HomeFront Weekly 1.1

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We can get so busy creating them in our image we forget that He knit them together—purposefully, creatively, awesomely! Inspire (for parents) When my daughter was a toddler, she slipped and fell one day, catching the sharp corner of a TV stand smack in the middle of her nose. It healed nicely, but a scar lingered for several years. One day when she was five, I was driving her and a friend to the park. From the back of the van I heard her say, “Know what this is?” A glance in the rearview mirror confirmed that she was pointing to her scar. Her friend shook her head. “That’s where God knit me together,” was my daughter’s confident reply. And her little face beamed at me from the back of the car.

so busy creating them in our image we forget that He knit them together—purposefully, creatively, awesomely! Look at your child this week for signs of God’s creative design. Pray about how to encourage His image to shine brightly in and through him. Commit to partnering with the Holy Spirit to equip him for his part in God’s big story. by Janet Lee

When God created the world He made some amazing things, but none more amazing than you and me. And each child placed in our care is equally a miracle of creation and part of God’s esis 1—2:14 grand plan. Sometimes, in the midst Scripture: Gen of diapers and deadlines, homework (Creation) ator and housecleaning, we forget to God Is the Cre t: in Main Po your family to focus on the reflection of the Divine signed to allow de is ren ce ur so This re fore your child in our sons and daughters. We can get God’s Word be nts in re e pa r tim fo is ve ha God’s plan se au ec B . ch ildren’s faith, attend chur rers of their ch rtu nu al n tu iri sp ly, your childre to be the u grow spiritual yo as at th ow we kn ally as well. will grow spiritu

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Equip (for parents) Genesis is an account of creation from the beginning of the universe to the creation of mankind in God’s image. It describes God as Elohim—meaning “powerful”—the One who created the cosmic universe out of nothing through His infinite power. As well as God as Yahweh (“I am who I am”), breathing into Adam’s nostrils and forming him from the dust. The second retelling focuses on the detail of their beginnings as well as their relationship with one another, the earth, and the Lord Himself. God would create and then look upon His work with approval. Just imagine God staring down at His creation with the fierce love of a parent. This deep love is the genesis of the relationship between God and His creation. After He created mankind in His image, He blessed them: male and female. He then commissioned them to replicate life and nurture it, maintaining order among the inhabitants of the earth. From the very beginning, mankind was to be a faithful steward of all that was entrusted to us. This charge from God continues today—to care for the earth and all of its living creatures. Never is this charge more real than with our children. God created our children in our bodies and entrusts them to us to care for … what an amazing privilege to be trusted with God’s most precious creation! In both our moments of struggle and our moments of joy as parents, let’s pause to recognize that this little person in front of us is literally the created work of God. The image of God is in our child and we’re entrusted with the care of His creation!


“The Lord causes his miracles to be remembered. He is kind and tender.” Psalm 111:4 (NIrV)

Support (for parents & kids) Sometime this week, read the biblical account of creation in Genesis 1:1–10. Before reading, pray together as a family and thank God for His incredible creation, and that we get to live as a part of that creation. Then think of a question that reviews what you just read such as, “What kind of things did God create?” Just for fun, why not get out into His creation? Go on a nature walk. As you walk, point out different pieces of creation and explain that God created them. On your journey, tell your children to keep an eye out for a piece of creation they’d like to bring home (a stick, a flower, or something else small). When you get home, or while still on the trail, read the passage and explain that everything they see is a part of God’s creation. When you’re finished, share with your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they’ll hear it in church. Ask your children to share with you their thoughts and questions about what they just heard. Close your time by finding a special spot for your pieces of creation. Encourage your children to remember to pray and thank God for His creation every time they see these items this week.

© 2010 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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