Prep for 5.15.11 Elementary

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He hears our apology and restores us back into the family of God.

Inspire (for parents) We are a time-out house. We have found that time-outs are the most effective form of discipline for our two-year-old daughter. Time-out is spent sitting on the floor, back against the front door for two minutes. For our very social and sensitive daughter, these two minutes are truly “painful.” She feels separated from us. Two minutes may not sound like a long time, but believe me; those two minutes can feel like two hours to a little one.

Equip (for parents) God’s desire is for restoration: spiritually, REM “For EMB physically, and emotionally. In Genesis, God I am ER v d c ers eath onvi created man “from the dust of the ground.” E n n c o e n r d th or d life . By healing the blind man with mud, Jesus a e . in al pth, no . neithe t neithe demonstrated again that He is the Creator. l r sepa creation anythin r height r He was revealing the Truth of John 1:3: r , that ate us f will be g else “Through him all things were made; able r i o s m in Ch Rom without him nothing was made that has ans rist the love to 8:38 Jesu –39 been made.” of G That fact didn’t escape the blind man, because he said in John 9:33, “If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.” This might be a confusing statement, considering the fact that we see magicians performing signs throughout Scripture. However, the blind man realized, through faith, that Jesus is God.

What a beautiful reminder of our Father in heaven and what He wants for us. Even though our brokenness has landed us in an eternal time-out and separation from God, He extended His open arms to us by sending His Son. He hears our apology and restores us back into the family of God.

Jesus did not just heal the blind man physically; He also healed him socially. After he was healed, his physical ailment no longer excluded him from the community or (according to the religious leaders) condemned him as a sinner. But most importantly, Jesus healed the blind man spiritually.

Knowing the joy I feel when my daughter hugs me, and we’re “okay,” I can only imagine the immense pleasure God has accepting His children back into His loving arms.

In John 9, we first saw the blind man as a beggar, condemned as a sinner by his community. Then, we saw him progress to a state of dignity—even to the point of standing up to the Pharisees. Finally, we watched as Jesus loved and respected the blind man enough to restore him—mind, body, and soul. Then, we rejoiced with him as he came to a state of belief, worshipping Jesus, the Son of Man.

When the time is up, we make sure to kiss, hug, and talk about where things went Chad Coltman sideways. Then, the most miraculous thing happens: She moves on. In an instant, she’s back to her singing, dancing, laughing self. I’m amazed that there are no grudges, no bitterness, no backlash, and no broken relationship. It is a e Blind Man) 9 (Jesus Heals th beautiful picture of restoration. Scripture: John us Restores Main Point: Jes A kiss, a hug, and a short your family to signed to allow de is ce ur so re conversation actually work to put This your children d’s Word before Go in e tim ve things back together the way they ha n is for parents Because God’s pla ren’s faith, attend church. were meant to be. As her dad, rers of their child rtu nu l ua irit sp e to be th lly, your children I extend to her the gift to make you grow spiritua as at th ow kn we things right again, and her little lly as well. will grow spiritua spirit knows no other choice but to jump into my arms and accept.

Getting Started

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(for parents & kids) Just for fun, this week take turns blindfolding yourself and your children while trying to do something that is in the normal rhythm of your everyday life (folding a shirt, sweeping the floors, making your bed etc.). Discuss how hard it is to work when you can’t see! Then, read about how Jesus healed a blind man in John 9:1–12. After reading this part of The Big God Story, ask your children how they think the blind man might have felt after Jesus healed him? Did Jesus have to touch the man to heal him? Talk together about why they think Jesus touched the man. Together as a family, thank God that He loves us so much and desires to heal us. If someone in your family has specific needs for healing, take this time to lift these up to God in prayer. Share with your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they will hear more about how Jesus restores in church this week.

© 2011 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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