January 1st, 2012

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What a comfort to know God had a plan for us … All God’s promises are perfect. Inspire (for parents) The day my son was born was an incredibly exciting and overwhelming day. Standing there with my new little boy in my arms, the weight of responsibility I now had as a father began to hit me. I was suddenly completely responsible for another human life—for making sure this little guy turned out okay. It was my job to love him well and make sure he knew God’s love. Questions began to flood my mind … “Can I do this? Am I capable of raising a son? Do I have any clue what I’m doing? What if I totally mess this up?”

perfect. I want to promise my son that I will love him perfectly, I will never hurt him, and I will always give him exactly what he needs, but I know I will fail to uphold some of these human promises. God’s Promise will never fail. I can rest on Him, knowing His Promise will never leave me or my son.

plan for us. He promised to send a Savior to redeem us, and all God’s promises are

God had a plan for us from the beginning. John tells us in John 1:1–4, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men.” The Lord God is the Creator of all things and gives life to all things. He created mankind to be in perfect relationship with Himself for all of eternity. When sin entered the world, the harmony of the relationship man shared with God broke. But He did not leave us alone. In the moment we sinned the Lord put in place a plan to restore and heal what had been lost. The great I AM humbled Himself, took on human form, and died the death of sacrifice. He completely redeemed—bought—us back from death so our relationship with Him could be restored once and for all—for eternity. “For from Him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen” (Romans 11:36).

by Kit Rae

But in the midst of my fears, God reminded me He has a plan for His followers. He promises Himself, His presence. He promises to be with me. He promises His Holy Spirit. If I open myself to Him, He will guide me and direct me. He will d His Creation) show me how to parent my boy. I 1—3 (God an is es en G : re Scriptu ise don’t have to figure this out on my od Made a Prom to Main Point: G low your family own. If I let God’s Spirit guide me, He designed to al n is re ce ild ur ch so re This fore your will show me how to love and parent. r God’s Word be fo in is e tim an pl ve ha The promise of His presence is what ause God’s ec B . of ch ur rs attend ch iritual nurture I will cling to as I continue on this the primary sp ow parents to be that as you gr journey. ith, we know fa s ell. n’ w re as ild ly ch al their ow spiritu children will gr ur yo ly, al tu iri What a comfort to know God had a sp

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Equip (for parents)

God made a promise. He is our Promise.


Cheer each other up with the hope you have. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIrV)

Support (for parents & kids) Sometime this week, read with your child the biblical account of God and His creation in Genesis 2:15–23. After reading it, ask your child to tell you their favorite part of the story and share with them your favorite part. Just for fun, try reading this passage outside. See if you can find a green grassy lawn, a tree, or some flowers to sit by. After you’ve read, tell your children that Adam and Eve were with God in the garden; they walked with Him and talked with Him. Ask them to imagine what God’s voice sounds like. What might He look like? What kinds of things did He talk about with Adam and Eve? Share with your children that what they just heard is part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they’ll hear more in church this week about how God has a plan for us. Close your time together by praying and thanking God for creating us and for loving us.

© 2011 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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