Prep for 1.16.11 Pre K/Kindergarten

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Throughout my life I have seen God faithfully guide and direct my path. Inspire (for parents) “This has to be some sort of mistake,” was the first thought that went through my head when I saw the positive sign on the pregnancy test. Four months into marriage and I was now supposed to prepare to be a mother? I was just getting the hang of being a new wife! Not feeling ready or equipped to be a parent, I was filled with fear and doubt. As I shared these concerns with a friend, she gently reminded me that God already loved my baby more than I ever could or will. She reminded me that He had her days planned out for her before the first beat of her heart.

partner with God in guiding her into His Truth and love, sharing with her my journey with the Lord. There is incredible freedom in knowing that He is in control and has big plans for my child. I pray for wisdom daily on the best ways to cultivate faith in her young heart. I pray that she will learn to discern His voice and experience the incredible journey He has laid out for her. He has been so faithful with me, why would I expect anything different for her? by Kelli Coltman

Throughout my life I have seen God faithfully guide and direct my path. At times, He has allowed pain designed to grow and sharpen me. And other times, He has brought incredible k 1; Luke 4 Scripture: Mar seasons of peace and joy so that we His Ministry) (Jesus Begins could delight in one another. ans for Jesus Father’s Big Pl he T t: in Po n Mai your family to Now, as a parent, I realize I get to gned to allow source is desi re ur children is yo Th watch God guide and direct my little Word before ’s od G in e is for parents have tim one’s path. He has designed and ause God’s plan ec B . ch faith, ur ch attend their children’s gifted her in her own unique ways and al nurturers of tu ren iri ild sp ch e ur th yo be to spiritually, ow gr u yo specifically for His purposes. I get to as at we know th ally as well. will grow spiritu

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Equip (for parents) In Mark 1 and Luke 4 we find a mission statement from Jesus in the first message He preached in Nazareth: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18–19). In preparation for His public ministry, Jesus was “taken by the Spirit” into the desert for a time of solitude. He came out of this time fully empowered to do the ministry that lay before Him. Jesus was one who, better than any other, knew the importance of solitude. This is why we see Him repeatedly going off into a secluded place to be alone with His Father. As parents, quiet and solitude are probably some of the last words we would use to describe our busy days. Impossible as it might seem to find quiet places, the example of Jesus reminds us that our souls need this solitude. When we feel spent, when we feel like we don’t have anything left to give, it’s in those moments that we most need to slip away, quiet ourselves, and let our Father speak to us. We may not have weeks, days, or even hours alone, but a few minutes of reconnecting with Jesus in the quiet, away from the busyness of raising our children, is probably the most life-giving thing we could choose for ourselves each day.


You always show me the path that leads to life. Psalm 16:11a (NIrV)

Support (for parents & kids) This week, read the biblical account of Jesus beginning His ministry in Mark 1:9–13. Then talk about questions such as, “What did God say to Jesus after He was baptized?” or “Where did Jesus go after He was baptized?” Just for fun, create a setting for your children to help them engage with what they’re about to hear. Create space for quiet. This can take place outside or inside, away from toys, TV, and other distractions. Gentle lighting and talking in a whisper also add to the mood. Talk with your children about how being still helps us to listen better. It’s good to be quiet when we’re with God so we can pay attention to Him. Explain that you’re going to practice being quiet with God right now. Invite them to close their eyes and get in whatever posture feels comfortable to them. Pray something simple like, “Lord, here we are, ready to be quiet with You,” and then simply sit in silence for a few moments. When you’re finished, share with your children that you just practiced silence with God, and they’ll be trying this again in church. Close your time by praying and thanking God for the quiet moments He gave you. Ask Him to help each of you to find more moments like this.

© 2010 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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