Prep for 4.24.11 Pre K & Kindergarten

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My children were grown before I really understood that the Bible is not a collection of stories about Bible heroes or a rule book that tells us how to live our lives … I am a part of the story too. Inspire (for parents) Recently I had the opportunity to tell The Big God Story to a small group of elementary children. We took out butcher paper and drew a makeshift timeline and as we read through the narrative, we added each name that played a significant role. Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Esther, and so on … each name was listed. When we got to the end of this most magnificent story, we left a blank space before adding “Jesus Returns” to the end of our timeline.

My children were grown before I really understood that the Bible is not a collection of stories about Bible heroes or a rule book that tells us how to live our lives. It is one big story with God as the main character. It tells about who He is and how much He loves us and how He came to restore and redeem us. And I am a part of the story too. Now as I share that story with my grandchildren, I pray that my children will also hear this story in a new way. Debbie Guinn

One of the little girls asked, “What is that blank space for?” “That is for you and me, because we can become a part of God’s big story too!” I answered. With great enthusiasm she jumped up, grabbed a crayon, and asked, “Can I write my name on the line?” “Of course,” I replied, elation enesis to Rev Scripture: G and soon everyone in the class was ory) St (The Big God Be adding his or her name as well. They Story and I Can ig B od Has a were all so excited to be a part of this Main Point: G ter) Part of It (Eas amazing story. ur family to ed to allow yo gn si de is ce your children This resour Word before ’s od G nts in e have tim plan is for pare Because God’s . ith, ch fa ur s n’ ch re nd ild atte of their ch rs re rtu nu al tu re your child n to be the spiri grow spiritually, u yo as at th we know ally as well. will grow spiritu

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Equip (for parents) The Passover Feast was a significant celebration within Passion Week. It was a time for remembering God’s judgment on Egypt that led to the Israelites’ freedom. The feast was not a leisurely feast, but one eaten with urgency, as it must have been eaten that night long ago when the Lord passed over every dwelling in Egypt. Whoever had the blood covering his home was safe and God’s judgment passed over. However, all who did not have the covering of a blood sacrifice would lose the firstborn son and male animal of the household to death. Many years later, God Almighty took on a human body and willingly became the unblemished lamb. He would be the sacrifice whose blood would cover all who believed and chose to follow Him. Under His covering, death would pass over and freedom from slavery to sin and death would follow. In the hours that followed Jesus’ death on the cross, His followers gained permission to take His body and prepare it for a traditional Jewish burial. Since the people refrained from any form of work on the Sabbath, they would need to wait one day to return and prepare His body for burial. When they arrived at the tomb, all that was found were the linens. God knew the body would not need to be prepared, for He would not need to be permanently buried—He was alive. He had risen just as He said. God gave Himself; He sacrificed Himself on our behalf. He sacrificed His position that rightfully belongs to Him—for a season— in order to be the fulfillment of the promise He made to redeem and restore humanity to Himself. There is no greater sacrifice. There is no greater love.


God showed his … love for us by sending Christ [Jesus] to die for us. Romans 5:8 (NLT)

Support (for parents & kids) Just for fun, this week, pull out a bunch of books and thumb through them with your children. Encourage each one in your family to select one or two of their favorite stories. Talk about why they are your favorites—is there a fun character or an exciting setting or an interesting storyline? Then share how the Bible tells the best story of all! Afterward, read the biblical account of Jesus rising from the dead in Luke 24:1–12 and discuss how Jesus died for our sins so we can be forgiven and have a right relationship with God. Take time to pray together and thank God for giving each of you a part in His big story. When you’re finished, tell your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they’ll hear the whole big God story at church this week.

© 2011 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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