philanthropy in our community
FALL 2010
Literacy 2030
enrich enrich Literacy advocates in the Midlands
area have joined together to form
October 16 at
Literacy 2030, a coalition working
Richland County
toward 100% literacy for South
Public Library.
Carolina by 2030. Yes, this is a tall
task. But, it is something that our state
Doughty, of
desperately needs to strive for as
the national
we currently have the third highest
illiteracy rate in the country.
phphilanthropy i l anth r opy i ninoour ur c ocommunity m m u n ity
Literacy is the ability to read, write,
Powerline, will
compute and use technology at a level
be the keynote
that enables an individual to reach
speaker and
his or her full potential as a parent,
help guide the
employee and community member. It
individuals and
including many local dignitaries such
organizations through the discussion
as mayors and city/county council
is why the Community Foundation has
process. Literacy Powerline recognizes
made increasing literacy one of three
the power of linking stakeholders,
target areas for our discretionary
neighborhoods and services together
Declaration for the Right to Literacy
to increase literacy levels and has
Scroll are ways the community can
touches our lives in all that we do. This SPRING 2009 Vol. 5, No. 1
The Foundation awarded a grant
Literacy 2030 committee members with the literacy scroll.
“The Literacy Summit and the
successfully guided communities
join our cause to reduce illiteracy,”
this spring to a collaborative group
across the country through the entire
said Foundation President & CEO
for the purpose of hosting a Literacy
JoAnn Turnquist. “By building
Summit in the Midlands. This group is
As a jumpstart to the Literacy
awareness and working together,
bringing together literacy advocates
Summit, the Declaration for the Right
we will develop solutions that help
and practitioners from 11 counties
to Literacy toured the Midlands during
improve our state’s literacy rate and
in the Midlands to share information
the first week of August on its 50-state
move us closer to our goal.”
about the issues surrounding literacy
tour, before being presented to
– services, barriers, successes and
President Obama. Modeled after the
failures. The information will be
historic Seneca Falls Women’s Rights
consolidated and merged into a
Convention in 1848, this scroll was
database, which will be available
introduced at the National Literacy
Find out more at
through a website. The website will be
Convention in Buffalo, New York, in
a valuable tool in our efforts to reach
2009. It was displayed in several
SPRING 2009 Vol. 5, No. 1 100% literacy by 2030.
The Literacy Summit takes place
locations in the Midlands and was
philanthropy in our community
signed by 411 South Carolinians,
Heathwood Hall Gives Back
page 2
Preparing Youth for Adulthood page 3 President’s Letter
page 3
A Professional’s Perspective
page 4
Why the Heywards Give
page 4
Best of Philanthropy Awards
page 5
Community Foundation Week
page 6
We are a nonprofit organization serving 11 counties in the Midlands by distributing grants and scholarships and linking the resources of donors, nonprofits and community leaders to areas of need. Join us on Facebook for the latest news Our page is public, so you don’t have to join Facebook to view it.
How Heathwood Hall Gives Back For almost 60 years,
relationship with
Heathwood Hall Episcopal School
Harvest Hope Food
has been an integral part of
Bank, becoming a
the Midlands. The independent
major contributor
college-preparatory school
in its fight against
educates students from age three
hunger. Each fall,
to grade 12, inspiring students
the entire school
to exceed the highest academic
participates in a
standards and make an impact on
two-week drive for
our world.
Harvest Hope. The
Heathwood Hall was the
first school in the Midlands to
School also hosts
include community service in
its “Turkey Trot,” a
its graduation requirements.
walk/run held on its
which keeps it from seeping in and
A minimum of 80 hours are
track to raise money for Harvest
ruining the grass fields.”
to be conducted before
Hope. The annual amount raised
has reached up to $15,000.
Heathwood Hall students collect items for Sistercare.
One of Heathwood Hall’s most unique programs, the Pursuit of
During the Christmas season,
Environmental Adventure and
ment, some of our students
Heathwood Hall students can be
Knowledge (PEAK) Outdoor
probably would complete the
found donating toiletries and toys
Center consistently offers high-
community service anyway,” said
to women and children through
quality environmental education,
Jim Robinson, associate head
Sistercare, helping families
wilderness exploration and
of the Upper School. “About 30
through Habitat for Humanity
leadership development while
percent of our students actually
or participating in the Salvation
emphasizing environmental
exceed the hours needed.
Army’s “Battle of the Bells.”
“Even if it was not a require-
Community service prepares
In addition to their charitable
Giving back, both to the
students to do more than
service, students learn the
community and to the Earth, are
donate money. They actually do
importance of environmental
deeply held values and traditions
sustainability and stewardship
of the school. Heathwood will
– giving back to the Earth. The
continue to build on its strong
students, Heathwood Hall
school has in place an active
history of civic responsibility,
teachers encourage good deeds
recycling program and an
providing students with purposeful
and thinking of others.
ongoing commitment to reducing
service opportunities that help
waste and its carbon footprint.
them grow personally and
Beginning with its youngest
“At Christmas time we give gifts to Arthurtown Child Development
The Class of 2014 developed a
Center,” said Cheryl Gahagan,
rain garden adjacent to a school
head of the school’s Early Child-
parking lot.
improve the quality of life in the greater community. “We are pleased to support
“The rain garden’s purpose
Heathwood Hall and its emphasis
“We educate our children with the
is to collect storm water, clean
on philanthropy,” said Mike Kelly,
hope that they’ll one day be well-
the water, and then purify it,”
CCCF Board Chair. “Their students
rounded and compassionate parts
explained Environmental Science
are making a difference.”
of a greater community.”
Teacher Peyton Sasnett. “The oil
hood Learning Center (ECLC).
During the past few years, the school has developed a special
and gasoline from the vehicles leaks down into the rain garden,
Heathwood Hall Episcopal School’s journalism students contributed to this story.
Board of Trustees Scott R. Adams Cheryl L. Behymer J. Mac Bennett R. Jason Caskey Love Collins III Chris D. Christiansen Aubria Corbitt Michael C. Crapps Judith M. Davis
Eric M. Elkins John S. Goettee L. Marion Gressette III Henry B. Haitz III C. Carroll Heyward David Hodges Jackie Howie Katharine M. Hubbard Bruce W. Hughes
D. Michael Kelly Ellis M. Knight James K. Lehman John H. Lumpkin Jr. Ted O. McGee Jr. Catherine R. Monetti Donna C. Northam Barbara Rackes George W. Rogers page 2
A. Eugene Rountree Terry K. Schmoyer Jr. Martha Scott Smith David C. Sojourner Jr. Nancy Spencer J. Hagood Tighe Susie H. VanHuss
Preparing Foster Youth for Adulthood Carolina Children’s Home has provided
be employed, typically with a focus on
safe harbor, healing and opportunity to
developing a specific life skill or trade.
thousands of South Carolina children and
The programs also focus on developing
adolescents for 100 years. In addition to
and maintaining healthy relationships,
proving shelter, counseling and treatment
financial management, secondary
services, staff teach the youth life skills,
educational programs (SAT & PREP
behaviors and practices that empower
classes) and specialized vocational or
residents with the skills needed to be
trade school training.
successful both during and following their group home care experience.
Programs such as these are very important as national statistics show
Youth in the Low Management Program learn life skills such as cooking.
The Children’s Home has taken a
that within 18 months of emancipation
proactive approach to meeting the
40-50 percent of foster youth become
evolving needs of children and families
homeless.* In response to such troubling
opportunities — drivers education,
in South Carolina. Many adolescents in
numbers, Carolina Children’s Home
recreational and leisure fun, sit-down
protected custody have never made a
wants to ensure that the children and
dinners out, and education classes — is
doctors appointment, cooked a meal,
adolescents served by their programs
an investment in the hope that educating
driven a car, opened a checking account,
possess the skills and knowledge to avoid
former victims with necessary life skills
or even purchased or taken their own
becoming a part of these statistics.
will end the tragic cycle of abuse,
medications without an adult handling
“Carolina Children’s Home has been
neglect, and/or abandonment. “We are proud to support the work
some or every aspect. By offering a
able to provide excellence in programs
continuum of services to the youth, the
and services to South Carolina’s most
of the Carolina Children’s Home and
Home has been innovative in making sure
vulnerable youth, because of the
manage their agency endowment fund,”
that all of the residents’ needs are met.
great understanding and generosity of
said JoAnn Turnquist. “This organization
individuals and corporate support from
has, and will, make a positive difference
is designed specifically for youth
the community,” said Interim Executive
in the lives of children throughout our
between the ages of 14 and 21 and
Director Shannon Marcus.
The Low Management Program
constructs individualized care plans for
“The community’s investment in
For information about all the
each person. This plan identifies and
these children, communicates a special
programs and services offered by
categorizes each resident’s specific level
message to every child who passes
the Children’s Home, visit www.carolina
of independence, which then enables
through our doors. It’s a message of
staff to sketch out a plan for reaching
hope and belief that they can overcome
those goals.
their pasts and have bright, beautiful
Accordingly, various programs on campus require its young residents to
*League of Women Voters Life after Foster Care. League of Women Voters of California Education Fund,
Providing young residents with unique
Juvenile Justice Study Committee, 2002.
Letter from the President Margaret Mead, an American anthro-
needs of children and families in South
pologist wrote, “Never doubt that a small
Carolina. You will also learn how the
group of thoughtful, committed citizens
Community Foundation is working to
can change the world. Indeed, it is the
inspire change through its support of
only thing that ever has.”
Literacy 2030, a coalition working
In this newsletter, we are featuring individuals and organizations that have taken these words to heart. Stories
toward 100% literacy for South Carolina by 2030. For those thoughtful, committed
JoAnn Turnquist
profiling our five Community Champions
citizens who have embraced the concept
will inspire you. You will learn how
of changing the world, philanthropy
Heathwood Hall Episcopal School is
becomes a lifelong practice, as illustrated
providing its students with purposeful
by Carroll Heyward’s story. The benefits
the Foundation and how we can help
service opportunities and how Carolina
of philanthropy, as Dave Sojourner points
you stimulate change and meet your
Children’s Home is taking a proactive
out, can last for generations and provide
philanthropic goals, please call me.
approach to meeting the evolving
an inspirational legacy.
Together, we will make a difference.
If you’d like to learn more about
As a practicing tax and estate
your death. Your fund can serve
planning attorney, I frequently
as a permanent legacy and you
have opportunities to advise clients
can serve as the fund adviser to
who are interested in making
propose grants from your fund to
charitable gifts. Some clients are
the charities of your choice.
David C. Sojourner Jr., Shareholder, Ellis, Lawhorne & Sims, PA
After your death, you may
motivated by tax benefits and others are compelled to give for
designate your spouse, your
purely philanthropic reasons. Many
children, or your grandchildren
clients are interested in making
to serve as successor advisors if
to make a large impact in our
gifts during their lifetimes, while
you wish or you can authorize
community. Currently the Founda-
others wish to provide for chari-
the Community Foundation to
tion is focusing these funds on
table distributions through wills or
designate the recipients of future
increasing literacy, reducing the
trusts after death.
grants from your fund.
high-school dropout rate and
Other types of funds allow you
The Community Foundation can
reducing homelessness.
play an important role in your
to designate one or more specific
charitable gift planning and, as
charities in which to receive contri-
priorities in structuring their gifts.
an independent public charity,
butions or to make distributions to
This ability to obtain the benefits of
can provide a myriad of options to
organizations that will be identified
the charitable deductions that are
assist you in achieving your philan-
in the future in accordance with
available for income tax purposes
thropic goals.
fields of interests that you designate
or estate tax purposes while main-
(homelessness or illiteracy, for
taining flexibility for future distribu-
tions is an extraordinary benefit
A Donor-Advised Fund can be established with a minimum contri-
For gifts of less than $10,000, the
bution of $10,000 and allows you
Each client has their own set of
A Professional’s Perspective
that the Community Foundation
to give to any number of charities
Community Foundation has estab-
can offer to all donors – large and
you support. You can add to this
lished the Commonwealth Fund
fund during your lifetime or at
where smaller gifts are combined
Why We Give: Carroll and Susie Heyward As a young couple with a mortgage and some hand-me-down furniture and appliances, my wife
board, the Columbia Museum of Art Board, and the City of Columbia Planning Commission.
Susie and I did not have a lot of money to give.
We could see the funds that we gave to our
We were however blessed with strong backs
community were catalysts for improving our and
and the enthusiasm of youth. I joined the Rotary
future generation’s quality of life. Now, as we creep
Club of Columbia and Susie began volunteering
toward retirement, the legacy fund we established
through the Junior League of Columbia. I was
in 2002 with Central Carolina Community
later approached by Dr. J. W. Pitts who asked if I
Foundation will serve as an example to our children
would serve on the board of the Babcock Center, a
and others in the community that to give is truly
nonprofit organization serving mentally challenged
children and adults.
It is our sincere hope that we can continue to
The following nine years with the Babcock Center
contribute to the community through the Community
and then nine years with the Sisters of Charity
Foundation both with funds and time. We are
Foundation of South Carolina were years of great
truly blessed with a life that has been fulfilling and
growth for me and my wife. While I was serving the
bountiful for us. Time has taught us that if you give,
community through these organizations, Susie was
you will certainly receive more than you give.
paving her own path through the Columbia Green
The Staff JoAnn M. Turnquist | President & CEO x323
Carolyn M. Holderman | BGTIME Project Director x328
Jo Bull | Chief Operating Officer x326
Kerrie M. Newell | Director of Program Development & Events x327
Tonia E. Cochran | Director of Marketing & Communications x329
Veronica L. Pinkett-Barber | Program Officer x331
Edward E. Conroy, CPA | Chief Financial Officer x325
Judy E. Watkins | Financial Assistant x330
Contact Us
2711 Middleburg Drive, Suite 213 | Columbia, SC 29204 803.254.5601 | 803.799.6663 (F) | | page 4
Community Champions The Community Foundation and Columbia
These Community Champions use their time,
Metropolitan Magazine partnered to present the first
treasures and talents to improve the lives of others
annual Best of Philanthropy Awards: Honoring Our
in our community. They don’t seek out recognition
Community Champions at the Foundation’s recent
for what they are doing; they do it simply because
annual celebration. These awards honor ordinary
they believe it’s the right thing to do. As their stories
people in our community who make giving back a
show, philanthropy comes in many forms and sizes.
priority for themselves, their family or their business.
The winners and their stories were profiled in the
More than 200 people joined us on September 16 to celebrate the philanthropic endeavors of our
September Columbia Metropolitan Magazine. If you haven’t read it, we encourage you to buy the issue.
Community Champions. Each winner was presented
In addition to our Best of Philanthropy Awards, we
with an award and given the opportunity to grant a
also presented the 2010 David W. Robinson Catalyst
$500 donation to the charity of their choice in our
Award. The Catalyst Award, created in memory of
11-county service area. And the winners are:
David W. Robinson, recognizes organizations in
Local Business Champion: Michael Tucker, Chick-fil-A Lexington
our 11-county service area that have exemplified leadership, creativity, vision and commitment in addressing critical community issues.
Individual Champion: C.J. Bilka, Founder of His Hands Ministries Inc.
Student Champion: Anna H. Price, Dent Middle School
Group Champions: Knitting for the Needy, Still Hopes Episcopal Retirement Community
Family Champions: The Singletary Family, Neeses, S.C.
The Singletary Family
Knitting for the Needy
C.J. Bilka and supporters
Anna Price and family
Michael Tucker & Kathy Riley
The 2010 recipient of the Catalyst Award is Sistercare Inc. Since 1981, Sistercare has been a leader in our community’s efforts to create a nonviolent environment that builds healthy families and strong individuals. Sistercare has worked persistently to help save the lives of 52,000 battered women and their children living in the Midlands. Sistercare explores alternative service approaches and works cooperatively with law enforcement, local courts, victims’ advocates, medical professionals, schools, faith-based organizations and multiple human service agencies to ensure clients receive the services they need. “Honoring these individuals and organizations by celebrating their gifts and service is a wonderful way to fulfill our mission to promote, facilitate and increase philanthropy in the Midlands,” said JoAnn Turnquist. “We look forward to continuing these awards at our annual celebration each year.” Visit our Facebook page for more photos from the evening. Dr. Stephanie Boyd and Leah McKee of Sistercare, Inc. page 5
Non-profit Org US Postage PAID Columbia, SC Permit #562 Central Carolina Community Foundation 2711 Middleburg Drive, Suite 213 Columbia, South Carolina 29204
Recognizing the Impact of Community Foundations During the week of November 12-18, 2010, we will join
Please visit or www.facebook.
more than 700 community foundations across the country
com/centralcarolinacommunityfoundation to learn more. We
in Community Foundation Week activities. For more than 20
are proud to be involved in a community that demonstrates
years, the effort has raised awareness about the increasingly
commitment and creativity in order to find new and better
important role of our philanthropic organizations working to
ways to improve the lives of our neighbors in need.
achieve meaningful results for our communities. The Community Foundation is providing matching gifts for agency endowment funds and coordinating volunteer opportunities for the nonprofit organizations whose funds we manage. Our agency endowment partners support a broad range of needs in our community including human services, education, the arts, children’s residential services and animal welfare. Our staff and board will be volunteering during this week and we encourage our donors to get involved as well. To wrap up Community Foundation Week, we will be participating in the Association of Fundraising Professional’s National Philanthropy Day ® on November 18, 2010. This day spotlights the entire spectrum of services provided by the Midlands nonprofit community and recognizes the profound impact that philanthropy has on the fabric of society. We will be posting information about all the activities surrounding Community Foundation Week and National Philanthropy Day ® on our website and Facebook page.
ON THE WAY page 6