Prep for 12.26.10 Pre K/Kindergarten

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I do all I can to direct her back to the corrected path.

Inspire (for parents)

Equip (for parents) Among those waiting for the prophecies of Scripture to come to fruition were a group of wise men from the east. These men were Gentiles who traveled for three to twelve months to find and worship this King. They had faith enough to believe in The Promise that was foretold, and journey to a foreign land in search of this King that they might worship Him. Following the star, God led the wise men into the city. Scripture tells us this star moved as the men traveled, bringing them closer to the anticipated destination. Upon entering Jerusalem, the wise men sought an audience with King Herod. They presumed Herod and all of Jerusalem would be worshipping the promised King when they inquired, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him” (Matthew 2:2). Instead of finding celebration, they were met with Herod’s ignorance and the Jewish priests’ disregard for the prophecies of the Lord.

When my oldest daughter turned seven she passed the threshold from happy ignorance to informed fear. She was old enough to understand, in a limited way, that there is true and concrete evil in the world. And that scared her.

I let her know that mamas get scared sometimes too, and then I remind her that God loves us as His own sons and daughters and He can heal those fears that we all get from time to time. And then once again I remind her and myself that God is our ultimate protector.

Bad guys. Monsters. Robbers. Add to that fires and earthquakes out west and I have one scared little girl. This is the girl who used to not be scared of anything. The one who jumped into the pool before she could swim. The one who barreled through the gates of preschool and said, “See ya later, Mom!”

by Sarah Markely

The long journey to the promised King was almost complete. The star once again rose before them and finally rested above the home where the Christ child and His family were staying. The royalty of all creation—of all eternity—was about to be found in a humble dwelling. And there they would worship Him.

She began to become curious about how safe our home was, whether we had an escape plan, what to do if we had an earthquake, and whether angels really do protect her all night long. t. 2:1–12 Scripture: Mat to Worship Him So, I pray with her again, give her od Leads Us Main Point: G e Star) an extra kiss or two, and leave the (Magi Follow th your family to light on in the bathroom. I sing to her signed to allow de is ren ce ur so This re fore your child and tell her another story. I tell her to God’s Word be nts in re e pa r tim fo is ve ha pray for peace when she gets scared God’s plan se au ec B . ch ildren’s faith, attend chur rers of their ch because that’s the only way I know how rtu nu al n tu iri sp ly, your childre to be the to stop being afraid myself. I do all I can u grow spiritual yo as at th ow we kn to direct her back to the corrected path. ally as well. will grow spiritu

All of life is a journey of faith. Parenthood, especially, requires our faith and trust as we follow God on a journey. Yet, God will be faithful to lead. He will speak to us through His Spirit in various ways. Just as He gave the wise men a star to lead the way, He promises to direct us, but we must stay connected to Him to see these things. As we follow Him in obedience and worship Him, may we experience Jesus and the fullness of His love for us.

ted Getting Star


“You always show me the path that leads to life.” Psalm 16:11a (NIrV)

Support (for parents & kids) Sometime this week, read with your child the biblical account of the Magi following the star in Matthew 2:1–2 and 2:9–11. Gather as a family and pray that God would help each of you to worship Him in new ways. Think of a question that reviews what you just read, such as, “How did the wise men find Jesus?” Just for fun, create a setting for your children to help them engage with the passage they’re about to hear. Talk as a family about the precious gifts the wise men brought to Jesus as a way of worshipping Him. Ask if they would like to give a gift as a way of worshipping Jesus. At church, your children will be invited to bring books (or money to purchase a book) that will be given away to children in need. Help them select one of their own books, or pick out a new one together for them to give at church as an act of worship. When you’re finished, share with your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they’ll hear it in church. Ask your children to share with you their thoughts and questions about what they just heard. End your time by thanking God for the amazing gift of His Son, Jesus; ask Him to continue to show your family how to best worship Jesus this season.

© 2010 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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