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Preschool & Kindergarten kids & families Acts 1.7

God is trustworthy so we can sacrifice Inspire (for parents) Our God is always able to deliver us anytime and every time, and how often He does. But if ever He does not, it is because somehow and in some way, glory is at stake. If trial or tragedy consume us, it is to light a fire somewhere and in some heart that can never be extinguished. (Beth Moore, Daniel). Such was the case for Paul and Silas. They endured being stripped and beaten, severely flogged, and being fastened in stocks, (Acts 16:22-24) for what end? The salvation of the jailer and his family! “He was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God – he and his family” (Acts 16:34). Sometimes, we can only see the end in retrospect. Other times, we can not see the glory and we never will until He reveals it to us. That’s where our faith becomes a matter of trust!

I remember when our 4-month old son unexplainably passed from us into the Lord’s presence. While my husband and I didn’t understand why, and experienced much heartache and grief, we knew God was in control and He still reigned. As we stood in church at that weekend’s service singing praises to God it wasn’t easy. I remember some visitors saying something to me that I will never forget. They were wowed by the fact we had just lost our baby boy three days earlier and were in church loudly singing praises to God. Why shouldn’t we be? Painful as it was, our loyalty to God didn’t change. We still trusted Him for our future and the future of our son. The sacrifice of our praise was still due Him!

Getting Started

Scripture: Acts 16: 20-34 can Main Point: God is trustworthy so we sacrifice. family This resource is designed to allow your childyour re befo Word s God’ in to have time is plan s God’ ren attend church. Because of rers nurtu ual spirit the be for parents to you their children’s faith, we know that as grow will ren child grow spiritually, your spiritually as well.

Equip (for parents) Paul and Silas trusted their God no matter what. Even though they were in jail and their lives could be ended soon, they were able to pray and sing hymns. This is because the matter of their trust or loyalty was already resolved.

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Whenever we face fiery trials and testing, things can get bleak, especially if we are not trusting in God to see us through. All we have to do is think God is not coming through for us, and resentment, bitterness, Support doubt, despair, self-pity and unbelief take (for parents & kids) God is always trustworthy. Today’s story over. demonstrates that Paul and Silas know that. You may have a definition or understand- They believe God will use their situation to ing of loyal, but consider this definition of further the gospel, whether or not they perished. the original Hebrew word found in I Chronicles 29:17-18: “to be firm, be Consider again our definition of loyalty, and prepared; to be determined . . . signifies see if God, also, exhibits this kind of loyalty? initial preparation or formation, actual In other words, has He already decided in preparation for a future event.” Godly loyalty means many things I would have advance of the question or circumstance to imagined, but to be prepared??? Loyal is remain with us? You bet! God is always trustworthy! Romans 8:38-39 tells us that not something we are instantly in the nothing can separate us from the love of God. moment of testing. It’s something that surfaces at the time of the trial or test. It’s Sometime this week read through the account a character question, really. It means the of Paul and Silas in Acts 16:30-34. At the question has already been answered, we end think of questions that reflect on what simply act upon it. you just read such as, “Did they know they Have you predetermined your loyalty to Christ? In other words, have you already answered the question in your own heart and mind about whether anything could make you turn away from Him? Could any circumstance . . . an unhealed disease, unanswered prayer, loss of a loved one, seemingly unfair situation, anything, cause you to renounce your faith in Christ? As we continue to walk with Him, He promises to build our faith, loyalty and character. He is equipping us to trust Him.

might get thrown in jail for talking about Jesus and were willing to do it anyway?” Or “How do we know Paul and Silas were trusting in God”. Is there anything you are willing to give up trusting that God might bring something good out of it? JUST FOR FUN, as a family be on watch for God-sightings and see how many times in a week family members can see God’s hand in a situation. Gather your children and pray together that God would show Himself at work. Remind them that the Bible is true and the same God who orchestrated events for Paul and Silas is the same God who has His hand over our lives today.

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