Prep for 5.8.11 PreK & Kindergarten

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God impressed upon this mother that because of His incredible love for her, He wants to change things in her life. Inspire (for parents) Today was a beautiful day. Not because the weather was a perfect 76 degrees in Southern California, or because the Pacific Ocean was glistening as we walked out on the pier. No, today was a perfect day because of a conversation that reminded me of God’s love.

closest ice cream shop and drove straight to it.

I had a playdate today—me with my twoyear-old granddaughter and two young moms who have been a part of my life since before they were moms. We have lived through engagements, weddings, babies, and now “the terrible twos.”

As we took the ferry ride home, we laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. We marveled together at the way God used a twoyear-old to teach us something so profound about His amazing love for us.

We sat at a restaurant at the end of the pier while the three girls played with their princess dolls and fishermen pulled their catches from the water. Kelli began to share. “The other day I promised Lainey ice cream.” Kelli continued by telling us how she drove around in search of an ice cream shop while Lainey chanted under her breath from the back seat, “Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream.” She had given up finding one and began to drive toward home. All of a sudden Lainey screamed, “ICE CREAM!” Smiling, Kelli pulled over. This time she searched on her phone for the

It was then she heard God say, “This is what I want you to do with Me. Insist upon what I have promised you.” God impressed upon this mother that because of His incredible love for her, He wants to change things in her life.

by Debbie Guinn

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Equip (for parents) Because of His amazing love for Saul, God wanted to change everything in his life. After Christ met Saul on the road to Damascus, Saul was blinded for three days. He spent these days fasting and in prayer. This would have had major significance to a man like Saul. However, in a strange way, this was actually God’s way of blessing Saul. Saul was a Pharisee, the strictest, most devout of religious leaders. Their rigid following of laws set them apart from the poor, sick, and lower classes. The Jews believed that most illnesses and deformities were the result of a sinful life. Ironically, Saul’s blindness had huge social repercussions, especially to the Israelites. A Pharisee could not be blind; it would register him as unclean. Clearly, Saul couldn’t simply go back to his old life. His physical detriment would not allow him to. Therefore he was forced to wait, pray, and think about what had happened to him. Rabbis referred to themselves as “a guide to the blind.” They used this phrase to describe the role God gave them in relation to the Gentiles. They were called to be representatives to the Gentiles and the life they were to live. There is no doubt that physical blindness would have drawn this to Saul’s mind. God knew that Saul’s heart had been hardened to His voice. Causing blindness in Saul created an opportunity for him to draw near to God once again. Saul’s identity was transformed and he took on a new name: Paul. In everything Paul did thereafter, he was an obedient servant of God. He went on to spread the good news to thousands of Gentiles, encouraging them and helping their churches flourish. He was so transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit that it affected every facet of his life. God’s love changed (and still changes) everything.


Serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13b

Support (for parents & kids) This week JUST FOR FUN, as you read Acts 9:1–19, suggest that your children keep their eyes closed tightly. When you’ve finished reading this part of The Big God Story, have your children open their eyes. Encourage them to share how they think Saul must have felt when all of a sudden, he couldn’t see anything. Ask your children why they think Ananias might not have wanted to help Paul. What happened when Ananias obeyed God? Share together as a family the ways that God’s love changes how you think about things. Remind your children that what they just heard is part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they’ll hear more about how God’s love changes everything at church this week.

God’s love changes how we think about things.

© 2011 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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