Grades 1-5 April 27, 2014

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God guides us as we help our children get on the correct path.

Inspire (for parents) I was excited and proud when my children memorized the Ten Commandments. It was more difficult, though, when they started breaking them! One day, I discovered my daughter had taken a small toy from a store without paying for it. She later hid it in a compartment in her car seat. When I asked her where she got the toy, she replied, “Oh, I found it.” I strongly sensed she was not telling the truth. “Yikes,” I thought. “She’s stolen something and now is lying about it.” I quickly asked God for wisdom. I knew I had to help correct her for the act of stealing, but she first had to admit she had done it. With a bit of time, she confessed to taking the toy. I explained we would go back to the store, return it, and she would tell the store manager she had taken it and ask for forgiveness. She was willing, but did not seem remorseful. I prayed for God’s help again and waited. Our family had gone to a neighborhood pool that night, and as we prepared to return home,

my daughter could not find her swim goggles. There had been a lot of people at the pool that night, so I said, “Maybe someone picked them up by mistake and took them.” She burst out, “But that’s so wrong! They were mine and someone just took them!” I empathized, “Yes, it doesn’t feel good to have things taken from us.” My prayer was answered; God was bringing about the remorse in her. I prayed with my daughter before returning the toy; it went well. Thankfully, God guides us as we help our children get on the correct path!

Getting Started

by Allison Kenyon

osaic Covenant) s 19—21; 24 (M du xo E : re tu rip Sc le Claims His Peop Main Point: God your family to designed to allow This resource is your children d’s Word before for parents have time in Go n use God’s pla is ca Be . ch ur ch attend children’s faith, l nurturers of their ua irit sp e th be to lly, your children you grow spiritua we know that as lly as well. will grow spiritua

Equip (for parents) “‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then … you will be my treasured possession … you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation’” (Exodus 19:4–6). Many Bible scholars say this was the pivotal moment in the books of Moses (Genesis—Deuteronomy). Through this covenant, God furthered the previous covenant He had made with Abraham and claimed His people, the Israelites, by giving them a choice to enter into covenant with Him. He showed His people how to live by giving them laws so they would be set apart, holy … for Him. God showed He was no longer the God of just one man and his descendents. Instead, He was the God of a chosen people: the Israelites. Through this covenant, God showed His people how to live. If they were to be His, they needed to choose to be set apart, holy … for Him. So God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, as well as the Book of the Law. He read them to the people and they responded: “We will do everything the Lord has said” (Exodus 19:8). Ultimately, our children belong to God just like the Israelites did. They will have many chances throughout their lives to accept and claim this identity as beloved children of God. We as parents have an incredible chance to model for them what it is like to be claimed and loved unconditionally by someone else. The more we tell them “I love you, I am so happy you are mine,” the easier it will be for them to hear and believe these words from their heavenly Father. Let’s take every opportunity we can to model the unfathomable, unconditional love God gives to each of us.


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(for parents & kids) Sometime this week, read through the biblical account of the Mosaic covenant in Exodus 19:1–7 and 19:14–19. At the end of each passage, think of a question that reviews what you just read such as, “What did God tell the Israelites to do?” or “What kinds of things did the people see when Moses came down from the mountain?” Before you begin to read, pray together as a family and thank God for loving us enough to call us into relationship with Him. Just for fun, gather some things that will make a lot of noise. Grab pots and pans for your kids to bang on or find some instrumental music to play loudly. Explain to your kids that there was a lot of noise and commotion as Moses came down the mountain to give the Israelites the Mosaic covenant. Tell them to imagine what it must have been like and encourage them to bang on the pots and pans. When you are finished, tell them that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible and that they will hear it in church. Close your time by praying and thanking God for this chance to learn about Him and to hear from His Word.

© 2010 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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