Preschool April 8, 2012

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THE BIG GOD STORY/EASTER Inspire (for parents) On beautiful spring mornings I enjoyed waking up early to the sweet sounds of birds singing and the peace of children sleeping. I would creep silently to my favorite pink chair and open my Bible. This was a morning ritual, and I looked forward to it every day.

He looked up at me and whispered, “I want to ask Jesus into my heart.” I knew instantly that, even though he was young, this was God’s plan for him. Kevin proceeded to pray with understanding, sincerity, and conviction. His life from that moment on was forever changed.

I often gazed at my children eatingnd their breakfasthaat wondered w for plans God had ig them in His b Story.

After a while, two sleepy-eyed boys would make their way to the living room, and I would put down my Bible and pull out the cereal bowls. I often gazed at my children eating their breakfast and wondered what plans God had for them in His big story. From their earliest years, Steven and Kevin were told that God had a plan for their lives and if they gave their lives to Him, God would reveal His plan. The eldest, Steven, excitingly said, “It’s like a mystery!” I learned one day that God does truly work in mysterious ways. I arose early in the morning and quietly made my way to the pink chair. But to my surprise, there was someone in it! It was my four-year-old son, Kevin, sitting in prayer.

I believe God chose my son at a very early age to enter into His story, prompted by the Holy Spirit and with the innocence of a child. God’s plan is unique for each one of us in His big story, yet we can rest assured that His plan is perfect. And as parents, we can play an important part in introducing our children to the very big God of The Big God Story. Sue Funkhouser

This resource is designed to encourage your family to have time in God’s Word before your children attend church. Because God’s plan is for parents to be the primary spiritual nurturers of their children’s faith, we know that as you grow spiritually, your children will grow spiritually as well.

Equip (for parents)


Equip is additional background information that will help as you introduce this passage of Scripture to your children this week.

(for parents & kids)

As the basis of future hope, Jesus is the One in whom God’s kingdom has come and is yet to come. He is the One exalted and seated at the right hand of God, who has promised to return and gather all believers to Himself. He is the true hope of Israel who will vanquish evil and restore everything to how it is supposed to be. He is, and will be, the victorious Lord of all.

As the basis of future hope, Jesus is the One …

This week, read Psalm 145 with your children. If you have children old enough In the beginning, there was no need for to read, let them take turns a redeemer. The world was perfect, reading portions of this God showe and man was in perfect union with psalm. You might want … love d his God (Genesis 1–2). In the end, the to choose a version sendinfor us by world will again be free from the easier for children to ravages of sin and the influence [Jesus g Christ read, like the New ] to die of evil (Revelation 21–22). Part International Reader’s for us. of the journey between those two Version (NIrV) or the Roman s 5:8 ( points is told in The Big God Story New Living Translation NLT) (in the Bible) and centers upon the (NLT). life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. JUST FOR FUN, have He is the Messiah, the Christ. Jesus Christ is each family member share the the fulfillment of everything hoped for and the biggest thing they know God has done for basis of any future hope. them. If you haven’t done it before, take time As the fulfillment of everything hoped to tell your faith story and the faith stories of for, He is the satisfaction of the Law, the family members from other generations. Then establishment of the new covenant, the celebrate together with a round of applause or fulfillment of prophecy, God coming near, the a “Yahoo!” to God. climax of history, the sacrificial Lamb, the great Remind your children that they’ll learn more High Priest, the son of David, and the suffering about The Big God Story in church this week, servant. He is the Redeemer promised at the and close your time together by praying and beginning of The Big God Story in Genesis thanking God that He invites us to play a role 3:15. He is Jesus, Jeho-Shua (JHWH Saves), in His big story! the One promised to “save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).

© 2012 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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