Prep for 1.30.11 Pre K/Kindergarten

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“Where have you seen God in this?” To my joy and amazement they had answers. Inspire (for parents) During this past year I have grasped the concept that looking at Jesus equals looking at God. I’d heard it said many times, “If you want to know God, look at Jesus.” Recently this hit home. Tragedy visited our neighborhood when a family down the street with three children were the victims of a terrible accident. The results have lingered—broken bones, fractured spine, loss of life, and broken hearts. My heart and mind were consumed with this family’s loss. In an attempt to come alongside them I placed phone calls, organized meals, and helped my kids bake for the bake sale in the family’s honor. Walking through this time with our children brought us into new parenting territory, especially when their questions began to mirror my own. Suddenly we all began to wonder, “Where is God in this?” Picking up my Bible, I found myself reading about the many healings of Jesus: the leper, the centurion’s servant, Peter’s mother-in-law, and the demon-possessed man. It was like reading with new eyes. This time I saw something more; I saw the heart of God.

It was then I remembered my pastor’s words, “If you want to know God, look at Jesus.” I could see God’s involvement in this tragic situation. Renewed in spirit, I sat down with my children and asked them, “Where have you seen God in this?” To my joy and amazement they had answers: “In our friends’ protection”; “In the generous ways people have given to our friends.” I was reminded that God, in His faithfulness, shows up, and when He does, He brings His peace. This I can rest in. This I must rest in. Once again, I am amazed. by Heidi Patcheak

arted 4:35–41 GettinatgthewS8:t23 –27; Mark

Scripture: M the Storm) (Jesus Calms ing d That’s Amaz esus Is God, an Main Point: J your family to gned to allow si de is ce ur your children This reso ’s Word before od G nts in e tim have plan is for pare Because God’s . ith, ch fa ur s n’ ch re nd ild atte rs of their ch re rtu nu al tu re iri your child n to be the sp grow spiritually, u yo as at th we know ally as well. will grow spiritu

Equip (for parents) Who is He? Scripture tells us He was seen as a rabbi, a man well trained in Jewish law, ritual, and tradition. This position would be ordained for serving as a chief religious official of the synagogue. The rabbi was an interpreter, a master of the Jewish law. Jesus truly was a master of the interpretation of the law, tradition, and rituals. He would enter the synagogue with great authority. His teachings and healings challenged the Pharisees’ understanding of both the law and God Himself. Rabbi is a name that could not encompass all that He is (see Mark 1:22 and 2:23—3:6). Authority, power, and mastery—Jesus was rightfully referred to as Lord. It was not until that stormy night that the disciples began to see an even clearer picture of who He is. Evening had come as they climbed into the boat. Leaving the crowd behind, the boat began to make its way to open waters. Jesus was asleep in the stern when the storm broke. Panic and complete fear struck as waves broke over the sides. Near flooding, and convinced that death was imminent, the disciples woke Jesus. “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” (Mark 4:38). Accusation filled their tone. Their lack of understanding of His identity was exposed. In that moment, He was seen as a man susceptible to death. A perfect storm. That critical situation was created by a powerful concurrence of factors. There was such beautiful harmony between the rage of the storm and the power in His rebuke. Jesus pushed back and quieted the storm with three words: “Quiet! Be still!” He commanded nature with authority as if creation knew His voice. And the waters obeyed. Jesus uses the elements to help us understand His deity. Jesus is God, and that’s amazing.


Jesus answered ... “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” John 14:9b

Support (for parents & kids) Just for fun, try reading this week’s Bible passage to your children at bath time. If you have any toy boats, put those in the tub as well. Tell your kids to splash and make waves in the tub; help them create a “storm” in the water. After they’ve stopped, tell them to look at how calm the water is in comparison to the waves and splashing. Now tell them Jesus is able to calm storms with just His words. Tell them you’re going to read a part of The Big God Story where He did just that! Read together Matthew 8:23–27. When you’re finished reading ask your children what made the storm stop. Talk with them about how they might have felt if they were on that boat with the disciples. Remind them that Jesus is always with them even when we don’t see Him. When you’re talking with your children, share with them that what they just heard is part of The Big God Story and they’ll learn more about this in church this week. Close your time with them by praying and thanking Jesus for being strong and mighty. Ask Him to help you trust that He is God and can do anything.

© 2010 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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