Prep for 11.6.11 Pre K/ Kindergarten

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God met me in His house that day. … My soul knew it. And I thirsted for more of Him. Inspire (for parents) The first time I ever walked through the doors of our church, and spent an hour singing His praises among brothers and sisters whose lives and skin color look nothing like mine, I wept. My husband and I were new to California. We’d made the four-state trek to the land of sunshine and smog a few months earlier. And since then we’d been half-heartedly searching for a church, knowing in our minds that we needed to find a home. Our hearts, though, were getting used to living life without church. Then one Sunday in January, we took a small step of obedience.

join the pastor up front. He’d strum his guitar; she’d sing boldly into her mic. At first I was embarrassed. I rushed after her to bring her back to her seat, back to where I thought she belonged. But my husband reached out to stop me. He noticed something that it took me a moment longer to realize. Jalynn wasn’t up there to make a scene; she wasn’t motivated by having an audience or holding her pink plastic mic. She was truly worshipping her Creator. Jesus chose to meet her in that place—in His church, His home, His tabernacle. by Sharron Jackson

God met me in His house that day. The cloud of His presence rested upon that tabernacle. My soul knew it. And I thirsted for more of Him. uilding the us 40:1–38 (B cripture: Exod S That was almost two years ago Tabernacle) ith His People now. And what began as a Godves to Meet w Lo od G t: in Main Po your family to encounter for Mommy and Daddy signed to allow de is ren ce ur so This re has become something that our whole fore your child God’s Word be nts in re e pa r tim fo is ve ha family is a part of. My daughter, now God’s plan se au ec B . ch ildren’s faith, attend chur almost three, joins us every week at rers of their ch rtu nu al n tu iri sp ly, your childre to be the the beginning of big church. She loves u grow spiritual yo as at th ow we kn to sing. In fact, she went through a ally as well. will grow spiritu phase where she’d bring her pink plastic microphone to church every week and

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Equip (for parents) Shortly after leaving Egypt, God gave Moses His plan for the design and assembly of the tabernacle—His tabernacle. Here the Lord would abide and dwell with His people (Exodus 25:8). Here His presence would rest as a cloud covering the tabernacle by day. By night, a fire was within the cloud so that it would be in the sight of all of Israel (Exodus 40:38). The Lord would be providing a physical reminder of His presence with His people at all times. Moses led the people in the preparation of each piece of the tabernacle. The people brought offerings as worship in response to the Lord, morning after morning. Their freewill offerings were in such abundance that Moses had to restrain the people from giving any more, for what they had given was more than enough to complete the work that the Lord had said was to be done (Exodus 36:3–7). God provided a place for His people to worship their God. In the midst of their rebellion, sin, and brokenness, the Lord was dwelling with His people. His glory would be their defense and provide a way to restoration and forgiveness. The Holy God is not just with us, He is dwelling in us. We as parents need this reminder so often. We are not alone. We are not responsible for figuring everything out. Even when we do mess up, He is still with us and in us. Our broken humanity can not keep the Holy Spirit from dwelling in the hearts of those who believe. That Spirit will lead us in our everyday interactions with our children. God loves to meet with His people … He wants to meet with each one of us. If we simply present ourselves to Him, His Spirit will take the lead and direct each step we take and each word we utter as parents.


“God chose us to belong to Christ [Jesus] before the world was created.” Ephesians 1:4 (NIrV)

Support (for parents & kids) Sometime this week, read with your child the biblical account of Moses and the tabernacle in Exodus 40:1–38. For preschoolers, shorten the passage and read Exodus 40:1–9, 34– 38. Before reading, pray together as a family, asking God to help you understand more of His love and power. Then think of questions that help your children review what you just read such as, “What did God tell Moses to build?” or “Who is in the cloud?” JUST FOR FUN, we suggest building a fort or tent with your children. Grab some sheets or blankets and drape them over tables or chairs to make a tent you can crawl into to read the passage. Explain to your children you’re about to hear about a tent Moses made for God’s presence to dwell in. When you’re finished, share with your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they’ll hear it in church. Ask your children if they have any questions about what you just read. Remind them that just as God came to the tent Moses built, He comes to us and meets with us every day.

© 2010 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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