul 925/938-8990/


Where: 3445 Golden Gate Way, Lafayette Law firm since 1955. 1) Single Office Space Details: Creekside setting with ample free parking, excellent law library, easy access to intercity jogging trail. Rent is $1,000/month. 2) Retired Senior Partner Office Space Details: Large finished, wood panel office with private full bath and separate room for secretary or assistant. $1,850/month. Interested? Call Stan Pedder at (925) 283-6816.

Friday, January 28, 2022 11:45 am - 1:15 pm In Person at the Walnut Creek Marriott, 2355 N. Main Street or on Zoom

ANNUAL OFFICER INSTALLATION & DIVERSITY AWARDS EVENT OFFICERS TO BE INSTALLED BOARD MEMBERS: Ericka McKenna, President David Erb, President-Elect | David Pearson, Secretary | Sutter Selleck, Treasurer Dorian Peters, Past President

DIRECTORS: Dean Christopherson | Patanisha E. Davis Pierson | Jonathan Lee | Terry Leoni Cary McReynolds | Craig Nevin | Michael Pierson | David Ratner Marta Vanegas | Andrew Verriere | Qiana Washington

SECTION LEADERS Nathan Lawrence Scheg: ADR Gary A. Watt: Appellate Carl Gustafson: Bankruptcy Law Ariel Brownell Lee: Barristers Marta Vanegas: Business Law Ashley Bargenquast: Criminal Law Kathryn A. Schofield: Elder Law Margaret J. Grover: Employment Kathryn Korn: Estate Planning & Probate Joseph Hart Wolch: Family Law Joseph R. Snyder: Intellectual Property

Presiding Judge Rebecca Hardie will give a State of the Judiciary address before swearing in the 2022 Board of Directors and Section Leaders. The CCCBA will honor retiring Judge Steve Austin for his many years of service on the Contra Costa Bench. We will present the 5th annual CCCBA Diversity Award to qualifying law firms. $55 in Person $25 on Zoom

Rhonda Wilson-Rice: Juvenile Jennifer Spalding: Law Student Jaime Bianca Herren & Mark J. Hilliard: Litigation John S. Richards: Real Estate Hon. Richard Flier (Ret.): Senior William A. Hickey: Solo Practice & Small Firm Ryan W. Lockhart & Jay Suen: Taxation Rachel H. Leonard & Ritzi K. Lam: Women’s

REGISTER TODAY! Walnut Creek Marriott Hotel 2355 North Main St. Walnut Creek CA 94596 Questions? contact Anne Wolf at (925) 370-2540, or visit


Ferber Law M.S. Domingo Law Group, P.C.

SUPREME LEVEL Livingston Law Firm Miller Starr Regalia



2300 Clayton Road, Suite 520 Concord, CA 94520



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