4's / preschool & Kindergarten October 21,2012

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Jesus knows her. He always has and always will. Inspire (for parents) “Mommy, will we match when I get big like you?” Jalynn asked, pressing her tiny coppertone arm against my white one. It was the first time in her three years of life that she said something about the difference in our skin color. I doubt, though, that it was the first time she’d noticed. I always knew I wanted to have children. Looking back, I assumed they’d have blond hair and light eyes—little towheaded replicas of myself and the generations of Scandinavians before me. But then I married Jimmy, my handsome African-American husband. And three years later our browneyed Jalynn was born. I’d known for a long time that this conversation was inevitable. “No, baby,” I answered, locking eyes with her. “You’ll always have the beautiful dark skin God gave you. And mine will always be light. It’s how God made me.” “Okay,” she said, satisfied. At least for now. Jalynn was a mystery before she was born. I didn’t know she would love having her tummy tickled. I didn’t know there would be a shy

stage. Even now, there’s so much that is unknown, like what profession she’ll choose when she grows up, what joys and pains she’ll know, or if she’ll ever have children of her own. But what I can be sure of is that there is someone who does know. Someone who tenderly knit together each of her chubby, copper-tone toes. Someone who saw her unformed body and ordained each of her days. Jesus knows her. He always has and always will. And no matter how old I get, how white my skin is, or what I want to be when I “grow up,” He knows me, too.

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Sharron Jackson

Scripture: Jo Peter) (Breakfast for s Me w no K sus Main Point: Je ily to allow your fam is designed to ce ren ur ild so re ch is Th re your od’s Word befo r fo is an have time in G ’s pl . Because God of attend church tual nurturers iri sp y ar im pr e th be ow gr to s u parent that as yo faith, we know s well. n’ re as ild ly al ch r tu ei iri th ill grow sp w n re ild ch ur spiritually, yo

Equip (for parents) Equip is additional background information that will help as you introduce this passage of Scripture to your children this week. Jesus knows each one of us, and He knew His disciple Peter. Brash, zealous, and a bit hotheaded, he was one of the more colorful disciples of Jesus. A trusted follower and intimate friend, Peter’s journey with Jesus began with a miraculous catch and the calling to follow Him to be “a fisher of men.” In the hours that led to Christ’s crucifixion, Peter publicly denied his Master three times. Although he knew the truth about who Jesus was and why He came, Peter still denied Him. In the final chapter of John, we read that Jesus took the opportunity to speak privately with Peter. “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” Jesus asked. The question must have stung. Not only did Jesus call Peter by his old and more formal name (as if he had never been his friend or disciple), he must have felt ashamed to have to prove his love for Jesus after so many boasts. “Yes, Lord, You know I love You,” was Peter’s reply. Two more times Jesus asked the same question of Peter. For as many times as Peter denied Christ, Jesus had Peter affirm his love and commitment to his calling. Each time, Peter answered with an appeal to Jesus’ ability to search men’s hearts and know their natures: “Lord, You know I love You.” Jesus knew Peter, and Peter knew Jesus. Jesus knew Peter loved Him and that he would go on to be one of the greatest pastors of the church. He knew everything about Peter—his pride, his failures, his sin—and still Jesus loved him and called him for a special purpose. Today, Jesus invites us to do the same: to get up and follow the One we love.


“Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” Isaiah 6:3

Support (for parents & kids) Set aside some time together this week to enjoy breakfast as a family. Ask your children to share with you a time they may have been scared to tell the truth. Assure them we all make mistakes, and Jesus knows us and loves us regardless of our faults. After your children have finished eating, tell them you’re going to read about a time when Jesus had breakfast with His disciples. Then, read John 21. Explain to your children that Peter had not told the truth, most likely because he was scared. Jesus wanted him to know that He loved him in spite of Peter doing the wrong thing. Ask your children what they would do if they saw Jesus standing on the shore making breakfast for them. What foods would they like for Him to prepare? What would they talk about? What would they say or do to let Jesus know they loved Him? Remind your children that what they have just heard is part of The Big God Story, and they’ll learn more in church this week about Jesus knowing us. Pray together, thanking God that He knows everything about us and loves us no matter what.

© 2012 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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