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This resource is designed to allow your family to have time in God’s Word BEFORE your children attend church. Because God’s plan is for parents to be the primary spiritual nurturers of their children’s faith, we want YOU to be the one to introduce this part of The Big God Story to them. For additional support in spiritual parenting and to learn more about creating transforming environments in your home, be sure to pick up HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource from your church or download at HomeFrontMag.com. You can also access the HomeFront app for your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.


Younger Kids

Did You Know? • When Moses saw the burning bush, he was tending sheep in the desert of Midian.

Exposing your child to a variety of activities will help her find the areas where God has uniquely gifted her and will encourage her to have a healthy identity.

• The angel of the Lord (God) revealed himself to Moses through the burning bush. • God gave Moses several miraculous signs to show the Israelite people to encourage them to follow him out of Egypt. • When the Israelites realized that God had heard their cries, they worshipped Him.

Older Kids If your child is beginning to struggle with peer pressure, continue to point him back to Jesus and remind him of his identity and worth as God’s child.

God Reveals Himself Part of The Big God Story Exodus 1—4

God calls Moses to bring about His incredible plan to reveal Himself to His people and save them from bondage.

Fun , or to Just forback yard, to a park

Remember Verse for the environment of IDENTITY

Teachable Moments

For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. (Ephesians 1:4)

After reading Scripture, discuss the following together: • Who was talking to Moses from the burning bush?

Take your kids outside (in your to look for the best bush another outdoor space) and tell them a bush, sit down beside cted sele have they e Onc find. can they 12. Ask your kids to imagine it together and read Exodus 3:1– enly caught fire and God sudd bush this if how they would feel imagine how Moses must started talking to them. Ask them tohappened. have felt when this

• What did God tell Moses to do?

• How do you think God might want to use you?

Blessing For more information about blessing your child see the Blessing section in HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource.

A blessing to pray over your child: [Child’s name], may you know God’s great love for you, and may you praise His name above all other names. © 2013 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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