Preschool May 13, 2012

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I don’t want my kids to struggle in that ‘forest’ without God.

Inspire (for parents) Before I got married and had a family, I didn’t know Jesus. Though I grew up in a home with good values, my upbringing didn’t have a focus on God. I always knew there was something “out there”—something bigger and beyond my understanding, but I didn’t want to acknowledge this “something bigger” as God. So I called it a “life force.” Mine was a very Star Wars type of faith. That is, until I met Jesus and it was impossible to deny Him anymore. I was 22 years old when I decided to trust Jesus with my life. I wanted to see what kind of adventures He had in store for me. Eleven years later, I am a husband and father of two gorgeous children. I can say without a doubt that raising a family is the greatest adventure of my life. I look back on how I grew up and compare it with how I’m bringing up my kids today. I’m convinced parenting the way God intended is not merely teaching my kids a bunch of values. It’s so much deeper than that. It’s about guiding them toward a relationship with God, so that one day, they will invite Him into their lives and follow Him. Once my son and my daughter do that, they will

be complete. They will be guided by the Holy Spirit their whole lives. I will tell my children, “That’s how Jesus changed Daddy’s life. In Him I have found freedom. Life’s not just about me anymore. It’s simply about my desire to please God.” A life without Jesus is like navigating through a thick forest without a compass, without a map, without a GPS. I don’t want my kids to struggle in that “forest” without God. I want them to be free. My greatest desire is for them to live their lives as simply as, “I hope this makes God smile.” by Carlos Salaff

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Equip (for parents) The Israelites lived in the Promised Land for more than 400 years before God appointed Samuel as their priest, prophet, and judge. Each time the Israelites began to “do what was right in their own eyes,” another nation would engage them in battle and enslave them. The Israelites would cry out to God, repent, and turn from false gods and idols and return to the one, true God. During a battle with the Philistines, the Israelites decided to take the ark of the covenant with them, hoping it would bring victory for their army. But God did not grant them victory. Instead, the Philistines captured the ark and the Israelites went into mourning. Samuel spoke to the house of Israel, saying, “If you are returning to the Lord with all your hearts, then rid yourselves of the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths and commit yourselves to the Lord and serve him only, and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines” (1 Samuel 7:3). Israel obeyed and returned to the Lord, and He gave them victory over the Philistines. Samuel set a large stone in the ground and named it Ebenezer, which means “stone of help,” declaring, “Thus far has the Lord helped us” (v. 12). God’s desire is for people to be in relationship with Him and know Him. Each time the Israelites fell away, He intervened and was their help—their Redeemer. This is not only true for the people of Israel so many years ago; it is also true of us today. When we find ourselves in need of help—a Redeemer— we cry out to God. He intervenes. It is not only because of His holiness and mercy that God redeems, it is also out of His desire to be known by those He loves.


The Lord causes his miracles to be remembered. He is kind and tender. Psalm 111:4 (NIrV)

Support (for parents & kids) This week, Just for fun, take your children outside to gather some rocks before you read the account of Samuel calling the Israelites to return to God (1 Samuel 7:3– 13). After you’ve finished reading, explain that Samuel set up a rock to remind the Israelites that God had been their helper. Encourage your children to think of times that God has helped them. Build a pile of rocks, with each stone representing a time your children have received the Lord’s help. Share with your children that what they just heard is true and a part of The Big God Story. Remind them they’ll learn more about how God is their helper while they’re at church this week. Gather together to pray and thank the Lord that you can always depend on Him to be your help in times of trouble.

When we find ourselves in need of help—a Redeemer—we cry out to God. He intervenes.

© 2011 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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