March 4th, 2012 Preschool

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I realized at that moment I was always modeling whether I liked it or not.

Inspire (for parents) Our family still laughs about my daughter Once, when my oldest daughter was about asking Barbie to “hold still.” I must admit that three years old, we were at a family dinner. for me, it’s still an embarrassing moment. I’m She was the youngest of the relatives in thankful that Jesus set a perfect example for attendance and had found one of her older me to follow and is leading the way for me to cousin’s Barbie dolls. She had fun for quite put His modeling into action. awhile dressing the doll and giving her rides in her pink Corvette. Everyone in the family had by Debbie Guinn a great time watching her occupy her evening with this doll. At one point it seemed the room got very quiet. I looked over at my three-yearold brushing Barbie’s hair and demanding her to “hold still!” My entire family turned their eyes to me, aware that my daughter was modeling exactly hua 3—4 what had been shown to her as I ed Land) Scripture: Jos ter the Promis (The People En brushed her hair in the mornings. I ay od Leads the W was mortified! Main Point: G ily to allow your fam is designed to ren ce ild ur ch so This was surely not the loving re ur is yo Th ord before W ’s od r G in image of being a mommy that I wanted ’s plan is fo have time Because God . of ch ur rs re ch to model to my daughter. I realized at attend iritual nurtu the primary sp ow parents to be that as you gr that moment I was always modeling ow kn faith, we s ell. n’ w re as ild ly ch al r tu ei iri th whether I liked it or not. I couldn’t just n will grow sp re ild ch ur yo spiritually, pick and choose the times I wanted my children to follow the example I was setting for them. I was modeling and leading the way whether it was good or bad.

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Equip (for parents) God is constantly at work leading His people through others. The opening line of Joshua 1 seems stark, with God abruptly recognizing Moses’ death and then commanding the Israelites to cross the Jordan River. However, the style the author chose was intentional. The reader immediately sees the connection between God’s work in Moses and now in Joshua. Noting Moses’ death here and highlighting the new leader links Joshua to the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible, considered the books of the law). The author leaves no doubt that the torch has been passed from Moses to Joshua. While Moses followed God, Israel followed Moses. Moses grew in the Lord and was a model of faith to the community. He blessed others and equipped them to live in service to God. This was especially true with Joshua. Throughout Exodus and Numbers, Joshua worked closely with Moses. In Exodus 24:13, he is referred to as Moses’ aide—his righthand man. He was an ideal successor to Moses, and Moses made prophetic hints toward Joshua’s future as a leader. Prior to Numbers 13:16, Joshua was known as Hoshea, which means “salvation.” However, Moses changed his name to Yehowshuwa (Joshua), which means “Yahweh saves” in Hebrew. This is appropriate to the call God placed on the life of Joshua. He was to be a witness to God’s saving power as he led God’s people into the Promised Land, reminding them at all times to trust, obey, and follow the Lord God.


Jesus answered ... “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” John 14:9b

Support (for parents & kids) Sometime this week, read Joshua 1:1–9. Count with your child how many times God tells us in this part of The Big God Story to “be strong and courageous” (three times). Share with your children that God wants His people to know that He will lead them and they do not have to be afraid. JUST FOR FUN, read this portion of Scripture right before bedtime. After reading this part of The Big God Story, choose someone in your family to be the leader and lead everyone off to bed. Make sure the leader is creative in the path she takes and the moves she makes while leading everyone off for a good night’s sleep. When you’re finished, share with your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and that they’ll hear it in church. Close your time by praying and thanking God that He will lead us and never leave us alone!

Finally, Moses laid his hands on Joshua. The transition of leadership was complete as Joshua became “filled with the spirit of wisdom” (Deuteronomy 34:9). Being filled with God’s wisdom, Joshua was prepared to follow God and model godly living for the nation of Israel.

© 2011 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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