4's / preschool & kindergarten April 20, 2014

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Preschool/ Kinder

Did You Know?


This resource is designed to allow your family to have time in God’s Word BEFORE your children attend church. Because God’s plan is for parents to be the primary spiritual nurturers of their children’s faith, we want YOU to be the one to introduce this part of The Big God Story to them. For additional support in spiritual parenting and to learn more about creating transforming environments in your home, be sure to pick up HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource from your church or download at HomeFrontMag.com. You can also access the HomeFront app for your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.

3.8 God Has a Big Story and I Can Be Part of It

• The Passover Feast was a significant celebration of Passion Week. It was the remembrance of when the Lord’s judgment “passed over” all those who obeyed Him during the Israelites’ final days in Egypt (Exodus 12:1–30). • The Israelites were instructed by the Lord to take a young, unblemished lamb and sacrifice the animal at twilight. Then, they were to smear the animal’s blood on the door frames of the dwelling place where they ate the feast. Later that night, the Lord was to pass over every dwelling place in Egypt. Whoever had the blood covering their home was safe, and God’s judgment passed over.

Part of The Big God Story The Big God Story Easter

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r favo with your ch e or two of thei rites: Is there a on ct le se to vo ily fam they’re your fa resting Talk about why exciting setting, or an inte e best an th fun character, share how the Bible tells count of storyline? Thenerward, read the biblical ac 2 and story of all! Aftom the dead in Luke 24:1–1can be Jesus rising fr sus died for our sins so we od. Take discuss how Jeve a right relationship with G ving each forgiven and hagether and thank God for gi time to pray to you a part in His big story. of

Remember Verse for EASTER

• Jesus willingly became the unblemished lamb and would be the sacrifice whose blood would cover all who believed and chose to follow Him. Under His covering, death would pass over and there would be freedom from sin and death.

Your child may enjoy helping and having a special role to play. As you teach him about The Big God Story, be sure that you mention and remind him often that God has a big plan for him, and he has a special role to play in God’s big story.

Teachable Moments After reading Luke 24:1–12, discuss the following together:

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8


• What happened to Jesus on the third day? • What does this mean for us? • What is your favorite part of The Big God Story?

For more information about blessing your child, see the Blessing section in HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource.

A blessing to pray over your child: © 2014 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

(Insert name of child), may you know and experience God’s great love for you, and may you see in each day the special way you’re a part of His big story.

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