Prep for 5.15.11 Pre K / Kindergarten

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‘Turn the water back on, get some clothes out here! she cried.’ Inspire (for parents) When my daughter, Chantel, was five years old, our family took a one-day trip to Mexico with our church. We spent the day with the families from the community helping to bathe and clothe the children. At the end of the day, when all of the clothes had been given away and the water tanks had been shut down and put on the trucks, my five year old noticed that one child had not been given a bath or clothes.

And still Chantel wasn’t finished. She went to our car—completely unprompted—and took out her brand-new pink fluffy jacket and gave it to the little girl. Neither my husband nor I told her to do this. The Holy Spirit was leading my daughter in her passionate fight of respect and justice for one child. As my daughter encountered a different culture and a challenging circumstance, she responded with the love of a God who knows no boundary of culture, language, or circumstance … His love simply overflows.

Chantel became outraged—right there in the middle of everyone. She began—much like a vigilante and almost disrespectfully— by Michelle Anthony fighting to see that justice was done for this girl. “Turn the water back on, get some clothes out here!” she cried. At one point someone tried to tell her that we were all out of clothes, and my in Antioch) 9–30 (Church daughter passionately responded, :1 11 s ct A : re Scriptu Us to Respond “Then everyone needs to start od’s Love Helps to Main Point: G low your family sharing something!” designed to al n is re ce ild ur ch so re This fore your s I looked around in amazement God’s Word be nt in re e pa r tim fo is ve ha God’s plan se au ec B , . ith ch fa to see several adults following the children’s attend chur rturers of their nu al n tu re iri ild sp ch prompting of this five-year-old child. e to be th iritually, your as you grow sp They were lugging out the heavy water we know that l. ally as wel tanks and bath products as well as will grow spiritu

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scrounging to find clothes for the child.

Equip (for parents) In the early days after Jesus’ ascension, God’s love compelled many people to respond in faith. With a population of over 500,000, Antioch enjoyed a prosperous economy due to the strategic placement of the city at the crossroads for highly trafficked trade routes to the south (Palestine and Egypt), east to Persia, and west to the Asia Minor Peninsula. This ancient metropolitan city was a blend of many cultures, beliefs, and practices whose value for art and literature was praised by many. The city referred to as “Queen of the East” was also known for its extravagant, wasteful, and reckless behavior. When the church in Jerusalem heard what was happening in Antioch, they sent Barnabus—a godly and faith-filled man—to visit. During his stay, Barnabus was a witness to the blessing of God upon this gathering of believers. He was a witness to all that was happening among the people. During his first stay, many more turned and put their faith in the Lord. Barnabus left Antioch long enough to bring Saul—who had once persecuted and killed followers of “The Way”—to Antioch to stay with him for a year teaching the Word of God. It is from this time of God’s Spirit moving in Antioch that we see the beginning of the Gentile movement: the first Gentile church, the first missionaries, and the first act of generous financial giving for another local church community. It is here in Antioch that believers were first named Christians— Christianoi, which means “partisans of Christ.” What citizens of the city may have intended as a coining in jest, the followers of “The Way” embraced as a fitting title to describe their new identity.


Love one another. You must love one another, just as I have loved you. John 13:34 (NIrV)

Support (for parents & kids) JUST FOR FUN, find a place in your home where you can move about easily. Explain to your children that as you read this portion of Scripture, you’re going to be moving from room to room in your home. Invite them to pretend that each room is a different city the disciples traveled to or from. Begin reading Acts 11:19–30, standing in one room; each time you get to a part where the people “came” or “went” to a new city, move to a different room in your home. Once you’ve finished reading, ask your children why they think the people scattered. Discuss together what Barnabas told the people to do. Explain to your children that just like God gave His disciples unique abilities, He has also given each of us special abilities to be used to build His kingdom here on earth. Ask them to share what some of theirs might be. Remind your children that what they just heard is part of The Big God Story, and they’ll hear more about God’s love in church this week. Pray together thanking God that His love helps us respond to all He desires for us to do.

© 2011 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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