2711 Middleburg Drive, Suite 213 Columbia, SC 29204 803.254.5601 803.799.6663 fax www.yourfoundation.org
Abilit y to Lead
celebr ating ou r 25th a nni v er sa ry
Abilit y to target
focus on str ategic gr a n tm a k ing
Abilit y to collabor ate
cr eating innovati v e pa rtner ships
Mission Statement Central Carolina Community Foundation’s mission is to promote, facilitate and expand philanthropy to create a sustainable impact within our community through responsible giving. To fulfill our mission we: • Encourage donors to make effective charitable giving decisions. • Collaborate to develop creative solutions for important community needs. • Nurture and strengthen community organizations.
abilit y to nurture foster ing phil a n throp y
Abilit y to encour age
gr a n ts | f unds | donor s | people | fina nci a ls
• Build a substantial endowment to provide for community needs for generations to come.
Ability to Impact
Sustainability, in a broad sense, is the capacity to endure. In ecology, the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. For community foundations, it describes the potential to care for a community in perpetuity. This is our mission. Central Carolina Community Foundation began in 1984 with minimal assets and a volunteer staff focused on achieving a compelling and powerful vision. The vision was developed by several local civic and business leaders who realized that a community foundation serving the Midlands would be a powerful ally in developing a caring and appealing community. Now, as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary, we are grateful for our founders’ vision and the significant impact the Community Foundation has had in the Midlands. Today, our Foundation’s ability to impact the changing needs of our community is more critical than ever. We live in times when, thanks to the complications of modern life and the generosity of the human spirit, the number of worthy causes seeking contributions grows with every passing day. Achievement of our mission will require wisdom and sound judgment. As we begin our 2nd quarter century, we ask you to join us in sustaining the work of the Foundation; the work that will allow us to care for the community we call home forever.
David C. Sojourner Jr. Chair, Board of Trustees
JoAnn M. Turnquist President & CEO
25 years
to lead
Celebrating Our 25th Anniversary
September 25, 2009, marked our official 25th Anniversary and the Foundation celebrated on September 17. Over 350 people joined us at Leaside to toast the members of our Society of Founders. We honor the generous donors who have built the framework allowing us to support proven charitable causes and respond to community leadership opportunities. Over the last quarter century, the Community Foundation has invested more than $56 million into the community, through more than 9,300 grants and scholarships. We have been able to do this only because of the generosity and trust of our donors. Undergoing New Leadership The Community Foundation welcomed JoAnn Turnquist as our new President & CEO in February 2009. JoAnn is leading the Foundation in implementing our long-range strategic plan and assisting donors in achieving their philanthropic goals. She has worked with the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and staff to implement new initiatives and expand the role of the Foundation within our 11-county service area. Ability to Lead | 3
to target of our state’s high school students do not graduate on time
$25,000 Seed Money
Nord $1 Million Challenge
In 1984, United Way of the Midlands provided a grant to establish and operate Central Carolina Community Foundation. Thanks to our generous donors and wise investments, our endowment has grown to reach $75 million this year. This has allowed us to distribute over $56 million in grants to over 9,300 organizations during the past 25 years.
Evan and Cindy Nord made a $1 million challenge gift to the Foundation to encourage others in the community to give. The Nord’s challenge helped raise an additional million dollars that served as an early catalyst for growth. This $2 million allows, on average, for an additional $100,000 in competitive grants to be awarded annually.
Focusing on Strategic Grantmaking
As a result of our strategic planning process, the Community Foundation has shifted its competitive grantmaking focus to target strategic areas of need in our community. Our goal is to make targeted grants that will have a measurable, positive impact on issues that affect our citizens. Through our competitive grant process, the Foundation is supporting creative and innovative programs in the following strategic areas: Dropout Prevention, Homelessness Prevention and Illiteracy Reduction.
highest adult illiteracy rate in the U.S.
of our state’s homeless population are in richland and lexington counties
Our board of trustees selected these specific areas because of the need we have in our community. Statistics show that 1/3 of our state’s high school students do not graduate from high school on time. South Carolina has the third highest adult illiteracy rate in the United States. And, according to the 2009 South Carolina Homeless Count, Richland County has the second highest number of homeless individuals in the state. Together, Richland and Lexington counties account for nearly 22% of our state’s homeless population. Ability to Target | 5
Agency Endowment Funds
Providing Scholarships for Students
The Cultural Council of Richland & Lexington Counties was the first organization to establish an agency endowment fund with the Community Foundation. Today we manage and administer 39 funds for local organizations. Funds are pooled together and because of the economies of scale, organizations benefit from a diverse investment portfolio and low investment fees. An agency endowment fund provides a simple way for a nonprofit organization to establish a source of lasting support.
The first scholarships were awarded from the Jacqueline M. Miller Scholarship Fund in 1992. Today, the Community Foundation administers over 30 scholarship funds that help our youth continue their education and prepare them for the future. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have been able to assist over 240 students by distributing over $1.1 million in scholarships.
Receiving National AIDS Fund Grant
Winning the Knight Community Information Challenge
The Community Foundation was selected as the first National AIDS Fund Partner in South Carolina and has received a challenge grant to support HIV/AIDS prevention and education programs. $154,500 was raised to support grantmaking in the Community Foundation’s 11‑county service area. To manage the HIV/AIDS prevention education grant, the Foundation has formed the Central Carolina AIDS Partnership (CCAP). This grant is critical as South Carolina ranks 8th in the nation per capita for new AIDS cases. In its December 2008 STD/ HIV Surveillance Report, South Carolina’s Department of Health and Environmental Control reported 23,199 cumulative cases of HIV and AIDS combined. Our capital, Columbia, ranks 9th in the nation among large metropolitan areas, based on the number of new AIDS cases reported annually. Prevention education is critically needed in order to halt this trend. CCAP conducted a Request for Proposal process in late fall of 2009 to determine the first recipients for funding.
The Foundation was also one of 21 winners nationwide in the Knight Community Information Challenge, a $24 million initiative to help community foundations find creative ways to keep communities informed through the use of media and technology. The two-year $383,332 grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, coupled with additional funding and in-kind donations from the partners, will have a total impact of over $1 million by bridging ethnic, economic and generational lines. BGTIME.org is the resulting online community forum that provides senior citizens a place to re-engage with their community. Our partners include The University of South Carolina — College of Mass Communications and Information Studies, IFRA Newsplex South Carolina and the Office of Information Technology; Benedict College; The State Media Company; and South Carolina ETV.
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1994 David W. Robinson Catalyst Award The Catalyst Award was established in honor of David Robinson, a member of the Society of Founders. The award recognizes outstanding organizations in the Foundation’s 11-county service area that have exemplified leadership, creativity, vision and commitment in addressing critical community issues. Since its inception, 17 organizations have received this award and stipend to further support their missions.
Making an Impact
$830,000 raised for MHA
One of the many roles of a community foundation is to be a catalyst in bringing together leaders, donors and organizations to resolve community problems. Our Board of Trustees recognized an opportunity in July 2008 with the Midlands Housing Alliance. The Alliance was seeking funding to develop the Homeless Transition Center at the former Salvation Army site in downtown Columbia and had received a $5Â million challenge grant from The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The Community Foundation was one of the first contributors towards this match with a $500,000 commitment over five years. We challenged our donors to join us and were able to leverage our contribution to raise a total of $830,000 for the project. The current timeline calls for MHA to begin demolition and construction in early 2010 and to complete redevelopment and begin providing services in 2011.
Ability to Target | 7
to collaborate
Regional Endowments
Nonprofit Management Grant Program
The establishment of four affiliate funds allows the Foundation to better serve local community needs. Each affiliate enables neighbors, leaders, family and friends to provide for each other and their futures together as a community. A board of local community advisors provides leadership over the resources for the nonprofit organizations in their targeted areas.
This unique and innovative program provides nonprofit organizations with minigrants to train staff and board members. The areas of training include board development, financial management, resource development, marketing and public relations, strategic planning, personnel development and management, and technology. Through this program we have nurtured and strengthened 94 organizations in our community.
Partners: Chapin, Kershaw, Orangeburg/Calhoun and Sumter
The Community Foundation plays a key role in enhancing the quality of life in the Midlands, not only through its service to donors and its grantmaking, but also through special initiatives that the Board of Trustees views as important in the community. The Community Foundation examines the needs in the community and looks for opportunities to be a convener for innovative projects with other organizations. We seek to be a proactive, collaborative leader who can help develop creative solutions that will have a significant, measurable impact on our community.
Ability to Collaborate | 9
2004 & 2009
South Carolina Youth Philanthropy Partnership
Facing Facts
The Foundation assisted in launching SCYPP, which continues as a Junior Achievement Program. The SCYPP program teaches high school students entrepreneurial skills and corporate and personal giving responsibilities. The students build a for‑profit business and establish a grantmaking foundation that teaches them the importance of philanthropy and community involvement.
These community assessments identified the most pressing health and human service needs within Richland and Lexington counties to develop solutions to improve the community.
Partners: Junior Achievement of Central South Carolina and Lipscomb Family Foundation
BGTIME (Bridging Generations through Technology, Information, Media and Engagement) Senior citizens in our community have much to contribute to the civic dialogue. However, they often lack the skills and opportunities necessary to use digital media. Thanks to a grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, a group of diverse partners is working through senior centers and community organizations to reach seniors interested in bridging the digital divide. The Board of Trustees of Central Carolina Community Foundation and the BGTIME Advisory Board chose to support this project because of the tremendous benefits for the seniors who are participating, the students who are working directly with the seniors, and the entire community that is being enriched with the wisdom and insights shared by our seniors. Our partners include The University of South Carolina — College of Mass Communications and Information Studies, IFRA Newsplex South Carolina and the Office of Information Technology; Benedict College; The State Media Company; and South Carolina ETV. For more information, visit BGTIME.org.
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Partners: United Way of the Midlands, Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina, Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce, Central Midlands Council of Governments, Richland and Lexington counties.
new approach As Frances Tupper sat on her balcony enjoying a beautiful summer morning, she noticed a small plant growing up from the ground. Looking at the earth-bound plant, she thought how stifled it seemed being held down by its roots. She uprooted the plant and transferred it to a large pot so it could spread its roots and grow. Afterward, she thought to herself, “I was just like this plant. My inability to use the computer was holding me down. It was limiting my ability to communicate and to build relationships. After conquering my fears and learning to use the computer, I have expanded my horizons and have been able to grow as a person and reach out to more people.” Like many senior citizens in our community, Frances has a wealth of information and history to contribute to our civic dialogue. However, she had never used a computer and had never seen the Internet. Many seniors lack the skills and opportunities necessary to use the tools available to them to tell their stories and interact with others. The BGTIME program was developed to help bridge this divide between senior citizens and digital media.
Frances Tupper works with her student mentor, Sarah Hettich. BGTIME is made possible through a grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and funding from Central Carolina Community Foundation. The program is coordinated in the University of South Carolina’s IFRA Newsplex multimedia facility.
There, students from the University of South Carolina and Benedict College receive a weeklong training course similar to those given to the facility’s professional clients. The students learn how to write for the Internet, create audio Podcasts as well as shoot and edit video. After training, the students are then paired with seniors from senior centers, retirement communities and other community organizations to help produce stories for the online community forum BGTIME.org. The students teach the seniors not only how to access information from the Internet, but also to contribute their personal stories and perspectives. The project has truly helped bridge generations. The seniors and students have formed friendships that certainly wouldn’t have occurred otherwise. Frances is working with Sarah Hettich from the University of South Carolina. Frances really enjoys spending time with Sarah and praised her for being patient with her. Ability to Collaborate | 11
Natasha Biggs looks on as Jan Merchant works on a story for BGTIME.
“She doesn’t mind showing me things multiple times if I don’t understand,” said Frances. “And she’s not afraid to correct me when I’m wrong.” And the students are enjoying themselves as well. RJ Kraft, a mentor and graduate assistant in the program, enjoys the interaction with the senior citizens. “The great thing about the program is that at the end of the day we are learning from each other,” Kraft said. “The seniors learn how to tell their stories through new media and we as students get the chance to see the world and past events through someone else’s eyes.” In the first year, 20 student mentors have been trained who are working with a diverse group of 40 seniors to produce content on the Web site using a number of new media tools. Currently the BGTIME program is being operated in three locations: Capital Senior Center, Oak Reed Senior Apartments and Still Hopes Retirement Community.
In January 2010 the program will open a new location at the South Carolina State Library and later in the spring a center will be located at the South Carolina State Museum. The program is recruiting an additional 30 student mentors and 60 senior correspondents for the second year. Our media partners will ensure these voices are heard across our broader community. The State Media Company is promoting the project through both its traditional resources and new media and ETV is recording the process via its documentary series “Carolina Stories.” The documentary will be available to other communities who wish to replicate the project. The project is funded for a total of three years, after which we hope that the community’s interest will have grown to a point where the project has become sustainable. “As the participant numbers grow, the stories and conversations will become more diverse and robust thus broadening our reach into our
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community,” said Carolyn Holderman, BGTIME Project Director. Our senior participants are learning more each week and becoming more comfortable with their newfound skills. We look forward to following their success as they continue to learn new skills and share their thoughts and perspectives. We hope you will follow them as well.
Redevelopment of Mental Health Campus
Your Gift, Your Connection
Governor Sanford and Mayor Coble requested the Foundation coordinate the development of a master plan for the Department of Mental Health Bull Street Campus. The Foundation served as the neutral convener to develop a plan that would benefit the entire community.
Informally, the Foundation has always reached out to our donors when we know of a worthwhile project or need in which they may be interested. In 2005, we created Your Gift, Your Connection as a formal channel to share this information with donors in hopes of expanding the impact of our discretionary grantmaking dollars. Shortly thereafter, a donor made a contribution to one of the organizations we featured which inspired another donor to issue a challenge to match additional monies to the organization. The Foundation was able to raise $26,000 in funding for this organization thanks to these generous donors.
Partners: City of Columbia, State of South Carolina and S.C. Department of Mental Health
Central Carolina AIDS Partnership Central Carolina Community Foundation was selected as the first National AIDS Fund Partner in South Carolina and received a challenge grant to support local grantmaking for HIV/AIDS prevention programs. The purpose of the Central Carolina AIDS Partnership (CCAP) is to provide funding to improve effectiveness of programs aimed at raising awareness, decreasing stigma and preventing the spread of HIV. CCAP is overseen by an Advisory Committee that makes recommendations regarding policies, programs and grants. The Board of Trustees of Central Carolina Community Foundation reviews these recommendations and makes the final approval of grants.
Facing Facts Facing Facts is an effort to identify the most pressing health and human service needs in Richland and Lexington counties and to develop solutions to improve the community. This study is a collaborative effort among United Way of the Midlands, Central Carolina Community Foundation, the Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce, Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina, the Central Midlands Council of Governments and Richland and Lexington counties. Analysis of responses from residents and community leaders identified four central issues, which are detailed in the Facing Facts 2009 Assessment. This survey continues the work of defining and prioritizing areas for attention begun with the first Facing Facts survey in 2004. Supported by this analysis, the community and its leaders, funders and service providers can work together to implement strategies that create real, ongoing and lasting change.
Partners in Compassion Institute (PIC) The Partners in Compassion (PIC) Institute was founded to help faithand community-based groups that benefit the homeless or at-risk youth in Lexington, Richland, Fairfield, Newberry, Calhoun or Orangeburg counties. The PIC Institute is made possible from a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and is conducted in partnership with United Way of the Midlands, the Edisto Council, Women in Philanthropy, Claflin University, and the S.C. Association of Nonprofit Organizations. Participation in the Institute is granted on a competitive basis. Selected participants receive staff and volunteer training, technical assistance, and financial assistance to strengthen the organization’s ability to lead, market, operate and raise money.
Ability to Collaborate | 13
to nurture
2007 Mary Averill Stanton Planned Gift Mary Averill Stanton made a planned gift to the Community Foundation and her estate provided the largest unrestricted gift in the Foundation’s history. This gift has and will continue to provide competitive grants to deserving organizations in the 11 counties we serve. Mary’s generosity will live on through the legacy she has created.
Catalyst Award The David W. Robinson Catalyst Award recognizes outstanding organizations in the Community Foundation’s 11-county service area that have exemplified leadership, creativity, vision and commitment in addressing critical community issues. The award, in memory of the late David W. Robinson, was established by the Robinson family and the Foundation in 1994. Mr. Robinson was a leader, activist, humanitarian and philanthropist in the Midlands for seven decades. He served on numerous nonprofit boards such as the Columbia Museum of Art, United Way of the Midlands and YMCA. He was also a founding member of Central Carolina Community Foundation. Representatives from Eau Claire Shalom Ministries accept the Catalyst Award at the Foundation’s 25th Anniversary Celebration.
The Foundation presented Eau Claire Shalom Ministries as the recipient of the 2009 David W. Robinson Catalyst Award at its 25th Anniversary Celebration. The Shalom received a $3,000 stipend to support its mission of being an effective catalyst for community change in Eau Claire and North Columbia. “The David W. Robinson Catalyst Award is the community’s ‘Good Housekeeping Seal’ for 15 years of striving toward a healthy community in Eau Claire, North Columbia and the metropolitan area,” said Shalom Secretary Reverend Wiley B. Cooper. “The award puts steel in our spine, hope in our step, and reassures prospective collaborators as we seek to enhance our capacity for change.”
Ability to Nurture | 15
Partners in Compassion Institute
Nonprofit Leverages Funding
The PIC Institute assists faith- and community-based groups that benefit the homeless or at-risk youth in a five-county area by providing staff and volunteer training, technical assistance and financial assistance to strengthen the organization’s ability to lead, market, operate and raise money. Forty-two organizations have participated and over $1.9 million in new funding has stemmed from sustainability activities.
The Foundation awarded Family Connection of South Carolina an organizational impact grant to develop a Spanish-speaking advisory committee, translate materials and adapt programs for Spanish-speaking families. Having this capacity helped Family Connection receive a national grant through the Health Resources and Services Administration, that provides resources for a part-time Spanish-speaking outreach provider through May 2012.
Since its founding in 1995, this interracial, interfaith community service organization has helped to revitalize their inner-city neighborhood of Eau Claire. They have worked with realtors and business leaders to present the new face of Eau Claire through local and national publicity programs. The Shalom lobbied to rid the area of an abandoned housing complex that was a haven for drug dealers, gangs and prostitutes. This property now houses a light industrial park generating jobs for the area. The Shalom has also worked in collaboration with educators, religious and nonprofit organizations to establish youth and educational programs. They helped establish The Clubhouse Gang, a tutoring program with Columbia College and Arden Elementary School as well as Richland District One’s Parent-Child Partnership. In addition, they developed the Youth Enrichment Through Art program. “Eau Claire Shalom Ministries has truly been a catalyst in bringing together their community,” said JoAnn Turnquist, President & CEO of Central Carolina Community Foundation. “Most impressive is the fact that these extraordinary results have been obtained without a paid staff. This small board of committed leaders, with the aid of hundreds of volunteers, has revitalized their community and made a positive difference in their neighbors’ lives.”
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grants funds
to encourage
Ability to Encourage | 17
grants | funds | donors | people | financials
Competitive Grantmaking
In fiscal year 2009, Central Carolina Community Foundation’s Board of Trustees approved 33 competitive grants totaling $158,062 for nonprofit organizations from community and field-of-interest funds. In fiscal year 2010, the Community Foundation has shifted its competitive grantmaking focus to target strategic areas of need in our community. The overriding goal is to make targeted grants that will have a measurable, positive impact on issues that affect our citizens. Through our competitive grant process, the Foundation is supporting creative and innovative programs in the following strategic areas: dropout prevention, homelessness reduction and illiteracy reduction. In addition to our discretionary grantmaking, the Foundation oversees several other grant processes including those for Greater Chapin Community Endowment, Kershaw County Endowment, Orangeburg Calhoun Community Foundation, Hootie and the Blowfish Foundation, the Knight Foundation Donor-Advised Fund, the Academy of Columbia Foundation and Women in Philanthropy. For additional information, please visit the Nonprofits section of our Web site at www.yourfoundation.org.
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2008 Midlands Housing Alliance The Community Foundation pledged $500,000 over five years to MHA for the comprehensive services center. We challenged our donors to join us in helping the community meet the Knight Foundation Match Grant and were able to leverage our contribution to raise a total of $830,000 for the project. Our entire Board of Trustees publicly supported the need for the shelter helping galvanize community support.
Community Impact grants address local needs by funding programmatic services of nonprofit organizations. The Alpha Center received $6,000 for Kershaw County Youth Court, a community-based diversion program designed to provide an alternate response for first-time, non-violent, misdemeanor juvenile offenders.
Palmetto Animal Assisted Life Services
Audubon South Carolina received $10,000 to install a restroom on the Wannamaker Nature Preserve. The facility offers Audubon naturalistguided programs and educational opportunities to students in Calhoun County. Clarendon Behavioral Health Services received $5,000 to provide the SISTA Project to 30-60 women in Clarendon County. The intervention program provides social skills training to help reduce high-risk sexual behavior among African American women.
Columbia College received $10,000 for Project LEAD Eau Claire. This certificate program provides interactive leadership development for junior and senior girls at Eau Claire High School. Girl Scouts of South Carolina — Mountains to Midlands Inc. received $8,080 to purchase supplies for and provide the Girl Scouts’ new program, It’s Your World, Change It!, to low income girls in the Midlands. Lee County Disabilities and Special Needs received $1,400 to replace lawn equipment used by the yard maintenance crew at the Adult Day Program. These work opportunities provide training and allow 20 individuals with disabilities to earn a small income each month. Newberry Boys Farm Inc. received $10,000 for the Transitional Living Program, which provides additional preparation for adulthood and life after high school to young men who have aged out of foster care.
2008 Central Carolina AIDS Partnership The Community Foundation received a challenge grant from the National AIDS Fund to become the first Community Partnership in South Carolina. The Foundation clearly saw the need for this project as South Carolina ranks 8th in the nation per capita for new AIDS cases. Working with community partners, we were able to meet the match and exceed it. The more than $150,000 raised will help support HIV/AIDS prevention and education programs to combat the rising numbers in our state.
Cocky’s Reading Express Palmetto Animal Assisted Life Services received $6,665 to offer scholarships to at-risk youth and children with disabilities to attend the Doggone Days of Summer Camp. This camp trains dogs to assist people with physical disabilities while teaching campers about social responsibility and the importance of service dogs in changing people’s lives. S.C. Center for Children’s Books and Literacy received $10,000 to provide the Cocky’s Reading Express program to all kindergartners in the Lee and Fairfield County School Districts. Student volunteers accompany Cocky as they read to students, encourage them to do well in school and provide them books of their own. South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs received $9,527 to offer financial literacy programs that will build and strengthen client knowledge of credit-related issues. The programs will serve up to 750 individuals of all ages.
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Specialized Alternatives for Families & Youth of South Carolina received $5,000 to assist with the recruitment and training of prospective and current foster and adoptive families. The Sumter County Gallery of Art received $5,000 for the HYPE (Helping Youth Pursue Excellence) after-school program. The program provides monthly art instruction and materials to approximately 500 children at six sites. Welvista received $8,380 for an education/information awareness project to reach more of the uninsured residents of South Carolina and enroll them into their program. The organization provides access to prescription medicine and pediatric dental services for the uninsured.
of growing their donor base to sustain long-term success and financial growth. The Bridge Foundation received $100 to become a member of SCANPO (South Carolina Association of Nonprofit Organizations). This membership will provide them with access to consultants to help them with board development and strategic planning. Children’s Trust of South Carolina received $5,000 to assist with hiring a part-time administrative professional to consolidate their constituent records and data into their database system and train current staff to use the system effectively.
Organizational Impact grants address local nonprofit needs by increasing organizational capacity.
Cultural Council of Richland & Lexington Counties received $10,000 for the development, production and broadcast of PSAs and a monthly arts segment on “Palmetto People” to promote the arts.
American Red Cross of Central South Carolina received $5,000 to develop a strategic plan with the goal
Family Connection of South Carolina Inc. received $5,000 to provide the organization with the tools and
2009 Turner to Cezanne
South Carolina Philharmonic
capacity to reach out to Spanishspeaking families raising children with disabilities. Family Service Center of South Carolina received $9,250 to develop and implement a data backup and disaster recovery system for their critical information files and archives. Richland County First Steps received $3,250 to assist the Eau Claire Promise Zone by providing staffing support for the initial assessment and resource development phases of the initiative. South Carolina HIV/AIDS Council received $6,650 to assist with providing needed equipment and training for the development of their volunteer program. South Carolina Philharmonic received $8,400 for a technical upgrade of its computer system, including the purchase of two desktop computers, software and a network server.
The Foundation made a grant to the Columbia Museum of Art from the Hootie and Pierrene Johnson Field-of-Interest Fund to assist in exhibiting “Turner to Cezanne: Masterpieces from the Davis Collection.” These impressive works had never before been seen in the United States and so they offered the citizens of Columbia, the State of South Carolina and the Region the opportunity of a lifetime. This record breaking exhibit exceeded the revenue goals by 2.5 times, created successful after-school outreach partnerships with several local organizations and increased the museum’s volunteer base.
Nonprofit Management grants are mini-grants used to attend conferences or workshops, host trainings or meet other management needs.
The Palmetto Conservation Foundation received $655 to participate in a Microsoft FrontPage training.
Alston Wilkes Society received $440 to attend the Advanced New Media Techniques workshop.
Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands received $870 to hold board training and attend SCANPO’s 12th Annual Nonprofit Conference.
Communities in Schools of Lee County received $1,000 to hold board development and strategic planning sessions. Cultural Council of Richland & Lexington Counties received $1,000 to attend the Americans for the Arts Annual Conference. Holy Mountain Dwellers Inc. received $245 to participate in an Introduction to Grant Writing Session. Interfaith Community Services of South Carolina Inc. received $750 to hold a board development retreat.
South Carolina Association of Nonprofit Organizations received $2,500 to provide five scholarships for nonprofit organizations to attend their 12th Annual Nonprofit Conference. South Carolina Council on Economic Education received $900 for staff to receive Raiser’s Edge training. South Carolina United Action received $1,000 to attend the 2008 Housing and Economic Development Conference.
Keep the Midlands Beautiful received $1,000 to hold a board development session.
Grants | 21
The following grants were awarded from component funds of the Community Foundation during fiscal year 2009.
Animal Welfare Aiken SPCA American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals The Animal Mission Animal Protection League Carolina Wildlife Care Defenders of Wildlife Humane SPCA The Humane Society of the United States International Center for Birds of Prey Island Dolphin Care Kershaw County Humane Society North Carolina Veterinary Medical Foundation Pet Helpers Pets Inc. Project Pet SPCA Serving Erie County SQ Rescue The South Carolina Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation South Carolina Wildlife Federation World Wildlife Fund Zoological Society of Buffalo Foundation Inc. 26 Grants................................... $264,902.50
Arts and Culture American Swedish Historical Museum Arts Council of Rock Hill and York County Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra The Children’s Fine Arts Academy Columbia City Ballet Columbia Classical Ballet Company Columbia Film Society The Columbia Jewish Community Center Columbia Marionette Theatre The Columbia Museum of Art
Columbia Stage Society Inc. Cultural Council of Richland & Lexington Counties Culture & Heritage Museums ETV Endowment of South Carolina EdVenture Children’s Museum FBN Productions The Ferguson Meditation Garden Film Apprenticeship Programs Inc. Friends of the Laurens County Library Governor’s School for the Arts Foundation Inc. Interlochen Center for the Arts McKissick Museum Metropolitan Opera National Council Miami Museum of Art Newberry Opera House Opera Carolina Orangeburg Historic & Fine Arts Endowment The Palmetto Opera Riverbanks Society The Sandlapper Singers South Carolina Archives & History Foundation South Carolina Arts Foundation South Carolina Museum Foundation South Carolina Philharmonic The Sumter County Gallery of Art UNC-TV USC Educational Foundation United States Holocaust Memorial Museum University of South Carolina Foundation WBFO WCPE WNED Workshop Theatre of South Carolina
Civic Engagement
American Friends Service Committee American Jewish Committee Anti-Defamation League Central Carolina Community Foundation Columbia Rotary Club Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America Mothers Against Drunk Driving Rotary Foundation of Rotary International S.C. Bar Foundation Simon Wiesenthal Center World Jewish Congress Foundation
American Indian College Fund Ashley Hall Foundation Atlanta Public Schools Atlantic City School District Back To School Roundup Barnstable Public Schools Belmont Abbey College Ben Lippen School Boys and Girls Club of Goshen The Buckley School Foundation Canton Academy Cardinal Newman High School Cayce-West Columbia Kiwanis Club Central Carolina Community Foundation Chabad of South Carolina Charleston County School District Chatham Hall Clemson University Clemson University Foundation College of Charleston Foundation Columbia College Columbia Jewish Day School Communities In Schools of the Midlands Community Academy Public Charter School Converse College Crossnore School DTH Publishing Corporation Danville Public Schools Desert Christian Schools DonorsChoose Inc. Drake University Duke School of Medicine Duke University Emory University The Endowment Fund of the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity Englewood Public Schools Episcopal High School Furman University Georgia State University Foundation Inc. Georgia Tech Foundation Glenforest School Governor’s School for the Arts Foundation Inc.
15 Grants.................................... $104,200.00
Conservation and Preservation
Central Carolina Community Foundation The Souper Bowl of Caring South Carolina Association of Nonprofit Organizations United Way of the Midlands
Beaufort County Open Land Trust Brookgreen Gardens Charleston Horticultural Society Columbia Green Congaree Land Trust Edisto Island Open Land Trust Five Points Association Friends of Dupont Forest Inc. Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway Inc. Friends of the Reedy River Gilbert Community Park Historic Columbia Foundation Marlboro Civic Center Foundation National Parks Foundation Nature Conservancy The Nature Conservancy in South Carolina The Palmetto Conservation Foundation Parsons Nursery Rich Mountain Conservancy Saluda Shoals Foundation Scarborough-Hamer Foundation Sierra Club Foundation South Carolina Coastal Conservation League The Trust for Public Land Upstate Forever
5 Grants..................................... $71,640.00
45 Grants................................... $125,679.20
94 Grants.................................. $249,400.93
Capacity Building and Training
22 | Central Carolina Community Foundation 2009 Annual Report
Greenville County Schools Hammond School Hampton Park Christian School Hartwick College Heathwood Hall Episcopal School Heathwood Hall Episcopal School Endowment Fund Heritage Christian Academy Highland Park United Methodist Church Jewish Educational Loan Fund King College Lees-McRae College Mary Baldwin College Montreat College Morehead Alumni Campaign Morris School District New Braunfels Independent School Districts Newberry College Norfolk Public Schools Northfield Mt. Hermon School Northwestern University Orangeburg Calhoun Technical College Foundation Orangeburg Preparatory School Overton Elementary School Palmetto Institute Partners in Out-of-School Time Peace College PENCIL Foundation Penn State Presbyterian College Queens University of Charlotte Randolph College The Rectory School Red Cloud Indian School Richland County School District One Richland School District Two Richmond City Public Schools The S.C. Higher Education Foundation Sandhills School Sandlapper Society Inc. South Carolina Council on Economic Education South Carolina Department of Commerce
South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics Foundation Southern Interscholastic Press Association Spring Valley Education Foundation Spring Valley Presbyterian Church Swansea High School Trinity School Inc. Trinity-Pawling School USC Educational Foundation University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of Pennsylvania Law School University of South Carolina University of South Carolina Foundation University Specialty Clinics Volunteers of America Carolinas Wake Forest University Wake Forest University School of Medicine Washington & Lee University Western Carolina University Winthrop University Foundation Wofford College Woodberry Forest School 161 Grants.................................. $870,821.46
Health and Wellbeing Alzheimer’s Association – South Carolina Chapter American Heart Association American Institute for Cancer Research American Lung Association The Barrier Islands Free Medical Clinic Inc. Breast Cancer 3-Day Cannon/Sloop Health Care Foundation Carolina Youth Development Center Central Carolina Community Foundation Charleston Area Therapeutic Riding Inc. The Columbia Jewish Community Center Community Medical Clinic of Kershaw County CooperRiis Inc. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Dan Marino Foundation Doctors Without Borders Easter Seals South Carolina
Federation Center of the Blind The Free Clinics The Free Medical Clinic Inc. Greater Greenville YMCA Greenwood Genetic Center Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute Healthy Learners Hospice of Charleston Foundation Hospice & Community Care Hospice Foundation Hospice of TRMC Hospital Foundation to Advance Healthcare in Kershaw County The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society – South Carolina Chapter Lexington Medical Center Foundation Lymphoma Research Foundation March of Dimes Medicine Chief of the Panther Lodge Medicine Society Mental Health America of South Carolina Mental Illness Recovery Center Inc. The Methodist Oaks National Federation of the Blind Newberry County Memorial Hospital Foundation Palmetto Center for Women Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital Palmetto Health Foundation Planned Parenthood Federation of America Sam Schmidt Paralysis Foundation Silver Ring Thing Sisters of Charity Providence Hospital The Smile Train St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Sumter Family YMCA The Tuomey Foundation University Specialty Clinics Vision Coalition Massachusetts YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly YMCA of Columbia 80 Grants.................................. $294,061.52
Housing and Homelessness Alston Wilkes Society Buffalo City Mission Central Carolina Community Foundation Central South Carolina Habitat for Humanity The Cooperative Ministry Habitat for Humanity International Home Works of America Inc. Midlands Housing Alliance Midlands Interfaith Homelessness Action Council My Sisters House Inc. Oliver Gospel Mission S.C. UpLift Community Outreach Simon Wiesenthal Center St. Lawrence Place 36 Grants................................... $461,943.15
Human Services Alston Wilkes Society American Red Cross American Red Cross of Central South Carolina American Red Cross – Greater Edisto Chapter Bethany Christian Services Billie Hardee Home for Boys Brunson Cemetery Inc. Calhoun County Cares Carolina Children’s Home Catholic Relief Services Central Carolina Community Foundation Children Unlimited of Family Service Center Children’s Chance Children’s Home Inc. City of Laurens Coastal Crisis Chaplaincy Community Foundation of Greenville Connie Maxwell Children’s Home Cooperative Church Ministries of Orangeburg The Cooperative Ministry ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal The Episcopal Home at Still Hopes Episcopal Relief and Development
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Epworth Children’s Home Family Service Center of South Carolina Fearrington Cares Feed the Children Feminists for Life of America Food Bank of Western New York Food for the Poor Inc. God’s Storehouse Goodwill Industries of Western New York Inc. Harvest Hope Food Bank Heifer Project International La Leche League Law Enforcement Chaplaincy for South Carolina Lexington County Sheriffs Foundation Lexington Interfaith Community Services Lutheran Family Services Lutheran World Relief Main-Transit Fire Department Inc. Meals on Wheels The Nurturing Center Oliver Gospel Mission Orangeburg County Council on Aging Oxfam America Palmetto Family Council Palmetto Place Children’s Emergency Shelter Palmetto Project Inc. Pima County Child Abuse Prevention Council Pregnancy Resource Center of Charlotte Ruth and Naomi Senior Outreach S.C. District of the Assemblies of God The Salvation Army The Salvation Army Woodyard Fund Save the Children Senior Resources Inc. Sistercare Inc. The Souper Bowl of Caring Sovereign Military Order of Malta – Federal Association Thornwell Home & School for Children Trident United Way United States Fund for Unicef United Way Association of South Carolina United Way of Chatham County
United Way of Greenville United Way of Kershaw County United Way of Sumter, Clarendon and Lee Counties United Way of the Midlands Vital Connections of the Midlands Volunteers of America Carolinas The Women’s Shelter Work In Progress Inc. World Mission Centre York Place Episcopal Church Home for Children 223 Grants................................ $887,443.48
Philanthropy and Volunteerism AFP – Central Carolina Chapter The Bastiat Society Central Carolina Community Foundation Columbia Jewish Federation New Morning Foundation United Way of the Midlands 40 Grants.................................. $1,270,798.00
Recreation Augusta State University Foundation Fairway Outreach North Carolina State Athletics Richland County Recreation Commission S.C. Junior Golf Foundation Shake A Leg Miami Special Olympics South Carolina 8 Grants..................................... $105,381.30
Religion All Saints Mission Alliance Defense Fund Inc. American Bible Society American Family Association Back 2 Back Ministries Barefoot Community Church
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Beth Shalom Synagogue Bethel Christian Camp & Conference Center Bible Broadcasting Network Brunson United Methodist Church Calvary Chapel Vail Cameron United Methodist Church Camp Discovery at His Acres Campus Crusade for Christ Chapin Presbyterian Church Chesterfield County Community Church Christ’s Sanctified Holy Church Church of the Apostles Compassion International Convent of the Transfiguration Crossover Communications International Duke University Divinity School Eastminster Presbyterian Church Entrust Fairforest Baptist Church Faith Baptist Church Faith Memorial Chapel First Baptist Church First Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church Christian Counseling Center Focus on the Family Fourth Presbyterian Church Gideons International Grace Episcopal Church Holy Trinity Lutheran Church House of Light Iglesia Luterana Manantial de Vida ELCA The Jesuit Partnership Kanuga Conferences Inc. Lake Robinson Baptist Church Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary Lutheridge-Lutherock Ministries Inc. The Marist Brothers of the United States Mepkin Abbey Midtown Fellowship Montreat Conference Center Northeast Presbyterian Church
Onelife Ministries Parkview Baptist Church Pasadena Covenant Church Prince George Winyah Episcopal Church Princeton Theological Seminary Prison Fellowship Riverland Hills Baptist Church Rockville Presbyterian Church Saint Mary’s Convent Shandon Presbyterian Church Sisters of Saint Mary Society of Saint John the Evangelist South Carolina Christian Action Council Spring Valley Baptist Church Spring Valley Presbyterian Church St. Andrews Baptist Church St. Gabriel Catholic Church St. John’s Episcopal Church St. Joseph’s Catholic Church St. Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church St. Michael’s Lutheran Church St. Peter’s Catholic Church St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church Trenholm Road United Methodist Church Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Trinity Episcopal Church Voice of the Martyrs WMHK Radio Well of Mercy Inc. World Witness YMCA of Columbia Young Life Columbia Zion Episcopal Church Cemetery 188 Grants................................. $909,549.10
A.C. Flora First Five Years Scholarship Hayley J. Elia, University of South Carolina William A. Kennedy, Presbyterian College Zack and Rachel Clarkson Scholarship Matthew McCants II, Francis Marion University Taurean E. Stokes, Winthrop University Daughters of the Holy Cross – Sara Hempley Scholarship DeCole F. Hughes, Midlands Technical College Gilbert Ruritan Scholarship Jake E. Padgett, University of South Carolina Aiken Handel-Carter Assistance Fund Carolyn J. Boston, South University William S. and Elizabeth B. Heath Scholarship Kayla Breitwieser, University of South Carolina Lindsey Breitwieser, College of Charleston Jessica Foxworth, University of South Carolina Jennifer L. Joyner, Winthrop University Elizabeth Lewis, College of Charleston
National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors Scholarship Drew Stevens, University of South Carolina Rogers and Meredith College Fund Reisha Alston, University of South Carolina Maria K. de St. Aubin, Midlands Technical College Michael M. de St. Aubin, Midlands Technical College Patrick A. de St. Aubin, Stark State College of Technology Tyesha Deas, University of South Carolina Ashley D. Lawson, University of South Carolina Adam S. McJunkin, Midlands Technical College Michael R. Meek, University of Arizona Meagan O’Keefe, East Carolina University Valerie I. Palmieri, Point Park University Rachel Pemberton, Clemson University Jeremy R. Richards, University of South Carolina Wayne D. Sharpe Jr., University of South Carolina Christopher M. West, Clemson University
Estelle Jones Memorial Scholarship Raymond L. Jones, Coastal Carolina University
Bobbi Rossi Memorial Scholarship Kara L. Cole, University of South Carolina Chelsea Goodwin, Cardinal Newman High School Marcia N. Smith, University of South Carolina
LinkScholars Program Fund Lakeisha Jenkins, University of South Carolina
Smart Matters Scholarship Shanique K. Sumter, Winthrop University
Dr. William L. McDow Scholarship Emily K. Stover, Winthrop University Jacqueline M. Miller Scholarship Natasha Colvin, Clemson University Julie Locklair, University of South Carolina Mesha Sloss, Duke University Milaan L. Waters, North Carolina State University
Woodlands’ Families Scholarship Tiffany Huggins, University of South Carolina Aiken Thomas K. Rumph, Savannah College of Art & Design 39 Scholarships....................... $124,900.00
Youth Development Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Greater Columbia Inc. Boys and Girls Clubs of the Midlands Inc. Boys and Girls Clubs of the Trident Area Camp Adam Fisher Inc. Camp Discovery at His Acres Carolina Children’s Home Catch-A-Dream Foundation Central Carolina Community Foundation City Year Columbia Columbia Bethlehem Community Center Friends of Juvenile Justice Girl Scouts of South Carolina – Mountains to Midlands Inc. Indian Waters Council, Boy Scouts of America Junior Achievement of Central South Carolina Pee Dee Area Council, Boy Scouts of America Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club Trinity Episcopal Cathedral YMCA of Columbia Youth Corps 43 Grants................................... $147,647.56
Animal Welfare (26).............................. $ 264,902.50 Arts & Culture (94)......................................... 249,400.93 Capacity Building & Training (5).....................71,640.00 Civic Engagement (15)....................................104,200.00 Conservation & Preservation (45)................ 125,679.20 Education (161).................................................. 870,821.46 Health & Wellbeing (80)................................ 294,061.52 Housing & Homelessness (36)...................... 461,943.15 Human Services (223).................................... 887,443.48 Philanthropy & Volunteerism (40)........... 1,270,798.00 Recreation (8).....................................................105,381.30 Religion (188).....................................................909,549.10 Scholarships (39)............................................. 124,900.00 Youth Development (43)..................................147,647.56 Total (1,003)..............................................$ 5,888,368.20
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Regional Endowments
Kershaw County Endowment
As part of their relationship with the Foundation, Chapin, Kershaw, Sumter, Orangeburg and Calhoun have established endowments specific to their areas to better serve local community needs. Each affiliate has set a clear purpose to enable neighbors, leaders, citizens, family and friends to provide for each other and their futures together as a community. A board of local community advisors provides leadership over the resources for the nonprofit organizations in their targeted areas.
Harriett C. Brevard Mary Virginia Clark Hope H. Cooper Debra L. Edwards Carolyn J. Hampton Kay D. Kinard Pauline W. Lampshire, Chair Vivian B. Metze, Secretary/Treasurer Fred Ogburn* Robert J. Sheehan, Esq. Jane M. Peacock, CPA C. Howard Varn Jr., DMD* Sylvia Upton Wood
Greater Chapin Community Endowment Mark Bolding** James H. Burns** Thurston L. Chavis Jr. Linda DuRant* Lil Hayes** Chris Koon, Vice Chair Bud Lewandowski Pat Lewandowski Debbie McCaslin Suzanne G. Odom**, Treasurer Dinah Pinner* Greg Ross**
Gary Schmedding, Secretary Louetta A. Slice, Past Chair Randall Stewart John M. Stickney* J. Robert “Skip” Wilson Jr., Chair *Term ended June 30, 2009 **Term started July 1, 2009 No grants were awarded to allow the fund to grow. New grantmaking guidelines were recently announced and grant applications are due February 1, 2010. Visit www.chapin.yourfoundation.org.
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*Term started July 1, 2009
Grants Communities in Schools of Kershaw County received $1,000 to provide supplies for the after-school program at Camden Middle School. Fine Arts Center of Kershaw County received $2,000 to support the Healing Arts program, which uses the arts as a unique tool to promote, maintain and/or restore physical, mental and emotional wellness.
Girl Scouts of South Carolina — Mountains to Midlands Inc. received $500 to assist in training troop leaders and community volunteers, purchase curriculum and materials, and hold workshops for parents and girls for the U Matter initiative. Junior Achievement of Central South Carolina received $500 to assist with the delivery of nine programs to students attending Lugoff Elementary School. Kershaw County Literacy Association received $500 to assist with expanding tutoring services to the unserved rural areas of the county. Kershaw County School District received $1,000 for Coloring Camden and Kershaw County’s Past. The program incorporates historically significant homes and buildings in Kershaw County into the third-grade Social Studies curriculum through a coloring book created by seventhgrade honor students.
2009 The Founder’s Fund This fund, established in honor of our Society of Founders, will provide grants each year in one of our strategic focus areas. In its first year, the fund will provide grants for literacy programs throughout the 11 counties we serve. We encourage our donors to join us in building the fund. The Community Foundation provided a dollar for dollar match for the first $5,000 donated. Together, we will honor the vision of our founders and make a difference in the lives of our neighbors.
Kershaw County Teen Health Promotion Coalition received $500 to assist with the Let’s Talk Summit, which brings together teens and parents in the community to talk about issues such as teen pregnancy, drugs and alcohol, gangs and healthy relationships. United Way of Kershaw County received $500 to assist with providing an on-site laundry facility for the tenants of the transitional housing facility New Day on Mill.
Sumter Community Foundation John M. Brabham Jr. Kathleen Fox Creech, Chair William E. DuRant Jr., Esq. Lee A. McLeod, Vice Chair Hubert D. Osteen Jr. Lorin P. Palmer Philip G. Palmer, CPA, Secretary/Treasurer Victoria L. Shaw Larry C. Weston, Esq. William F. Young, MD No grants were awarded to allow the fund to grow.
Orangeburg Calhoun Community Foundation Dodd Buie III** C. F. Evans* Janet F. Fields** Trudy R. Frierson Robert R. Horger, Esq.* Mike Johnson* Dane H. Murray* Jim Roquemore* Randy L. Snell Ann T. Summers, Chair Freda S. Summers, Vice Chair Braxton B. Wannamaker, MD Matthew W. Way, Secretary/Treasurer * Term ended December 31, 2008 ** Term started January 1, 2009
Preserve. The facility offers Audubon naturalist-guided programs and educational opportunities to students in Calhoun County. Elloree Heritage Museum & Cultural Center received $1,000 to help for repairs and maintenance to the Museum’s Farm Wing. Healing Species received $3,000 to expand their violence intervention/ character education program into three additional schools. Town of Springfield received $1,000 to assist with construction of an area to house collections and exhibits in the regional museum being established.
Grants American Red Cross — Greater Edisto Chapter received $3,000 to assist home fire victims by providing temporary shelter, food, clothing and life sustaining medicines. Audubon South Carolina received $3,000 to help with installation of a restroom at the Wannamaker Nature
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Agency Endowment Funds Alpha Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Inc. Research Fund Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association Inc. – Palmetto Chapter Animal Protection League Endowment Fund Calhoun County Library Building Fund Capital Senior Center Endowment Fund Carolina Children’s Home Endowment Fund Children Unlimited Endowment Inc. Foundation Fund Children’s Chance Endowment Fund Children’s Chance - Harry Sunshine Fund Columbia Choral Society Endowment Fund Columbia City Ballet Endowment Fund The Columbia Garden Club Foundation Endowment Fund The Commun-I-Care Bart Barone Endowment Fund Congaree Land Trust Endowment Fund Congaree Land Trust - Evelyn Pringle Boyd Memorial Fund Cultural Council of Richland & Lexington Counties Endowment Fund EdVenture Yes Every Child Endowment Fund The Family Connection of South Carolina Inc. Endowment Fund Family Service Center Fund for Crippled Children Girl Scouts of S.C. – Mountains to Midlands – Myrtle Lasley Endowment Fund Governor’s School For the Arts Endowment Fund Hammond School Endowment Fund Junior Achievement of Central South Carolina Inc. Endowment Fund Junior League of Columbia Inc. Endowment Fund Lexington/Richland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council Endowment Fund Mental Illness Recovery Center Inc. Endowment Fund Nancy K. Perry Children’s Shelter Foundation Fund Newberry County Hospital Foundation Inc. Endowment Fund Orangeburg Historic and Fine Arts Endowment Fund Palmetto Place Children’s Emergency Shelter Capital Campaign Fund Palmetto Place Children’s Emergency Shelter Endowment Fund Senior Resources Inc. Endowment Fund Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands Endowment Fund Sistercare Inc. Endowed Fund
Southern Interscholastic Press Association Endowment Fund Sumter County Gallery of Art Endowment Fund The Town Theatre Endowment Fund United Way of the Midlands Endowment Fund Women in Philanthropy of the United Way of the Midlands Fund Community Funds Mary and Clinch Belser Unrestricted Fund Boyle Family Unrestricted Fund Darfur Action Group of South Carolina Administrative Fund Faucette Fund Genesis Fund Greater Chapin Community Endowment Joyce Martin Hampton Unrestricted Fund Harriet and Walter Keenan Unrestricted Fund Kershaw County Endowment Fund Lipscomb Family Fund Cindy and Evan Nord Unrestricted Fund Orangeburg Calhoun Community Foundation Francis L. Shealy and Mary Joyce Shealy Unrestricted Fund Sarah and Wilbur Smith Fund Mary Averill Stanton Unrestricted Grantmaking Fund Sumter Community Foundation Fund Designated Funds Deane and Roger Ackerman Designated Fund for the Sumter Gallery of Art James F. Adams Memorial Fund Averyt Special Fund Blanton Matching Fund Brookland Foundation Inc. Homeless Outreach Endowment Fund Clarkson Memorial Fund for Zion Episcopal Church Cemetery Daily Bread Memorial Fund David and Julie Epting Fund Robert W. Foster Charitable Fund Robert W. Foster Designated Fund Julia R. Gentles Fund Gilbert Community Park Fund Girl Scouts of S.C. – Mountains to Midlands – Chandler Burns Scholarship Fund
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Harby Milk Fund Harvest Hope Food Bank Designated Fund Heathwood Hall Episcopal School Designated Fund A Kate M. LaCoste Endowment for Carolina Children’s Home Kate M. LaCoste Endowment for Fairforest Baptist Church Kate M. LaCoste Endowment for First Baptist Church Mott Administrative Endowment Fund for CCCF Nurturing Center Designated Funds A & B Master Sergeant Worley E. Phipps Fund Dave Ransdell Memorial Fund Edward Y. and Mary Lee Roper Family Endowment for Harvest Hope Food Bank Edward Y. and Mary Lee Roper Family Endowment for The Cooperative Ministry Edward Y. and Mary Lee Roper Family Fund Roseberry Family Designated Fund John J. and Inez K. Ross Charitable Fund S.C. Greenhouse Growers’ Research Endowment Fund Sandhills School Emergency Fund Marshall and Frances Shearouse Fund Mary Averill Stanton Administrative Endowment Fund for CCCF Mary Averill Stanton Fund for the Aiken SPCA Mary Averill Stanton Fund for the HSPCA of Richland County Swansea High School Athletic Foundation Fund Alice E. and Richard N. Vandekieft Memorial Fund John and Betty Warren Fund Milford H. Wessinger Designated Fund Sarah Nash Wilson Fund Max and Sibby Wood Endowment Fund Donor-Advised Funds The Academy of Columbia Foundation Fund Deane and Roger Ackerman Family Fund Alexander Family Fund Allison Family Fund Lynette Lewis Allston and Allard A. Allston Family Fund Gayle O. Averyt Donor Advised Fund Baker and Baker Fund for Children’s Literacy Charlotte Jackson Berry Donor Advised Fund Lewis Blackman Foundation Fund Bill and Jean Blount Donor Advised Fund
BlueCross BlueShield Donor Advised Fund Eugene Bowen and Vivian Gunter Chase Family Foundation Fund The Furman and Kim Buchanan Fund C.F. Evans & Company* Edward B. Cantey Donor Advised Fund The Cassels Foundation Fund Anne and Neal Christiansen Fund Cotter Family Fund Jay and Yolanda Courie Community Fund Thomas W. Cozart Jr. Family Foundation Fund Dailey Family Charitable Fund Frank J. and Laura M. Dana Fund Dove Fund Easterby Family Fund South Ebert Fund for Learning Disabilities Fant Family Donor Advised Fund Farrell Family Foundation Fund First Fruits Foundation Fund Frankstone Family Fund Leon S. and Billie Goodall Donor Advised Fund Vesta and Eddie Haselden Fund Stella B. Hennessee Fund Boyd C. Hipp II Family Fund Michael and Michelle Hogue Donor Advised Fund Hootie and The Blowfish Foundation Fund William R. Horton and Mary R. Major Family Fund Addie Lawson Howle and Hugh Stokes Sprott Fund Katharine and William Hubbard Family Fund John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Advised Fund Nexsen B. and Sylvia T. Johnson Fund Jones Family Fund Alan and Charlotte Kahn Family Fund Shiney and Lally Keenan Memorial Donor Advised Fund The Lehman Charitable Fund Lloyd and Doris Liles Donor Advised Fund* Lipscomb Family Fund Joyce Binkley Long Ovarian Cancer Research Donor Advised Fund The Marion and Finley Lucas Jr. Donor Advised Fund Jim and Claudia Maloney Foundation Fund Cass Elias McCarter Memorial Fund
Ben and Henriette Morris Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Page Morris Family Fund The Mungo Charitable Fund Nelson Mullins Riley and Scarborough Foundation Fund Beth and Eric Nord Fund for the Arts Cindy and Evan Nord Family Fund Ethan W. Nord Donor Advised Fund Evan W. Nord Donor Designated Fund Walter and Virginia Nord Donor Advised Fund F.D. Owen Jr. Family Fund Theodis Parsons Palmer-McMahon Leadership Fund* Roy and Marnie Pearce Fund Poston Family Fund Redd Family Fund George W. and Connally S. Rogers Fund Hannah and Ronald Rogers Fund The SCBT Foundation Fund Marcia Reinfeld Samuels Donor Advised Fund Scarborough Family Charitable Trust Fund Ann Scott Foundation Fund The Scott-Pearce Family Fund Wayne Shuler Family Foundation Fund The George E. and Sabie M. Simmons Charitable Fund Eloise C. Snyder Foundation Fund The Sovereign Ministries Foundation Fund Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sullivan Foundation Fund Christy and Ken Taucher Donor Advised Fund Taylor Family Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tronco Jr. Fund Allyson Nord Wandtke Donor Advised Fund Samuel C. and Mary E. Baskin Waters Foundation Fund John T. and Shirley A. Weeks Fund Wendyth and Warner Wells Charitable Fund Williams Fund G. Larry and Patricia Wilson Foundation Fund The Robert W. Wingard Jr. Donor Advised Fund Andrew D. Zalkin Charitable Fund
Donor-Advised Non-Endowed Funds AIDS Partnership Fund* Abacus Planning Group Inc. Escrow Fund Aloha Trust Escrow Fund Bailey Escrow Fund Frank and Melanie Baker Escrow Fund Peter A. and Mary W. Balbach Escrow Fund Barone-Johnson Escrow Fund Beth and Russell Bauknight Fund Bell Donor Advised Escrow Fund Blanton Escrow Fund M. Edward Sellers and Suzan D. Boyd Escrow Fund The Buckley School Foundation Campaign Fund Mrs. Sidney B. Burnett Donor Advised Escrow Fund James T. Burns Charitable Funds Caulkins-Anderson Donor Advised Escrow Fund Clark Family Fund Henry and Emily Clay Escrow Fund Columbia Beautification Foundation Fund – BeautiFive Project Columbia Beautification Foundation Fund – Forever Forest Tree Foundation Richard E. Conner Sr. and JoAnn M. Conner Donor Advised Escrow Fund Susannah and John Cook Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Davidson Sr. Escrow Fund Davis Family Escrow Fund Beverly L. Edgell Donor Advised Escrow Fund Ellis Lawhorne and Sims Donor Advised Escrow Fund Clarence and Virginia Evans Donor Advised Escrow Fund George C. Fant Jr. Escrow Fund Barry J. and Jennifer A. Feldman Donor Advised Escrow Fund Thomas S. and Elizabeth M. Walker Fitzgerald Donor Advised Escrow Fund Bobby Foster Escrow Fund Robert W. Foster Charitable Escrow Fund* Margaret and Clarence Fouse Donor Advised Escrow Fund Reginald E. and Phyllis D. Francklyn Fund Glenn Escrow Fund Chris Goodall Family Fund Graybill Escrow Fund Elizabeth E. Griffith Charitable (Donor Advised Escrow) Fund Mr. and Mrs. Ted Halkyard Escrow Fund
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Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haltiwanger Escrow Fund Handpicked Inc. Escrow Fund Scott and Emilee Hendrix Donor Advised Escrow Fund C. Carroll and Susan B. Heyward Donor Advised Escrow Fund Bruce and Carla Hughes Charitable Fund Hutto Escrow Fund Dr. and Mrs. Richard Lawson Escrow Fund Lehman Charitable Fund* Lloyd and Doris Liles Donor Advised Escrow Fund LinkScholars Escrow Fund* John and Mary Jane Martin Fund Mary and John McCants Escrow Fund Julius W. and Elizabeth M. McKay Donor Advised Escrow Fund Midlands Housing Alliance Transition Center (Escrow) Fund* Reverend Joe D. Mills Fund The Nesbitt Family Foundation Fund Nord Cascading Unitrust Escrow Fund J. Michael and Rachel R. Otis Donor Advised Escrow Fund David G. and Joan R. Owen Escrow Fund The Henry Michael Powell Memorial Fund Deborah Fyffe Prier Fund Redd Family Escrow Fund* Jim and Perry Ritchie Donor Advised Escrow Fund Bill Rogers Escrow Fund George and Marie Roper Escrow Fund S.C. Youth Philanthropy Partnership Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Shaw Donor Advised Escrow Fund Steve and Louise Slater Escrow Fund Ben and Lorraine Smith Charitable Donor Advised Escrow Mr. and Mrs. John C.B. Smith Jr. Escrow Fund Wilbur C. and Diane T. Smith Donor Advised Escrow Fund Mac and Beverly Stidham Escrow Fund Strasburger Escrow Fund Cameron Todd Escrow Fund Jack and Elizabeth Towell Donor Advised Escrow Fund David E. and Dorothy G. Tribble Escrow Fund Pat and Susie VanHuss Donor Advised Escrow Fund* Weiner Escrow Fund Susan P. and Stephen K. Wiggins Fund Womble Escrow Fund Women in Philanthropy of United Way of the Midlands Donor Advised Escrow Fund
Max and Sibby Wood Escrow Fund Andrew D. and Connie B. Woodham Fund WRS/DMT Donor Advised Escrow Fund Margaret and Chris Yeakel Donor Advised Escrow Fund Dr. and Mrs. William F. Young Escrow Fund Field-of-Interest Funds Robert G. and Jean C. Barinowski Fund Pierrine and Hootie Johnson Field Of Interest Fund M.B. Kahn Construction Company Fund M.B. Kahn Construction Company Employees Disaster Relief and Emergency Fund Nell V. Mellichamp Fund Mental Health Resources Foundation Fund Ministry Resources Foundation Fund Monroe Family Fund New Morning Foundation – General Unrestricted Fund Pied Piper Fund David W. Robinson Catalyst Award Fund The Roseberry Family Fund The Sunshine Fund Jack E. and Naomi H. Taylor Fund Milford H. Wessinger Building Better Tomorrows Fund The Andrew D. Zalkin Fund for Visual and Performing Art Scholarship Funds A.C. Flora First Five Years Foundation Fund Lester L. Bates Scholarship Fund Lewis Wardlaw Blackman Scholarship Fund James A. Broome Scholarship Fund (Columbia High School Key Club) The Buckley School Foundation Zack and Rachel Clarkson Scholarship Fund Daughters of the Holy Cross – Sara Hempley Scholarship Fund Explorers Scholarship Fund Rhittie Gettone - Leading by Example – Communities In Schools Scholarship Fund Gilbert Alumni Technology Scholarship Fund Gilbert Ruritan Scholarship Fund Handel-Carter Assistance Fund William S. and Elizabeth B. Heath Scholarship Fund Dr. Robert Howard/WHS Scholarship Fund*
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Bobby J. Jacobs Jr. Turn Your Life Around Award Estelle Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund Estelle Jones Non-Traditional Students Scholarship Fund LinkScholars Program Fund Terry A. McCoy Leadership Scholarship Endowment* Dr. William L. McDow Scholarship Fund Miller Scholarship Fund National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors Scholarship Fund Grace Brooks and E. Perry Palmer Fund The Pierce/Zimmerman Scholarship Fund James J. Robb Scholarship Fund Rogers and Meredith College Fund Bobbi Rossi Memorial Scholarship Fund Louetta Slice Scholarship Fund Smart Matters Scholarship Fund* H. Eugene Webb Jr. Scholarship Fund Milford H. Wessinger Scholarship Fund Woodlands’ Families Scholarship Fund *New Fund Number of Funds: 345
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Benefits for Donors As the preeminent philanthropic organization in our community, the Foundation offers many benefits to our donors. Convenient Local Services The Community Foundation is structured to make powerful charitable giving easy, flexible and effective for our donors and their financial advisors. Donors may choose from a variety of charitable giving approaches, selecting the methods that best suit their financial plan. Once a fund is established, donors will have access to information about their funds by contacting the Foundation. Our staff works diligently to connect donors with the issues they care about most.
Experienced Staff Our professional staff has over two decades of experience in crafting charitable giving techniques based on the individual needs of our donors. We can provide you with information to help you make well-informed decisions that meet your financial and charitable goals. More than 300 individuals, corporations and nonprofit organizations have selected the Community Foundation because of our knowledge of local needs and our extensive experience in local problem solving.
Gifts in Perpetuity The Foundation is governed by a dedicated volunteer Board of Trustees. These civic leaders represent a diverse cross-section of the community. Donors can be confident that their charitable gifts will be managed properly and will continue to fulfill the purpose for which they were originally created, whether focusing on the environment, the arts, or young people, generation after generation. Using certain planned giving instruments, donors may even be able to create their own charitable legacy, while often providing needed income for themselves or other beneficiaries.
Economies of Scale If each individual fund operated independently and had to create the services we provide, the price tag would be exorbitant. High administrative funds often reduce the dollars available for giving. At the Community Foundation, our funds share the costs of our outstanding staff and excellent investment advisors, increasing the amount of charitable giving. By bundling our funds, the Community Foundation is able to serve clients who want to be philanthropists, no matter what their wealth.
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2009 Planned Giving Seminars Planned giving speaks to the future of a community and the desire of people in the present to make sure that generations are ensured the same or better quality of life. Since its inception, the Foundation has worked with professional advisors to assist their clients with their charitable giving needs. To further promote planned giving, the Foundation is now partnering with the South Carolina Planned Giving Council to host lunch and learn educational seminars for estate and trust professionals in the Midlands.
Establish Your Giving Plan The Community Foundation offers several different types of fund options to meet the varying philanthropic and financial goals of our donors. Agency Endowment Funds Agency endowment funds provide a simple way for your nonprofit organization to establish a permanent endowment, providing a source of lasting support. You can choose to receive the income earned annually from your fund or let it go into the principle and continue to grow.
Community Funds Community funds are supported through your unrestricted gifts and allow the Community Foundation to respond to the ever-changing needs of the Midlands. Income is distributed after a competitive review process to nonprofits that have innovative programs and initiate effective change and progress within the community.
Designated Funds Designated funds allow you to identify specific nonprofit organizations to receive grants. You may choose one or several organizations to support with your fund. Income from the fund is paid to the designated organization(s) to be used to support operations and programs.
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Donor-Advised Funds Donor-Advised funds provide both immediate impact and sustainable benefit while giving you the flexibility to give to many varying organizations and programs. At the core is a permanent “endowed” fund which makes a portion available for distribution to charitable causes each year and will grow over time. Alongside the permanent fund can be a nonpermanent “escrow” fund which allows for distribution of the entire balance in amounts as small as $100.
Field-of-Interest Funds Field-of-Interest funds support a specific focus area of your choice, such as arts, education, human services or youth. By identifying and distributing grants concurrent with your area of concern, a field-of-interest fund ensures your interests are funded, but does not limit the funding to one particular organization.
Scholarship Funds Scholarship funds allow you to help provide educational opportunities for future community leaders. These funds are typically set up to honor loved ones or someone who has helped you succeed in life. You may designate the criteria for the scholarship and assist in the selection process by serving on the scholarship selection committee if you so choose.
Decide How to Give We offer a variety of giving tools to help you achieve your charitable goals. There are two ways to give to the Community Foundation — immediate or planned gifts — and there are several methods by which to contribute these gifts. Each of these choices offers various financial and tax benefits. Immediate Giving Options Cash gifts are the easiest way to create a named fund or add to an existing fund at the Community Foundation. Up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income can be deducted in any one year. Deduction amounts exceeding this limit may be carried forward for up to five additional years. Cash gifts can be made with a check, wire transfer or a national credit card. Securities (bonds, mutual funds and stock) may be used to establish a fund or add to an existing fund. You can deduct the full market value of your charitable gift up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. Deduction amounts exceeding this limit may be carried forward for up to five additional years. Making a gift of appreciated securities allows you to avoid the capital gains tax on the appreciated portion of the gift. Real Estate gifts are an ideal way to attain a level of giving you might not have previously considered possible. By donating real estate, you receive the maximum tax deduction allowed by law and avoid capital gains tax on a sale.
Planned Giving Options Bequests are gifts left to the Community Foundation in your estate. Many donors who may be concerned about their future finances choose a bequest as a way to positively influence the future of their community after they are gone. Beneficiary gifts allow you to make a charitable contribution by naming the Community Foundation as the beneficiary on your life insurance or retirement accounts. When you name the Foundation the owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy, you receive an immediate tax deduction, which usually approximates the cash surrender value of the policy. All premium payments made by you thereafter will be deductible as a charitable contribution. If you name the Foundation the beneficiary of an individual retirement account or 401(k), at death the assets transfer to the Community Foundation, avoiding estate and income taxes. Charitable Gift Annuities allow you to arrange a generous gift to your community, while providing yourself a new income source you can count on for the rest of your life. We set up a contract with you that combines immediate annuity payments to you with a deferred charitable gift for your community. You receive a tax deduction for the charitable portion of your gift. Trusts can be very simple, or they can be as complex as necessary to meet your financial, charitable and personal goals. Charitable lead trusts provide income to the Community Foundation immediately and for a period of years, after which the property reverts to you or your heirs. A charitable remainder trust allows you to receive an income stream for life. Payments may vary from year to year or can be fixed at the time the gift is made.
Donors | 33
Legacy Society
The following donors have given funds to support the Foundation’s operations.
Central Carolina Community Foundation created the Legacy Society to honor those who have made a lasting commitment to our community by including charitable gifts to the Foundation in their estate. The Legacy Society provides a way for the Community Foundation to recognize and thank these individuals during their lifetimes and beyond. Legacy Society members will always be recognized as contributing members of their generation, leaving a record of generosity and support for future generations to see and respect. We appreciate their vision and insight for our community’s future. If you would like to become a member of the Legacy Society, please contact us and we will help you plan your gift to the Community Foundation. Gayle O. Averyt Mary Wyatt Balbach Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Barinowski Mrs. Jane A. Barnhill Mac and Leslie Bennett Charlotte Lunsford Berry Mr. Charles Shannon Blackwell* Mr. and Mrs. Addison Bostain Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Bowers Sr. Arlen and Janet Cotter Jo Mengedoht Cox Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Dana Mrs. William W. Dukes Jr. Sam and Toni Elkins David A. and Julie D. Epting Mr. and Mrs. George C. Fant Jr. Julia R. Gentles Ms. Leila Grimball Rusty and Plum Hammond Marjorie Heggie and David Estefano Mrs. Sue Hendricks C. Carroll and Susan B. Heyward Mr. and Mrs. Owen M. Holmes III Clifton J. Kitchens Marion A. Knox* Mrs. Kate Miller LaCoste* Dr. Lanneau D. Lide Jr. Lloyd S. Liles Mr. and Mrs. David L. Martin Ann S. McAden Jamie Young McCulloch Dr. and Mrs. James E. Mercer Frances K. Mills Mr. I. Harby Moses
Ethan W. Nord Dorothy G. Owen Katie and Scott Peterson Mr.* and Mrs. J. Key Powell Bill Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Edward Y. Roper Sr. Mr. J. Royal Roseberry III Paul and Ann Schuler Marshall and Frances Shearouse* Henry and Linda Sims John C. “Buck” Smith* Mary Averill Stanton* H. Talcott Stith Jr.* John* and Betty Warren Mr. and Mrs. H. Dallon Weathers Jr. Christine Webb* Mr. and Mrs. John T. Weeks Milford H. “Joe” Wessinger* Sally Nash Wilson Max and Sibby Wood *deceased
34 | Central Carolina Community Foundation 2009 Annual Report
In Memory Sadly, 2009 brought the loss of several individuals whose generosity and service have made our community a better place to live and work. We honor their philanthropic spirit, a spirit that is not forgotten, but will live on through their good works. Among their many other contributions to our community, we would like to recognize these individuals’ support of the Community Foundation. John A. Warren — Mr. Warren served on the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and is a Legacy Society member. James M. Maloney — Mr. Maloney served on the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and created a fund with the Foundation. M. Christine Webb — Ms. Webb is a Legacy Society member and created a scholarship fund in honor of her brother. Milford “Joe” Wessinger — Mr. Wessinger is a Legacy Society member and created three funds at the Foundation. Honorable Lester L. Bates, Jr. — Mr. Bates created a scholarship fund at the Foundation in memory of his father.
Foundation Fellow $2,500 +
ABC Columbia AT&T Gayle O. Averyt Ben Arnold Beverage Company BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Delta Dental The Inn at USC Marriott Columbia Laurie Brownell McIntosh The Mungo Company Inc. Dorothy A. Poston Richland County Finance Department SCBT Schmoyer & Company LLC Southeastern Freight Lines The State Media Company
Foundation Associate $1,000 - $2,499
Jeff and Clarissa Adams Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bannon Kathy Brousseau Eastman Chemical Company - South Carolina Operations Elliott Davis LLC Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Haselden Senator Brad Hutto J.W. Hunt and Company LLP McNair Law Firm PA Steve and Gail Morrison Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP SCANA Corporation David and Julianne Sojourner JoAnn Turnquist Pat and Susie VanHuss Rick and Brenda Wheeler
Foundation Supporter $100 - $999
Rodney Abee Mr. Michael J. Adkins Allie Katz Promotions Mr. and Mrs. David C. Allison Mr. Ryan Andrews Mr. and Mrs. George J. Antonucci Asset Management and Planning Inc. Laurie Babin Nancye D. Bailey
William Barnum Mac and Leslie Bennett Patricia Billings Ms. Ericka Blanck Mr. and Mrs. Roger Blau Ms. Barbara Bokor Mr. Bob Bowles Cynthia B. Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brissette Mr. Charles Brody Ethel S. Brody Ms. Linda Bush and Mr. Carrol Josey Gary Cappuccio Ms. Natalie Cappuccio-Britt Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Carstetter Jeff Chaplin Joey and Tonia Cochran Ms. Julie Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Freeman W. Coggins Jr. Fred Collins Colonial Life Ms. Wendy T. Crawley Mr. George Crouch M. Elizabeth Crum, Esq. Clarence and Katherine Davis Mike Davis Mr. Ted Deary Dick Goodwin Musics Chris Dionne Robert F. and Beverly D. Dozier Mr. Steve Druden Ms. Wanda Edmonds Mr. Christopher Edwards Mr. and Mrs. G. Daniel Ellzey Ms. Lesa Faila Mr. and Mrs. George Fann Ms. Jenny Farrell Ferguson Waterworks Julia and Bud Ferillo Jr. Fisher & Phillips LLP Ms. Diane Flashnick John W. Folsom Mr. Ronald Friday Mr. Troy Gamble Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Gatch Ms. Anne Gillespie James and Louise Givens Ms. Sara June Goldstein Carl D. Gosline The Great Frame Up Ann Gell Hamiter Erin Hardwick Edmund H. Hardy Ms. Diane Hare and Mr. Mark Green Daisy W. Harman
Donna Harper Lisa Harris Ms. Lakisha Hayes Mr. James K. Heller Mr. Erick Hodge Bob and Ruth Horger Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hubbard Bryan Huff Mr. Mike Hugg Bruce W. Hughes Annemarie Humm Ms. Rhonda Hunsinger Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Ingram Sallie and Derick Iselin Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jarrett Mr. Jim Johnson Ms. Margaret Jones Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael Kelly Ms. Melissa Kimbrough Ms. Pam King Mr. and Mrs. Mike Klopp Mr. Harstan Krieger Virginia and Paul Lacoste Perry W. Lancaster Mr. Thomas Lash Ms. R. Ashley Lawrence Lloyd S. Liles Craig Locascio Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lumpkin Jr. Dr. Gary Luoma James MacLeod Mr. John Mann Katherine Matthews Mr. Daniel Mayo Mr. Alex McCarty Ms. Deborah McDonald Dr. and Mrs. Fred J. McElveen Mr. and Mrs. William P. McElveen Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. McGannon McKay Consulting Walker and Sally McKay Dr. and Mrs. Fred Medway Melita Team Alecia Milling Rev. Joe D. Mills Mixon Seed Company Allen and Marcia Montgomery Michael E. Mooney Mr. Thomas Morin T.C. Moss Robert B. Muller Mr. Henry Munn Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newman Ethan and Shannon Nord Ms. Donna C. Northam
Mr. and Mrs. David Olsen Palmer Memorial Chapel Palmetto Health Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker Roy and Marnie Pearce Ben and Carol Plexico Ms. Megan Plott Mr. Joe S. Powell Eric and Heather Powers Fred and Phyllis Price Jr. William F. Quattlebaum The R.L. Bryan Company Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rast Mr. Ben Rex Shaugnessy Reynolds Matthew Richardson Mr. Mark Roberts Hannah and Ronald Rogers Curt and Donna Rone Mr. Terry Schmoyer Jr. Jennifer P. Shackelford Vickey and Bo Shaw Jr. Jackie Smith Joel A. Smith III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E Smith Watt E. Smith II South Carolina Campaign To Prevent Teen Pregnancy Southern Steel Products Inc. Special Olympics South Carolina Nancy Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Staton Ms. Jeanna M. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Randall Stewart Mr. Eddie Stiefel Mr. Bill Strauss Howard B. Stravitz Mr. David B. Summer John Sutton Synerjay LLC Mr. Bob Thompson Mr. Bernie Tillson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trenery Mr. Todd Turner Unum Vista Insurance Group Ms. Darci Wagner Mr. William Webb Joan Wiggins Mrs. Suzanne Williams Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Williams Robert W. Wingard Jr. Mr. D. Bruce Wolff Louise McLaurin Womble Charles Ziff and Harriet Scott
Foundation Friend Less than $100
Mr. Lee Bailey Ms. Linda Boatwright Ms. Brittany Braun Lisa Comalander Ms. Chisolm Crouch Ms. Rosemarie DiPaola John Fabian Ms. Laura Foster Ms. Beth M. Gaddy Ms. Paula Green Ms. Kalena Hammock Mr. Bruce Hoverman Ms. Sherry Jones John D. Moses Ms. Kerrie M. Newell Mrs. Veronica L. Pinkett-Barber Mrs. Kimberly R. Rochester Larry and Louise Snipes Mr. Kevin Snow Leona Sobel Ms. Monica J. Stachowiak University of South Carolina Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Valpey Ms. Carleen L. Ward Ms. Cheryl Wissick Joe Wray Mrs. Barbara Youngue
The following donors have given to established component funds at the Foundation. Burke Adams Randy L. and Mary Alice Akers Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Lin Shecut Amaker W. Perry and Dayle A. Arant Gabriel Armour James A. Armstrong Aspen Travel Awendaw Green LLC Dr. and Mrs. Julius W. Babb III Baker and Baker Foundation Frank and Melanie Baker Escrow Fund Gloria D. Baker John D. Baker John, Marcie and Gabbi Baker Kenneth W. Baldwin Jr. Mallory B. Baldwin Keller Barron Krystal Benderick
Donors | 35
Donald Beres Charlotte and Joe Berry Bethel Hanberry Elementary School Najiyyah U. Bey Rick Blackwell Russell and Cynthia Blanchard Nelfred T. Blanding Bill and Jean Blount BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Raymond and Alice Boozer Brenda and Debbie Bowen Hayley Bowers Curtis T. Bradley Georgia Brennecke Dr. and Mrs. Allen Brett Ted and Patsy Brewer Doris G. Brown and Evelyn Gillespie-Redcross Dot McCoy Brown Janice, Harry and Kyle Brown Norman and Ruby Brown Sally Sue Garris Brown Mr. Timothy Brown Sharon Buddin Betty L. Burnett James Burns David Burrell Zora T. and Eugene H. Burton Thaddeus K. Bythewood Jr. C.F. Evans & Company James Campbell Glenda Cannon Charles G. and Marita J. Carter Dr. and Mrs. James W. Carter Alexander Cason Whitney B. Catalano Dr. Marion R. Caughman James Channell Chapin High School Donna Charles Marvin and Anastasia D. Chernoff Clarke Central High Mr. and Mrs. Sam Coker Albert F. Cole David L. and Pamela M. Coleman Elliot N. and Breana B. Collier Congaree Land Trust Inc. Fran Howard Cook Foard Copeland – RNE Class of 2003 Patsy S. Cox William Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Creech Ashton and Mary Ruth Cribbs Mary Ann Crosby John T. and Betty B. Cruise Margaret W. Curlovic
Bruce Cutts Michael G. Dash Daughters of the Holy Cross at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Jon Davidson Mr. and Mrs. William S. Davies Jr. Deborah J. Davis Edna L. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Davis Dr. Margaret W. Davis Mondell Davis Dr. Wilhelmenia A. Dean Decolam Inc. Barbara W. Deery Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. – Sumter Alumnae Chapter Jeffrey Dick Cindy S. Dieringer Dr. Anabella M. Dones JoDee Douda Ellen and Robert Dozier Robert F. and Beverly D. Dozier Roy Dunshee Gene and Caroline DuRant William E. Durant Jr., Esq. Raymaar Durham Lisa Dye Deborah Early Eastman Chemical Company – South Carolina Operations Thomas Edenton William Edmonds EdVenture Edward & Dorothy Kendall Foundation Ms. Rose Pearson Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Ellis Jr. Emmanuel United Methodist Church Samual English Samuel and Meg Erwin Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Evans Felder and Sara Evans Beth Fadeley Richard Fadeley Virginia Ann Fadeley J.K. and Becky Fairey Felder Z. Evans Company Inc. Lorraine P. Felder Timothy D. Felder Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fienning James Finley Fleming & Delaine Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ford Andrea Foster Friends of Jim Clyburn G.W. Berry Realty & Construction Inc.
36 | Central Carolina Community Foundation 2009 Annual Report
Gregg Frierson Robert Gaffney Sarah Belk Gambrell Michael R. and Shirley M. Garrett Sherry Garris Barbara M. Gatlin William George Gilbert Community Park Allen Gill Portia Keitt Gilliard Jerry Dell Gimarc Girl Scouts of South Carolina – Mountains to Midlands John Glenn H. Burord and Barbara Dent Goff Felicia L. Goins Ralph Golden Isaac Goodwin Joseph Goodwin Paul Goodwin Dan Goolsby Robert C. Gordon, DDS Jason Graham James and Barbara P. Grainger James R. Grant Barbara Tilly Graves Donald N. and Connie M. Gray Attorney and Mrs. Ruben L. Gray Sr. Henry Green Vista Grimes Brenda Biddle Hafner Richard C. and Katharine C. Handel Helen H. Hankins Harmony Hills Farm Kyle Harvey Ruth O. Harvey Helen Woolford Haskell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hay James Heard Jeremy Heatherly Scotty Heatherly Steve and Lana Hefner Christian Heidelberger and Diane Chadaya Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Hewitt Sandra Hicks Antriest and Frances D. Hill Howard and Clemmie Hill Leslie Hipp Jimmy and Mildred Hite Judith B. Holford Mary Hanton Hollinshead Isaac Holmes Hootie at Bulls Bay Inc. Bob and Ruth Horger William R. Horton and Mary R. Major
Bertie R. Howard Bob Howie Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hubbard James Hubble Dr. and Mrs. John H. Hudgens Garland L. and Delores C. Huffman Rae M. Hunter Rosalee Aiken Inabinet Geraldine Ingersoll Earline T. Irick Helen J. Isaac Christine O. Jackson Sherman Earl Jackson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall E. James Glenn Jamison Edwin Jean Dorothy M. Jenkins Laverne C. Jenkins James Jett John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Andrew M. Johnson Francine Johnson Samuel Johnson Edward T. and Rhemell Jones Sarah P. Jones Freddie Jordan Junior League of Columbia Inc. Charles Kahn Mary B. Keenan Mrs. Liz Zimmerman Keitt Salim I. and Amanda S. Khalil Antonina A. King Elizabeth D. Kinsella Kaity Kratsios Michael Kratsios John J. and Susan Kussmaul LRADAC Becky Laffitte Lake Carolina Elementary School Senator and Mrs. John C. Land III Marvin I. Lare Lawrence Keitt & Associates Sylvia S. Lawrence Connie Hanton Lawson Reed Barnes Lawson Diane Leonard Wallace Levi Delores Walker Lewis Lighting Creations Lloyd & Doris Liles Donor Advised Escrow Fund Maclean Limehouse Mark Lipe Lipscomb Family Foundation Inc. Sarah Lloyd
Katherine G. Lockwood Patricia Brown Lott Dr. David M. Lovit Lowcountry Doors & Hardware Inc. M.B. Kahn Construction Company The M.B. Kahn Foundation Inc. MRRM PA Mara Maas Tracy Macpherson and Brad Hutto Sarah G. Major James and Claudia Maloney Julie Hudson Marchant Mac and Libby Martin Zuleime L. Martin Mary McLeod Bethune Section NCNW G. Glenn Matthews III Lester Mayes Rickey McCall Ronald D. and Robin T. McCartha John P. and Rebecca T. McCormack Ernest and Sue McCutcheon Heath and Sara McCutcheon Myrtle D. McDaniel McDonald’s Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. McGannon R. Daniel and Donna L. McGehee Dave and Barbara McInnis John F. McKenzie Kenneth A. McLeod Robert and Deborah McLeod Jenais Y. Means Medicine Mart Mental Health Resources Fund Melanie McLean Michel Bret Miller Jacqueline M. Miller Laura Miller Paul and Bobbie Miller Dr. Toni W. Miller Marjorie Joyce Mims Monday After The Masters Pro-Am Golf Tournament Inc. Elousie W. Mooney Mrs. Daisy M. Moore Harriet J. Morris Dock Mouzon Ms. Frankie Hooks Muse N & H Enterprises Inc. William H. Neely Kelly Neiber Theodore W. Nell Michael S. and Jacqueline A. Nelson Edward B. Niestat Nord Cascading Unitrust Escrow Fund Northwestern Mutual – Louisville Inc.
The Nurturing Center Evelyn W. Ott Ricky Ott Sharon Owens E. Perry Palmer Rose Palmer Palmetto Place Children’s Emergency Shelter M. Anne Pearce Wes and Patty Pickens Alfred H. Pimble The Poliakoff Family Eli A. Poliakoff Bryn E. Post James C. and Janis H. Post Matthew Post The Poston Family Fund Phillip and Frances Price Robert Primus Pat Quattlebaum Mr. and Mrs. George Quick RNE Alumni Holiday Party RNE Alumni Holiday Party Class of 2001-2005 Lurma M. Rackley Ms. Jamelle Rackley-Riley Andrena E. Ray Virginia K. Ray Mary R. Reading Redd Family Charitable Lead Trust Charles T. Reed Thomas Reilly Elizabeth J. Render Lynne Reyburn Albert Rhodes Dr. Miller F. Rhodes Dr. Robert S. Rhodes Dr. Anne S. Richardson Richland Northeast High School Class of 1999 Richland Northeast High School Class of 2009 Richland School District Two Freddy and Carol Riley Charlie Robertson Clifford Robinson Jr. Josephine F. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Roddey Jr. E. Rabon Rodgers Ronald and Hannah Rogers Rotary Club of St. Matthews SCBT Austin and Shirley Salley Sarah Sanchez Jamie Sanders Kim Sanders Terry D. and Linda V. Sanders Brenda W. Satchell Mark Scanlan
Thomas H. and Mary J. Scarborough Ann Marie Scott Carrie Spiger Scott Julius S. Scott Jr. Albert T. and Lilla W. Scroggins Andrew Brian Seidenberg Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seidenberg and Kala Seidenberg Sheila Severud Clyde Shepard Della L. Sherod Blair Shropshire Anthony Shuler Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Shuler Kenneth Shute Connie D. Sims Louetta A. Slice Horace Smith Leroy Smith Ronald Glenn Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Smith Watt E. and Nancy B. Smith Caroline C. Smoak Randy L. and Karen L. Snell Southeastern Freight Lines Spring Valley High School St. Matthews High School Classes of the ‘50s Decade Diane L. Starnes Rebecca Stevenson Al and Tina Stokes Merideth Strawhorn Gordon L. Strout Jr. Priscilla B. Stuckey A.L. Sulton Jr. Ann T. Summers Super Sod - Carolina Julie Surles J. Rebecca Sussman Janette M. Sweat Virginia Tate William T. and Peggy T. Taylor Evia Thomas Randy Thomas James L. Townsend Jr. Trans World Entertainment Jay Tucker Victoria Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Turnblad Jr. Mason Turner University Dental PA Deborah V. Vanderberg Jerilynn VanStory and Susan Shumpert Mariano Vega Linda K. Vernon
Kathryn Williams Wagner and Robert G. Wagner Laurie Walden Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Walker Jr. Ms. S. Anne Walker and Mr. David Evans Joan Walton Margie S. Wannamaker Janie E. Washington Patti and Harold Waters and Herff Jones Samuel Calvin and Mary E. Baskin Waters Mary Beth Watson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Way George X. Weeks Wegman Ventures LLC Ethel M. Wells Deana P. West Lauren Westfall Jo R. White Nancy Whiteside Wilkinson High Class of 1960 Ineatha Williams John A. and Elandres J. Williams Russell E. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Williams Henry Wilson Kiva Wilson Joseph N. Wingard III John W. Woody Marcus F. Woody Joe Wright John M. Wright Kathleen Vandekieft Wright Mrs. Martha W. Wright William Wright Carlton E. Yarborough Brooks Yelton Nancy Wilson Young Dr. and Mrs. William F. Young Escrow Fund Mohammed Yousefzadeh Timothy Zeigler William C. Ziegler Jr. Mr. D. Malone Zimmerman Community Foundation staff have made every effort to list information in this report correctly and apologize for any errors or omissions. Please contact our office with corrections.
Donors | 37
grants | funds | donors |
Board of Trustees
J. Thomas Johnson* John H. Lumpkin Jr. 2008-2009 Officers Ted O. McGee Jr. David C. Sojourner Jr., Chair Sally T. McKay D. Michael Kelly, Esq., Vice Chair Catherine R. Monetti J. Hagood Tighe, Esq., Donna C. Northam Secretary/Treasurer Barbara Rackes** George W. Rogers 2009-2010 Officers A. Eugene Rountree D. Michael Kelly, Esq., Chair Martha Scott Smith** J. Hagood Tighe, Esq., Vice Chair Judith M. Davis, Secretary/Treasurer David C. Sojourner Jr. Nancy Spencer** Samuel J. Tenenbaum* Russell L. Bauknight, CPA Susie H. VanHuss, PhD** J. Mac Bennett Miriam A. Wilson Rev. Carolyn E. Brailsford* Michael R. Brenan *Term ended June 30, 2009 Peter M. Brown* **Term started July 1, 2009 Love Collins III** Chris D. Christiansen Wine Festival Advisory Committee Michael C. Crapps Fred Medway, Chair Susan M. Douglas, CPA* Clarissa T. Adams Eric M. Elkins** David C. Allison Frank A. Floyd Jr.* Richard F. Bannon Claire C. Fort** Kathy Brousseau John S. Goettee Jeff Chaplin Henry David Goldberg* Freeman W. Coggins Jr. Elizabeth E. Griffith* Robert E. Humphreys Sr. Henry B. Haitz III Pam King Daisy W. Harman Matthew Richardson David Hodges** Hannah Rogers Robert R. Horger, Esq.* Bob Sabatini Jackie Howie** Howard Stravitz, Esq. Katharine M. Hubbard Bob Thompson Bruce W. Hughes Brenda T. Wheeler Chris Leevy Johnson* Ted Williams
38 | Central Carolina Community Foundation 2009 Annual Report
people | financials
Wine Festival Planning Committee Richard F. Bannon, Chair Karen Chiles Stacy Goff Patrick Madden Bob Sabatini Loretta Schwerin Sandy Strick Steele Thomas LLC, Consultant Columbia Jewish Foundation Board of Directors Norman J. Arnold Frank M. Lourie Joel Lourie Herbert B. Niestat Jasper Salmond Fred Seidenberg Gerald Sonenshine Thomas E. Suggs Steven Terner, Ex-Officio H. Michael Tucker New Morning Foundation Board of Directors J. Robert Shirley, Ph.D., President Wilbur E. Johnson, Vice President Russell L. Bauknight, CPA, Treasurer Bonnie K. Adams Traci Young Cooper, M.Ed. Barbara Kelley Duncan D. Michael Kelly, Esq. Deborah Livingston Wendi J. Nance H. Dallon Weathers
BGTIME Advisory Board Charles Bierbauer Tonia E. Cochran Randy D. Covington Henry B. Haitz III William F. Hogue, Ph.D. Carolyn M. Holderman Matthew I. Ipsan Stacey F. Jones, D.Sc. Bobbi J. Kennedy JoAnn M. Turnquist Susie H. VanHuss, Ph.D. Central Carolina AIDS Partnership Advisory Board J. Hagood Tighe, Esq., Chair Bonnie K. Adams Julie Ann Avin Jo Bull Sheila Clause Bambi W. Gaddist Carmen Hampton Julious Pat Patterson Harry Prim III Donna Richter JoAnn M. Turnquist Charles Weathers Sr.
Staff JoAnn M. Turnquist President & CEO joann@yourfoundation.org, x323 Jo Bull Chief Operating Officer jo@yourfoundation.org, x326 Tonia E. Cochran Director of Marketing & Communications tonia@yourfoundation.org, x329 Edward E. Conroy, CPA Chief Financial Officer edward@yourfoundation.org, x325 Carolyn M. Holderman BGTIME Project Director carolyn@yourfoundation.org, x328 Kerrie M. Newell Director of Program Development & Events kerrie@yourfoundation.org, x327 Veronica L. Pinkett-Barber Program Officer veronica@yourfoundation.org, x331 Judy E. Watkins Financial Assistant judy@yourfoundation.org, x330
grants | funds | donors | people |
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
As of June 30 2009 2008 Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments Interest in Charitable Trusts and Life Insurance Other
1,495,067 52,859,016 20,755,996 80,242
1,805,914 63,777,853 24,615,382 37,947
Total Assets $ 75,190,321 Liabilities Liabilities, Miscellaneous 47,030 Grants Payable 1,166,292 Funds Held for Agency Endowments 4,247,751 Funds Held for Supporting Organizations 3,653,966
Total Liabilities $ 9,115,039 Net Assets Unrestricted 33,458,193 Temporarily Restricted 18,180,536 Permanently Restricted 14,436,553
39,046,053 25,417,004 14,207,689
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
20,587 1,381,996 5,359,496 4,804,271
Financials | 39
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
As of June 30 2009 2008 Public Support and Revenue Total Contributions and Special Events Less: Amounts Received for Agency Endowments Net Contributions Total Investment Income Less: Investment Income for Agency Endowments Net Investment Income (Includes Unrealized Losses) Revenues from Charitable Trusts Other Income
2,714,914 (55,001 ) 2,659,913 (8,661,807 ) 825,660 (7,836,147 ) (1,256,085 ) 62,823
Total Support and Revenue $ (6,369,496 ) Expenses Grants and Related Expenses 5,840,227 Less: Grants Disbursed from Agency Endowments (304,099 ) Total Program Services 5,536,128 Investment Management 48,032 Less: Expenses Allocated to Agency Endowments (4,671 ) Net Investment Management 43,361 Grants Management and Fundraising 626,579 Trust Beneficiary Payments 19,900 Total Grants and Expenses 6,225,968 Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ (12,595,464 ) Net Assets, Beginning of Year $ 78,670,746 Net Assets, End of Year $ 66,075,282
40 | Central Carolina Community Foundation 2009 Annual Report
8,389,473 (137,328 ) 8,252,145 (7,359,982 ) 353,580 (7,006,402 ) 5,017,425 85,945 6,349,113
6,777,451 (257,507 ) 6,519,944 69,507 (5,758 ) 63,749 579,727 108,142 7,271,562 (922,449 ) 79,593,195 78,670,746
Abilit y to Lead
celebr ating ou r 25th a nni v er sa ry
Abilit y to target
focus on str ategic gr a n tm a k ing
Abilit y to collabor ate
cr eating innovati v e pa rtner ships
Mission Statement Central Carolina Community Foundation’s mission is to promote, facilitate and expand philanthropy to create a sustainable impact within our community through responsible giving. To fulfill our mission we: • Encourage donors to make effective charitable giving decisions. • Collaborate to develop creative solutions for important community needs. • Nurture and strengthen community organizations.
abilit y to nurture foster ing phil a n throp y
Abilit y to encour age
gr a n ts | f unds | donor s | people | fina nci a ls
• Build a substantial endowment to provide for community needs for generations to come.
2711 Middleburg Drive, Suite 213 Columbia, SC 29204 803.254.5601 803.799.6663 fax www.yourfoundation.org