First, watch this week’s video!
Stack It Up
Bible Story
Land Animals and People (Genesis 1:24-2:3)
Remember This
“God saw everything he had made. And it was very good.”
Genesis 1:31, NIrV Say This
Who made everything? God made everything!
Color Your World
What You Need:
Shallow plastic or aluminum pan, plate, plastic animals, dish soap, milk, blue and green food coloring, and paper towels
What You Do:
Pour enough milk to cover the bottom of the shallow pan. Squirt some dish soap onto the plate and set beside the pan. Set the plastic animals nearby.
Invite your kid to do a science experiment with you. Say, “Today we learned how God made land animals and people! We’re going to do a science experiment with some of our toy animals.

“In our pan is just regular milk, but I’ll add some blue and green food coloring to it. (Add a few drops of both blue and green food coloring to the pan of milk.)
“Now, choose an animal and press its feet into the dish soap. Make sure the animals get soap on every single hoof or paw or foot! (Guide your child to choose an animal and press its feet into the dish soap.)
“Okay, here’s the fun part. Carefully place your animal feet right into the milk and watch what happens. Are you ready? One, two, three, go! (The green and blue food coloring should swirl around in response to the dish soap.)
“Wow! That was amazing! Did you see the colors swirl all around? Our pan of milk looks like our beautiful planet, Earth! God made everything. Only a super creative and powerful God could do that. God made everything. Who made everything? God made everything!”
“God! You are amazing! You are big! You are powerful! You created everything— even the animals and the people we love. We love You! Thank You for making everything! Amen.”