2010 Forum Pre-Program

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International Forum on Christian Higher Education

Feb 23 – 26, 2010 Atlanta, GA

Dear Colleagues and Friends, We are in a time where the sphere of Christ-centered Higher Education is shifting across academic and societal facets. Through the forming and shaping of new ideas and developments, colleges and universities across the globe are advancing innovative ways to educate and train the students of today and the leaders of tomorrow. While these changes are welcome, they present new challenges for institutions and educators. The success of our movement is anchored on the continued genesis of critical breakthroughs. In the realms of academics and administration, research and spiritual formation, members and affiliates are seizing on years of dedication and devotion to the cause of Christ-centered higher education to reach new heights and walk on new ground. Those who will gather at the 2010 International Forum on Christian Higher Education come from a variety of specialties and academic backgrounds and are necessary to the shape member and affiliate institutions will take in the future. Presenters will reveal research findings, participants will find new perspectives on long-debated issues and attendees will hear from those who have fostered critical breakthroughs in their respective fields of expertise. We welcome you to join us in Atlanta, Georgia, as we make this time rich with learning and fellowship. The CCCU staff has worked hard to make this event one which will help you formulate your own critical breakthroughs as we serve each other and our Lord. Blessings, Carl E. Zylstra Chair, CCCU Board of Directors President, Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa

Paul Corts President, CCCU



about the forum 04 speakers 06 schedule 08 atlanta 10 registration 14


he city of Atlanta is a case study for understanding how people with vision and passion overcome great adversity to achieve greater progress. Civil Rights leaders dreamt of a new Atlanta, a new South and a new America. Olympic organizers envisioned a central plaza for the world to gather to celebrate athletics and culture. Developers saw Atlanta as a thriving metropolitan area and a growing business and transportation hub. With more than four million residents living in the city and the surrounding metropolitan area, Atlanta is a modern city, proud of its heritage and passionate about its future. Atlanta is home to many who cleared groundbreaking paths in the fields of commerce, media and diplomacy. Local pharmacist John Stith Pemberton sold his recipe for a new soft drink called Coca-Cola to Atlanta businessmen and changed how people drank. Ted Turner inherited his father’s business and transformed media with the advent of Cable News Network in 1980 and changed how people got the news. Bernie Marcus co-founded the Home Depot in Atlanta and changed how people shopped. With his grant to open the Georgia Aquarium, Marcus changed how people saw the oceans. When considering critical breakthroughs, Atlanta is a fitting location to host the 2010 International Forum on Christian Higher Education. The CCCU is proud to host our gathering in this place as we consider how Christcentered higher education continues to foster vision, passion and change.

University of Georgia enrolls two Black students under federal court order; Georgia Tech admits three Black students.

Atlanta Timeline Atlanta Established.


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John Stith Pemberton invents Coca-Cola.ÂŽ

Martin Luther King, Jr. Born.

1959 1961 Segregated seating on Atlanta city buses ruled unconstitutional.

1964 Martin Luther King, Jr. becomes the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Riots in Albany, Fort Valley, Macon and Savannah.


Forum History 1998 – Indianapolis, Indiana. The CCCU hosted its first ever International Forum on Christian Higher Education. More than 700 representatives attended the event, which explored the integration of faith and learning and presented the first Mark O. Hatfield Leadership Award to Arthur F. Holmes.

2001 – Orlando, Florida. The CCCU celebrated its 25th Anniversary and 100 members, with more than 1,000 presidents, administrators, board members, faculty, and students attended the event. Charles Colson was awarded the Mark O. Hatfield Leadership Award and spoke to participants. Calvin College (MI) and Nyack College (NY) were presented the Robert and Susan Andringa Award for Advancing Racial Harmony and the John and Louise Bennett Memorial Foundation received the award for Philanthropy.

2006 – Dallas, Texas. At our last Forum participation had grown to more than 1,300 attendees, including a large international delegation from our affiliate campuses. The event focused on “Significant Conversations” about Christian Higher Education. Rick and Kay Warren received the Mark O. Hatfield Leadership Award, Alister McGrath was awarded the John R. Dellenback Award for Scholarship, the Philanthropy Award was presented to the John Templeton Foundation, and the Racial Harmony Award was given to Abilene Christian University (TX) and Trinity International University (IL). The CCCU then had 105 members in 28 denominational affiliations.

Jimmy Carter established The Carter Center.


1980 1982


Hank Aaron breaks the home run record.

Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site established.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day established as a U.S. national holiday.

Ted Turner created CNN.

Atlanta Braves win the World Series.

1995 1996

Atlanta is home to the Summer Olympics.

2005 Georgia Aquarium Opens.

2009 Atlanta now has seven professional sports teams, and a downtown filled with down-home soul food, local jazz and a worldclass art museum.

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speakers Richard stearns Wednesday evening Richard Stearns is the president of the U.S. offices of World Vision International. Stearns’ life demonstrates not only passion and commitment, but also humility, spontaneity, and a genuine desire to serve. Stearns chronicles his journey from the corporate sector to World Vision in his book, The Hole in Our Gospel, published by Thomas Nelson in March 2009. FRANCIS COLLINs

Thursday morning Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., is a physician-geneticist noted for his landmark discoveries of disease genes and his leadership of the Human Genome Project. He was selected by President Obama to serve as the head of the National Institutes of Health in August 2009. He is the author of The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief.


Friday morning Wendy Kopp is the chief executive officer and founder of Teach For America, the national corps of recent college graduates who commit to teach for at least two years in urban and rural public schools. She is the author of One Day, All Children: The Unlikely Triumph of Teach For America and What I Learned Along the Way.

beverly DANIEL tatum

Friday evening Beverly Daniel Tatum has served as president of Spelman College since 2002. Spelman College, long recognized as the leading educator of women of African descent, is now one of the most selective womens’ colleges in the United States. A clinical psychologist by training, her areas of research include racial identity development, and the role of race in the classroom.

JOHN M. PERKINS Plenary guest John M. Perkins is the founder and president of the John M. Perkins Foundation in Jackson, Mississippi. In 1989, Perkins, along with other Christian leaders, formed the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA). CCDA has grown from 37 founding members to 6,800 individuals and 600 churches, ministries, institutions and businesses in more than 100 cities and townships across the country. archbishop Emeritus desmond tutu Plenary guest The name Desmond Tutu resonates strongly with people all around the world. Tutu was elected Archbishop of Cape Town in 1986, an office he held until his retirement in 1996. In 1996, he was appointed by President Nelson Mandela to chair the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, a body set-up to probe gross human rights violations during apartheid.

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special events C.S. Lewis on stage Wednesday evening C.S. Lewis on Stage, performed by Tom Key, captures the personality of the author of The Chronicles of Narnia and The Screwtape Letters. Key has been Executive Artistic Director of The Balzer Theater at Herren’s in downtown Atlanta, a professional company giving dramatic voice to the themes of spirituality, race and community in the American South since 1995. His one-man play is a portrait of an Oxford don who could make his audiences think as deeply as he made them laugh. CCCU Performing Arts Showcase Thursday afternoon Highlighting the musical, dance and cinematic talents of CCCU students and alumni, this program provides an insider’s look at the creativity of two BestSemester programs, the Contemporary Music Center and the Los Angeles Film Studies Center, as well as the celebrated work of the Belhaven College dance department. Join us at the Ferst Center for the Arts as we experience firsthand the creativity of our student programs.

First CCCU Blue Carpet Event Thursday evening Immerse yourself in an evening of global engagement at the Georgia Aquarium, in the company of international colleagues and the world’s largest collection of aquatic life. This event aims to celebrate and support the diverse experiences provided by our off-campus student and faculty programs. Accordingly, a portion of ticket proceeds will go toward establishing a Global Initiatives Fund to provide BestSemester student grants and support faculty development in international contexts.

Advancing Women’s Leadership Luncheon Thursday afternoon In 1998, the CCCU launched the LDI and WLDI leadership development initiatives that focused on emerging leaders, women, and people of color. Now, campuses are beginning their own leadership initiatives. This session will provide examples of institutional models for leadership development and will summarize the results of a research study that focused on which components of the CCCU’s work in this area have proven to be most effective.

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Pre-Forum Schedule

tuesday, Feb 23 – Wednesday, Feb 24, 2010

tueSday aFternoon

wedneSday continued

Pre-registration open (3 – 5pm)

Pre-Forum Sessions ii (8am – 5pm):

Pre-Forum meeting: information Session & First time attendee orientation (3 – 5pm)

ciao: leveraging with Presidents: a Joint Session with vPs of advancement and Presidents

Pre-Forum Sessions i (4:45 – 7pm)

ciao: athletics: the role of athletics in the life of higher ed Fundraising

cao: data-driven decision making: Benchmarks, ratios, dashboards and Scores

Prco: inside cnn: a guided tour

cmd: christian Spiritual Formation: a vision and model for college ministries

cSdo, cmd, cao: the Beloved community: martin luther king, Jr. historic Site guided tour

cSdo: increasing your retention and graduation rates

cao: what’s new in Print? the latest in the Scholarship of teaching

cmd: christian Spiritual Formation: a vision and model for college ministries

Pr/comm, cSdo, cmd, cot: campus-wide crisis management ceo, Faa: latinos and christian higher education: current needs & Future opportunities in the recruitment and retention of latino Students


cSdo, cao, ceo: delivering on our Promises: key Findings from the cccu’s comprehensive assessment Project (caP)

registration open (7:30am – 6:30pm) exhibitor load-in (8am – 4pm) Shuttles to atlanta Sites (10am – 5pm)

aBBreviationS: Csdo = ChieF student develoPMent oFFiCers | Ceo = ChieF enrollMent oFFiCers | CFo = ChieF FinanCial oFFiCers Ciao = ChieF institutional advanCeMent oFFiCers | Cao = ChieF aCadeMiC oFFiCers | PrCo = PubliC relations & CoMMuniCations Faa = FinanCial aid adMinistrators | CFo = ChieF FinanCial oFFiCers | CMd = CaMPus Ministry direCtors

Forum Schedule

Wednesday, Feb 24 – Friday, Feb 26, 2010

wedneSday evening


President’s gold circle reception i (5 – 7pm)

morning Plenary SeSSion (8:30 – 10:30am)

Forum opening & general Plenary Session i (7 – 9pm) Keynote: richard StearnS C.S. Lewis on stage(9:30 pm ) ticketed event

Keynote: wendy koPP morning track SeSSionS (11:15am – 12:30pm)


CFo: current State of the economy: how did we get here and where are we likely to go?

morning Plenary SeSSion (8:30 – 10:30am)

Cao: Strategies for continually improving the achievement of mission at Four cccu institutions

Keynote: FranciS S. collinS

Global Christian hiGher eduCation: the current Status

morning track SeSSionS (11:15am – 12:15pm)

Presidents: critical Breakthroughs in leadership: a Strengths-Based approach to Building engaged administrative teams

FaCulty: leadership development: critical Breakthroughs in incarnational learning, living and leading

FaCulty, CMd: Breakthroughs in Spiritual literacy: Promoting interfaith dialogue at christcentered institutions

sCCe: meeting our mission to Form globally engaged christians: critical Breakthroughs in Spiritual Formation through Study abroad

Ceo, Faa: trends in Pricing & discounting at cccu institutions ForMer Presidents: life after the Presidency

aiC: reaching out & Building Strength within: Breakthroughs in conversations about race CFo: Strategy to increase institutional Buy-in and Save money Csdo: gendered realities: a cccu education through Students’ eyes Cao: connecting life and learning: developing integral christian learning through curricular and co-curricular collaboration ForMer Presidents: distinguished volunteer corps Ceo, Ciao, Faa, PrCo: cccu market research Project, critical Breakthroughs Presidents & trustees: keeping the main thing: trustee and Presidential responsibilities lunch SeSSionS (12:30 – 2pm)

student Cross Cultural enGaGeMent: educating global citizens vs. training global nomads: critical Breakthroughs in Student learning at the uganda Studies Program and the australia Studies centre lunch SeSSionS (12:30 – 2:15) Presidents institute reunion lunch Invitation Only Event Spouse luncheon This will be a session for all attending spouses. Details to follow. off-campus Programs town meeting the Furnishing the Soul Project: the Spiritual lives of Students at christian colleges in america

advancing women’s leadership luncheon Mixed gender event. Advanced Signup Required

aiC: ¡Perteneces aquí! transitioning latino Students into a christian liberal arts education: Programs For Students, Programs For Faculty

aFternoon oPen SeSSionS (2 – 3:15pm)

aFternoon oPen SeSSionS (2:30 – 3:45pm)

Building a university-wide Partnership for Spiritual Formation

global roundtable: listening to internationals

nurturing the academic enterprise: creating and Sustaining great Scholars on our campuses

the role of the christian college in Fostering creation care

Breakthroughs in Building international relationships Between universities: a russian/american example

Strangled in the web? dreams for the Future of the news Business

how do cccu adult Programs measure up?

Presidential Survival: the case for Sabbaticals

navigating Sexual identity issues on christian college campuses

gender dynamics in Faculty workplace relationships: can we Serve together as colleagues?

connected: abilene christian university’s iPhone/iPod touch initiative

transfer Students: the Breakthrough market

how i got over: critical moments for women of color at a christian college

engaging christian college Students in the movement to eliminate educational inequity

magnetic Service: applying Successful client Service models to higher education Flat world technology and international collaboration in the college classroom

international Justice mission and cccu institutions: critical Breakthroughs for engaging Students, Staff, and Faculty

aftershock: responding to the cultural Shifts in generation y

outside the gates: engaging the academy for christian higher education

christian Political thought: a cross-cultural Perspective

leadership for critical Breakthroughs in campus ethnic diversity

helping academically high achievers Succeed at Prestigious grant applications for graduate School: navigating the opportunities and challenges in Scholarship and Fellowship advising

cost effective learning management and Social networking Systems

Presidential Pathways: effective leadership Strategies

why internationalize your campus? using the Fulbright Program to meet the responsibilities and challenges of the 21st century



cccu Performing arts Showcase (4:30 – 6:45pm) Advanced Signup Required

Presidents gold circle reception ii (5 – 6pm) Presidents, Trustees, & Former Presidents Only

First cccu Blue carpet event: raising a generation of Peace Builders through christian higher education (7:30 – 9:30pm) Ticketed Event, Advanced Signup Required

general Plenary Session iv & closing Banquet (6:30 – 9:30pm) Keynote: Beverly daniel tatum

atlanta attractions The City of Atlanta has convenient transportation provided to several attractions and historical locations. Listed below are some attractions that are part of the forum program or that you may want to visit while in the Atlanta area.

World of coca-cola 121 Baker St NW | Pemberton Place At the place where the soda beverage was born, visitors learn about the company’s development, innovative advertising, as well as plans for the future. A tasting experience allows visitors to sample some 70 different Coca-Cola products from all over the world.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Historical Site 450 Auburn Ave NE The birth and death of civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. resonate at this site. A museum and visitor center catalogs the details of King’s participation in the civil rights’ struggle and his peaceful ways during the civil rights movement.

Inside CNN Atlanta Studio Tour 1 CNN Center Go behind the scenes to see how a production comes together. View television broadcast innovations and the technology that makes global news-gathering a reality.

Georgia Aquarium 225 Baker Street One of the largest and most architecturally stunning facilities of its kind. Exotic batfish, sea goblins and bowmouth guitarfish are among 100,000 fish and marine animals patrolling the 8-plus million gallons of the deep water exhibit.

Atlantic Station Shopping Center 171 17TH Street Atlantic Station is a city center with the fusion housing with world-class restaurants, theaters, and retailers. Stores include IKEA, Dillard’s, Macy’s and others.

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hotel & transportation HYATT REGENCY ATLANTA 265 Peachtree Street NE | Atlanta, Georgia, USA 30303 T: 404.577.1234 | F: 404.588.4137 | www.atlantaregency.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/ The Hyatt Regency in Atlanta is one of the Atlanta metro regions premiere convention hotels with easy access from the Atlanta International Airport. The hotel has more than enough room to house our conference with 1,260 guestrooms including new chic, studio-style rooms. Each room also comes equipped with WiFi and an iPod dock. At the guest services desk you can use your PDA to check in. If you drive to the hotel there is also underground climate-controlled parking available for a daily rate. The hotel also has four dining locations and is located at the Peachtree Station MARTA transit stop in the center of the city.

AIR travel

www.atlanta-airport.com Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is one of the world’s busiest airports and serves as a hub for connecting various cities and countries around the globe. The Airport is also accessible by the MARTA train which takes you directly into downtown and to the Hyatt Regency. AirTran Airways Atlanta Hub | Discount Code: ATL022310 Select AirTran as your airline carrier for the Forum and receive a 10% discount on the lowest available AirTran Airways one-way or round trip fare. Fares booked online are not eligible for these savings, you must call AirTran with the discount code and book directly. Visit the Forum Web site for more details or call 1-800-AIR-TRAN (1-800-247-8726). American Airlines Dallas/Ft. Worth Hub | Discount Code: 1920AF Select American Airlines as your airline carrier for the Forum and receive a 5% discount on the lowest available American Airways one-way or round trip fare. The discount can be booked online at www.aa.com for American Airways and American Eagle flights only. Use the discount code noted above as the aa.com promotion code. Visit the Forum Web site for more details. For ticketing assistance, call (800) 433-1790. Virgin Atlantic Heathrow/Miami/JFK Hubs Select Virgin Atlantic as your airline carrier for the Forum and receive a 5% discount on the lowest published fares. Flights can be booked on the CCCU Forum Web site under ‘About Atlanta.’ United Airlines Chicago/Denver/Washington, D.C./Heathrow /Tokyo | Discount Code: 586NE Select United Airlines as your airline carrier for the Forum and receive a 2% discount if you book within 30 days of the Forum and up to 10% off when you book beyond 30 days for domestic US fares. For international travelers, receive a 7% discount if you book within 30 days of the Forum and up to 15% off when you book beyond 30 on the lowest published. Fares must be booked online to receive the maximum discount potential. The discount can be booked on-line at www.united.com.

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Cultural Significance Forum Event Location International Significance Marta Station Professional Athletics


Shopping Tourist Attraction













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Registration www.cccu.org/forum/registration Thank you for your interest in attending the CCCU’s International Forum on Christian Higher Education. Before you begin the registration process please review the following information so that you are aware of the registration steps and needed items.

2010 Forum Registration Fees Member Non-member North American Affiliate International Affiliate Spouses Student Sponsors/Exhibitors

Early Bird (before 11/1) $395 $475 $455 $345 $295 $99 $475

Regular (after 11/1) $420 $500 $480 $370 $295 $99 $500

On-site (begins 2/22/10) $445 $525 $495 $395 $295 $99 $525

No refunds will be provided for cancelled conference registrations. The early registration deadline is November 1, 2009.

Hotel Reservations Hotel and room accommodations need to be reserved separate from the conference registration process. To make a hotel reservation, please follow the link on the official Forum Web site.

Payment Information Online registration is available for credit card payments only. If you wish to make payment for this conference registration with a check, please contact the CCCU Conference Team at 202-546-8713 or conferences@cccu.org

Group Registration A group registration discount is available for groups of eight or more. If you register a group of eight, the eighth registration is free and all subsequent registrations will receive a $50 discount (the free registration and the $50 discounts will appear automatically in the registration process as it will be triggered by the name of the organization).

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Registration Access • To register yourself: You will need to “login” to the CCCU Web site. • To register a guest (a spouse or family member that will be with you but not attending the Forum professionally): You can enter their name during your registration process so that they have a name tag and are anticipated at the Forum. • To register a professional colleague or someone other than yourself: They must already be in our database, and you must be identified in our system as a primary or billing contact for your organization.

Registration Steps 01 Registrant Information: On this page you will verify your name and contact information. 02 Forum Registration: You will choose from options to attend the Forum and/or Pre-Forum and the price is based on your membership status.

03 Guest Registration: You will enter the name of any guests that are joining you (a spouse or family member that will be with you but not attending the Forum professionally).

04 Guest Badges: Please confirm the spelling and way in which you would like to see your guests’ name appear on their name badge(s).

05 Pre-Forum Registration: You will choose the sessions that you intend to attend. 06 Forum Sessions: You will choose the sessions that you intend to attend. 07 Special Needs: Please indicate any requests that will help us better serve you during the event, which reflect ADA requirements, special needs or dietary preferences.

08 Summary: You will be able to review your name badge spelling, your membership type, and your total fees. You can make final edits to basic registration, pre-forum registration, guest registration (if applicable), and the sessions that you chose to attend. Please contact the CCCU Conference Team at 202-546-8713 or conferences@cccu.org if you need help with questions during the registration process.

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321 Eighth St, NE | Washington, DC 20002



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