January 22, 2012 Elementary

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Somehow, despite all my shortcomings as a spiritually equipped and wise parent, God was using me. Inspire (for parents) Recently, my son announced to me that he had started reading a series of books. This series has been the subject of great debate among Christians. I wasn’t initially sure how to respond. This wasn’t a request to read it; it was a declaration.

a child of God myself. The tears that welled up in my son’s eyes as we talked about God’s goodness caused my spirit to leap with joy. Somehow, despite all my shortcomings as a spiritually equipped and wise parent, God was using me. My son was not just learning truth, he was being moved by it. I realized how quick I had been to want to react out of fear, anger, and disappointment. Instead, I was filled with awe, peace, and appreciation. I was reminded of how great and magnificent our God is; how ready He is to answer our pleas for help. He is the Lord.

Guilt kicked in as I realized I had not researched enough to have an opinion on the content. With a quick request for God’s guidance, I began a conversation about these books with my son. I tried earnestly to hear what he was saying, instead of focusing on my fear that somehow his faith in God might by Stephanie Barber be wounded. After a deep breath, I geared up to defend God and all His power versus the false powers depicted in these books. As I was talking, my son interrupted and asked, “If God Holy Ground) is so powerful, why wouldn’t He s 3—4 (Moses on Scripture: Exodu 1 stop His biggest opponent from Is the Lord, Part Main Point: God your family to apparent victory?” It hit me then ow signed to all de is ce ur so re This your children that being prepared for the world’s d’s Word before Go in e tim ve ha is for parents to influence on my son was nothing cause God’s plan tend church. Be at their children’s compared to my influence on his iritual nurturers of be the primary sp iritually, your sp view of God. I was in a very delicate at as you grow th ow kn we , faith spiritually as well. and influential position. children will grow

Getting Started

The next 30 minutes were pivotal, not only as a parent, but as

Equip (for parents) REM Just the mere mention of God’s name reveals EMB “Be to us that He is powerful and holy. God kind ER v ers and to o revealed His name to Moses in Exodus 3:14, E ne a com when He said, “‘I AM WHO I AM [Ehyehnoth pas each sio e Asherr-Ehyeh]. This is what you are to say God other, ju r, forgiv nate to the Israelites: ‘I AM [Ehyeh] has sent ing st a Eph forga me to you.’” si es v Clearly, only God could call Himself Ehyeh-Asherr-Ehyeh, but He allowed Moses to call Him “Ehyeh,” (I AM) when he spoke to the Israelites. Because this was such a holy name, Jewish scribes or priests write this name out in the form YHWH, and do not write or pronounce the vowels. Instead, they use the name Adonai, Jehovah, or Lord. By making Himself known through the name Ehyeh-Asherr-Ehyeh, God revealed that He exists, has always existed, and will always exist (in contrast to the Egyptian gods who did not exist). But He revealed even more than that. The name Ehyeh-Asherr-Ehyeh implies liveliness, movement, and dynamism. Because Ehyeh means not only “I am” but “I will become,” God was saying He intends to become what He needs to be for the sake of His people. This is never more evident than in the fact that, through the process of incarnation, God became a man. The name Jesus (Yeshua) means “Jehovah is salvation.” Through Jesus Christ, God became what He needed to be for the sake of His people: salvation incarnate. Ehyeh-Asherr-Ehyeh, the God of the covenant, became a man in order to make good on His covenant promise. Through Jesus, God defeated the ultimate barrier to His people’s ability to live with Him and worship Him forever.



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(for parents & kids) Sometime this week, read through the biblical account of God’s call on Moses’ life in Exodus 3—4:17. After you have read, ask your children to tell you their favorite part of the story and share with them your favorite part. Just for fun, try reading this passage near a fire. Even a candle will do! After you read, ask your kids how they might have reacted to hearing God’s voice coming from a burning bush. Remind them that only a powerful God could do something like that. Then discuss together why God would have asked Moses to take his sandals off, and what it means to be holy. Ask your children what God said His name is. Share with your children that what they just heard is true and part of The Big God Story. Remind them they will hear more in church this week about how God is the Lord. Close your time by praying together and thanking God that He is the all-powerful Lord!

© 2011 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All right reserved.

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