Prep for 10.24.10 Pre K/ K

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Because God is mighty enough to place my whole life in Him, I can trust Him.

Inspire (for parents) Every time I get on a plane I trust the pilot. And I trust that the giant de-icing truck that swings its big cherry-picker arm up to spray chemicals on the wings actually worked. I silently pray because there is always a pinch of anxiety—a heightened sense of mortality when I look out the window of a plane toward the frosty field between the runways.

coffees, tears. More. So I trust in the pilot and his wings. Or maybe I trust in the Pilot and His wings. I know He’s created me with purpose—with passions and desires. I’m trusting in Him who can bring me home, over the clouds, and through the winter storms. Because God is mighty enough to place my whole life in Him, I can trust Him.

by Sarah Markley I have so much to do, I pray-think. I have to raise two daughters. I must help hold them emotionally grounded to the earth, to family, to God. I don’t want to be the mother that died. At least not yet. My own mortality stares at me in a flashing, fractured second: tiny, almost never even thought. It settles in the bottom of my heart like the remnant grains of sand left in my shoes after he Red Sea :13—15:21 (T 14 s du xo E : re I’ve walked to the shore. Irritating, Scriptu Crossing) t Him present, unable to be ignored. and I Can Trus God Is Mighty, t: in n Po ai M your family to Trust. signed to allow de is ren ce ur so This re fore your child I’m going to get home. I’m going to God’s Word be nts in re e pa r tim fo is ve ha God’s plan se au ec B scoop up both of my daughters in my . ch ildren’s faith, attend chur rers of their ch rtu nu al n tu arms. I’m going to grin as squealing iri sp ly, your childre to be the u grow spiritual yo as at th girls yell, “Mama!” from the far side ow we kn ally as well. of baggage claim. More smiles, more will grow spiritu laughter, more kisses, hugs, dinners,

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Equip (for parents) Who is this man Moses? God had positioned him from birth to be a key player in His plan of redemption for His people. Each step of the way Moses was interceding for the people: whether going before the pharaoh speaking the words God had given him, or going before the Lord pleading for the Israelites. Moses was the mediator between the people and their captors, and the people and their deliverer. Just as Moses was the priest for the people—leading them out of captivity and into freedom in the Promised Land—Jesus is our ultimate High Priest, who intercedes on our behalf. He delivered us from an eternal separation from God and from being enslaved to sin and death. Christ is our High Priest and our deliverer. As parents, we desire many of the same things God wanted for His people. We want our children to be free to become all they were created to be. We want them to be free to worship God … to know Him … and to be loved by Him. Often in our prayers we find ourselves interceding for our children … praying for their protection or for their security. Although we are sinful and fall short in so many ways, these experiences and emotions give us a glimpse of the role God gave Moses to play in the life of His people … and ultimately the role Jesus plays in fulfilling all these hopes. All of history foreshadows the coming of Christ, through whom we have redemption. We can now choose to follow Him through the desert-journey, trusting His lead and direction. The very same God who led the people with a mighty hand, out of slavery, is the same God who is leading us out of the captivity of death and sin, into freedom and the eternal Promised Land.


“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” Isaiah 6:3

Support (for parents & kids) Sometime this week, read with your child the biblical account of God and the Red Sea crossing in Exodus 14:13—15:21. You may want to highlight the following verses to condense the length for your preschooler: Exodus 14:19–31. Before reading, pray together as a family and ask God to show you something about Himself you’ve never noticed before. Then think of questions that review what you just read such as, “What just happened to the Egyptian army?” or “What did God make happen to the sea?” JUST FOR FUN, we suggest reading this passage to your children over a snack. Give them some pretzels and raisins and tell them to pretend the pretzels are the sea. They can set the pretzels up to create a path and then walk the raisins (representing all the Israelites) through to the other side. Let your children eat their snack as you read the passage to them. When you’re finished, share with your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they’ll hear it in church. Ask your children to share with you their thoughts and questions about what they just heard. Remind them the Bible is true and is God’s very special book to tell us about who He is.

© 2010 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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