Prep for 2.20.11 Pre K/ Kindergarten

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With her hand in mine, she felt safer—she trusted me to walk her into the waves.

Inspire (for parents) I was at the beach last week with my little 3-year-old friend, Jaylynn. Jaylynn needed to go down and into the water to fill her watering can for making sand pies so I offered to take her. She reluctantly agreed because Mom was busy with little brother; but it was obvious she would have preferred Mom to me. I marched on ahead, calling to her to follow me. “Wait! Wait!” she anxiously shouted. I wasn’t that far ahead of her and she could clearly see me. I didn’t understand the difficulty. I reluctantly stopped and waited for her to catch up—that was when I felt her sandy little hand slip into mine. As I closed my hand around hers, I looked down to discover that she was looking up at me and smiling. With her hand in mine, she felt safer—she trusted me to walk her into the waves. It never occurred to me to chastise Jaylynn for wanting me to hold her hand. I was so pleased that she wanted to be that close to me. I didn’t care that her hand was dirty or that holding her hand made me shorten my steps. I was thrilled that she trusted me. I know that God is near and I can trust Him. I know it because the Bible says so. But I don’t always believe it. Sometimes

I feel like God is so far out ahead of me that I hardly know He is there. Sometimes His distance makes me anxious and, like my little friend, my heart starts to cry out, “Wait! Wait!” Those are precious moments, moments when my childlike faith finds expression. It is those moments when I hear Jesus say, “I’m right here; don’t be afraid.” And then, I slip my hand in His and I find my courage to go on. by Janet Lee

ted Gettinargk 6:S45t–5a1;rMatthew 14:22–23

Scripture: M on Water) (Jesus Walks I Can Trust Him od Is Near, and Main Point: G your family to signed to allow de is ren ce ur so This re fore your child God’s Word be nts in re e pa r tim fo is ve ha God’s plan se au ec B . ch ildren’s faith, attend chur rers of their ch rtu nu al n tu iri sp ly, your childre to be the u grow spiritual yo as at th ow we kn ally as well. will grow spiritu

Equip (for parents) Jesus had received news that His cousin, John, had been beheaded. In the midst of His grief, a crowd of people found Him and began bringing their sick to Him. After a long day of healing, Jesus sent His disciples out in a boat ahead of Himself, while He said good night to the crowd. He would meet the disciples on the sea later. Jesus was finally able to draw away to the mountainside to pray and be alone. Scripture tells us that it was both dark and stormy when Jesus went out to meet the men. When they saw Jesus walking out to meet them, He was walking on the water. They cried out, “It’s a ghost!” They may have been in fear of losing their own lives out on the sea. In the Jewish culture of the time, people believed they saw ghosts as they were approaching their own death. Jesus called out to them, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (Matthew 14:27). Peter responded to Him asking for proof: “Lord, if it’s You, tell me to come to You on the water.” So He did. “Come,” He said. And Peter went. You know the rest of the story. Peter walked out to meet Him, but took his eyes off Jesus and instead looked to the seemingly impossible circumstances. He immediately began to sink. As Peter cried out to the Lord, “Save me!” Jesus instantly reached out and grabbed him, saving him from drowning. Truly, he was safe the entire time. But Peter’s perception was that he was in dire straits. He took his focus off the Truth. He believed the circumstances and forgot what was real.


Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. 1 Corinthians 10:24

Support (for parents & kids) Just for fun, we suggest filling a sink or a tub with water before you read the passage. Gather some objects that can float (cork, wood, hollow plastic) and some that can’t (rocks, metal). Spend some time playing with your children in the water; let them try putting different objects in the water to see if they sink or float. Now read together Matthew 14:25–33. After you’ve finished reading, explain to them that Jesus was actually walking on the water; ask them how they would feel if they saw a person walking on top of water like that. Ask them why they think the disciples were afraid when they saw Jesus. When you’re finished reading and talking with your children, share with them that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible and they’ll hear it in church this week. Ask your children to share with you their thoughts and questions about what they just heard. End your time by talking to God about the situations in your family’s life that seem scary or uncertain right now. Ask God to help you keep your eyes on Him and trust that He will take care of you in these times.

© 2010 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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