Prep for 12.12.10 Pre K/Kindergarten

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… she is grateful for a community of believers who care for her and worship God together with her. Inspire (for parents) I have a dear friend who has been fighting a battle with cancer for the past five years. She is the mother of five boys. She continues to homeschool and be a very present parent for her boys in the midst of chemo and radiation treatments. She is able to focus on parenting because the faith community has stepped in to assist in many of the day-to-day duties she has to carry.

She is very confident in the promise that God gave her in January of 2005 that she would one day be healed, whether that is here on this earth or in her new life to come. She stands firm knowing that God spoke to her through Mark 5:34, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” While she is waiting for her promise to be fulfilled, she is grateful for a community of believers who care for her and worship God together with her.

She has someone from the church who helps with laundry. There is a long list of women by Debbie Guinn who bring meals several times a week. She has friends who take her to treatment, and friends who check in on a regular basis or just send a random encouraging text message. She would even tell you that God speaks to people who drop by gifts that are exactly what she needs to t. 1:18–25 bless her at difficult times. The most Scripture: Mat ise, Part II s Us The Prom ive G od appreciated of all, though, is the day G t: in Main Po seph) after treatment when she knows she (Angel Visits Jo your family to will be less of a parent than she would signed to allow de is ren ce ur so This re fore your child like to be for her boys. This is when God’s Word be nts in re e pa r tim fo is ve ha God’s plan se au ec loved ones from the church step in and B . ch ildren’s faith, attend chur rers of their ch rtu nu al n fill that gap by providing a day of fun tu iri sp ly, your childre to be the u grow spiritual yo as at for them with swimming or movies. Just th ow we kn ally as well. hanging out with people who love her will grow spiritu

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and love her boys is a true gift of love.

Equip (for parents) Joseph was a righteous man, pledged to be married to a young woman named Mary. In Jewish culture at this time, the engagement period or betrothal lasted about one year. This betrothal was a binding agreement and could only be broken with a legal statement or certificate of divorce. During this period the couple was considered married even though the completion of the wedding ceremonies had not yet taken place. Before the end of their engagement period, the angel Gabriel came to Mary and told her she would be giving birth to the Messiah. Knowing she was still a virgin, she did not understand how this would happen. After receiving this news, she told Joseph what the angel had said. “Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly” (Matthew 1:19). After this, she would be free to go and quietly have her baby away from public speculation. However, God had different plans. God sent an angel to Joseph in a dream and told him to marry her. He did not need to fear because what she had told him was the truth. The child she was carrying was given through the Holy Spirit—she had not broken any vow or committed any sin. “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). The angel went on to tell Joseph that the child was the one prophesied. He would be Immanuel, “God with us.” The promise for the coming of the Savior was made in the garden. Immanuel came to earth as our sacrifice, and He has promised to come again.


“Cheer each other up with the hope you have. “ 1 Thess. 5:11 (NIrV)

Support (for parents & kids) Sometime this week, read with your child the biblical account of the angel visiting Joseph in Matthew 1:18–25. Before you begin reading, pray together as a family and thank God for always keeping His promises to us. At the end of the passage, think of questions that review what you just read, such as, “How would you feel if an angel came and visited you?” or “What might you say to him?” Just for fun, create a setting for your children that will help them engage with the passage they’re about to hear. Because the angel spoke to Joseph in a dream, read this part of The Big God Story while your children are in bed. Remind them that the angel spoke to Joseph while he was sleeping. When you’re finished, share with your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they’ll hear it in church. Ask your children if they have any questions for you about what they just heard. Close your time by praying together and thanking God for always keeping His promises to us.

© 2010 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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