God loves every person and does not want one single person to miss out on knowing Him personally. Inspire (for parents) Jesse had been friends with my son, Austin, since kindergarten. When he was a baby, Jesse had suffered a stroke that left his left arm shriveled and dysfunctional. But this never stopped him from coming to our home every afternoon to play. Jesse and Austin seemed to conquer every game and sport known to man!
In that moment, I realized I had done a poor job of communicating that God loves those “outside” the church just as much as He does those inside the church. We talked about how much God loves every person and does not want one single person to miss out on knowing Him personally. The next day, Austin shared about God’s love with Jesse. Later that afternoon, my son announced, “Mom, Jesse wants to be God’s kid too! Can we pray for that this time?” That afternoon, God’s family grew by one!
One day, Austin and I could tell that Jesse was feeling a bit down. Austin asked me what we should do to cheer him up. I gathered the boys close to me, and we talked about the day’s events. The kids at school had been by Nicki Straza making fun of Jesse’s arm. At one point, my son looked at me and said, “Mom, I think we should pray for Jesse’s arm.” I asked Jesse if it was okay if we prayed for him. He agreed. Afterward, Jesse seemed to cheer up, and the boys in Antioch) 11:19–30 (Paul went off to play. Scripture: Acts To Know Him Wants Everyone Main Point: God That evening, Austin and I your family to signed to allow de is ce ur so re talked about our time with Jesse. I This your children d’s Word before Go in e tim ve praised him for having the courage ha n is for parents Because God’s pla ren’s faith, attend church. to pray for his friend. I asked rers of their child rtu nu l ua irit sp e to be th lly, your children Austin if he thought Jesse had you grow spiritua as at th ow kn we ever asked Jesus into his heart lly as well. will grow spiritua as his Friend and Savior. My son innocently looked at me and said, “Mom, Jesse doesn’t go to church.”
Getting Started
Equip (for parents) The disciples were called “Christians” for the REM EMB “If yo first time in Acts 11 (before this, they were ER v u ers known as followers of “The Way”). The word mou confe E s “Christian” came from the phrase, “Christ belie th, ‘Jesu s with y Ones.” The title was given to them by God ve in yo s is Lor our outsiders to identify (or perhaps mock) d dead raised h ur heart ,’ and them. But early Christians felt the name i that Rom , you w m fro was fitting and adopted it. m a i They also embraced the symbol of the fish as a way of identifying their fellow Christian brothers and sisters from persecutors. At the time, Christianity had many connections to fish or fishing (for instance, Jesus used two fish to feed five thousand people, and He called His disciples to be fishers of men). Historians tell us that upon meeting another person on a path, early Christians drew an arc in the sand with their toe. If the other completed the image of a fish by drawing a second arc, both were assured of their brotherhood. This gave them a sense of safety and camaraderie in the midst of great persecution. Early Christians also wrote the word ichthus (which means fish in Greek). The word ichthus formed an acrostic (a word composed by the first letter of several other words) that meant “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior.” Even today, the ichthus is an icon for the modern church, though now more commonly known as the “Jesus Fish.” It is still widely used to identify fellow brothers and sisters, the “Christ Ones,” who still spread the good news that God wants everyone to know Him.
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(for parents & kids) Just for fun, find a place this week outside the front of your home (it could be the front yard, the front porch, the front of your apartment building, etc.) to read together the biblical account of the first Christians in Antioch in Acts 11:19–30. Then think of a question that reflects on what you just read, such as, “Who were these people telling the good news to?” or “Why were they called Christians?” After you have finished, reread verse 29, and explain to your children the disciples’ hearts had been changed because they knew God. Out of that heart change came tangible actions that displayed God’s love. Look around your neighborhood, and talk about ways you might be able to provide help to your neighbors. Share with your children that what they just heard is part of The Big God Story, and they will hear more at church this week about how God wants everyone to know Him. Spend some time praying for people who live in your neighborhood. Pray God would continue to show your family how to live out the good news and love your neighbors.
© 2011 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.