Prep for 5.22.11 Pre K & Kindergarten

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I called my children to the kitchen table and told them about our situation. We began to pray. Inspire (for parents) There was a season in my life when I was a young single mother with three children. Looking back on those years, I am reminded of God’s love and response to my prayers for provision, strength, and faith. One month in particular, our finances were tighter than usual and rent was due. As I looked at the balance in our bank account, I knew we were two hundred dollars short of rent; there certainly wasn’t money for groceries for the rest of the month. So, I called my children to the kitchen table and told them about our situation. We began to pray.

The effect this had on the faith of my children was incredible. Not only did they see God provide in unexpected ways, they saw Him lovingly respond to our prayers— attending to each detail. Had I not given them the opportunity to pray together for our family, I would have robbed them of the experience of seeing God respond to the prayers of those who love Him and call upon His name. My children are now grown with kids of their own, and often refer back to this experience as a testimony of God’s love for His children. by Debbie Guinn

Shortly after our family conference, I bumped into the mother of one of my former high school students. She proceeded to thank me for the influence I had on her daughter s 12:1–19 Scripture: Act from Prison) while she was in my class. Then she (Peter Is Freed is e Prayers of H pulled an envelope out of her purse Responds to th od G t: in Po n Mai and handed it to me. She said God People ily to had told her she was to give this to allow your fam is designed to ren ce ild ur ch so re ur is yo my family. I opened the envelope to Th ord before W ’s od G in re is for pa nts have time find two one-hundred-dollar bills and ause God’s plan ec B . ith, ch ur ch attend eir children’s fa an eighty-dollar gift card for groceries. nurturers of th al n tu re iri ild sp ch e ur th yo ly, to be I was overwhelmed by the faith and the u grow spiritual know that as yo e w generous love for God this woman was ally as well. will grow spiritu showing to our family.

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Equip (for parents) God’s love for His children is often most obvious during difficult times. Jesus’ followers experienced many difficult times during the formation of the early church, as recorded in Acts. Shortly after the death of James, Peter was seized and imprisoned. Because it was the time of the Passover Festival, 16 soldiers were placed as guards for this one man in the prison. Herod wanted to appease the Jews during the celebration of their festival and would wait to hold a public trial until after these celebrations. Not only would this give the Jews their festival, but it would allow Herod a larger crowd during the trial and execution—making an example of Peter’s death to the zealot groups and messianic movement. As soon as Peter was taken to prison, a group of believers gathered together in a home to pray for him. Scripture tells us the church prayed earnestly for Peter. God then sent an angel to release him from jail and lead him to safety. Peter being released seemed so unlikely it was easier for the believers to think he had died and his angel, or ghost, had come to tell them. After realizing it was in fact Peter, the faithful group rejoiced. Peter had to quiet them in order to tell them of all that happened that night. He instructed the witnesses to tell James and the others what had happened. Then he left. “At dawn there was a great commotion among the soldiers about what had happened to Peter” (Acts 12:18 NLT). It was customary that should a prisoner escape, the supervising guard or soldier would then take the punishment intended for the accused. Upon hearing the news of Peter’s escape, Herod commanded a search be made to locate the man. When he was not found, the guards were put to death.


Love one another. You must love one another, just as I have loved you. John 13:34 (NIrV)

Support (for parents & kids) JUST FOR FUN, gather your family together in the main room of your home to read this part of The Big God Story. Tell your children that you’re going to read about a time when people gathered in a home to pray. Then read together Acts 12:5–14. Ask your children who led Peter out of prison, and what the people in the church were doing while Peter was in jail. Remind them that God answers our prayers too. Encourage them to share anything they would like your family to pray for. Also pray about any important things going on in the lives of your family and friends. Start by thanking God for who He is before spending time huddled together praying for your requests. You might want to keep a list of your prayer requests and update each other when one of these prayers has been answered! Share with your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story, and they’ll hear more about how God responds to the prayers of His people in church this week.

© 2011 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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