Prep for 9.19.10 Elementary

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God gives us His presence and power through the Holy Spirit

God’s story is a story with multiple chapAt Christ Community Church Sarpy Cam- ters, a story that’s unfolding, a story that is a process, not a point in time. A story with pus, the people who gather there have a motto everyone knows – “No perfect peo- multiple opportunities as we go along, in which God desires to reveal Himself over ple allowed.” Of course! We all recogand over again. Yes, God is actually ennize in varying degrees that we all sin – gaged in our world, not some imaginary every one of us and thus we are not perfect. Recognizing our sin is the first step one. God is writing a story in real lives, in in allowing God to work in our lives, and real times, in real ways. We can breathe a bring us redemption and restoration! De- little easier to learn that God is not nearly as interested in putting a picture of perfection spite our sin he wants to free us, give us the gift of heaven – that’s redemption! He in front of us as much as He is trying to tell wants to bring us to a place where our hurt, a story through us! His plan is to use us! shame and sin doesn’t incapacitate us and In fact, according to Scripture, broken people are the very best ones to tell the story of render us ineffective – that’s restoration. God. Let God use your imperfect life to model restoration and redemption to your Clearly, God does not paint a picture of perfect people in the Bible! The heroes of children. (Paraphrase, Parenting Beyond Your Capacity, Joiner/Nieuwhof, p. 42-44) faith that come to mind are not what we expect. Noah had a drinking problem; Abraham offered his wife to another man; Jacob’s sons sold their brother into slavery; David had an affair, and his son started a rebellion; Joseph and Mary lost Jesus in the temple for 3 days, Adam and Scripture: Acts 1:8-11; 2:1-12 Eve single- handedly caused the downMain Point: God gives us his presence fall of the human race and subsequently and power through the Holy Spirit raised one son who killed the other. This resource is designed to allow your re family to have time in God’s Word befo use Beca your children attend church. God’s plan is for parents to be the spiri we , faith ren’s child tual nurturers of their know that as you grow spiritually, your children will grow.

Inspire (for parents)

Getting Started

Equip (for parents) One thing you will notice in Acts is that the Holy Spirit is ultimately responsible for every major turning point in the Book. You also will want to remember that because the gospel is God’s thing, initiated by Him and expressing His faithfulness to Israel through Christ, and carried out by the power of the Holy Spirit, that nothing can hinder it – • not the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem (Acts 3-5), • not unbelieving Jews, like Saul of Tarsus, bent on destruction (8:1-3); • not the church in Jerusalem (Acts 11:1-18), “ • not secular leaders, like Herod (Acts 12:23-24), “Herod . . . was eaten by worms and died. But the word of God continued to increase and spread; • not Judiazers within the church (Acts 15:1-35); • not religious or secular opposition from Greeks (16:16-40, 19:23-41); • and not shipwrecks or snakes (Acts 27-28)! With the coming of Jesus and the Spirit, the time of God’s favor has come. The gospel is God’s activity in history; salvation for all people, and nothing can hinder it. And so the Book concludes with Paul preaching in Rome with all boldness and without hindrance (Acts 28:31). (How to Read the Bible Book by Book, Fee/Stuart, p. 298)

The beauty of it all is that you, as a believer, are equipped with the power and presence of God’s Spirit for the purpose of being part of the story, the plan to reach the world for Jesus and tell His story of redemption and restoration! Be a part of what God is doing! Let God’s Spirit work through you – He won’t be stopped if you do!

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Support (for parents & kids) Sometime during the week Read Acts 1:8-11; 2:1-12 with your children. Then help your children look up the following passages, read them together and answer the following questions. Moses and the burning bush (Exodus 3:2) Was the bush burned up by the fire? Why do you think the bush didn’t burn up? Who was in the bush? The pillar of cloud and fire that led the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 13:21-22, 14:24). Who was in the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire? Why was He in the pillar of cloud and pillar of fire? Talk about how God’s presence in the Bible often comes in fire, and how the appearance of tongues on the believers’ heads, in Acts, indicated to them that God was with them. JUST FOR FUN, you might light a candle, and gather the family around. As you watch the flickering flame, talk about different ways you know God is with you!

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