December 25th, Pre school

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God knew exactly what I needed at that moment to relieve my anxiety.

Inspire (for parents) Do you ever wonder what Jesus looks like? You’ve probably seen various artists’ depictions of what they think our Savior looks like. Sometimes He sits in kingly robes astride an immense white horse or gazing angelically towards heaven. In other images, He is the robust Good Shepherd, carrying a sheep across a pasture. Movies have shown Him as a strong and handsome man. However, the prophet Isaiah tells us, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him” (Isaiah 53:2). Truth is, we really don’t know what He actually looks like, but we can still see Him. One day last week, I was having particularly difficult day. I was physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally exhausted. As I walked in the door of my home, my twoyear-old granddaughter met me with great excitement. Running to me, she lifted her arms, saying, “Hold you, Mimi—hold you!” As I picked her up, she squeezed me as tight as she possibly could, and the worries and the stress of my day somehow disappeared. God knew exactly what I needed at

that moment to relieve my anxiety. He knew I needed to see Jesus in the love of a little child. One day soon, we will all know what Jesus really does look like. But until that day comes, I believe God will show us Jesus through the love of those around us. What does Jesus look like? He looks like the beautiful, innocent love our children and grandchildren lavish upon us. God uses them to show us Jesus.

Debbie Guinn


Started Getting ke 2:21–40

e) Scripture: Lu s in the Templ eon Bless Jesu (Anna and Sim Jesus od Shows Us Main Point: G your family to gned to allow si de is ce ur your children This reso ’s Word before od G for in e tim have od’s plan is . Because G of ch ur rs re ch rtu nd nu atte iritual the primary sp ow gr u yo as at parents to be th faith, we know well. their children’s ow spiritually as gr ill w n re ild ch ur yo ly, al spiritu

Equip (for parents) Mary and Joseph had traveled to Jerusalem to present the infant Jesus to God. God had promised Simeon he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. Simeon recognized Jesus wrapped and held by His mother. He was overcome with joy and scooped up Jesus in his arms. “Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. I have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!” (Luke 2:29–32 NLT). Simeon wasn’t the only one who recognized Jesus that day. Anna, an 84-year-old widowed prophetess, waited, worshipping God every single day with fasting and prayer. In fact, Anna never left the temple because she never lost hope that she would see the Messiah. “She came along just as Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph, and she began praising God” (v. 38 NLT). Anna seized her divine moment and was now in the presence of God. Simeon and Anna were among the first to bear witness to Jesus. The moment of truth had arrived and now Anna could hardly contain herself. She spread the good news while Simeon prophesied that Jesus would have a contradictory effect on Israel. People would either joyfully accept Him or totally reject Him. “This child will be rejected by many in Israel, and it will be their undoing. But he will be the greatest joy to many others. Thus, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your very soul” (paraphrase of vv. 34–35 NLT). Just like Simeon prophesied over two thousand years ago, anyone who encounters Jesus cannot remain neutral. He came to call us to a new, radical life empowered by the presence of the Holy Spirit.


I can do everything, through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 (NLT)

Support (for parents & kids) JUST FOR FUN this week, find time in the normal rhythm of your family’s life to begin a conversation about a period when you or your children had to wait for something you really wanted. You might recall a special trip or a birthday party or even a visit from someone special. Help them remember how hard it was to wait and how excited they were when they were actually able to experience what they had been anticipating. Choose a night right before bed to recall your conversation about waiting for that special event and read together Luke 2:21– 40. Tell them that in this part of The Big God Story they’re going to hear about two people who had waited a long time to see Jesus. After you’ve read this passage of Scripture, ask your children how they think Anna and Simeon recognized Jesus. Talk together about ways that God shows you Jesus in your everyday lives. Share with your children that what they just heard from the Bible is part of The Big God Story, and they’ll hear more about it in church this week. Encourage your children to be on the lookout for ways that God will show them Jesus.

© 2011 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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