January 8th, 2012

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God had given me the family I had always dreamed of … and it was far bigger than I ever imagined possible. Inspire (for parents) I grew up as an only child. My parents were gone often, and even when they were home I usually felt like they didn’t really want me there. I felt pretty lonely for much of my time growing up. I always told myself that one day, I would get married, have lots of kids, and have a huge family. I wouldn’t be alone anymore. Eventually I did get married and, over the years, I’ve had three kids of my own. There was something deeply redemptive in the birth of each of my children. I had the chance to make sure my own kids would never feel unwanted or left alone.

days I just couldn’t be there for my kids, we had friends who gladly stepped in. When the times came that my kids needed people to talk to and refused to talk to “Mom and Dad,” we had plenty of others in our life who would happily do this. Slowly, I began to realize that God had given me the family I had always dreamed of … and it was far bigger than I ever imagined possible. God promises a big family. What a great God we have! by Monte Hasz

But, as my wife and I raised our kids, God started to show me that I really wasn’t going to be able to do this alone. Sometimes I would fail them. I might not be able to be there for every single thing ; 15; 17:1–8 enesis 12:1–9 that happened in their lives. One day Scripture: G the Covenant) (Abraham and I might just be at work when they Big Family od Promises a really needed someone to talk to or Main Point: G your family to signed to allow needed someone to remind them they de is ren ce ur so This re fore your child were fun and special. God’s Word be for in is e tim an pl ve ha ause God’s ec B . ch ur nurturers of attend ch I realized that God had placed a imary spiritual pr e th ow be to parents that as you gr huge faith community around us. We ith, we know fa s ell. n’ w re as ild ly ch al their ow spiritu had a huge family full of friends and children will gr ur yo ly, al tu iri sp neighbors who were in this with us. They

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could help us parent our children. On the

Equip (for parents) God had chosen the man for His family. Out of the land of Ur and the worship of false gods, the Lord God called Abraham into relationship with Him. His purpose was to establish a holy nation for the holy God. This would be a nation of people whose hearts and lives were committed to the Lord. The people were to live in such a way that the nations would know that the God of Abraham was the one true God—the holy God. Qadowsh is the transcribed Hebrew of the word “holy.” To be holy is to be set apart—removed from anything that acts as a contaminant. To be holy is to be pure and without blemish. Sacred. The very core of God is holiness. To know God is to first know that He is holy. The complete and total “otherness” of God does not allow for comparison to anything or anyone else. The call to holiness was to be the distinctive of His people. “I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore” (Genesis 22:17a). Salvation comes to the world through this holy family. Jesus Christ is the Promised One who redeems and restores mankind to God. The descendants of Abraham would stretch far beyond his human genealogy. All who call Jesus Lord and Savior are adopted into this covenant through grace.

God promises

a BIG family.


Cheer each other up with the hope you have. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIrV)

Support (for parents & kids) Sometime this week, read with your child the biblical account of God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:1–8. After reading it, think of questions that review what you just read, such as, “What did God tell Abraham to do?” and “What promises did God make to Abraham?” Just for fun, pull out some family pictures or a family photo album to look through with your children. Explain to them that, as Christians, we have a family that is even bigger than we can imagine! Explain to them that God promised to use Abraham’s family to help make a huge family of all of God’s people. Even today, we’re part of this family if we have a relationship with Jesus. Spend some time talking with them about some others who are part of this big family with us (friends, neighbors … anyone who is a part of your faith community). When you’re finished, share with your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they’ll hear it in church. Close your time by praying and thanking God for promising Himself to us and for making us part of His family.

© 2011 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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