Oftentimes we take our daily provision for granted ... until the source of that provision is removed. Inspire (for parents) Oftentimes we take our daily provision for granted. Things like food, water, clothing, and roofs over our heads are not appreciated; that is, until the source of that provision is removed. It is at that very moment we recognize our utter dependence on God and cry to Him to provide.
remainder of that summer a check would show up to cover over and above our expenses. Each time a check came my children and I celebrated together God’s provision through my loving uncle. We recognized that God was using him in wonder-filled ways to build us up in love and get our family back on the path of restoration.
I recall a time when my children were young and I was in one of those painful by Debbie Guinn seasons. It was April and I had recently become a single mother. I had a teaching job lined up for September but nothing that would carry me through the summer months. A dear friend of mine had been doing some business dus 16 Scripture: Exo Desert) transactions with my uncle, whom I an (M na in the l s Is Wonderfu hadn’t seen in years. He shared our od’s Care for U G t: in Po n ai M ur family to predicament with my uncle, who then ed to allow yo gn si de is ce your children This resour contacted me. He told me he felt the Word before ’s od r G in e ’s plan is fo have tim most important place I could be for the Because God . of ch ur rs re ch rtu attend iritual nu next few months was home with my the primary sp ow parents to be that as you gr ow kn e faith, w children, and asked me to send him a well. as ly al tu iri their children’s sp ow children will gr list of my expenses. spiritually, your A week later a check came from him that covered every item listed on that budget, and a little bit of “fun” money as well. At the beginning of each month for the
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Equip (for parents) Fresh into their journey out of Egypt, the Israelites were learning just how wonderful God’s care for us can be. But only a month or so into their journey, the entire congregation of Israel began murmuring and complaining about their lack of provisions. Seemingly the people had forgotten the bondage, the beatings, and the misery of their forced labor as slaves. God heard, and in His grace and mercy He revealed His plan to meet their needs. Each day the Lord sent nutritional provision for His people. Psalm 78 tells us that God opened the doors of the heavens and rained down grain—men ate the bread of angels! The word manna comes from the question the people asked that first morning, “What is it?” (In Hebrew, man hu). Manna was to be their food for the next 40 years until the new generation entered the Promised Land. The Israelites were instructed to gather manna daily, but only as much as each person in the family could eat. No more, no less. God’s instructions were clear: His people were to wake up early, before the desert sun would melt the manna, and only gather enough for the day. Any leftovers would rot and be full of maggots. On the sixth day, the people were instructed to gather twice as much as normal in order to prepare for the Sabbath. God could have provided nourishment in many ways, but He chose to daily remind His people that He was the source of their provision. God instructed His people to place a jar of manna in the ark of the covenant, which later became the throne of God in the camp. The manna was placed in the Holy of Holies inside the tabernacle, where the glory of God dwelt. This jar would serve as a reminder of God’s wonderful provision.
You always show me the path that leads to life. Psalm 16:11a (NIrV)
Support (for parents & kids) Sometime this week, read with your children the biblical account of God’s people receiving provision in the form of manna in Exodus 16. After you’ve read, ask your children to tell you their favorite part of this passage, and then share with them your favorite part. JUST FOR FUN, read this part of The Big God Story before sharing a meal together. Remind your children that God provides food for your family. Thank God together for the food that He continually provides. When you’re finished, share with your children that what they just heard is part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they’ll hear it in church this week. Close your time by praising the one true God! Thank God for the many wonderful ways God cares for your family.
God opened the doors of the heavens and rained down grain—men ate the bread of angels!
© 2011 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.