Prep for 7.17.11 Pre K/ Kindergarten

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I told him … ‘[God] is stronger than any “bad guy” or anything that makes you feel afraid!’ Inspire (for parents) It was the middle of the night, and I felt a soft tapping on my arm. I opened my eyes to see my then three-year-old son, Sean, . “What is it, honey?” I asked him. “I had a bad dream, Mommy,” Sean said, his eyes wide open and his voice betraying a bit of trembling. “I’m scared.”

We then prayed together, asking God to comfort Sean and to help him remember to trust in God. As parents, we try to be there for our children every time they experience fear, hurt, or sadness, but we cannot humanly do so. Our God’s love is unfailing and infinitely strong. Directing our children to our faithful and amazing God, we can help them develop the mind-set and practice of looking to God for comfort, safety, and protection, for God will always be their safe place.

I got up, took him in my arms, and walked him to his room. We crawled into his bed together and Sean began to tell me about a dream that included animals and characters from different books and shows. The dream did not by Sonia Joo entirely make sense, but it was clear that he was terrified. I told Sean I would stay with him until he fell asleep. His relief was palpable as he snuggled close and let out a sigh. While in my arms, I reminded him of one of our memory verses. gs 19:1–18 cripture: 1 Kin S m Jezebel) “Sean, I want you to remember (Elijah Flees fro what God tells us to do when we are My Safe Place n Point: God Is ai M ily to afraid,” I told him. “Psalm 56:3 tells us, allow your fam is designed to ren ce ild ur so ch re ur is yo Th ‘When I am afraid, I will trust in you.’ Word before ’s od G in re e is for pa nts have tim When you feel scared, remember and ause God’s plan ec B . ch ur ildren’s ch attend rs of their ch believe that God is strong to protect iritual nurture sp e ly, your th al tu be iri to ow sp you and is the One who takes care of that as you gr l. faith, we know el w you. He is stronger than any ‘bad guy’ ow spiritually as children will gr or anything that makes you feel afraid!”

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Equip (for parents) The Lord sent His prophet Elijah to the evil King Ahab. His message was clear: Not one drop of rain or moisture would fall on the land until He sent word ending the drought. After Elijah delivered the message, the Lord sent him into hiding. He provided for Elijah by directing the ravens to bring him bread and meat. After three years, God revealed His plan to end the drought. Once again, the Lord sent Elijah to challenge King Ahab. The king was to gather the people of Israel and the 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah (a Canaanite goddess) who associated with Queen Jezebel, and meet him on Mount Carmel. Elijah prayed, asking God to show the people that He was, in fact, the Lord Almighty. Scripture tells us that immediately God responded to Elijah’s prayer. The fire of the Lord fell down, consuming not only the sacrifice, but the wood, the stones, and the soil, and licking up every drop of water around the altar. When the people saw this, they fell on their faces professing that the Lord was God! Elijah seized the false prophets of Baal and executed them. Then, God sent rain upon the parched land. Jezebel, after hearing all that had happened, made an oath to have Elijah killed. Elijah fled in fear. Elijah was tired and discouraged, and asked God to take his life. While he slept, God sent an angel to care for him. After his time of rest, Elijah journeyed to Mount Horeb, or the mountain of God (also referred to as Mount Sinai, where Moses met with God and was given the Law for the people). There, the Lord spoke to Elijah in a whisper. God spoke truth over Elijah and helped him to know Him and trust Him to be his safe place.


Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory. Isaiah 6:3

Support (for parents & kids) This week, JUST FOR FUN, ask your children what their “safe spot” is in your home—the place where they feel most comforted and protected (for example, it could be their bed, your bed, a soft corner on the couch, etc.). At this “safe spot,” read together the biblical account of Elijah fleeing from Jezebel in 1 Kings 19:9–18. After you’ve read the passage, explain to your kids that, just like they might feel safe in your bed or under their covers, Elijah was kept safe by God at the mountain. Ask them to share with you about things that are scary in their lives right now. Tell your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story in the Bible, and they’ll hear more at church this week about how God is their safe place. Close your time by inviting your children to pray and invite God into those scary places in their lives.

© 2011 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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