Spring 2014 Newsletter

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Giving Back With Heart and Soul People dancing the night away to the sound of cover songs from the ‘50s and ‘60s isn’t usually what comes to mind when a person hears the word nonprofit. However, Heart ‘n Soul is not the typical nonprofit. The band is registered as a nonprofit organization and was formed to honor the concept of service above self. Heart ‘n Soul’s 11 musicians use their collective talents to give back to charity. The fees the band receives for playing at events are given to various charities the band

James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Billy Stewart,

name, history and the legacy of giving that

supports or, if they are playing at a

The Temptations, Chicago and Stevie

is the mission of Heart ‘n Soul.

nonprofit’s fundraising event, the fees are

Wonder. With this type of talent, it is no

often given back to that organization.

surprise that Heart ‘n Soul is one of the most

“We are delighted to support the band’s

requested bands in the Midlands. Anyone

philanthropic work,” said JoAnn Turnquist,

Since 2010, Heart ‘n Soul has played at more

who has heard the band perform knows that

President & CEO of Central Carolina

than 20 philanthropic, public and private

the band lives up to its name as its talented

Community Foundation. “Heart ‘n Soul

functions each year including several of the

musicians truly play from their hearts.

inspires others to give through their music and their financial support. The band is a

major fundraising events in and around

unique treasure for our community.”

central South Carolina. The spectacular

“I joined Heart ‘n Soul because I love

music Heart ‘n Soul produces helps draw

music and I have a deep-rooted interest

generous donors to these events. Heart ‘n

in supporting the good work of the many

Soul has helped charities raise more than $2

nonprofits in our community,” said Curt

million since its inception in 2007, and the

Rone, saxophonist with Heart ‘n Soul. “This

Members of Heart ‘n Soul

band has also donated more than $100,000

marries both worlds for me; I have the

Gary Ballowe

JJ Mackey

to various charities in the community.

opportunity to give back to my community

Margery Ballowe

Bill Miles

and have a lot of fun at the same time.”

Marion Brown

Doug Neal

Dickie Chappell

Fran Rametta Curt Rone

Heart ‘n Soul’s roster includes several musicians that are listed in the Georgia

In 2013, the Heart ‘n Soul Band Fund was

Carl Ellsworth

Music Hall of Fame. Many of the band

formed at Central Carolina Community

Malcolm Gordon

members have opened for legends such as

Foundation in order to perpetuate the

Stay connected 2711 middleBurG driVe, Suite 213 columBia, Sc 29204

803.254.5601 | 803.799.6663 (f) WWW.yourfoundation.orG info@yourfoundation.orG

WE aRE a nonPRoFIt oRGanIZatIon SERVInG 11 CountIES In thE MIDLanDS By DIStRIButInG GRantS anD SChoLaRShIPS anD LInkInG thE RESouRCES oF DonoRS, nonPRoFItS anD CoMMunIty LEaDERS to aREaS oF nEED.

PRESIDEnt’S LEttER | 2 FunDS LISt | 2 nEW FunDS | 2 QuaRtERLy GIFtS | 3 yEaRLy GRantS aWaRDED | 3 MIDLanDS GIVES | 4 aRtS aBounD In CoLuMBIa | 6 hoW to StaRt GIVInG | 7 WILL unIVERSIty | 8

thank you We gratefully recognize the donors who support our work. — JoAnn Turnquist

Letter from the President The mission of the Community Foundation

only large charitable donations matter. As

entice you and others in our community to

is to promote, facilitate and expand

Frank Braddock points out in his article,

give on this day, we are providing you the

philanthropy through responsible giving. Put

many organizations survive on donations

opportunity to earn treats in the form of bonus

another way, our role in our community is to

provided by individuals. And every donation,

dollars and financial prizes for your selected

help make the local philanthropic pie bigger.

regardless of size, furthers these causes.

organization(s). Regardless of its size, each

We do this through education, engagement and yes, even enticement.

Engagement and enticement are also effective

donation will make a difference.

tools. We’re leaping headfirst into today’s

On Midlands Gives Day, please give

Education is critical as many folks believe that

tools of engagement — Facebook, Twitter,

generously to the organizations that are

philanthropy is only for the wealthy. Perhaps

LinkedIn, Instagram — when we launch

making a difference in our community. Share

this is why only 44 percent of Americans have

Midlands Gives, our first 24-hour online

the joy of giving with your friends on Facebook

a will. Our new online Wills Planner walks

day of giving. As a tourist in the land of

and your followers on Twitter. Write an email,

you through the steps of completing a will

technology, these new tools of engagement

send a text and make a phone call. Together,

and helps explain why it’s important to have

and their reach amaze me.

we will make the philanthropic pie bigger.

On May 6, a donation as small as $20 will


earn you the title of philanthropist. To


one no matter what your age or income. Education also helps dispel the myth that

Funds List The Community Foundation offers several types of fund options to meet the varying philanthropic and financial goals of our fundholders. Community Funds are unrestricted funds that allow the Community Foundation to respond to changing

New Funds Cindy and Evan Nord Unrestricted Fund Orangeburg Calhoun Community Foundation Francis L. Shealy and Mary Joyce Shealy Unrestricted Fund Sarah and Wilbur Smith Fund Mary Averill Stanton Unrestricted Grantmaking Fund Sumter Community Foundation Fund

community needs. Field-of-Interest funds

These funds were established between November 16, 2013 and February 28, 2014. CYD Legacy Fund Earth Hand Fund Eastminster Presbyterian Church Fund Eastminster Presbyterian Church Endowment

support specific focus areas such as arts,

Field-of-Interest Funds

Eccleston-Butler Family Fund

education, human services or youth. They

Lester L. Bates Fund Diane Goolsby Fund Pierrine and Hootie Johnson Field-of-Interest Fund M.B. Kahn Construction Company Employees Disaster Relief and Emergency Fund M.B. Kahn Construction Company Fund Nell V. Mellichamp Fund Mental Health Resources Foundation Fund Ministry Resources Foundation Fund Monroe Family Fund Pied Piper Fund David W. Robinson Catalyst Award Fund The Sunshine Fund Jack E. and Naomi H. Taylor Fund Milford H. Wessinger Building Better Tomorrows Fund

Gilroy Family Fund

ensure the donors’ interests are supported, without limiting the funding to one organization.

Community Funds Mary and Clinch Belser Unrestricted Fund Boyle Family Unrestricted Fund Faucette Fund Genesis Fund Greater Chapin Community Endowment Joyce Martin Hampton Unrestricted Fund Harriet and Walter Keenan Unrestricted Fund Kershaw County Endowment Fund Lipscomb Family Fund

Henry and Gloria Goldberg Fund Chad and Rebecca Gunnlaugsson Family Fund Heart ‘n Soul Band Endowment Fund Heart ‘n Soul Band Fund Jeryl Salmond II Memorial Fund Sistercare Non-Endowed Fund Sonoco Foundation Fund The Up and Away Fund Jan S. and David C. Weaver Fund

2 central carolina community foundation

SuPPoRt Grants to Date

FY 2014 | July 1 - February 28 ANIMAL WELFARE

16 | $121,110 ARTS AND CULTURE

33 | $158,678

77 | $1,636,240



55 | $172,012

99 | $754,654



16 | $81,276



175 | $1,851,717 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT

46 | $272,108

108 | $528,204

625 GRANTS TOTALING $5,575,999

Quarterly Gifts to Funds The Foundation thanks the following people and organizations for their charitable contributions. This listing reflects gifts of $250 or more made to component funds at the Foundation between November 16, 2013 and February 28, 2014. Deane and Roger Ackerman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Arscott George and Ford Bailey Mrs. Charlotte Berry Jean W. Blount Dr. Suzan Boyd and Mr. Edward Sellers CYD Legacy Calhoun County Library Glenda Cannon Edward Cantey Non-Grantor CLUT Charles H. Cate Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Garrett Clanton Ms. Margaret G. Clay David L. and Pamela M. Coleman Bill and Emilie Cox Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Cram Stephen and Kathleen Creech Anne Crook Cyberwoven LLC Malcolm and Kitty Dade James A. and Lazelle S. Dantzler II Mr. Rick Douden and Ms. Karen Daniels Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Duffy Jr.

William W. Dukes CLT William W. Dukes Jr. and Margaret C. Dukes Foundation Fund Eastminster Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Eccles Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Eccleston Ms. Hilleary Everist Mr. and Mrs. George C. Fant Jr. First Citizens Bank Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Franklin V Gallup & Gallup NHS Inc. Gignilliat Realty & Management Gilbert Community Park Gilroy Family Foundation The Going Law Firm LLC Henry and Gloria Goldberg Linell and Chris Goodall Ms. Patricia T. Greer Don and Ellen Greiner Dr. and Mrs. Chad Gunnlaugsson Mr. and Mrs. James W. Haltiwanger Jr. Richard C. and Katharine C. Handel Mr. Michael Haney Harpster and Company LLC James Heard Heart ‘n Soul Band Mr. and Mrs. Larry Higginbotham Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hill Jr. Dr. Johnny Hilton Michael and Michelle Hogue Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Horger Bruce W. Hughes James E. Aiken & Associates Inc. Mr. Hong Jiang

Total FundsDavid G. and Joan R. Owen

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Kay Johnson Kendra and Dennis Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Johnson Ms. Susan Johnston Mr. and Mrs. John T. Jones Jr. Ladson Presbyterian Church Women Mark Lipe Mr. and Mrs. W. Loring Lee III The M.B. Kahn Foundation Inc. Ralph McLendon III Lee A. McLeod Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. McMahan Mic-N-Harpo LLC Midlands Technical College Millenium Health Inc. Miss America Contestant Fund Miss Camden Scholarship Program Miss Easley Scholarship Pageant Miss Inman/ Miss Boiling Springs Scholarship Pageant Miss Laurens County Organization Miss Mt. Pleasant Scholarship & Teen Pageant Miss York County Monday After The Masters Pro-Am Golf Tournament Tim and Catherine Monetti Mrs. Gail Morrison Ms. Mary A. Mullis Mungo Homes Inc. NC Educational Scholarship Fund Inc. William H. Neely


The Poston Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roach Bill Rogers Donna and Curt Rone Robert and Ray Sabalis Jeryl Salmond Gary and RoseMarie Schmedding Lou Schraibman Ramon Schwartz Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Shuler Mr. Clyde Simpson Sistercare Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Slater Ms. Louetta A. Slice Sonoco Foundation South Carolina Bank and Trust Southeastern Freight Lines J. West and Freda S. Summers Porter and Patty Thompkins Charles and Cheri Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Walker Jr. Dr. Mary Baskin Waters and Mr. Samuel C. Waters Ms. Jan Weaver Mr. Julius W. Welborn III Wells Fargo Leland and Cornelia Williams Winn Dixie Stores Inc. Chris and Rachel Worley Mr. and Mrs. John M. Worley Jr. Margaret Hulvey Wright Trust Zeus Industrial Products Inc.

3 SPrinG 2014


Many Communities. One Day. One Goal. Amazing Results! Imagine on one day, hundreds of communities and thousands of people coming together to raise millions of dollars for the greater

How does it work? Giving is easy and takes very little time.

Why is the Community Foundation hosting Midlands Gives?

Simply go online to midlandsgives.org and

We are joining dozens of community

use a major credit or debit card to make

foundations across the country to celebrate

your gift(s). You can select your favorite

our field’s centennial anniversary by

organization or search by category to find

promoting and encouraging philanthropy

Central Carolina Community Foundation

participating organizations in your area(s) of

in our local community. This effort also

will host Midlands Gives on May 6 — an

interest. The minimum gift per organization

supports our strategic goal of making the local

unprecedented event designed to allow

is only $20 and, regardless of the number of

philanthropic pie bigger. The Foundation is

everyone to become a philanthropist by

organizations you choose to support, you will

proud to serve as the catalyst for charitable

supporting nonprofit organizations with an

only need to enter your credit or debit card

growth in the Midlands of South Carolina.

online donation.

information one time.

What is Midlands Gives?

Why should I give on this day?

Midlands Gives is a 24-hour online giving

Every gift received will be magnified with our

challenge. From 12:00 a.m. until 11:59 p.m.

bonus and prize pools. The more money an

you are encouraged to donate to one or more

organization raises, the larger their bonus will

of the participating charities located in the

become. Today, we have more than $55,500 in

Foundation’s 11-county service area in the

our bonus pool and an additional $33,000 in

Midlands and to share this opportunity with

prizes. The funds raised will go directly to the

your family, friends and colleagues.

participating nonprofit organizations.

good. This year, this dream will become a reality when communities from coast to coast sponsor local giving days on May 6, 2014.

Please join us on May 6 to magnify the Midlands!

What Can You Do to Help Magnify the Midlands? Make a gift on May 6. Go online and support your favorite cause.

Tell 6 on May 6. Share Midlands Gives with six other people and encourage them to do the same.

Use your social power. On May 6, take to your social networks to share the message and include #MidlandGives.

4 central carolina community foundation

Nonprofits Participating in Midlands Gives We are excited to have 150 organizations participating on May 6. Please visit our website at midlandsgives.org to learn more about these causes in our community. 701 Center for Contemporary Art 70th Anniversary of D-Day Able South Carolina Acercamiento Hispano de Carolina del Sur (South Carolina Hispanic Outreach) Acts Metro Allied Opportunities Inc. Alston Wilkes Society Alzheimer’s Association American Lung Association in South Carolina American Red Cross The Animal Mission Animal Protection League of SC Auntie Karen Foundation Babcock Center Be The Match Beginnings for Parents of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing-SC Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Columbia Boys & Girls Clubs of the Midlands The Brookland Foundation COR | Columbia Opportunity Resource Calhoun County First Steps Camp Discovery Camp T.A.L.K. Carolina Wildlife Care Chapin We Care Center Claflin University Columbia College Columbia Community Outreach Columbia Museum of Art Columbia Urban League Inc. Communities In Schools of the Midlands Community Medical Clinic of Kershaw County Congaree Land Trust Conservation Voters of South Carolina Education Fund The Cooperative Ministry Crossover Communications International Cultural Council of Richland and Lexington Counties Dickerson Center for Children Downtown Orangeburg Revitalization Association (DORA) Dream Riders Eat Smart, Move More South Carolina Eau Claire Shalom Ministries/Tutor Eau Claire Edisto Habitat for Humanity Inc. EdVenture Children’s Museum Elloree Heritage Museum and Cultural Center

Epworth Children’s Home Family Connection of South Carolina Family Shelter Fine Arts Center of Kershaw County Food for the Soul - Kershaw County Free Medical Clinic of Newberry County Inc. Gilbert Ruritan Club Girls on the Run of Columbia Glenforest School Growing Home Southeast Inc. HSPCA Habitat for Humanity Kershaw County Harvest Hope Food Bank Healing Families Foundation Healing Species Healthy Columbia Healthy Learners Historic Columbia Home Works of America Hootie and The Blowfish Foundation Fund Indian Waters Council, Boy Scouts of America Innersole Jordan Crossroads Ministry Center Jubilee Academy Junior Achievement of Central South Carolina Junior League of Columbia Inc. Keep the Midlands Beautiful Kershaw County First Steps Partnership Board Killingsworth Inc. Lee County Adult Education Lexington Interfaith Community Services The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Lexington School District Four Education Foundation Links Inc., Columbia Chapter Mental Illness Recovery Center Midlands Community Development Corporation Midlands Fatherhood Coalition The Midlands Women’s Center Montessori School of Columbia NAMI Mid-Carolina NAMI South Carolina New Morning Foundation Newberry County Library System Newberry Opera House Foundation The Nickelodeon Theatre Oliver Gospel Mission Orangeburg Area Boys & Girls Club Orangeburg-Calhoun Free Medical Clinic Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College Foundation Palmetto Animal Assisted Life Services Palmetto Conservation Foundation Palmetto Cycling Coalition Palmetto Health Foundation Palmetto Place Children’s Shelter

Palmetto Project Inc. Partners for Minorities in Engineering and Computer Science (PMECS) PASOs PETS Inc. The Carolinas Humane Society Pilot Club of Columbia Foundation Prosperity Project, a Christ Central Ministry Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities Providence Hospitals Reach Out and Read Carolinas Richland County First Steps to School Readiness Richland Library Foundation Riverbanks Society, Riverbanks Zoo and Garden Ronald McDonald House Charities of Columbia, SC SC Lions Foundation SC Victim Assistance Network Saluda Shoals Foundation The Salvation Army of the Midlands Sandhills School Save the Children Senior Resources Inc. Seth’s Giving Tree Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands Sistercare Inc. Skip To My Lupus Inc. South Carolina Afterschool Alliance South Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Center South Carolina Arts Foundation South Carolina Bar Foundation South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy South Carolina Center for Fathers and Families South Carolina Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers South Carolina Philharmonic Southern Interscholastic Press Association Special Olympics South Carolina St. Lawrence Place (Trinity Housing Corporation) Sumter County Museum Sustainable Midlands The Therapy Place Town Theatre TransformSC Transitions United Way of Kershaw County United Way of the Midlands United Way of Sumter, Clarendon and Lee Counties Vital Connections of the Midlands WXRY 99.3 / The Independent Media Foundation Ltd. The Walker Foundation at the SC School for the Deaf and the Blind The Women’s Shelter YMCA of Columbia, SC Youth Corps YWCA of the Upper Lowlands Inc.

5 SPrinG 2014

IMPaCt scp young people’s concert

Arts Abound in Columbia Central Carolina Community Foundation

Since 1987, the total amount of grants

Congratulations to the following organizations

recently awarded grants to three nonprofit

awarded from these three field-of-interest

that received this year’s funds:

organizations that serve the arts community

funds has exceeded $565,000.

in the Midlands. The grants are provided through a competitive process from three different funds that are managed by the Foundation: the Pierrine & Hootie Johnson Fund, Pied Piper Fund and Nell V. Mellichamp Fund. The purpose of the Pierrine & Hootie Johnson Fund is to support premiere cultural arts in the Midlands, while the Nell V. Mellichamp Fund promotes music education and youth. The Pied Piper Fund seeks to support a variety of projects including art, music, dance and youth activities.

“Arts education is essential for young people — giving children the opportunity to express themselves creatively enhances their quality of life,” said Kim Williams, Education Director for the South Carolina Philharmonic. “The benefits of participating in the arts, and music specifically, also include increased math and language arts test scores. The S.C. Phil is proud to partner with area schools, offering a number of programs that enhance the school music curriculum.”

“The arts and humanities play a critical role in the development of vibrant communities,” adds JoAnn Turnquist, President & CEO of Central Carolina Community Foundation. “They allow us to explore ideas, express emotions and better appreciate cultures from around the world.”

Columbia City Ballet: $5,000 for the Educational Outreach Program’s (EOP) 2014-2015 productions of Santa Claus is Coming to Town and The Lion of Mali. The EOP presents two sets of ballets annually. Teachers and students register for the ballets and are sent curriculum packets created specifically for each production, including the original story of the ballet and a history of stagecraft. At the ballet, the groups enjoy what normally costs $45 to $55 per seat for only $5.

The Columbia Museum of Art: $10,000 to support the Cheer for the Home Team exhibition running from May 16 through September 14. This specially organized exhibition explores the history of mascots from college sports in conjunction with the representation of animals in art. The exhibition is made up exclusively of pieces from the Columbia Museum of Art’s own extensive collection. Through this exhibition, the CMA hopes to pique the interest of a wider audience and attract first-time visitors to the museum.

landscape with fowl, an oil painting by melchior d’hondecoeter featuring a magnificent gamecock.

South Carolina Philharmonic (SCP): $10,000 for the Young People’s Concerts series. In partnership with Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute, the SCP will present four concerts to more than 7,000 students, seniors and special needs individuals from across the Midlands. The year-long program includes an in-school music education curriculum for K-6 students.

scp young people’s concert

6 central carolina community foundation

How to Get Started with Charitable Giving Contributed by Frank Braddock, CFP® CAP® In our work with

the 2008 financial crisis. At the same

families around the

time, many corporations have also cut

United States, we

their support because of corporate belt

spend time talking

tightening. It’s up to individuals to make

about their desires

up the difference.

to make a difference

So, how do you make a difference? The most

for causes that are

important aspect of that, in my opinion, is to

important to them. As a result, we have some significant

pick a cause that you fervently believe in and frank baddock, the braddock group of jhs capital advisors

conversations about philanthropy. Many people believe that vast sums of money have to be involved in order for someone to be an effective philanthropist. In other cases, families are interested in investing to support causes they believe in but they aren’t sure where to find

then get involved. Yes, charities need your dollars — that’s a given. They also need your hands and heart and time. Whether its hands-

Board of Trustees

on day-to-day work in the mission of the

Judith M. Davis, Chair

charity or writing emails and letters to political

Bruce W. Hughes, Vice Chair

officials to generate support for a specific

Ben Rex, Secretary/Treasurer

effort, your personal involvement is a key to

Scott R. Adams

success and often the way that public officials

Dr. William Babcock

judge how to vote on a specific issue.

J. Mac Bennett Cliff Bourke Jr.

information. Two things are important here.

From a financial perspective, make it a priority

First, you don’t have to be a millionaire to

to give a specific amount of money every year.

be a philanthropist. Second, there are plenty

One thing I have found that helps is to develop

R. Jason Caskey, CPA

of places to get good information on how to

a written philanthropic plan and update it

William H. Cason II

become involved.

regularly. This is helpful on two fronts. First,

Rita Bragg Caughman

it’s easier to maintain your funding efforts if

Michael C. Crapps

those efforts are in writing. Second, when you

Dr. Sharon Reynolds Earle

write down specific goals for philanthropy, you

Eric M. Elkins

then have a way of judging whether the efforts

John J. Garrison

you make are being effective. That focus on

L. Marion Gressette III

effectiveness is becoming more important for

C. Carroll Heyward

those who support philanthropic efforts on all

David G. Hodges


Catherine H. Kennedy

Carolina Secretary of State all provide help

So, get involved. Pick groups that work on

Charlene H. Keys

to those who want to support charitable

causes you think are important. Being a

Daniel J. Lebish


millionaire is not a requirement. Put your

Dr. Percy A. Mack

heart as well as your wallet to work, develop

Dan Mann

a written plan and goals, and then see how

Cory Manning

effective those efforts are down the road.

Linda O’Bryon

Source - 1http://philanthropy.com/article/America-sGenerosity-Divide/133775/

John C. Pollok

A study in 2012 by the Chronicle of Philanthropy1 indicates that much giving is driven by middle class American’s who are supporting causes they believe in. As far as information, there are many sources available. Organizations like Central Carolina Community Foundation, The South Carolina Planned Giving Council and the South

Why is charitable giving so important? Many local arts and civic groups could not exist without support from individuals. Some studies indicate that while individual charitable giving is increasing,

Sharon W. Bryant

Barbara Rackes

government support of charitable groups

Terry K. Schmoyer Jr., CPA

has not returned to the levels seen before

Michael Schraibman Sue-Ann Gerald Shannon Martha Scott Smith J. Hagood Tighe


Susie H. VanHuss

JoAnn M. Turnquist | President & CEO | x323

Jennifer Meyer, CPA | Vice President for Finance | x325

Cherise Arrendale | Interactive Marketing Manager | x317

Ebony L. Perkins, MPA | Donor Relations Manager | x316

Tonia E. Cochran | Director of Marketing & Communications | x329

Kelly Rogers | Staff Accountant | x330

Charlotte Henderson | Director of Information Management | x326

Heather Sherwin | VP for Development | x331

David M. Laird | Director of Community Impact | x322

7 SPrinG 2014

Central Carolina Community Foundation 2711 Middleburg Drive, Suite 213 Columbia, South Carolina 29204

Why You Need a Will, Today Amazingly, only 44 percent of Americans

As you read through our free Wills

have a will. In fact, studies show that

Planning Guide, you will see that a

women and young people (ages 18-34)

will is not about the assets you own,

are more likely to be concerned about

but how you will use your resources to

maintaining their weight than protecting

care for the people that mean the most

their financial assets.

to you. Our guide will help you ensure that all of your property is well cared

Some people mistakenly feel they don’t

for and left to your chosen beneficiaries.

have enough wealth or own enough

If you have minor children, the guide

property to require planning. While there

can also help you plan for their care.

may be many reasons for not yet having a will, there are plenty of reasons why

If you choose to use the online Wills

everyone should have one. When we

Planner, you will be asked to answer a

remember that a will is not for us, but for

series of questions about your family,

the ones we love, it becomes easier to take

estate and goals using our secure server.

the steps and create a lasting plan.

The program will gather all of the

If you haven’t thought about planning for the future or if you have been procrastinating making these important decisions, there is no better time than the present to get started.

will university provides access to knowledge and tools that empower participants to create an estate plan that achieves their financial goals, ensures the wellbeing of their families and fulfills their legacy.

create your estate plan. This information is completely secure and private. Should you choose to do so, you have the option of sharing your plans online

Preparation is important because we all want to protect and provide for our loved ones

information an attorney needs to help you

with us or with a qualified attorney who can

after we are gone.

We encourage you to take advantage of this

Planning for the future may seem like a

To start, go to yourfoundation.org/willsguide.

daunting task. However, new technology

The site includes a number of valuable

makes this task easier than ever before.

tools including wills videos, the Online

The Community Foundation is pleased to

Wills Planner and a downloadable guide to


announce our new planned giving website.

planning your will or trust.


great resource to help you build your plan.

draft your will or trust. The benefit of using an online planning account is that you can come back again and again to update your information for future planning. http://www.dailyďŹ nance.com/2011/08/26/

Planning for the future is easier than you think! If you have questions about using the online Wills Planner, or would like assistance with your planning decisions, please contact Heather Sherwin at 803.978.7831 or heather@yourfoundation.org.


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