You h av e a
passion FOR justice Y o u see today ’ s demands
on national leadership to address the issues you care most about through greater innovation. You want to move beyond textbooks to engage the actual experts and institutions working on the issues. You want a global perspective on national policy options. What does it take to formulate and advocate for policies in pursuit of justice? What does it take to gain the clarity and confidence you need to help you find your place professionally among those already hard at work on these issues? ASP’s Public Policy track investigates a pressing public policy issue being debated on Capitol Hill. We focus on the political difficulties policymakers face when economic, humanitarian, and national security priorities come into conflict with one another. How might biblical teachings on shalom and justice help us navigate the trade-offs? We directly engage policy advocates and political actors on all sides of the issue to hear them explain the reasoning behind their positions, their points of disagreement with
their policy opponents, and their impressions of what is required for their policy agenda to succeed on Capitol Hill. Your education takes place outside the classroom through private briefings with think-tank specialists, U.S. House and Senate staff experts, and federal agency officials at their offices. Your research team conducts personal interviews with leading professionals in the executive branch, legislative branch, advocacy community, foreign embassies, and international organizations. You attend Congressional briefings and hearings, as well as think-tank conferences. And what do you gain from your hard work on the individual and group projects? You produce an original piece of research supported by Washington, D.C.-based field work and leave with stories to tell that help distinguish your applications to post-graduate programs and professional employment opportunities. If you are a major or minor in political science, pre-law, public policy, history, or international relations, then this track may be perfect for you.
HEART You h av e a
FOR THE developing world lead institutional partnerships in cross-cultural contexts. As a member of the GDE team, you work on a real-world project under the direction of a real-world client. Your work considers the interests, capabilities, and ethical commitments that guide business, governments, and NGO’s in their collaboration to serve highly stressed, underdeveloped societies. You accomplish this outside the classroom by participating in private briefings where you directly engage NGO and business executives, think-tank specialists, Congressional staff experts, and federal agency officials. Under client direction and ASP leadership, you produce original research required to advance the partnership’s work. You present your findings at a professional symposium attended by your client, other members of the partnership, and additional interested parties. This track is designed to professionally advance students with majors or minors in business management, intercultural studies, international business, missions, public relations, social entrepreneurship, social work, or sociology.
Professional Mentorship (optional)
Internship 20-30 hrs/wk
Topics in Leadership & Vocation
ASP students choose one of two project tracks: Public Policy track or Global Development Enterprise track.
W ith Washin g ton , D . C . as your home for the semester, the possibilities are endless! You will live eight blocks from the U.S. Capitol, Supreme Court, and Library of Congress. You are within easy walking distance of Eastern Market, Union Station, and the National Mall. Visit the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Smithsonian museums, historic Georgetown, Nationals Park (MLB), and the Verizon Center (NBA and NHL). It’s one thing to visit as a tourist. It’s something else to live, work, and invest in this amazing city. Community life is also marked by our commitment to service learning. ASP is intentional about challenging you to engage both the powers of federal Washington and the poverties that confront neighborhoods in the District of Columbia. Students serve together throughout the semester in a variety of work contexts.
Public Policy T rac k
Public Policy Project
Policy Analysis & Advocacy Seminar
Global Development EN T ER PR I SE T rac k Entrepreneurship & Human Development Seminar Global Development Partnership Exercise
O r g ani z ations are wor k in g
globally to combat HIV/AIDS, hunger, disease, and lack of education, all of which help pave a path to extreme poverty. You know the problems. You may have already encountered them firsthand overseas. You have a vision, but how do you move from dreaming to doing? How do you take your place within the organizations driving new ways of doing global development and missions? ASP’s newest track, Global Development Enterprise (GDE), helps you make that move. Washington, D.C. is heavily involved in the social causes and campaigns you care about. In fact, the city plays home to the growing trend in global development whereby non-profit organizations and governmental aid agencies partner with commercial enterprises to build sustainable and thriving development programs. GDE places you at the center of the action. The GDE track is not a seminar in development theory. This is an intensive professional experience aimed at learning what it takes to form and
Total CreditS
3 3 1 5 -1 6
I nternsh ips
The internship is a crucial component of ASP. Whether working in a Congressional office, federal agency, or NGO, it’s important to be there to see how things work. You will work 20-30 hours a week, and also complete reflection papers and progress reports.
A S P ?
T he A S P semester is designed with your professional future in mind. Your experiences provide greater clarity and confidence to pursue what comes next after graduation. ASP is the Washington, D.C. semester program that:
Puts a priority on connecting biblical faith with public life and vocation Places you in a diverse community of committed believers Provides regular and direct engagement with expert scholars and practitioners leading in their respective fields Complements your internship experience with the opportunity to be mentored by established Christian professionals in your field of interest Ensures you finish with an original piece of global development or public policy research supported by D.C.-based field work Invites you to join a vibrant alumni community of over 2700 professionals, which will continue to serve you long after your semester on the program
Contact us today to let us know how we can start preparing to make your semester at ASP your best semester.
V isit w w w. b estsemeste r . c o m /A S P
Washingto n D C 2 0 0 0 2
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
Best S emester
American Enterprise Institute American Legislative Exchange Council Bread for the World Center for American Progress Center for Public Justice Conservation International D.C. Office for Human Rights Ethics and Public Policy Center Food for the Hungry The Heritage Foundation Mennonite Central Committee National Right to Life Committee U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (CA), U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN), U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (IA), U.S. Senator Carl Levin (MI), U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (IN), U.S. Senator John Thune (SD) Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Refugees International Republican National Committee Teach for America U.S. Chamber of Commerce U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security U.S. Dept. of Justice U.S. Dept. of Labor U.S. Dept. of State U.S. Secret Service Women for Women International World Vision
R e c ent internship pla c ements in c l u de AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM
with leading national and international organizations than Washington, D.C. For over 30 years, ASP students have been securing high-intensity, high-impact placements with Congressional offices and committees, federal agencies, international businesses, law firms, think tanks, and global reliefand-development organizations. Most students work four days a week for an average of 24 hours.
internship OF
W hether g lo b al de v elopment or public policy brings you to ASP, you will join a leadership community bound by a shared commitment to learn how to translate your campus convictions into real-world application. Come to D.C. to catch a vision for what it takes to lead institutions against the injustices facing our nation and our world.
has a stronger
L E A D E R S H I P build relationships with ASP’s vibrant community of alumni and friends of the program. ASP mentors are established leaders in their respective fields with at least 7 years of professional experience. They are thoughtful Christians who take seriously the ideas of vocation and calling. You meet once a month to discuss matters of professional development and faith integration.
N o cit y
T he A S P mentorship c o u rse allows you the opportunity to
M E N T O R S H I P S www.bestsemester.com/ASP
You h av e a
passion FOR justice Y o u see today ’ s demands
on national leadership to address the issues you care most about through greater innovation. You want to move beyond textbooks to engage the actual experts and institutions working on the issues. You want a global perspective on national policy options. What does it take to formulate and advocate for policies in pursuit of justice? What does it take to gain the clarity and confidence you need to help you find your place professionally among those already hard at work on these issues? ASP’s Public Policy track investigates a pressing public policy issue being debated on Capitol Hill. We focus on the political difficulties policymakers face when economic, humanitarian, and national security priorities come into conflict with one another. How might biblical teachings on shalom and justice help us navigate the trade-offs? We directly engage policy advocates and political actors on all sides of the issue to hear them explain the reasoning behind their positions, their points of disagreement with
their policy opponents, and their impressions of what is required for their policy agenda to succeed on Capitol Hill. Your education takes place outside the classroom through private briefings with think-tank specialists, U.S. House and Senate staff experts, and federal agency officials at their offices. Your research team conducts personal interviews with leading professionals in the executive branch, legislative branch, advocacy community, foreign embassies, and international organizations. You attend Congressional briefings and hearings, as well as think-tank conferences. And what do you gain from your hard work on the individual and group projects? You produce an original piece of research supported by Washington, D.C.-based field work and leave with stories to tell that help distinguish your applications to post-graduate programs and professional employment opportunities. If you are a major or minor in political science, pre-law, public policy, history, or international relations, then this track may be perfect for you.
HEART You h av e a
FOR THE developing world lead institutional partnerships in cross-cultural contexts. As a member of the GDE team, you work on a real-world project under the direction of a real-world client. Your work considers the interests, capabilities, and ethical commitments that guide business, governments, and NGO’s in their collaboration to serve highly stressed, underdeveloped societies. You accomplish this outside the classroom by participating in private briefings where you directly engage NGO and business executives, think-tank specialists, Congressional staff experts, and federal agency officials. Under client direction and ASP leadership, you produce original research required to advance the partnership’s work. You present your findings at a professional symposium attended by your client, other members of the partnership, and additional interested parties. This track is designed to professionally advance students with majors or minors in business management, intercultural studies, international business, missions, public relations, social entrepreneurship, social work, or sociology.
Professional Mentorship (optional)
Internship 20-30 hrs/wk
Topics in Leadership & Vocation
ASP students choose one of two project tracks: Public Policy track or Global Development Enterprise track.
W ith Washin g ton , D . C . as your home for the semester, the possibilities are endless! You will live eight blocks from the U.S. Capitol, Supreme Court, and Library of Congress. You are within easy walking distance of Eastern Market, Union Station, and the National Mall. Visit the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Smithsonian museums, historic Georgetown, Nationals Park (MLB), and the Verizon Center (NBA and NHL). It’s one thing to visit as a tourist. It’s something else to live, work, and invest in this amazing city. Community life is also marked by our commitment to service learning. ASP is intentional about challenging you to engage both the powers of federal Washington and the poverties that confront neighborhoods in the District of Columbia. Students serve together throughout the semester in a variety of work contexts.
Public Policy T rac k
Public Policy Project
Policy Analysis & Advocacy Seminar
Global Development EN T ER PR I SE T rac k Entrepreneurship & Human Development Seminar Global Development Partnership Exercise
O r g ani z ations are wor k in g
globally to combat HIV/AIDS, hunger, disease, and lack of education, all of which help pave a path to extreme poverty. You know the problems. You may have already encountered them firsthand overseas. You have a vision, but how do you move from dreaming to doing? How do you take your place within the organizations driving new ways of doing global development and missions? ASP’s newest track, Global Development Enterprise (GDE), helps you make that move. Washington, D.C. is heavily involved in the social causes and campaigns you care about. In fact, the city plays home to the growing trend in global development whereby non-profit organizations and governmental aid agencies partner with commercial enterprises to build sustainable and thriving development programs. GDE places you at the center of the action. The GDE track is not a seminar in development theory. This is an intensive professional experience aimed at learning what it takes to form and
Total CreditS
3 3 1 5 -1 6
I nternsh ips
The internship is a crucial component of ASP. Whether working in a Congressional office, federal agency, or NGO, it’s important to be there to see how things work. You will work 20-30 hours a week, and also complete reflection papers and progress reports.
A S P ?
T he A S P semester is designed with your professional future in mind. Your experiences provide greater clarity and confidence to pursue what comes next after graduation. ASP is the Washington, D.C. semester program that:
Puts a priority on connecting biblical faith with public life and vocation Places you in a diverse community of committed believers Provides regular and direct engagement with expert scholars and practitioners leading in their respective fields Complements your internship experience with the opportunity to be mentored by established Christian professionals in your field of interest Ensures you finish with an original piece of global development or public policy research supported by D.C.-based field work Invites you to join a vibrant alumni community of over 2700 professionals, which will continue to serve you long after your semester on the program
Contact us today to let us know how we can start preparing to make your semester at ASP your best semester.
V isit w w w. b estsemeste r . c o m /A S P
Washingto n D C 2 0 0 0 2
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
Best S emester
American Enterprise Institute American Legislative Exchange Council Bread for the World Center for American Progress Center for Public Justice Conservation International D.C. Office for Human Rights Ethics and Public Policy Center Food for the Hungry The Heritage Foundation Mennonite Central Committee National Right to Life Committee U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (CA), U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN), U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (IA), U.S. Senator Carl Levin (MI), U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (IN), U.S. Senator John Thune (SD) Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Refugees International Republican National Committee Teach for America U.S. Chamber of Commerce U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security U.S. Dept. of Justice U.S. Dept. of Labor U.S. Dept. of State U.S. Secret Service Women for Women International World Vision
R e c ent internship pla c ements in c l u de AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM
with leading national and international organizations than Washington, D.C. For over 30 years, ASP students have been securing high-intensity, high-impact placements with Congressional offices and committees, federal agencies, international businesses, law firms, think tanks, and global reliefand-development organizations. Most students work four days a week for an average of 24 hours.
internship OF
W hether g lo b al de v elopment or public policy brings you to ASP, you will join a leadership community bound by a shared commitment to learn how to translate your campus convictions into real-world application. Come to D.C. to catch a vision for what it takes to lead institutions against the injustices facing our nation and our world.
has a stronger
L E A D E R S H I P build relationships with ASP’s vibrant community of alumni and friends of the program. ASP mentors are established leaders in their respective fields with at least 7 years of professional experience. They are thoughtful Christians who take seriously the ideas of vocation and calling. You meet once a month to discuss matters of professional development and faith integration.
N o cit y
T he A S P mentorship c o u rse allows you the opportunity to
M E N T O R S H I P S www.bestsemester.com/ASP
You h av e a
passion FOR justice Y o u see today ’ s demands
on national leadership to address the issues you care most about through greater innovation. You want to move beyond textbooks to engage the actual experts and institutions working on the issues. You want a global perspective on national policy options. What does it take to formulate and advocate for policies in pursuit of justice? What does it take to gain the clarity and confidence you need to help you find your place professionally among those already hard at work on these issues? ASP’s Public Policy track investigates a pressing public policy issue being debated on Capitol Hill. We focus on the political difficulties policymakers face when economic, humanitarian, and national security priorities come into conflict with one another. How might biblical teachings on shalom and justice help us navigate the trade-offs? We directly engage policy advocates and political actors on all sides of the issue to hear them explain the reasoning behind their positions, their points of disagreement with
their policy opponents, and their impressions of what is required for their policy agenda to succeed on Capitol Hill. Your education takes place outside the classroom through private briefings with think-tank specialists, U.S. House and Senate staff experts, and federal agency officials at their offices. Your research team conducts personal interviews with leading professionals in the executive branch, legislative branch, advocacy community, foreign embassies, and international organizations. You attend Congressional briefings and hearings, as well as think-tank conferences. And what do you gain from your hard work on the individual and group projects? You produce an original piece of research supported by Washington, D.C.-based field work and leave with stories to tell that help distinguish your applications to post-graduate programs and professional employment opportunities. If you are a major or minor in political science, pre-law, public policy, history, or international relations, then this track may be perfect for you.
HEART You h av e a
FOR THE developing world lead institutional partnerships in cross-cultural contexts. As a member of the GDE team, you work on a real-world project under the direction of a real-world client. Your work considers the interests, capabilities, and ethical commitments that guide business, governments, and NGO’s in their collaboration to serve highly stressed, underdeveloped societies. You accomplish this outside the classroom by participating in private briefings where you directly engage NGO and business executives, think-tank specialists, Congressional staff experts, and federal agency officials. Under client direction and ASP leadership, you produce original research required to advance the partnership’s work. You present your findings at a professional symposium attended by your client, other members of the partnership, and additional interested parties. This track is designed to professionally advance students with majors or minors in business management, intercultural studies, international business, missions, public relations, social entrepreneurship, social work, or sociology.
Professional Mentorship (optional)
Internship 20-30 hrs/wk
Topics in Leadership & Vocation
ASP students choose one of two project tracks: Public Policy track or Global Development Enterprise track.
W ith Washin g ton , D . C . as your home for the semester, the possibilities are endless! You will live eight blocks from the U.S. Capitol, Supreme Court, and Library of Congress. You are within easy walking distance of Eastern Market, Union Station, and the National Mall. Visit the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Smithsonian museums, historic Georgetown, Nationals Park (MLB), and the Verizon Center (NBA and NHL). It’s one thing to visit as a tourist. It’s something else to live, work, and invest in this amazing city. Community life is also marked by our commitment to service learning. ASP is intentional about challenging you to engage both the powers of federal Washington and the poverties that confront neighborhoods in the District of Columbia. Students serve together throughout the semester in a variety of work contexts.
Public Policy T rac k
Public Policy Project
Policy Analysis & Advocacy Seminar
Global Development EN T ER PR I SE T rac k Entrepreneurship & Human Development Seminar Global Development Partnership Exercise
O r g ani z ations are wor k in g
globally to combat HIV/AIDS, hunger, disease, and lack of education, all of which help pave a path to extreme poverty. You know the problems. You may have already encountered them firsthand overseas. You have a vision, but how do you move from dreaming to doing? How do you take your place within the organizations driving new ways of doing global development and missions? ASP’s newest track, Global Development Enterprise (GDE), helps you make that move. Washington, D.C. is heavily involved in the social causes and campaigns you care about. In fact, the city plays home to the growing trend in global development whereby non-profit organizations and governmental aid agencies partner with commercial enterprises to build sustainable and thriving development programs. GDE places you at the center of the action. The GDE track is not a seminar in development theory. This is an intensive professional experience aimed at learning what it takes to form and
Total CreditS
3 3 1 5 -1 6
I nternsh ips
The internship is a crucial component of ASP. Whether working in a Congressional office, federal agency, or NGO, it’s important to be there to see how things work. You will work 20-30 hours a week, and also complete reflection papers and progress reports.
A S P ?
T he A S P semester is designed with your professional future in mind. Your experiences provide greater clarity and confidence to pursue what comes next after graduation. ASP is the Washington, D.C. semester program that:
Puts a priority on connecting biblical faith with public life and vocation Places you in a diverse community of committed believers Provides regular and direct engagement with expert scholars and practitioners leading in their respective fields Complements your internship experience with the opportunity to be mentored by established Christian professionals in your field of interest Ensures you finish with an original piece of global development or public policy research supported by D.C.-based field work Invites you to join a vibrant alumni community of over 2700 professionals, which will continue to serve you long after your semester on the program
Contact us today to let us know how we can start preparing to make your semester at ASP your best semester.
V isit w w w. b estsemeste r . c o m /A S P
Washingto n D C 2 0 0 0 2
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
Best S emester
American Enterprise Institute American Legislative Exchange Council Bread for the World Center for American Progress Center for Public Justice Conservation International D.C. Office for Human Rights Ethics and Public Policy Center Food for the Hungry The Heritage Foundation Mennonite Central Committee National Right to Life Committee U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (CA), U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN), U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (IA), U.S. Senator Carl Levin (MI), U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (IN), U.S. Senator John Thune (SD) Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Refugees International Republican National Committee Teach for America U.S. Chamber of Commerce U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security U.S. Dept. of Justice U.S. Dept. of Labor U.S. Dept. of State U.S. Secret Service Women for Women International World Vision
R e c ent internship pla c ements in c l u de AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM
with leading national and international organizations than Washington, D.C. For over 30 years, ASP students have been securing high-intensity, high-impact placements with Congressional offices and committees, federal agencies, international businesses, law firms, think tanks, and global reliefand-development organizations. Most students work four days a week for an average of 24 hours.
internship OF
W hether g lo b al de v elopment or public policy brings you to ASP, you will join a leadership community bound by a shared commitment to learn how to translate your campus convictions into real-world application. Come to D.C. to catch a vision for what it takes to lead institutions against the injustices facing our nation and our world.
has a stronger
L E A D E R S H I P build relationships with ASP’s vibrant community of alumni and friends of the program. ASP mentors are established leaders in their respective fields with at least 7 years of professional experience. They are thoughtful Christians who take seriously the ideas of vocation and calling. You meet once a month to discuss matters of professional development and faith integration.
N o cit y
T he A S P mentorship c o u rse allows you the opportunity to
M E N T O R S H I P S www.bestsemester.com/ASP
W ith Washin g ton , D . C . as your home for the semester, the possibili-
passion FOR justice Y o u see today ’ s demands
on national leadership to address the issues you care most about through greater innovation. You want to move beyond textbooks to engage the actual experts and institutions working on the issues. You want a global perspective on national policy options. What does it take to formulate and advocate for policies in pursuit of justice? What does it take to gain the clarity and confidence you need to help you find your place professionally among those already hard at work on these issues? ASP’s Public Policy track investigates a pressing public policy issue being debated on Capitol Hill. We focus on the political difficulties policymakers face when economic, humanitarian, and national security priorities come into conflict with one another. How might biblical teachings on shalom and justice help us navigate the trade-offs? We directly engage policy advocates and political actors on all sides of the issue to hear them explain the reasoning behind their positions, their points of disagreement with
their policy opponents, and their impressions of what is required for their policy agenda to succeed on Capitol Hill. Your education takes place outside the classroom through private briefings with think-tank specialists, U.S. House and Senate staff experts, and federal agency officials at their offices. Your research team conducts personal interviews with leading professionals in the executive branch, legislative branch, advocacy community, foreign embassies, and international organizations. You attend Congressional briefings and hearings, as well as think-tank conferences. And what do you gain from your hard work on the individual and group projects? You produce an original piece of research supported by Washington, D.C.-based field work and leave with stories to tell that help distinguish your applications to post-graduate programs and professional employment opportunities. If you are a major or minor in political science, pre-law, public policy, history, or international relations, then this track may be perfect for you.
HEART You h av e a
FOR THE developing world O r g ani z ations are wor k in g
globally to combat HIV/AIDS, hunger, disease, and lack of education, all of which help pave a path to extreme poverty. You know the problems. You may have already encountered them firsthand overseas. You have a vision, but how do you move from dreaming to doing? How do you take your place within the organizations driving new ways of doing global development and missions? ASP’s newest track, Global Development Enterprise (GDE), helps you make that move. Washington, D.C. is heavily involved in the social causes and campaigns you care about. In fact, the city plays home to the growing trend in global development whereby non-profit organizations and governmental aid agencies partner with commercial enterprises to build sustainable and thriving development programs. GDE places you at the center of the action. The GDE track is not a seminar in development theory. This is an intensive professional experience aimed at learning what it takes to form and
lead institutional partnerships in cross-cultural contexts. As a member of the GDE team, you work on a real-world project under the direction of a real-world client. Your work considers the interests, capabilities, and ethical commitments that guide business, governments, and NGO’s in their collaboration to serve highly stressed, underdeveloped societies. You accomplish this outside the classroom by participating in private briefings where you directly engage NGO and business executives, think-tank specialists, Congressional staff experts, and federal agency officials. Under client direction and ASP leadership, you produce original research required to advance the partnership’s work. You present your findings at a professional symposium attended by your client, other members of the partnership, and additional interested parties. This track is designed to professionally advance students with majors or minors in business management, intercultural studies, international business, missions, public relations, social entrepreneurship, social work, or sociology.
Topics in Leadership & Vocation
Internship 20-30 hrs/wk
Professional Mentorship (optional)
ASP students choose one of two project tracks: Public Policy track or Global Development Enterprise track.
ties are endless! You will live eight blocks from the U.S. Capitol, Supreme Court, and Library of Congress. You are within easy walking distance of Eastern Market, Union Station, and the National Mall. Visit the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Smithsonian museums, historic Georgetown, Nationals Park (MLB), and the Verizon Center (NBA and NHL). It’s one thing to visit as a tourist. It’s something else to live, work, and invest in this amazing city. Community life is also marked by our commitment to service learning. ASP is intentional about challenging you to engage both the powers of federal Washington and the poverties that confront neighborhoods in the District of Columbia. Students serve together throughout the semester in a variety of work contexts.
Public Policy Trac k Policy Analysis & Advocacy Seminar
Public Policy Project
A S P ?
T he A S P semester is designed with your professional future in mind. Your Global Dev elopment EN T ERPR ISE Trac k Entrepreneurship & Human Development Seminar
Global Development Partnership Exercise
Total CreditS
1 5-16
I nternsh ips
The internship is a crucial component of ASP. Whether working in a Congressional office, federal agency, or NGO, it’s important to be there to see how things work. You will work 20-30 hours a week, and also complete reflection papers and progress reports.
experiences provide greater clarity and confidence to pursue what comes next after graduation. ASP is the Washington, D.C. semester program that: uts a priority on connecting biblical faith with public life and vocation P Places you in a diverse community of committed believers Provides regular and direct engagement with expert scholars and practitioners leading in their respective fields Complements your internship experience with the opportunity to be mentored by established Christian professionals in your field of interest Ensures you finish with an original piece of global development or public policy research supported by D.C.-based field work Invites you to join a vibrant alumni community of over 2700 professionals, which will continue to serve you long after your semester on the program
Contact us today to let us know how we can start preparing to make your semester at ASP your best semester.
Best S emester
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
Washingto n D C 2 0 0 0 2
V isit w w w. b estsemeste r . c o m /A S P
You h av e a
American Enterprise Institute American Legislative Exchange Council Bread for the World Center for American Progress Center for Public Justice Conservation International D.C. Office for Human Rights Ethics and Public Policy Center Food for the Hungry The Heritage Foundation Mennonite Central Committee National Right to Life Committee U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (CA), U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN), U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (IA), U.S. Senator Carl Levin (MI), U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (IN), U.S. Senator John Thune (SD) Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Refugees International Republican National Committee Teach for America U.S. Chamber of Commerce U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security U.S. Dept. of Justice U.S. Dept. of Labor U.S. Dept. of State U.S. Secret Service Women for Women International World Vision
R e c ent internship pla c ements in c l u de AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM
with leading national and international organizations than Washington, D.C. For over 30 years, ASP students have been securing high-intensity, high-impact placements with Congressional offices and committees, federal agencies, international businesses, law firms, think tanks, and global reliefand-development organizations. Most students work four days a week for an average of 24 hours.
internship OF
W hether g lo b al de v elopment or public policy brings you to ASP, you will join a leadership community bound by a shared commitment to learn how to translate your campus convictions into real-world application. Come to D.C. to catch a vision for what it takes to lead institutions against the injustices facing our nation and our world.
has a stronger
L E A D E R S H I P T he A S P mentorship c o u rse allows you the opportunity to build relationships with ASP’s vibrant community of alumni and friends of the program. ASP mentors are established leaders in their respective fields with at least 7 years of professional experience. They are thoughtful Christians who take seriously the ideas of vocation and calling. You meet once a month to discuss matters of professional development and faith integration.
N o cit y
M E N T O R S H I P S www.bestsemester.com/ASP
W ith Washin g ton , D . C . as your home for the semester, the possibili-
passion FOR justice Y o u see today ’ s demands
on national leadership to address the issues you care most about through greater innovation. You want to move beyond textbooks to engage the actual experts and institutions working on the issues. You want a global perspective on national policy options. What does it take to formulate and advocate for policies in pursuit of justice? What does it take to gain the clarity and confidence you need to help you find your place professionally among those already hard at work on these issues? ASP’s Public Policy track investigates a pressing public policy issue being debated on Capitol Hill. We focus on the political difficulties policymakers face when economic, humanitarian, and national security priorities come into conflict with one another. How might biblical teachings on shalom and justice help us navigate the trade-offs? We directly engage policy advocates and political actors on all sides of the issue to hear them explain the reasoning behind their positions, their points of disagreement with
their policy opponents, and their impressions of what is required for their policy agenda to succeed on Capitol Hill. Your education takes place outside the classroom through private briefings with think-tank specialists, U.S. House and Senate staff experts, and federal agency officials at their offices. Your research team conducts personal interviews with leading professionals in the executive branch, legislative branch, advocacy community, foreign embassies, and international organizations. You attend Congressional briefings and hearings, as well as think-tank conferences. And what do you gain from your hard work on the individual and group projects? You produce an original piece of research supported by Washington, D.C.-based field work and leave with stories to tell that help distinguish your applications to post-graduate programs and professional employment opportunities. If you are a major or minor in political science, pre-law, public policy, history, or international relations, then this track may be perfect for you.
HEART You h av e a
FOR THE developing world O r g ani z ations are wor k in g
globally to combat HIV/AIDS, hunger, disease, and lack of education, all of which help pave a path to extreme poverty. You know the problems. You may have already encountered them firsthand overseas. You have a vision, but how do you move from dreaming to doing? How do you take your place within the organizations driving new ways of doing global development and missions? ASP’s newest track, Global Development Enterprise (GDE), helps you make that move. Washington, D.C. is heavily involved in the social causes and campaigns you care about. In fact, the city plays home to the growing trend in global development whereby non-profit organizations and governmental aid agencies partner with commercial enterprises to build sustainable and thriving development programs. GDE places you at the center of the action. The GDE track is not a seminar in development theory. This is an intensive professional experience aimed at learning what it takes to form and
lead institutional partnerships in cross-cultural contexts. As a member of the GDE team, you work on a real-world project under the direction of a real-world client. Your work considers the interests, capabilities, and ethical commitments that guide business, governments, and NGO’s in their collaboration to serve highly stressed, underdeveloped societies. You accomplish this outside the classroom by participating in private briefings where you directly engage NGO and business executives, think-tank specialists, Congressional staff experts, and federal agency officials. Under client direction and ASP leadership, you produce original research required to advance the partnership’s work. You present your findings at a professional symposium attended by your client, other members of the partnership, and additional interested parties. This track is designed to professionally advance students with majors or minors in business management, intercultural studies, international business, missions, public relations, social entrepreneurship, social work, or sociology.
Topics in Leadership & Vocation
Internship 20-30 hrs/wk
Professional Mentorship (optional)
ASP students choose one of two project tracks: Public Policy track or Global Development Enterprise track.
ties are endless! You will live eight blocks from the U.S. Capitol, Supreme Court, and Library of Congress. You are within easy walking distance of Eastern Market, Union Station, and the National Mall. Visit the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Smithsonian museums, historic Georgetown, Nationals Park (MLB), and the Verizon Center (NBA and NHL). It’s one thing to visit as a tourist. It’s something else to live, work, and invest in this amazing city. Community life is also marked by our commitment to service learning. ASP is intentional about challenging you to engage both the powers of federal Washington and the poverties that confront neighborhoods in the District of Columbia. Students serve together throughout the semester in a variety of work contexts.
Public Policy Trac k Policy Analysis & Advocacy Seminar
Public Policy Project
A S P ?
T he A S P semester is designed with your professional future in mind. Your Global Dev elopment EN T ERPR ISE Trac k Entrepreneurship & Human Development Seminar
Global Development Partnership Exercise
Total CreditS
1 5-16
I nternsh ips
The internship is a crucial component of ASP. Whether working in a Congressional office, federal agency, or NGO, it’s important to be there to see how things work. You will work 20-30 hours a week, and also complete reflection papers and progress reports.
experiences provide greater clarity and confidence to pursue what comes next after graduation. ASP is the Washington, D.C. semester program that: uts a priority on connecting biblical faith with public life and vocation P Places you in a diverse community of committed believers Provides regular and direct engagement with expert scholars and practitioners leading in their respective fields Complements your internship experience with the opportunity to be mentored by established Christian professionals in your field of interest Ensures you finish with an original piece of global development or public policy research supported by D.C.-based field work Invites you to join a vibrant alumni community of over 2700 professionals, which will continue to serve you long after your semester on the program
Contact us today to let us know how we can start preparing to make your semester at ASP your best semester.
Best S emester
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
Washingto n D C 2 0 0 0 2
V isit w w w. b estsemeste r . c o m /A S P
You h av e a
American Enterprise Institute American Legislative Exchange Council Bread for the World Center for American Progress Center for Public Justice Conservation International D.C. Office for Human Rights Ethics and Public Policy Center Food for the Hungry The Heritage Foundation Mennonite Central Committee National Right to Life Committee U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (CA), U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN), U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (IA), U.S. Senator Carl Levin (MI), U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (IN), U.S. Senator John Thune (SD) Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Refugees International Republican National Committee Teach for America U.S. Chamber of Commerce U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security U.S. Dept. of Justice U.S. Dept. of Labor U.S. Dept. of State U.S. Secret Service Women for Women International World Vision
R e c ent internship pla c ements in c l u de AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM
with leading national and international organizations than Washington, D.C. For over 30 years, ASP students have been securing high-intensity, high-impact placements with Congressional offices and committees, federal agencies, international businesses, law firms, think tanks, and global reliefand-development organizations. Most students work four days a week for an average of 24 hours.
internship OF
W hether g lo b al de v elopment or public policy brings you to ASP, you will join a leadership community bound by a shared commitment to learn how to translate your campus convictions into real-world application. Come to D.C. to catch a vision for what it takes to lead institutions against the injustices facing our nation and our world.
has a stronger
L E A D E R S H I P T he A S P mentorship c o u rse allows you the opportunity to build relationships with ASP’s vibrant community of alumni and friends of the program. ASP mentors are established leaders in their respective fields with at least 7 years of professional experience. They are thoughtful Christians who take seriously the ideas of vocation and calling. You meet once a month to discuss matters of professional development and faith integration.
N o cit y
M E N T O R S H I P S www.bestsemester.com/ASP
W ith Washin g ton , D . C . as your home for the semester, the possibili-
passion FOR justice Y o u see today ’ s demands
on national leadership to address the issues you care most about through greater innovation. You want to move beyond textbooks to engage the actual experts and institutions working on the issues. You want a global perspective on national policy options. What does it take to formulate and advocate for policies in pursuit of justice? What does it take to gain the clarity and confidence you need to help you find your place professionally among those already hard at work on these issues? ASP’s Public Policy track investigates a pressing public policy issue being debated on Capitol Hill. We focus on the political difficulties policymakers face when economic, humanitarian, and national security priorities come into conflict with one another. How might biblical teachings on shalom and justice help us navigate the trade-offs? We directly engage policy advocates and political actors on all sides of the issue to hear them explain the reasoning behind their positions, their points of disagreement with
their policy opponents, and their impressions of what is required for their policy agenda to succeed on Capitol Hill. Your education takes place outside the classroom through private briefings with think-tank specialists, U.S. House and Senate staff experts, and federal agency officials at their offices. Your research team conducts personal interviews with leading professionals in the executive branch, legislative branch, advocacy community, foreign embassies, and international organizations. You attend Congressional briefings and hearings, as well as think-tank conferences. And what do you gain from your hard work on the individual and group projects? You produce an original piece of research supported by Washington, D.C.-based field work and leave with stories to tell that help distinguish your applications to post-graduate programs and professional employment opportunities. If you are a major or minor in political science, pre-law, public policy, history, or international relations, then this track may be perfect for you.
HEART You h av e a
FOR THE developing world O r g ani z ations are wor k in g
globally to combat HIV/AIDS, hunger, disease, and lack of education, all of which help pave a path to extreme poverty. You know the problems. You may have already encountered them firsthand overseas. You have a vision, but how do you move from dreaming to doing? How do you take your place within the organizations driving new ways of doing global development and missions? ASP’s newest track, Global Development Enterprise (GDE), helps you make that move. Washington, D.C. is heavily involved in the social causes and campaigns you care about. In fact, the city plays home to the growing trend in global development whereby non-profit organizations and governmental aid agencies partner with commercial enterprises to build sustainable and thriving development programs. GDE places you at the center of the action. The GDE track is not a seminar in development theory. This is an intensive professional experience aimed at learning what it takes to form and
lead institutional partnerships in cross-cultural contexts. As a member of the GDE team, you work on a real-world project under the direction of a real-world client. Your work considers the interests, capabilities, and ethical commitments that guide business, governments, and NGO’s in their collaboration to serve highly stressed, underdeveloped societies. You accomplish this outside the classroom by participating in private briefings where you directly engage NGO and business executives, think-tank specialists, Congressional staff experts, and federal agency officials. Under client direction and ASP leadership, you produce original research required to advance the partnership’s work. You present your findings at a professional symposium attended by your client, other members of the partnership, and additional interested parties. This track is designed to professionally advance students with majors or minors in business management, intercultural studies, international business, missions, public relations, social entrepreneurship, social work, or sociology.
Topics in Leadership & Vocation
Internship 20-30 hrs/wk
Professional Mentorship (optional)
ASP students choose one of two project tracks: Public Policy track or Global Development Enterprise track.
ties are endless! You will live eight blocks from the U.S. Capitol, Supreme Court, and Library of Congress. You are within easy walking distance of Eastern Market, Union Station, and the National Mall. Visit the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Smithsonian museums, historic Georgetown, Nationals Park (MLB), and the Verizon Center (NBA and NHL). It’s one thing to visit as a tourist. It’s something else to live, work, and invest in this amazing city. Community life is also marked by our commitment to service learning. ASP is intentional about challenging you to engage both the powers of federal Washington and the poverties that confront neighborhoods in the District of Columbia. Students serve together throughout the semester in a variety of work contexts.
Public Policy Trac k Policy Analysis & Advocacy Seminar
Public Policy Project
A S P ?
T he A S P semester is designed with your professional future in mind. Your Global Dev elopment EN T ERPR ISE Trac k Entrepreneurship & Human Development Seminar
Global Development Partnership Exercise
Total CreditS
1 5-16
I nternsh ips
The internship is a crucial component of ASP. Whether working in a Congressional office, federal agency, or NGO, it’s important to be there to see how things work. You will work 20-30 hours a week, and also complete reflection papers and progress reports.
experiences provide greater clarity and confidence to pursue what comes next after graduation. ASP is the Washington, D.C. semester program that: uts a priority on connecting biblical faith with public life and vocation P Places you in a diverse community of committed believers Provides regular and direct engagement with expert scholars and practitioners leading in their respective fields Complements your internship experience with the opportunity to be mentored by established Christian professionals in your field of interest Ensures you finish with an original piece of global development or public policy research supported by D.C.-based field work Invites you to join a vibrant alumni community of over 2700 professionals, which will continue to serve you long after your semester on the program
Contact us today to let us know how we can start preparing to make your semester at ASP your best semester.
Best S emester
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
Washingto n D C 2 0 0 0 2
V isit w w w. b estsemeste r . c o m /A S P
You h av e a
American Enterprise Institute American Legislative Exchange Council Bread for the World Center for American Progress Center for Public Justice Conservation International D.C. Office for Human Rights Ethics and Public Policy Center Food for the Hungry The Heritage Foundation Mennonite Central Committee National Right to Life Committee U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (CA), U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN), U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (IA), U.S. Senator Carl Levin (MI), U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (IN), U.S. Senator John Thune (SD) Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Refugees International Republican National Committee Teach for America U.S. Chamber of Commerce U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security U.S. Dept. of Justice U.S. Dept. of Labor U.S. Dept. of State U.S. Secret Service Women for Women International World Vision
R e c ent internship pla c ements in c l u de AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM
with leading national and international organizations than Washington, D.C. For over 30 years, ASP students have been securing high-intensity, high-impact placements with Congressional offices and committees, federal agencies, international businesses, law firms, think tanks, and global reliefand-development organizations. Most students work four days a week for an average of 24 hours.
internship OF
W hether g lo b al de v elopment or public policy brings you to ASP, you will join a leadership community bound by a shared commitment to learn how to translate your campus convictions into real-world application. Come to D.C. to catch a vision for what it takes to lead institutions against the injustices facing our nation and our world.
has a stronger
L E A D E R S H I P T he A S P mentorship c o u rse allows you the opportunity to build relationships with ASP’s vibrant community of alumni and friends of the program. ASP mentors are established leaders in their respective fields with at least 7 years of professional experience. They are thoughtful Christians who take seriously the ideas of vocation and calling. You meet once a month to discuss matters of professional development and faith integration.
N o cit y
M E N T O R S H I P S www.bestsemester.com/ASP
W ith Washin g ton , D . C . as your home for the semester, the possibili-
passion FOR justice Y o u see today ’ s demands
on national leadership to address the issues you care most about through greater innovation. You want to move beyond textbooks to engage the actual experts and institutions working on the issues. You want a global perspective on national policy options. What does it take to formulate and advocate for policies in pursuit of justice? What does it take to gain the clarity and confidence you need to help you find your place professionally among those already hard at work on these issues? ASP’s Public Policy track investigates a pressing public policy issue being debated on Capitol Hill. We focus on the political difficulties policymakers face when economic, humanitarian, and national security priorities come into conflict with one another. How might biblical teachings on shalom and justice help us navigate the trade-offs? We directly engage policy advocates and political actors on all sides of the issue to hear them explain the reasoning behind their positions, their points of disagreement with
their policy opponents, and their impressions of what is required for their policy agenda to succeed on Capitol Hill. Your education takes place outside the classroom through private briefings with think-tank specialists, U.S. House and Senate staff experts, and federal agency officials at their offices. Your research team conducts personal interviews with leading professionals in the executive branch, legislative branch, advocacy community, foreign embassies, and international organizations. You attend Congressional briefings and hearings, as well as think-tank conferences. And what do you gain from your hard work on the individual and group projects? You produce an original piece of research supported by Washington, D.C.-based field work and leave with stories to tell that help distinguish your applications to post-graduate programs and professional employment opportunities. If you are a major or minor in political science, pre-law, public policy, history, or international relations, then this track may be perfect for you.
HEART You h av e a
FOR THE developing world O r g ani z ations are wor k in g
globally to combat HIV/AIDS, hunger, disease, and lack of education, all of which help pave a path to extreme poverty. You know the problems. You may have already encountered them firsthand overseas. You have a vision, but how do you move from dreaming to doing? How do you take your place within the organizations driving new ways of doing global development and missions? ASP’s newest track, Global Development Enterprise (GDE), helps you make that move. Washington, D.C. is heavily involved in the social causes and campaigns you care about. In fact, the city plays home to the growing trend in global development whereby non-profit organizations and governmental aid agencies partner with commercial enterprises to build sustainable and thriving development programs. GDE places you at the center of the action. The GDE track is not a seminar in development theory. This is an intensive professional experience aimed at learning what it takes to form and
lead institutional partnerships in cross-cultural contexts. As a member of the GDE team, you work on a real-world project under the direction of a real-world client. Your work considers the interests, capabilities, and ethical commitments that guide business, governments, and NGO’s in their collaboration to serve highly stressed, underdeveloped societies. You accomplish this outside the classroom by participating in private briefings where you directly engage NGO and business executives, think-tank specialists, Congressional staff experts, and federal agency officials. Under client direction and ASP leadership, you produce original research required to advance the partnership’s work. You present your findings at a professional symposium attended by your client, other members of the partnership, and additional interested parties. This track is designed to professionally advance students with majors or minors in business management, intercultural studies, international business, missions, public relations, social entrepreneurship, social work, or sociology.
Topics in Leadership & Vocation
Internship 20-30 hrs/wk
Professional Mentorship (optional)
ASP students choose one of two project tracks: Public Policy track or Global Development Enterprise track.
ties are endless! You will live eight blocks from the U.S. Capitol, Supreme Court, and Library of Congress. You are within easy walking distance of Eastern Market, Union Station, and the National Mall. Visit the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Smithsonian museums, historic Georgetown, Nationals Park (MLB), and the Verizon Center (NBA and NHL). It’s one thing to visit as a tourist. It’s something else to live, work, and invest in this amazing city. Community life is also marked by our commitment to service learning. ASP is intentional about challenging you to engage both the powers of federal Washington and the poverties that confront neighborhoods in the District of Columbia. Students serve together throughout the semester in a variety of work contexts.
Public Policy Trac k Policy Analysis & Advocacy Seminar
Public Policy Project
A S P ?
T he A S P semester is designed with your professional future in mind. Your Global Dev elopment EN T ERPR ISE Trac k Entrepreneurship & Human Development Seminar
Global Development Partnership Exercise
Total CreditS
1 5-16
I nternsh ips
The internship is a crucial component of ASP. Whether working in a Congressional office, federal agency, or NGO, it’s important to be there to see how things work. You will work 20-30 hours a week, and also complete reflection papers and progress reports.
experiences provide greater clarity and confidence to pursue what comes next after graduation. ASP is the Washington, D.C. semester program that: uts a priority on connecting biblical faith with public life and vocation P Places you in a diverse community of committed believers Provides regular and direct engagement with expert scholars and practitioners leading in their respective fields Complements your internship experience with the opportunity to be mentored by established Christian professionals in your field of interest Ensures you finish with an original piece of global development or public policy research supported by D.C.-based field work Invites you to join a vibrant alumni community of over 2700 professionals, which will continue to serve you long after your semester on the program
Contact us today to let us know how we can start preparing to make your semester at ASP your best semester.
Best S emester
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
Washingto n D C 2 0 0 0 2
V isit w w w. b estsemeste r . c o m /A S P
You h av e a
American Enterprise Institute American Legislative Exchange Council Bread for the World Center for American Progress Center for Public Justice Conservation International D.C. Office for Human Rights Ethics and Public Policy Center Food for the Hungry The Heritage Foundation Mennonite Central Committee National Right to Life Committee U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (CA), U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN), U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (IA), U.S. Senator Carl Levin (MI), U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (IN), U.S. Senator John Thune (SD) Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Refugees International Republican National Committee Teach for America U.S. Chamber of Commerce U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security U.S. Dept. of Justice U.S. Dept. of Labor U.S. Dept. of State U.S. Secret Service Women for Women International World Vision
R e c ent internship pla c ements in c l u de AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM
with leading national and international organizations than Washington, D.C. For over 30 years, ASP students have been securing high-intensity, high-impact placements with Congressional offices and committees, federal agencies, international businesses, law firms, think tanks, and global reliefand-development organizations. Most students work four days a week for an average of 24 hours.
internship OF
W hether g lo b al de v elopment or public policy brings you to ASP, you will join a leadership community bound by a shared commitment to learn how to translate your campus convictions into real-world application. Come to D.C. to catch a vision for what it takes to lead institutions against the injustices facing our nation and our world.
has a stronger
L E A D E R S H I P T he A S P mentorship c o u rse allows you the opportunity to build relationships with ASP’s vibrant community of alumni and friends of the program. ASP mentors are established leaders in their respective fields with at least 7 years of professional experience. They are thoughtful Christians who take seriously the ideas of vocation and calling. You meet once a month to discuss matters of professional development and faith integration.
N o cit y
M E N T O R S H I P S www.bestsemester.com/ASP
You h av e a
passion FOR justice Y o u see today ’ s demands
on national leadership to address the issues you care most about through greater innovation. You want to move beyond textbooks to engage the actual experts and institutions working on the issues. You want a global perspective on national policy options. What does it take to formulate and advocate for policies in pursuit of justice? What does it take to gain the clarity and confidence you need to help you find your place professionally among those already hard at work on these issues? ASP’s Public Policy track investigates a pressing public policy issue being debated on Capitol Hill. We focus on the political difficulties policymakers face when economic, humanitarian, and national security priorities come into conflict with one another. How might biblical teachings on shalom and justice help us navigate the trade-offs? We directly engage policy advocates and political actors on all sides of the issue to hear them explain the reasoning behind their positions, their points of disagreement with
their policy opponents, and their impressions of what is required for their policy agenda to succeed on Capitol Hill. Your education takes place outside the classroom through private briefings with think-tank specialists, U.S. House and Senate staff experts, and federal agency officials at their offices. Your research team conducts personal interviews with leading professionals in the executive branch, legislative branch, advocacy community, foreign embassies, and international organizations. You attend Congressional briefings and hearings, as well as think-tank conferences. And what do you gain from your hard work on the individual and group projects? You produce an original piece of research supported by Washington, D.C.-based field work and leave with stories to tell that help distinguish your applications to post-graduate programs and professional employment opportunities. If you are a major or minor in political science, pre-law, public policy, history, or international relations, then this track may be perfect for you.
HEART You h av e a
FOR THE developing world lead institutional partnerships in cross-cultural contexts. As a member of the GDE team, you work on a real-world project under the direction of a real-world client. Your work considers the interests, capabilities, and ethical commitments that guide business, governments, and NGO’s in their collaboration to serve highly stressed, underdeveloped societies. You accomplish this outside the classroom by participating in private briefings where you directly engage NGO and business executives, think-tank specialists, Congressional staff experts, and federal agency officials. Under client direction and ASP leadership, you produce original research required to advance the partnership’s work. You present your findings at a professional symposium attended by your client, other members of the partnership, and additional interested parties. This track is designed to professionally advance students with majors or minors in business management, intercultural studies, international business, missions, public relations, social entrepreneurship, social work, or sociology.
Professional Mentorship (optional)
Internship 20-30 hrs/wk
Topics in Leadership & Vocation
ASP students choose one of two project tracks: Public Policy track or Global Development Enterprise track.
W ith Washin g ton , D . C . as your home for the semester, the possibilities are endless! You will live eight blocks from the U.S. Capitol, Supreme Court, and Library of Congress. You are within easy walking distance of Eastern Market, Union Station, and the National Mall. Visit the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Smithsonian museums, historic Georgetown, Nationals Park (MLB), and the Verizon Center (NBA and NHL). It’s one thing to visit as a tourist. It’s something else to live, work, and invest in this amazing city. Community life is also marked by our commitment to service learning. ASP is intentional about challenging you to engage both the powers of federal Washington and the poverties that confront neighborhoods in the District of Columbia. Students serve together throughout the semester in a variety of work contexts.
Public Policy T rac k
Public Policy Project
Policy Analysis & Advocacy Seminar
Global Development EN T ER PR I SE T rac k Entrepreneurship & Human Development Seminar Global Development Partnership Exercise
O r g ani z ations are wor k in g
globally to combat HIV/AIDS, hunger, disease, and lack of education, all of which help pave a path to extreme poverty. You know the problems. You may have already encountered them firsthand overseas. You have a vision, but how do you move from dreaming to doing? How do you take your place within the organizations driving new ways of doing global development and missions? ASP’s newest track, Global Development Enterprise (GDE), helps you make that move. Washington, D.C. is heavily involved in the social causes and campaigns you care about. In fact, the city plays home to the growing trend in global development whereby non-profit organizations and governmental aid agencies partner with commercial enterprises to build sustainable and thriving development programs. GDE places you at the center of the action. The GDE track is not a seminar in development theory. This is an intensive professional experience aimed at learning what it takes to form and
Total CreditS
3 3 1 5 -1 6
I nternsh ips
The internship is a crucial component of ASP. Whether working in a Congressional office, federal agency, or NGO, it’s important to be there to see how things work. You will work 20-30 hours a week, and also complete reflection papers and progress reports.
A S P ?
T he A S P semester is designed with your professional future in mind. Your experiences provide greater clarity and confidence to pursue what comes next after graduation. ASP is the Washington, D.C. semester program that:
Puts a priority on connecting biblical faith with public life and vocation Places you in a diverse community of committed believers Provides regular and direct engagement with expert scholars and practitioners leading in their respective fields Complements your internship experience with the opportunity to be mentored by established Christian professionals in your field of interest Ensures you finish with an original piece of global development or public policy research supported by D.C.-based field work Invites you to join a vibrant alumni community of over 2700 professionals, which will continue to serve you long after your semester on the program
Contact us today to let us know how we can start preparing to make your semester at ASP your best semester.
V isit w w w. b estsemeste r . c o m /A S P
Washingto n D C 2 0 0 0 2
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
Best S emester
American Enterprise Institute American Legislative Exchange Council Bread for the World Center for American Progress Center for Public Justice Conservation International D.C. Office for Human Rights Ethics and Public Policy Center Food for the Hungry The Heritage Foundation Mennonite Central Committee National Right to Life Committee U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (CA), U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN), U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (IA), U.S. Senator Carl Levin (MI), U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (IN), U.S. Senator John Thune (SD) Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Refugees International Republican National Committee Teach for America U.S. Chamber of Commerce U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants U.S. Dept. of Education U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security U.S. Dept. of Justice U.S. Dept. of Labor U.S. Dept. of State U.S. Secret Service Women for Women International World Vision
R e c ent internship pla c ements in c l u de AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM
with leading national and international organizations than Washington, D.C. For over 30 years, ASP students have been securing high-intensity, high-impact placements with Congressional offices and committees, federal agencies, international businesses, law firms, think tanks, and global reliefand-development organizations. Most students work four days a week for an average of 24 hours.
internship OF
W hether g lo b al de v elopment or public policy brings you to ASP, you will join a leadership community bound by a shared commitment to learn how to translate your campus convictions into real-world application. Come to D.C. to catch a vision for what it takes to lead institutions against the injustices facing our nation and our world.
has a stronger
L E A D E R S H I P build relationships with ASP’s vibrant community of alumni and friends of the program. ASP mentors are established leaders in their respective fields with at least 7 years of professional experience. They are thoughtful Christians who take seriously the ideas of vocation and calling. You meet once a month to discuss matters of professional development and faith integration.
N o cit y
T he A S P mentorship c o u rse allows you the opportunity to
M E N T O R S H I P S www.bestsemester.com/ASP