Grades 1-5 March 9, 2014

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God gently reminds me that I really am not enough for my family.

Inspire (for parents) No role prompts more anxiety and fear in me as a father than that of “the provider.” I must confess, the idea that I am meant to provide for my family’s needs stresses me out at times. I often feel like I’m functioning in a deficit; I’m convinced there just isn’t enough of anything to go around. There isn’t enough time to accomplish all the things that need to be done. There isn’t enough energy to keep up with the pace of a busy family. And there isn’t enough money to cover all the areas of our budget. I walk around with this nagging suspicion that I’m always forgetting something that requires my attention. How am I meant to be the provider for my household when I barely feel capable of providing for myself? But then God gently reminds me that I really am not enough for my family. He is teaching me that I cannot give them anything I haven’t first received from Him, because all things come from Him. I cannot trust in my own ability to meet their every need without trusting God to meet all of my needs first. I cannot will into existence more time, energy, money,

or attention, but the Creator of the heavens and the earth certainly can find creative ways to show me how He is providing for me. As I learn this, I’ve started to see little miracles throughout my day that are products of His provision: my children napping a little longer than they normally would, money I’ve received that I wasn’t expecting, or an unexpected burst of energy to finish a long day. In subtle and sweet ways, God is providing for me and allowing the overflow of what I receive to be the provision that blesses my family. by Chad Coltman

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Scripture: M 5,000) (Jesus Feeds the mpassion Co s us Show Main Point: Jes ur family to ned to allow yo sig de is ce ur so This re your children d’s Word before Go in e tim ve ha n is for parents Because God’s pla attend church. children’s faith, l nurturers of their to be the spiritua , your children lly u grow spiritua yo as at th ow we kn lly as well. will grow spiritua

Equip (for parents) Often times Jesus surprises us with the REM EMB “Do n manner in which He provides for us. John ER v othi n ers vain g ou 6:14–15 tells us, “After the people saw the E t of conc s e e othe miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began rs be it, but in lfish am bitio tt you hum to say, ‘Surely this is the Prophet who is n or shou er than i your lity con ld lo to come into the world.’ Jesus, knowing inte s s o ider res elve k no s. Ea t that they intended to come and make othe ts, but ch o also only to rs.” P f yo him king by force, withdrew again to a to th hilip pian e int ur own s 2:3 mountain by himself.” eres –4 ts o f Jesus’ miracle of feeding the five thousand men, women, and children was a sign to the Jewish people that the Messiah had come. Support The miracle might have reminded them of (for parents & kids) God feeding His people through Moses and Elijah (in the wilderness and during famine) in Just for fun, at a meal this week ask Exodus 16 and 2 Kings 4. your kids to imagine if all the food on the table multiplied by 2, then by 10, then by 100! Read Because of this connection, they may have together the account of Jesus feeding five been thinking about the prophetic promise in thousand people in John 6:1–15. Discuss Deuteronomy 18:18, which reads, “I will raise together how it would have felt to be there and up for them a prophet like you from among to witness this miracle? Then ask them, what their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth.” does this miracle tell us about God? Jesus himself said He is that prophet (John 5:46), and He is God. Jesus was not the king they were expecting. Those who acknowledged Jesus was the Messiah also thought He would be a political figure. Because of this, they instantly wanted to make Jesus their king. Though they seemed to understand who Jesus was—the Messiah— the people did not fully understand what that meant. So Jesus had no choice but to retreat from them while they sought to “make him king by force” (John 6:15). Even so, He continued to teach them about Himself, God’s kingdom, and His purpose on earth. He continued to have compassion on these people who were “like sheep without a shepherd” (Mark 6:34).

Jesus had compassion for the hungry crowd (compassion means caring deeply for others). Ask your children if anyone has ever shown compassion to them? Have them share who it was and the story of what happened. Ask them how it made them feel? Then, pray together that God’s Holy Spirit will lead your family to show compassion to one another and to others—just like Jesus does. Finally, remind them that what they heard is part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they will hear more about how God provides in church this week.

© 2011 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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