4's / preschool and kindergarten March 23, 2014

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Preschool/ Kinder

Did You Know?


This resource is designed to allow your family to have time in God’s Word BEFORE your children attend church. Because God’s plan is for parents to be the primary spiritual nurturers of their children’s faith, we want YOU to be the one to introduce this part of The Big God Story to them. For additional support in spiritual parenting and to learn more about creating transforming environments in your home, be sure to pick up HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource from your church or download at HomeFrontMag.com. You can also access the HomeFront app for your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.

3.3 God Wants Everyone to Be Part of His Family, Part I Part of The Big God Story Matthew 18:10–14; Luke 15:1–7 The Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Prodigal Son

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• The Jewish leaders looked disapprovingly on tax collectors, Gentiles, and “sinners” as morally and religiously impure. They were considered lost. • God chose the descendants of Abraham to take the message of who He is to the entire world. It was to be through the example of their relationship with God that other nations would be able to know the one true God. • Jesus rebuked the judgmental mutterings of the Pharisees and teachers by telling three different parables with one central point: God rejoices when the lost are found (and so the Pharisees should too).

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Your immediate family continues to be the primary sphere of influence in your child’s life. It is here that your child learns to feel loved and accepted, key elements of healthy early spiritual development.

Teachable Moments After reading Matthew 18:12–14, discuss the following together:

OUT OF THE COMFORT ZONE Younger: Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Psalm 25:4

• What did the man do when one of his sheep wandered off?

Older: Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

• Why did the man care about the one lost sheep when he still had 99? • How does it feel to know that God wants you to be part of His family?

Psalm 25:4–5


For more information about blessing your child, see the Blessing section in HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource.

A blessing to pray over your child: © 2014 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

(Insert name of child), may you know how much God loves you and how greatly He desires for you to be part of His family.

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