Grades 1-5 February 7, 2016

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ELEMENTARY KIDS & FAMILIES For Sunday, February 7, 2016

This resource is designed to allow your family to have time in God’s Word BEFORE your children attend church. Because God’s plan is for parents to be the primary spiritual nurturers of their children’s faith, we want YOU to be the one to introduce this part of The Big God Story to them. HomeFront Magazine: A Spiritual Parenting Resource This monthly magazine gives your family ideas for creating fun, spiritually forming times in your home—setting aside sacred space in the midst of your active, everyday lives. Visit to subscribe to the print edition or to have a digital copy sent directly to your inbox.

YAHWEH: THE MOST HIGH GOD Part of The Big God Story 1 Kings 18—19 In today’s part of The Big God Story, Yahweh speaks in two very different ways: in an amazing display of fire and in a gentle whisper. In both ways, God reveals something important and unique about Himself: He is the one true, existing God.

OLDER KIDS Your child is learning how to discern the voice of God in her life. Talk to her about the different ways God speaks to us, and encourage her to listen to His call on her life.

DID YOU KNOW? • Yahweh means “Lord” and “I Am.” • Elijah’s commitment to ending the worship of idols resulted in his challenging the prophets of Baal, even though he risked death by doing so. • When God showed Himself at the altar as a consuming fire, the people fell on their faces and declared that the Lord was God. • Later, this same God who showed Himself as a consuming fire spoke to Elijah in a quiet whisper.

REMEMBER VERSE In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

JUST FOR FUN Gather as a family to read this part of The Big God Story around a fireplace. If you don’t have access to one, light a few candles. Ask your kids if they think the fire would keep burning if somebody doused it with water. Then tell them you’re going to read about a time God proved He is the one true God. Read 1 Kings 18:16–39. Ask your kids if they remember what the people did after God sent fire to burn up the sacrifice. Remind them that Elijah had soaked the sacrifice and the surrounding area three times with water. Share with them that Baal didn’t have the power to answer the cries of the people who worshipped him. However, Yahweh—the one true God—did. Ask your children what this tells them about God. Proclaim together that God is the one true and existing God by saying together, “Yahweh, You alone are God!”

YOUNGER KIDS Your child may be full of energy, but it’s important that he learn how to sit and be still. Spend some time in stillness with your child. After a few moments, talk about the things you heard (clock ticking, dog barking, etc.) that you might have missed if you hadn’t taken time to listen.

© 2015 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.


TEACHABLE MOMENTS After reading Scripture, discuss the following together: • How did God use Elijah in this part of The Big God Story? • What are some ways we hear God’s voice? • When was a time you felt God speaking to you?

BLESSING For more information about blessing your child see the Blessing section in HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource. A blessing to pray over your child: (Child’s name), may the Lord reveal Himself to you in big and small ways. May He be the Most High God in your life, and may you have ears to hear His whispers.

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