Prep for 5.1.11 Pre K/Kindergarten

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The excitement grew and the class took the challenge, using their spring break to work together and see how many wheelchairs they could buy. Inspire (for parents) Recently I was introduced to a nonprofit that distributes wheelchairs to the disabled poor in developing countries. I was so impressed with this organization that I began to share their mission with almost everyone I came in contact with, including my five-year-old granddaughter, Ruby. I didn’t think much of it at the time; I just knew it was important for her to see how God’s power could work through people to change things.

My daughter encouraged other parents to give their children ownership of the project and encourage them to be creative about how they could raise the money. At the end of two weeks, this class of four- and five-yearold children had earned enough money to purchase four wheelchairs! Four lives around the world will be transformed because God gave a preschooler a compassionate heart and her family’s efforts inspired others to give. God’s power working through our lives changes everything.

Then one day Ruby found some change lying in their laundry room. She asked her mother if she could have it. “Sure,” by Debbie Guinn my daughter said. “What do you need the money for?” Ruby replied, “I’m going to buy a wheelchair—I’ve been saving up.” Smiling, my daughter followed Ruby into her bedroom where she found a pile of coins that Ruby had been s3 r) Scripture: Act Crippled Begga gathering. Agreeing this was a worthy (Peter Heals a hing yt er Ev es cause, my daughter set up a chore ’s Power Chang ain Point: God M your family to and reward system for Ruby to earn signed to allow de is ren ce ur so This re fore your child money. It worked so well they decided God’s Word be nts in re e pa r tim fo is ve ha to share the news with others in Ruby’s God’s plan se au ec B . ch ildren’s faith, attend chur rers of their ch pre-K class. The excitement grew and rtu nu al n tu iri sp ly, your childre to be the the class took on the challenge, using u grow spiritual yo as at th ow we kn their spring break to work together to ally as well. will grow spiritu see how many wheelchairs they could

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Equip (for parents) Throughout Scripture are times when God chooses to display His mighty power. His intentionality makes Himself known and draws people to Himself. We see this clearly in the early days of the church when at Pentecost, the followers of Christ received the Holy Spirit. As they experienced God’s power alive within them, they did miracles in the name of Jesus. This new power is demonstrated in the miracle of Acts 3. As Peter and John were walking into the temple, their eyes were diverted toward a crippled man begging for money. This man would have been familiar to them. As the Bible puts it, he was “laid daily at the gate of the temple” (3:2 ESV). The Jewish disciples would have entered the temple several times per day, year after year. They must have walked past this man hundreds of times. However, this day was different: The Holy Spirit was prompting them. Peter approached the man and healed him in the name of Jesus. He took the man by his hand and helped him stand to his feet. As the man stood for his very first time, the Bible declares that he began leaping and praising God. When the disciples took notice of the crippled man, they were playing a part in ushering in the kingdom. The man was healed inside and out. Although he once was a beggar, ashamed and rejected by society, his dignity was then restored. He was once outcast, but now was welcomed into community with the disciples and free to worship God in the temple.


Serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13b

Support (for parents & kids) Sit down together as a family to read Acts 3:1–10. JUST FOR FUN, once you’ve finished, see if you can act out this part of The Big God Story, giving each family member a part to play (Peter, John, the lame man, people in the crowd). Then ask them how it might have felt to be the lame man. Let them share how they think this man felt when he was healed after being crippled for so long. Talk together about what the man did once he was healed and ask them what they think they might have done. When you’re finished, share with your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they’ll hear more about how God’s power changes everything in church this week. Close your time by praying and thanking God for His incredible power and healing.

Today, as we wait expectantly for Christ’s second coming, we are also watching God’s kingdom unfold. We are called to ask, “What needs to be done?” By the guiding of the Holy Spirit, we play a part in the story. We can watch God’s power change everything.

© 2011 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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