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The 2011-12 academic year ushers in many new and exciting ventures for BestSemester Programs around the world. This fall the inaugural semester of the India Studies Program will be offered in partnership with CCCU international affiliate, Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Sciences. ISP will challenge students to discover for themselves a variety of ways to address the needs of the poor and disenfranchised, acting as agents of salt and light in broken world. We are also excited to announce the official launch of the Uganda Studies Program’s Social Work Emphasis, which affords social work majors from CCCU schools the opportunity to fulfill their junior or senior level practicum in an overseas setting. We believe Uganda will provide a variety of opportunities and experiences to develop their social work practice skills and understanding in a challenging cross-cultural setting. At the Latin American Studies Program, we are pleased to announce that all LASP students will be given the opportunity tovisit Cuba during their semester – a formerly limited offering for a select few. While students can anticipate this exciting travel and adventure during their semester, they can also expect to build connections between their faith and the real world. The Contemporary Music Center and the LosAngeles Film Studies Center will both usher in changes to available course offerings that will continue to help students hone and develop skills they won’t learn in a typical classroom setting. Additionally, the Scholars’ Semester in Oxford continues to expand tutorial options with its additional psychology courses. As always, the BestSemester Programs continue to challenge students to authentically engage their faith, identity, ideas, and worldview and to become active participants in advancing Christ’s claims in all aspects of life.
Ken Bussema VP of Student Programs, CCCU
2011-12 Student Programs Profile
Student Academic Programs Commission [SAPC]
Recommended Program Descriptions for College and University Catalogs
Answers To Students’—and Campuses’— Important Questions
American Studies Program [ASP]
Australia Studies Centre [ASC]
China Studies Program [CSP]
Contemporary Music Center [CMC]
India Studies Program [ISP]
Latin American Studies Program [LASP]
Los Angeles Film Studies Center [LAFSC]
Middle East Studies Program [MESP]
Oxford Summer Programme [OSP]
Scholars’ Semester In Oxford [SSO]
Uganda Studies Program [USP]
Washington Journalism Center [WJC]
2011-12 BestSemester Faculty
AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM www.bestsemester.com/asp
Founded: 1976 | Enrollment: 30 | E-mail: asp@bestsemester.com
321 Eighth Street, NE | Washington, DC 20002 Ms. Abigail Linsner, Program Administrator alinsner@cccu.org | Ph: 202-546-3086
Dr. Peter Baker, ASP Director pbaker@cccu.org | Ph: 202-546-3086
AUSTRALIA STUDIES CENTRE www.bestsemester.com/asc
Founded: 2004 | Enrollment: 30 | E-mail: asc@bestsemester.com
Australia Studies Centre/CCCU Australia Pty. Ltd. c/o Wesley Institute | PO Box 534 | Drummoyne 1470, NSW
Packages: 5 Mary Street | Drummoyne 2047, NSW | AUSTRALIA Ms. Kimberly Spragg, ASC Director Kimberly.Spragg@cccu-australia.org Ph: 011-61-2-9819-8823
CHINA STUDIES PROGRAM www.bestsemester.com/csp
Ms. Heidi Prillwitz, Program Advisor hprillwitz@cccu.org | Ph: 202-548-5201, option 1
Founded: 1999 | Enrollment: 20 | E-mail: csp@bestsemester.com
Dong Zuo, #901 | Ming Shi Yi Yuan | Siming Qu Dr. Jay Lundelius, CSP Director cspcccu@yahoo.com | Ph: 011-86-136-0097-9800
CONTEMPORARY MUSIC CENTER www.bestsemester.com/cmc
| Xiamen, Fujian 361005 | CHINA Ms. Kaitlin Davidson, Program Advisor kdavidson@cccu.org | Ph: 202-548-5201, option 2
Founded: 2001 | Enrollment: 30 | E-mail: cmc@bestsemester.com Located on Martha’s Vineyard 2001-2010
559 Church Street East | Brentwood, TN 37027 Mr. Warren Pettit, CMC Director wpettit@thecontemporarymusiccenter.com Ph: 615-499-4378
INDIA STUDIES PROGRAM www.bestsemester.com/isp
Ms. Jenny Leininger,Program Administrator jleininger@thecontemporarymusiccenter.com Ph: 615-499-4378
Founded: 2011 | Enrollment: 15 | E-mail: isp@bestsemester.com
BestSemester India Studies Pvt. Ltd. | c/o Bishop Appasamy College of Arts & Sciences 129 Race Course Road | Coimbatore, 641018, Tamil Nadu | INDIA Mr. Kirk McClelland, ISP Director kmcclelland@cccu.org Ph: 011-91-962-909-3368
Ms. Kaitlin Davidson, Program Advisor kdavidson@cccu.org Ph: 202-548-5201, option 2
Founded: 1986 | Enrollment: 40 | E-mail: lasp@bestsemester.com
Programa de Estudios Latinoamericanos | Apdo. 54-2070 | Sabanilla, San José, | COSTA RICA Dr. Anthony Chamberlain, LASP Director abcham@lasp.co.cr | Ph: 011-506-2285-3817
Ms. Kaitlin Davidson, Program Advisor kdavidson@cccu.org | Ph: 202-548-5201, option 2
Founded: 1991 | Enrollment: 45 | E-mail: lafsc@bestsemester.com
5455 Wilshire Blvd. | Suite 1615 | Los Angeles, CA 90036 Rev. Rebecca Ver Straten-McSparran, LAFSC Director rebeccav@lafsc.com | Ph: 323-965-2705
Mr. Nathan White, Program Administrator nathanw@lafsc.com | Ph: 323-965-2705
Founded: 1993 | Enrollment: 32 | E-mail: mesp@bestsemester.com
PO Box 213, Zamalek | Cairo | EGYPT Fall 2011 only: Tantur Ecumenical Institute | P.O. Box 19556 | Jerusalem 91194 | ISRAEL Dr. David Holt, MESP Director mesp.director@gmail.com P: 011-20-2-3335-7423
OXFORD SUMMER PROGRAMME www.bestsemester.com/osp
Ms. Meghan Donaghue, Program Advisor mdonaghue@cccu.org Ph: 202-548-5201, option 3
Founded: 1991 | Enrollment: 24 | E-mail: osp@bestsemester.com
8 Norham Gardens | Oxford, OX2 6QB | UNITED KINGDOM Dr. Stan Rosenberg, SCIO Director stan.rosenberg@scio-uk.org Ph: 011-44-1865-355620
Ms. Meghan Donaghue, Program Advisor mdonaghue@cccu.org Ph: 202-548-5201, option 3
Founded: 1998 | Enrollment: 65 | E-mail: sso@bestsemester.com
8 Norham Gardens | Oxford, OX2 6QB | UNITED KINGDOM Dr. Stan Rosenberg, SCIO Director stan.rosenberg@scio-uk.org Ph: 011-44-1865-355620
Ms. Heidi Prillwitz, Program Advisor hprillwitz@cccu.org | Ph: 202-548-5201, option 1
UGANDA STUDIES PROGRAM www.bestsemester.com/usp
Founded: 2004 | Enrollment: 35 | E-mail: usp@bestsemester.com
c/o Uganda Christian University | PO Box 4 | Mukono | UGANDA Mr. Mark Bartels, USP Director mbartels@ucu.ac.ug Ph: 011-256-78-280-7158
WASHINGTON JOURNALISM CENTER www.bestsemester.com/wjc
Ms. Meghan Donaghue, Program Advisor mdonaghue@cccu.org Ph: 202-548-5201, option 3
Founded: 2006 | Enrollment: 15 | E-mail: wjc@bestsemester.com Preceded by the Summer Institute of Journalism, 1995-2005
321 Eighth Street, NE | Washington, DC 20002 Mr. Terry Mattingly, WJC Director tmatt@tmatt.net | Ph: 202-552-3977
Ms. Abigail Linsner, Program Administrator alinsner@cccu.org | Ph: 202-552-3977
ADDITIONAL BESTSEMESTER® STUDENT PROGRAMS ADMINISTRATORS 321 Eighth St, NE | Washington, DC 20002 | P: 202-548-5201 F: 202-546-8914 | info@bestsemester.com
Dr. Ken Bussema, Vice President for Student Programs kbussema@cccu.org Ph: 202-548-5201, option 5
Mrs. Deborah Kim, Director for Student Programs dkim@cccu.org Ph: 202-548-5201, option 6
Mrs. Lindsey Podguski, Campus Relations Manager lpodguski@cccu.org Ph: 202-548-5201, option 4
The Council’s Standing Board Policies require the president to appoint a Student Academic Programs Commission (SAPC) to serve as a source of review, advice and accountability for student programs. SAPC, in essence, serves as a liaison body with the Council membership, and guarantor of the quality of Council student programs.
SAPC meets twice yearly and provides oversight of the general academic and student life aspects of all Council-managed student programs. Through written reports, review of published information, major on-site visits of student programs, etc., the full Commission reviews and recommends in writing, policies and procedures applicable to any or all of the programs. The Commission also provides counsel to the vice president.
AUTHORITY SAPC makes its recommendations for administrative action to the vice president for student programs and, as appropriate, for referral by the vice president to the president and board of directors. Dr. Ken Bussema, Vice President for Student Programs, is primary staff liaison.
MEMBERSHIP SAPC has six members appointed for two or three-year staggered terms. The Commission recommends new members to the president annually. Members serve until their replacements are appointed and any member can be reappointed up to a maximum of six consecutive years. The Commission has at least three chief academic officers and one chief student development officer serving at all times.
GENERAL STUDENT PROGRAMS MANAGEMENT The president has delegated to Dr. Ken Bussema overall management responsibility for creditrecommending and other student related programs. He is the primary liaison with SAPC. Each program director has major responsibility for helping to shape and implement Council policies and Commission recommendations for the day-to-day direction of the programs. Reports and recommendations from the program directors are directed through Dr. Ken Bussema to SAPC.
REPORTS OF ON-SITE REVIEWS Each program is visited by the Commission for an extensive on-site review a minimum of once every six years. Copies of the written reports are sent to the chief academic officers of Council member colleges and universities. They are also sent to accreditation agencies upon request.
SAPC CURRENT MEMBERSHIP Dr. Susan Hasseler Dean of the School of Education and Social Sciences Messiah College (PA) Dr. Robert Herron Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Trinity International University (IL) Dr. Mark Sargent Provost Gordon College (MA) Dr. Brock Schroeder Vice President for Enrollment Management & Marketing Malone University (OH) Dr. Kathleen Storm Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students Whitworth University (WA) Sixth Member, Appointment pending approval
RECOMMENDED PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS FOR COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY CATALOGS The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU), an association of 113 members and 73 affiliate institutions in 23 countries, offers the following semester and summer programs to students of its member institutions. The programs offer a unique opportunity for students to make the world their classroom. These interdisciplinary learning opportunities are available to juniors and seniors, while some programs also accept secondsemester sophomores. For further information, contact either your Off-Campus Programs Coordinator or the CCCU. *Note: When the possibility of 18 credit hours is indicated, enrollment requires prior approval of the program and the home campus.
AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM (ASP) Since 1976, the American Studies Program has served as an experiential learning laboratory for students committed to connecting their faith to public affairs. More than 2,500 students have come to Washington and nearly 500 alumni currently work in the DC metro area in a variety of professional fields—private and public, for-profit and non-profit. Each student enrolls in the program’s two practicum courses: Internship and Topics in Leadership & Vocation. Students have the option of enrolling in a one-credit Professional Mentorship course. In addition, students apply to either the Public Policy track or the Global Development track. The Public Policy track equips and supports students in their analysis of a pressing public policy issue. Each student produces original research by engaging area experts and practitioners off-site and in the classroom as they investigate the local, national, and global factors that influence policy-making in Washington, DC. The Global Development track focuses on partnership initiatives taken by leaders in commercial, governmental and non-governmental organizations as they explore the impact they can achieve by collaborating to address issues of sustainable development worldwide. ASP students earn 15–16
AUSTRALIA STUDIES CENTRE (ASC) Since Spring 2004, the CCCU has partnered with the Wesley Institute in Sydney, Australia to offer the Australia Studies Centre. Throughout the semester, students study theology, global justice issues affecting Australia, Indigenous cultures and the arts. Every student is required to take the courses “The View from Australia: Issues in Religion, Politics, Economics & Cultural Values” and “Indigenous History, Cultures & Identity.” Additionally, students choose electives from Wesley Institute offerings in theology/ministry, music, drawing/graphic design, drama, dance, dance movement therapy, and counseling. Students live with Australian families and volunteer with local community service providers. In order to experience the various aspects of Australian culture, students spend time in the Australian capital, Canberra; travel to the edge of the Australian Outback; and spend the last week of the semester connecting with the Maori people in New Zealand. ASC students earn 16–18* semester hours of credit.
CHINA STUDIES PROGRAM (CSP) The China Studies Program enables students to engage China’s ancient history and intrigue from an insider’s perspective. While immersed in Chinese culture, students participate in seminar courses on the historical, cultural, religious, geographic and economic realities of this strategic, populous, and extremely influential nation. Students choose between completing a broad Chinese Studies Concentration or a Business Concentration, which includes an internship at a Chinese-owned and operated business in China. Students also study standard Chinese language with a goal of attaining the ability to handle everyday transactions in Mandarin. The program begins the semester in Hong Kong and introduces students to the diversity of China, including the capital city of Beijing, legendary Shanghai, ancient Xi’an and beautiful seaside Xiamen. This interdisciplinary, cross-cultural program enables students to communicate and understand the unique culture and people of China with an informed, Christ-centered perspective. CSP students earn 16-18* semester hours of credit.
semester hours of credit.
CONTEMPORARY MUSIC CENTER (CMC) The Contemporary Music Center provides students with the opportunity to live and work in the refining context of community while seeking to understand how God will have them integrate music, faith and business. The CMC offers three tracks: Artist, Business and Technical. The Artist Track is tailored to students considering careers as vocalists, musicians, songwriters, recording artists, performers and producers. The Business Track is designed for business, arts management, marketing, communications and related majors interested in possible careers as artist managers, agents, record company executives, music publishers, concert promoters and entertainment industry entrepreneurs. The Technical Track prepares students for careers in live sound, concert lighting and studio recording. Students within each of the tracks receive instruction, experience and a uniquely Christ-centered perspective on creativity and the marketplace, while working together to create and market a recording of original music. Each track includes coursework, labs, directed study and a practicum. CMC students earn 16 semester hours of credit.
INDIA STUDIES PROGRAM (ISP) “Unity in Diversity” is the hallmark of the nation of India. The India Studies Program is structured to provide students with both immersion in a local community and broad exposure to a variety of peoples, places and customs in India, including an extensive two-week travel portion of the program to provide students a close up look at India’s diversity. Students will participate in two core courses designed to provide a broad overview of the historical, religious, geographical and economic landscape of India. Building on their basic understanding of India’s past and contemporary realities students will have opportunities to explore a variety of issues -poverty, social justice, rapid social change, religious pluralism - through the eyes and experience of Indian Christians. Rounding out the semester experience, students will also have the opportunity to take courses in their major areas with Indian students and professors. At its heart, the India Studies Program strives to encourage and equip students to effectively relate to India and its people in an informed, constructive and Christcentered manner. ISP students earn 16 semester hours of credit.
LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM (LASP) Based in San José, Costa Rica, the Latin American Studies Program introduces students to a wide range of experiences through the study of the language, literature, culture, politics, history, economics, ecology and religion of the region. Through living with local families, students become a part of the day-to-day lives of Latin Americans. Students also take part in a practicum/internship and travel to nearby Central American nations. Students participate in one of four concentrations: Latin American studies (offered both fall and spring terms); advanced language and literature (designed for Spanish majors and offered both fall and spring terms); international business (offered only in fall terms); and environmental science (offered only during spring terms). Depending on their concentration, students travel to nearby Central American nations including Nicaragua and Cuba. LASP students earn 16-18* semester credits.
LOS ANGELES FILM STUDIES CENTER (LAFSC) Founded in 1991, the Los Angeles Film Studies Center trains students to serve in various aspects of the film industry with professional skill and Christian integrity. Each semester, students live, learn and work in L.A. The curriculum consists of two required seminars: Hollywood Production Workshop and Faith & Artistic Development in Film, focusing on the role of film in culture and the relationship of faith to work in this very influential industry. In addition, students choose one elective course from a variety of offerings in film studies. Internships in various segments of the film industry provide students with hands-on experience. The combination of the internship and seminars allows students to explore the film industry within a Christian context and from a liberal arts perspective. LAFSC students earn 16 semester hours of credit.
Based in Cairo, Egypt, this program offers students a unique opportunity to explore and interact with the complex and strategically important world of the modern Middle East. Students explore diverse religious, social, cultural and political traditions of Middle Eastern peoples through interdisciplinary seminars. They also study the Arabic language and may work as volunteers with various organizations in Cairo. Through travel in the region (typically Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Turkey), students are exposed to the diversity and dynamism of the local culture. At a time of tension and change in the Middle East, MESP encourages and equips students to relate to the Muslim, Eastern Christian and Jewish worlds in an informed, constructive and Christ-centered manner. MESP students earn 16 semester hours of credit.
OXFORD SUMMER PROGRAMME (OSP) The Oxford Summer Programme (OSP) allows students, as affiliate members of Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford, to do intensive scholarship in the oldest university in the English speaking world. During the five-week programme, students hone their research and writing skills and delve into the areas that interest them the most while exploring the relationship between Christianity and the development of the British Isles. Seminars and tutorials are given on specialized topics under expert Oxford academics in the areas of English language and literature, history, including the history of art and history of science, philosophy, and theology and the study of religion. The programme is structured for rising college sophomores, juniors, and seniors, graduate and seminary students, non-traditional students, teachers, and those enrolled in continuing education programs. OSP students earn 6 semester hours of credit.
SCHOLARS’ SEMESTER IN OXFORD (SSO) The Scholars’ Semester in Oxford is designed for students who want to study intensively and to a high standard. Students develop their academic writing and research skills and explore the disciplines and interests of their choice. As Visiting Students of Oxford University and members of Wycliffe Hall, students study in the oldest university in the English speaking world. SSO students enroll in a primary and secondary tutorial, an integrative seminar (or thesis in the case of second term students), and the British landscape course. Students group their work in a concentration so that all elements of their programme work together. SSO is designed for students interested in art history, classics, English language and literature, history, modern languages (French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian),
musicology, philosophy, psychology, and theology, though all majors may apply. SSO also offers 18 thematic or integrative concentrations such as history and philosophy of science and social sciences. Applicants are generally honors and other very high-achieving students and must have at minimum a 3.5 GPA to be considered for the programme. SSO students earn 17 semester hours of credit for a semester and may complete two semesters of the programme.
UGANDA STUDIES PROGRAM (USP) The Uganda Studies Program provides students with both immersion in a local community and broad exposure to a variety of people and places in Uganda and Rwanda. Students in the Uganda Studies Emphasis (USE) and Social Work Emphasis (SWE) share their lives with university students, living primarily on campus at Uganda Christian University (UCU), an international affiliate member of the CCCU located 15 miles east of the capital city of Kampala. They also participate in two short home stay experiences. Students in the Intercultural Ministry & Missions Emphasis (IMME) live with host families within walking distance of the university. Most of the courses offered are taught by UCU professors and many include both UCU and USP students. As a result, a spectrum of Ugandan relationship give USP students a firsthand perspective as they explore issues such as poverty, cultural expressions of Christianity and missions, and as they seek to reconcile the realities of East Africa with their Christian faith. Students also spend time in Rwanda and rural Uganda. In addition to the core experiential course, students will choose from an approved selection of courses from the UCU curriculum to earn up to 16 hours of credit.
WASHINGTON JOURNALISM CENTER (WJC) The Washington Journalism Center (WJC) is a semester-long study program in Washington, D.C., created for students interested in the field of journalism. While in Washington students take classes focusing on their personal writing skills and on the history and future of the media. These classes—Foundations for Media Involvement; Reporting in Washington; and Washington, News and Public Discourse—combined with an internship at a top news publication help students learn to integrate their faith in a journalism career. Students also participate in service learning opportunities as part of the WJC experience. WJC students earn 16 semester hours of credit.
ANSWERS TO STUDENTS’ —AND CAMPUSES’— IMPORTANT QUESTIONS Who can apply for a BestSemester program?
How is credit granted?
BestSemester programs are “extension campuses” for any student enrolled at a college or university that is willing to grant credit for the off-campus experience. Therefore, any student may apply. However, students enrolled in Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) campuses have priority acceptance for BestSemester programs. Students must be enrolled full-time on a home campus during participation on a BestSemester program. A home campus certification is required for every application. The CCCU is a higher education association of 186 intentionally Christ-centered institutions around the world. There are now 113 member campuses in North America and all are fully-accredited, comprehensive colleges and universities with curricula rooted in the arts and sciences. In addition, 73 affiliate campuses from 23 countries are part of the CCCU. The Council’s mission is to advance the cause of Christ-centered higher education and to help its institutions transform lives by faithfully relating scholarship and service to biblical truth.
Who on campus can help prepare me to study off-campus with BestSemester? Each CCCU college/university designates a main contact person on their campus. Every year BestSemester materials and updates are mailed to these appointed persons or to the campus’ chief academic officer. In addition, faculty, administrators and staff who request materials receive information on selected BestSemester programs. To find out who is the main campus contact at your school, go to www.BestSemester.com/campuscontactlist.
BestSemester programs are considered “extension campuses” of your college or university. The hours and academic credit for each BestSemester course are recommended by the Council to the home institution. (Usually 16 credits are recommended for each semester program and six credits for the Oxford Summer Programme.) Your home college or university grants the credit. “Transcripts” are sent to the registrar’s office at the end of each semester. Students on the following programs receive transcripts from the host institution: Australia Studies Centre (Wesley Institute), Scholars’ Semester in Oxford (Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford), and Uganda Studies Program (Uganda Christian University). Credit can usually be applied in a variety of ways— usually a combination of major/minor, general education and general elective credit. Council recommendations are provided on program Web sites. Students are advised in advance of program participation to follow their home campus policies and procedures for determining applicability of program credit. (Usually this is with their academic advisors and/or the registrar.) Most syllabi are in each program’s Academic section of www. BestSemester.com and are usually useful in determining the applicability of credit.
What is the cost? Each campus determines final billing for off-campus study. BestSemester fees as will be billed to the home campus are published online at www. BestSemester.com. Each program has a Costs page that outlines BestSemester fees as well as additional anticipated expenses. If you have questions about final fees, please talk with appropriate personnel on your campus. A good place to start is your campus contact (www. BestSemester.com/campuscontactlist). If you have questions about BestSemester fees or additional anticipated expenses, please contact the CCCU at 202.548.5201 or at info@BestSemester.com. Remember, the CCCU will refer any questions of final/total fees to the home campus.
How are students billed?
How and when do students apply?
About six weeks prior to the beginning of each semester, the Council sends an invoice to each sending institution via a designated invoice receiver for BestSemester programs. It is requested that this bill be paid within 45 days. (Payment plans can be established on an individual basis.) Each campus is then responsible for billing their participating students per their campus policy, including applicability of financial aid.
Students apply to BestSemester programs via an online application (www.bestsemester.com/apply). Each application requires student information, application questions, references, transcript(s) and home campus certification form. Applications are posted about a year in advance with application deadlines February 1 and April 1 for fall participation; May 1 and October 1 for spring participation; and January 15 and March 1 for the Oxford Summer Programme. Students are notified of an admissions decision via email approximately 2-3 weeks after the appropriate application deadline.
How does financial aid work? Since the BestSemester programs serve as extension campuses of Council member institutions and are, in effect, under contractual arrangement, most CCCU institutions allow applicable financial aid to continue during the semester of participation on BestSemester programs. This includes federal and state aid, private grants and/or scholarships, and institutional scholarships and grants. Several colleges cover the difference in price if their TRB is lower than that of the program. Others designate a certain amount of institutional aid to be made available for students studying off-campus. Some do not allow institutional financial aid for off-campus study. Each campus determines their financial aid policy. Students are strongly encouraged to find out their school’s financial aid policy prior to applying.
issues include energy/environment, health care, and international migration). Students choose and design a research agenda around a salient topic within the issue area. The research proposal—the course’s final project—presents a literature review on the policy topic, a preliminary assessment of how competing public arguments on the selected topic resonate with the student’s own understanding of what biblical justice requires, and a strategy for engaging leading institutions and individuals in Washington, D.C. through future field work. The student defends the proposal off-site to a professional working in the policy field.
PRACTICUM COURSES Internship (20–30 hrs/wk)
Topics in Leadership & Vocation
Professional Mentorship (optional)
Public Policy Project
Public Policy Project [3 credits]
GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT TRACK Entrepreneurship & Human Development Seminar
Global Development Partnership Exercise 3 TOTAL CREDITS
15 or 16
The program recommends to the home institution that the student receives the equivalent of 15 or 16 semester hours of credit, depending on the student’s selection of the optional one-credit hour mentorship course. Each student enrolls in the program’s Practicum courses. Students also apply to either the Public Policy Track or the Global Development Track. A mentorship course is optional for students in both tracks. All students participate in a minimum of 25 hours of service.
SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES Students participate in service opportunities with non-profit organizations serving the Washington, DC community. Special efforts are made to serve in the neighborhoods away from the more familiar federal city center. By the end of the semester, the student will have served more than 25 hours.
PUBLIC POLICY TRACK Possible Credit: political theory, public policy, political science; pre-law; history; international relations; public relations; political economy.
Policy Analysis & Advocacy Seminar [3 credits] ASP faculty and guest practitioners introduce the public debate on a pressing public policy issue (past
Students complete an independent research project and fashion their empirical findings into an effective advocacy agenda. Students organize into small advocacy teams and are required to provide policy recommendations. Research teams are expected to conduct personal interviews from among leading institutions and individuals in Washington, D.C., as well as attend Congressional briefings and hearings, conferences, and other events related to their topic. Each group presents an executive summary of their findings and recommendations in a mock Congressional briefing held in a Congressional office building.
GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT TRACK Possible Credit: business management, economics, intercultural studies, international business, international development, social entrepreneurship; social work, sociology, urban development
Entrepreneurship & Human Development Seminar [3 credits] This course provides students with a detailed introduction to the unique community of partnerships emerging in Washington, D.C. among commercial, governmental and non-governmental organizations. ASP faculty and guest practitioners provide a comparative analysis of approaches to the design and management of these types of collaborations. As part of their analysis, students are required to reflect on the biblical demands of justice and how these demands ought to be translated across the different institutional roles and responsibilities that comprise these partnerships.
Global Development Partnership Exercise [3 credits] Students organize into small working groups and are assigned to a Washington, DC-based client currently involved in a national or international development partnership. Students work alongside the on-going operations of the client organization. Each research team submits a final written report that analyzes client strategies in the context of larger partnership initiatives and provides recommendations for continued improvement in the areas of economic, environmental and social development. The final project requires each group to present an executive summary of their findings and recommendations in a development conference for the client and other relevant Washington, D.C.-based stakeholders.
PRACTICUM COURSES Internship Placement [6 credits] Possible Credit: Internships are typically related to the student’s major field of study.
This course provides students an opportunity to work as an intern in a professional setting, to reflect substantively upon workplace experiences, to connect those experiences to classroom themes and discussions, and to acquire the skill set and competencies needed to pursue a professional career in service to God’s kingdom. Each student is responsible for finding placement, assisted by the ASP internship coordinator. During the 12 week course, interns usually work all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays and two additional mornings per week for an average of 24 hours per week (the minimum is 20 hours and the maximum is 30 hours). Throughout the course, the student is required to submit reflection essays to their internship faculty advisor. At midterm, ASP internship faculty monitors conduct on-site visits to meet with each student and their supervisor to assess the quality of the student’s work. This assessment serves as a “progress report” on how students are meeting overall course requirements. At the conclusion of the on-site visit, students are given a written summary of strengths and areas needing improvement regarding both their on-site performance and their reflective journaling so they know what they need to do to achieve an excellent evaluation at term’s end. At the conclusion of the semester, each student submits a summary of their internship, detailing their activities and accomplishments over the course of the term. ASP submits this summary and supporting documents— including the final evaluation from the on-site supervisor, which constitutes 60% of the course grade—with the ASP grade report.
Topics in Leadership & Vocation [3 credits] Possible Credit: leadership, political/social science, ethics, religion/theology
This course focuses on what it means to “enact” one’s vocation by living out the truth of biblical convictions in all areas of life. The goal is to equip ASP students with the practical tools and practices that help sustain the core faith convictions and commitments they have developed on their home campuses as they move into post-graduate life as leaders in their respective fields. The course suggests our capacity to do so is rooted in our ability to recognize and resist efforts to compartmentalize, and subsequently marginalize, religious ideas and motivations from consideration as potentially critical factors for properly understanding and addressing problems in public life. The course also suggests using the pattern of the biblical narrative as an analytical framework and attempts to place students (and their own unique stories, identity and gifting) within this context. Throughout the course, special emphasis is made to connect students with ASP alumni and Christian practitioners to provide students with greater exposure to different vocational journeys, and to demonstrate the central importance of mentorship and community for sustaining one’s exploration of God’s call on their life. This five-week course meets during the term’s first two weeks, a midterm week, and a concluding “capstone” project during the semester’s last two weeks. During these weeks, students participate in service opportunities with non-profit organizations serving the Washington, D.C. community. Special efforts are made to serve in the neighborhoods away from the more familiar federal city center. By the end of the semester, the student will have served more than 25 hours.
Professional Mentorship [Optional, 1 credit] Possible Credit: leadership or student’s major field of study
This optional course involves monthly mentoring sessions with a Washington professional. Mentors typically have ten years of experience or more in their professional field. The mentor may be a single professional or a married couple. Through conversations and written reflections on required readings, the course explores the concept of vocation and the connection between the mentor’s vocational journey and the student’s own sense of God’s calling on their life. Additionally, mentor meetings offer students the opportunity to explore career and professional development issues with a leader in their chosen field of interest.
AUSTRALIA STUDIES CENTRE [ASC] and worldview and should be able to articulate, appreciate and critique the orienting values of Australian society. Students will also compare, contrast and critique their own cultural value structures through reflection exercises and begin to distinguish cultural virtues from Christian truth. Themes for the course include: the settlement of Australia and the influence of landscape and environment on national identity; Australian government and the media; Australian ideological trends, religion, art forms; immigration, consumer behaviour and foreign policy. This course includes a trip to Canberra (focused on foreign policy), an ‘Outback’ trip (focused on land and environment) and a 35 hour service placement.
Indigenous History, Cultures & Identity
DISCIPLINE EMPHASIS Faith and the Contemporary Artist II (fall, recommended)
Special Topic: Theology & the Arts (spring, recommended)
Discipline Courses
Possible Credit: General Studies, History, Political Science, Sociology, Religion/Theology, Cross-Cultural Studies.
Indigenous History, Cultures & Identity [3 credits]
The program recommends to home institutions that students be granted the equivalent of 16–18 semester hours of credit. *Enrollment in 18 credit hours requires prior approval of the program and the home campus. Students are required to enroll in at least 16 credits while attending the ASC.
The Australia Studies Centre is offered in partnership with the Wesley Institute, a CCCU affiliate member near Sydney. ASC is designed to integrate the firsthand observation and study of Australian culture, history, religion, politics and Indigenous cultures together with experiential service learning and formal instruction in the arts. The program is comprised of two culture classes designed especially for ASC students and three or four discipline classes. The Australian school year is divided into two semesters, Semester 1 (Feb.-June) and Semester 2 (July-Nov.).
CULTURE EMPHASIS The View from Australia: Issues in Religion, Politics, Economics & Cultural Values [3 credits] The emphasis of this course is on current issues and world developments that affect Australia, as interpreted from an Australian perspective. Through examination of Australians’ reactions to and handling of these matters, students should develop a basic understanding of the Australian culture
Aboriginal people living in Australia today are the present ‘face’ of ancient cultural lines that stretch back over eons of time. These lines contain knowledge about connections to Country; family relationships and kinship systems; an education system that is ‘holistic’; teaching about the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels of an individual; practical knowledge for daily survival; the Ancestral Spirits and Creation stories; ceremonies, songs, dances and music. This course will begin by looking at the various lines that cover the following: concept of Country, spiritual belief systems, kinship and family relationships, totemic systems, foods and medicines, education systems and spiritual beliefs, including the Creation stories. Other lines will include the arrival of Europeans; the disruption to Indigenous ways of life; Aboriginal resistance; racism and its consequences; the church’s involvement, past and present; Government policies, including the removal of Aboriginal children from their families; land right issues, social issues and political movements; Indigenous identity in the 21st century and determining Indigenous futures. This course will focus on the history of the Indigenous people of Australia and will include day trips as part of the course. Students will also spend time with a Maori community in New Zealand learning about their culture and history. Possible Credit: Anthropology, Sociology, History, Cross-Cultural Studies.
A) One of the following integrative studies courses (Recommended): Special Topic (Theology & the Arts) [4 semester credits, spring only} This unit introduces students to an appreciation and application of theology with respect to current topics and issues located at the intersection of faith, life and vocation – including special reference to the arts. While a range of different topics may be addressed, the consistent emphasis will be on creative and critical dialogue with culture, and with key concepts, themes and ideas past and present. Attention will be also be paid to the ways in which specific topics and issues are embedded within the life and practice of the Christian in the community and the workplace.
Faith and the Contemporary Artist II [2 credits, fall only] In this unit the dialogue is between theology and creativity, as students consider the divine origins of artistic endeavour, the revelation of God in Christ and His interaction with humanity. Theological reflection is grounded in history, philosophy and aesthetics to promote spiritual enquiry and development in the artist. Possible Credit: General Studies, Art, Music, Theatre.
B) Two or three courses in one of the following disciplines (Required): • Theology/Ministry • Drawing/Graphic Design • Dance • Drama • Music • Two to three Counseling and Dance Movement Therapy classes may be offered each semester
Sample courses include: THEOLOGY/MINISTRY
Advertising Design Contemporary Issues in Design Design History Designing for the Web Digital Graphic Design Design Studio Fundamentals of Graphic Design Drawing Image Making Motion Graphics Photography Visual Communication in Culture
DANCE Body Science Acrobatics/Partnering Technique Ballroom Choreography Dance Technique (Jazz, Contemporary, Ballet) Hip Hop Latin American Tap Psychosomatic Education
DRAMA Acting Costume Design Drama Pedagogy Introduction to Production Introduction to Drama Lighting/Sound/Set Design Performance Practice Production Practice Theatre History Theatre/Stage Management Theatre Secondment Video Production
MUSIC Aural Perception Ethnomusicology Harmony and Analysis Large Ensemble (choir) Musical Direction Music History Music Leading in Worship Small Ensembles (Chamber Choir), (Jazz), (Rock) or (Worship) Performance Private Lessons (any instrument) Please note: Not all classes will be offered every semester.
Adventure Based Ministry Field Experience Christianity in Australia Doctrine of God Exiles and Restoration Foundations of Pastoral Ministry The Early Church Homiletics Ministry Field Experience New Testament Background and Methodology Old Testament Background and Methodology Rise of Early Christianity Theological Foundations Theology of Marginalization Urban Ministry Field Experience
Please note: This is a sample list. Course list subject to change; not all classes will be offered every semester, while additional courses will be available. View the complete ASC Course Information at www.bestsemester.com/asccourseinfo.
Advertising Applied Typography
(Graduate level classes) Anatomy Disabilities, Children & Adolescents Historical and Contemporary Approaches Movement Observation and Analysis
COUNSELING (Graduate level classes) Assessment Tools & Techniques Bereavement, Grief and Loss Counseling Skills Developmental Issues Integrative Counseling Theory Introduction to Counseling Research
Students apply to either the China Studies Concentration or the Business Concentration. In addition to program’s core courses, each student enrolls in concentration-specific project courses.
Chinese 101 [2-3 credits] This course in introductory Chinese focuses on acquiring survival fluency in spoken and written Chinese. The emphasis is on the spoken form of Mandarin Chinese, the national language of China. Students who have already studied Chinese may apply for a more advanced class by passing a Waiver Exam. All students take the written exams for Chinese characters, vocabulary and grammar.
Chinese History
Intercultural Communication
Contemporary Society & Public Policy
China Studies Concentration students are required to take Chinese 101 for three credits.
Chinese History [3 credits]
International Business in China (with no internship)
Eastern Philosophy & Religions
Dimensions of East Asian Culture
Chinese Painting**
Tai Chi**
One-third of this seminar course consists of lectures, one-third consists of presentations by the students about one significant event or person in Chinese history, and one-third consists of field trips to historical sites. While living in the ancient capital of Xi’an, students study the history of China from its earliest beginnings to the present. Students become familiar with the major dynasties of China, their character, contributions and their major figures. During their time in Xi’an, Beijing and Shanghai, students visit many famous Chinese sites of historical importance including the Terra Cotta Soldiers, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, and the Great Wall of China.
Chinese History
Intercultural Communication
Contemporary Society & Public Policy
International Business in China
Business Internship
Tai Chi***
Possible Credit: History, Social Science, Cross-Cultural Studies.
Intercultural Communication [3 credits] This course covers issues intended to help students understand and adjust to Chinese culture. Focus is given to how our students demonstrate their beliefs in their daily lives within the context of China. Topics include culture and basic values, culture shock, introductory linguistics, contextualization and factors involved in successful cross-cultural interaction. Well-known films featuring famous actors (both Western and Chinese) that focus on cross-cultural experiences will be shown and discussed each week.
The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 15-18 semester hours of credit. *Enrollment in 18 credit hours requires prior approval of the program and the home campus. *** Tai Chi is available to Business Concentration students who take the 2-hour language course and are approved for 18 credit hours.
Possible Credit: Communication, Cross-Cultural Studies.
Contemporary Society: Public Policy & Economic Development [3 credits] This course examines two key and inter-related aspects of modern China: government policy and economic reforms. Public Policy covers the structure of the Chinese government, social rights and the legal system, and issues such as ethnic minorities, family planning and education. Economic Development focuses on the government policies from 1949 to the present, from the commune system to the current marketoriented reforms. Other topics include foreign investment, pollution and the environment, and the World Trade Organization. Each student will present an investigative report based on interviews with the Chinese about a topic related to contemporary Chinese society that is of particular interest to Westerners, such as the One-Child Policy, Sino-US relations, or Media & the Internet.. Possible Credit: Political Science, Cross-Cultural Studies, Economics, General Studies, History.
CONCENTRATIONS In addition to the core courses, students also select one of the following concentrations.
Dimensions of East Asian Culture [3 credits] This elective course introduces students to Chinese visual, physical, medical and culinary arts. Each component consists primarily of hands-on practice. In Chinese Painting, students learning how to hold a brush, mix pigments and paint water-colors in the Chinese style. Instruction about Chinese cooking & cuisines will guide how students prepare and cook ingredients into meals. For Tai Chi, students will practice for 90-minutes a day, three weeks in a row, to learn a standard Tai Chi routine, as well as some practice in martial arts. Lectures on Traditional Chinese Medicine are not hands-on, though you will see and (if you like) experience TCM treatment such as acupuncture. Students will also have a several lectures on the unifying Chinese philosophy that underlies these dimensions of Chinese culture.
Chinese Painting (1 credit; not available to students who already take the 3-credit “Dimensions” elective).
Students will learn to paint from a Chinese artist. They will practice the basics of Chinese water-based brushwork, painting traditional pictures of bamboo, flowers, etc.
Tai Chi (1 credit; not available to “Dimensions” students).
CHINA STUDIES CONCENTRATION Students select an additional 3–6 credits from the following elective courses:
Chinese I02 [3 credits] This course focuses on acquiring low-intermediate fluency in spoken and written Chinese so that a student can handle situations such as travel planning, illness, making appointments, etc. There will also be lectures on Chinese dialects, simplified v. traditional characters, and word radicals. Possible Credit: Chinese Language, Linguistics.
Eastern Philosophy & Religions [3 credits] This is an elective 3-credit hour independent study course that introduces concepts embedded in Chinese culture: “Yin & Yang” and the “Five Elements.” Aside from reading two texts on these topics, students will choose one topic to be covered in depth. This will involve reading at least one other sizable text on the subject. The specific course text(s) depends on each student’s background, interests, and (conceivably) school requirements. By the end of the 13th week of the program, you will submit a 15-20 page paper (excluding title page, illustrations, etc.) responding to specific questions about the selected text.
This physical education course emphasizes traditional Chinese forms of stylized self-defense, which tones the body and concentrates the mind. Exercises may focus on either the gentler form of tai chi, or on the more vigorous wu shu, depending on who is teaching that semester.
BUSINESS CONCENTRATION International Business in China [3 credits] In this course, students hear talks covering issues such as fair and ethical business practices and the factors involved in out-sourcing jobs to China. Besides the basics of private and public business practice in China, students will focus on the cultural differences between the way Chinese and Americans do business. Students will prepare a paper in which they describe and analyze the differences in the way that an American or international company markets its products or its franchise in China. Overall, the goal is for students to understand the personal costs involved in approaching business overseas not simply as an investment, but as a calling. This course may be taken as an elective by China Studies Concentration students. Possible Credit: International Business, Business Administration.
Possible Credit: World Religion/Religion, Cross-Cultural Studies.
Business Internship [3 credits]
The Internship Coordinator will make every attempt to place students in job placements that will provide meaningful work experience for the three-week internships, working full-time (usually 40+hrs/week) for either Chinese-owned and operated companies. These internships are true cultural immersion. Currently, nearly all of these internship placements are in Xiamen city and take place from the 12th to the 14th weeks of the program. Pre-requisite: International Business in China
As part of the Contemporary Society course, students engage in one-week service (or “solidarity�) work in a more rural part of China. In the past, this has ranged from students teaching English to schoolchildren on a daily basis to working on a ranch and doing whatever odd jobs that are of most use to our hosts (such as housepainting, digging irrigation ditches, hoeing, etc.). Most students describe this service project as the highlight of the program.
Possible Credit: Business major internship.
aesthetic, social, cultural and industrial contexts. Additional topics include the study of the role of popular music in cultural communication, the development of a Christian critical method and an examination of different Christian approaches to popular art and culture.
In addition to the core courses (7 credits), each student participates in three courses (9 credits) from their chosen track: Artist, Business or Technical.
CORE COURSES Faith, Music and Culture
Inside the Music Industry
Practicum: “CMC Tour”
Possible Credit: Religion/Theology, Music, General Studies
Inside the Music Industry [3 credits] Through readings, lectures and seminars, the course will give up-to-the-minute insight into the inner workings of the music industry. Emphasis will be given to career possibilities and the gifts and skills required to succeed in each of the major areas, including work as a performer, songwriter, record producer and engineer, artist manager, booking agent, concert promoter, record retailer, entertainment attorney, A&R executive, marketing executive, sales executive and music journalist. Students will gain an understanding of the structure and methodologies of a typical U.S. record company, including A&R, marketing, radio promotion, public relations, sales & distribution, product development, art, manufacturing and business affairs.
ARTIST TRACK Essentials of Songwriting
Studio Recording
BUSINESS TRACK Strategic Management
Music Business Survey
Advanced Media Marketing
Possible Credit: Business Administration, Music.
TECHNICAL TRACK Advanced Studio Recording
Audio Engineering
Concert Production
Practicum: “CMC Tour” [1 credit] The CMC Tour is the capstone experience of the semester. Students and faculty embark on a 6-day tour of college campuses and other venues, mounting a show each night with full production— lights, sound, staging and video. Every student is involved in the process either as a performer, part of the technical staff, or as a producer. The Business track students are also required to keep the tour on budget by tracking costs and providing daily analysis of the budget.
The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16 semester hours of credit.
Faith, Music and Culture [3 credits]
Essentials of Songwriting [3 credits]
The purpose of this course is to help students develop a Christian approach to the creation, marketing and consumption of contemporary music. While engaging in studies of theory, history and criticism, students will explore the concept of culture and the nature of popular culture and examine popular art and music in contemporary
Artists receive classroom instruction, participate in directed study with staff and work in collaboration with other students to develop their use of form, melody, harmony, rhythm and lyric. Emphasis is placed on the song as the vehicle for the artist’s creative exploration and public communication. Possible Credit: Creative Writing, Music, Individual Studies.
Studio Recording [3 credits]
Advanced Media Marketing [3 semester credits]
Artists, via both the classroom and lab, work with faculty, other students and visiting experts to learn how to produce, record, mix and edit recordings in a professional digital recording studio.
Through classroom instruction and presentations by visiting industry experts, Business Track students will become familiar with traditional and progressive marketing strategies. Key areas including publicity, advertising, radio and video promotion, Internet marketing, and tour support will be addressed. Students will develop a comprehensive marketing plan for each Artist and will also create and implement the marketing plan for the CMC Tour.
Possible Credit: Music, Individual Studies, Recording Techniques, Electronic Music, MIDI.
Performance [3 credits] In consultation with staff and Executive Track students, artists develop a live concert presentation that best utilizes their gifts as musicians, entertainers and communicators. Both on-campus showcases and public performances are presented throughout the semester. Possible Credit: Music, Individual Studies, Recital, Large and Small Ensemble, Major Practical Studies.
BUSINESS TRACK Music Business Survey [3 semester credits] Through lecture, text and visiting music industry experts, Business Track students will gain a broad understanding of key aspects of the music business including: Booking, Artist Management, Touring, Road Management, Production, Marketing and Promotion, Copyright and Legal Issues, Publishing and Licensing. This course will outline economic, creative and spiritual elements critical to a career in contemporary music and guide students in assessing their own strengths, weaknesses and interests. The focus for this course is hands-on application through work with contracts, live show production and career planning.
Possible Credit: Business Administration, Management, Marketing, Communications and/or Media.
TECHNICAL TRACK Audio Engineering [3 semester credits] This course focuses on concepts and common practices in professional audio. Instruction and practical experience will focus on sound reinforcement for concerts as well as recording studio techniques, since both disciplines employ the same concepts. The information learned in this course will be put into practice in both the Concert Production and Studio Production courses. Possible Credits: Sound Reinforcement, Chapel Sound, Audio Visual, elective.
Advanced Studio Recording [3 semester credits] This course focuses on professional audio recording and production. The concepts and practices learned in this course will be used by the students to engineer and mix three songs per student in the Artist Track. The goal is for students to leave the CMC prepared for an entry level position in any area of studio recording.
Possible Credit: Business Administration, Management, Marketing, Communications and/or Media.
Possible Credits: Recording, Electronic Music, Keyboard Techniques, MIDI Sequencing, elective.
Strategic Management [3 semester credits]
Concert Production [3 semester credits]
Business Track students will assemble a successful artist roster and participate in the following activities on their artist’s behalf: scheduling, creating a business plan, analyzing and forecasting trends in popular music, advising and developing the artists with regard to their live show and recordings.
This course focuses on sound reinforcement, stage lighting and design, stage management, and concert production management. The concepts and practices learned in this course will be used by the students to produce the weekly CMC Live show in support of the Artist Track student performances, as well as the week long tour of CCCU college campuses. The goal is for students to leave the CMC prepared for an entry level position in any area of concert production.
Possible Credit: Business Administration, Management, Marketing, Communications and/or Media.
Possible Credits: Theatrical lighting design, chapel/ concert lighting, Audio Visual, elective.
Contemporary India: Culture, Society and Challenges [4 credits]
CORE COURSES (REQUIRED) Contemporary India: Culture, Society & Challenges
India’s Religious Landscape
Indian Literature
Indian Design: Traditional Costumes & Textiles
An overview of India’s history, development and emergence as a global partner, examining its people, cultures and social fabric with an introduction to local and national languages. The course will include lectures, seminars, local, regional and national travel, family and community actives and service-learning opportunities. The course is designed to provide an integrating context and foundation for the entire semester. Course will be supervised and coordinated by the ISP director assisted by an Indian professor of history and culture and other guest lecturers.
Indian Arts & Paintings
India’s Religious Landscape [3 credits]
Culinary Dimensions of Culture
Current Perspective of Business in India
Field Experience & Internship
Total Credits
ELECTIVE COURSES (SELECT THREE) Indian Society & Social Work Intervention 3
This course will provide an introduction and comparative study of the major religious traditions and influences in Indian society and culture. Through readings, lectures, excursions, conversations with local students and families, and participation in various service outreach projects, students will engage with persons from India diverse religious traditions. Students will also examine the challenges and opportunities for expressing a Christian world and life view in a religiously diverse culture. The ISP director will work with a local Indian professor with theological training to organize and present this course and related community experiences and excursions.
The program recommends to home institutions that students be granted the equivalent of 16 semester hours of credit.
The India Studies Program is offered in partnership with Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Sciences (BACAS), an international affiliate member of the CCCU since 2001. The ISP curriculum is designed to be attractive to North American students while offering a variety of perspectives and windows on India and building on Bishop Appasamy’s academic strengths.
ELECTIVE COURSES [Select three] Students will choose any three of the following 3-credit options. These courses, designed and prepared by each department, will involve BACAS students in course assignments, excursions and discussions.
Building on two core courses, each BACAS academic department designed a course that could be offered each semester specifically for the ISP program. These courses are designed to offer a comprehensive view of the Indian context, have academic credibility and relate to students’ major areas of study on the home campus at least as elective courses. The BACAS faculty have also outlined and integrated service opportunities and travel components for each course and across all courses, including a two week travel component at the end of the semester.
Indian Society & Social Work Intervention [3 credits] A course designed for social work, community development, missions and social science majors exploring the key dimensions of Indian society and related social problems and challenges (past and present). Within this context students will explore the social work profession and methods of practice in India. Throughout the course students will interact with local social work students and participate in a variety of field work and research projects.
Indian Literature [3 credits] A survey course examining 5 major streams of Indian literature including works written in English and in translation from tradition and contemporary India dialects. Students will read and examine works of poetry (Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore); prose (M.K.Gandhi’s Shyness my Shield); a variety of short stories (The Tiger in the Tunnel by Ruskin Bond) and longer works of fiction (The Dark Holds No Terror, by Shashi Deshpande); and drama (Aurangzeb, by Indira Parthasarathy).
Indian Design: Traditional Costumes and Textiles [3 credits]
Culinary Dimensions of Culture: Indian Cuisine, Traditions and Festivals [3 credits] An introduction to Indian cuisine and a study of the expression of cultural, religious and social values expressed through diet, food preparation, presentation and related customs and traditions. Students will learn some basics of food preparation and will sample a variety of cuisines from across India. The course will also explore dietary beliefs and practices common across India as well as the historical traditions and influences that have shaped Indian cooking.
Current Perspective of Business in India [3 credits]
This course is designed to help students explore the relationship of cultural traditions and customs and everyday life as expressed in design, clothing and other forms of decoration and adornment. Students will examine the cultural significance of designs and costumes from each of the major regions in India. In addition students will have the opportunity to learn firsthand about design and production of articles of clothing and explore the inside story of India’s fashion and textile industry.
Indian Arts & Paintings [3 credits] Students will have the opportunity to develop or enhance their basic drawing and painting skills while examining uniquely Indian schools of art, color and technique. This course will emphasize human form drawing, floral design and representing birds and animals in their nature environment as examples of Indian art and techniques. No prior experience is required. Students with advanced training are welcome and will be provided with additional studio experience and instruction.
An international business course focusing on marketing and management practices in India and its relationship to the global economy. Students will also examine the evolution of retailing in the Indian market and the role of entrepreneurship in economic development and the global economy. Similarities and differences in Indian business practices, culture and perspectives in comparison with western/US practices will be explored and analyzed.
Field Experience & Internship [3 credits] Students in education, social work, business, communication and design with appropriate background or course work can complete an individually designed 90 hour supervised field based internship or practicum. Students, in consultation with the ISP director and BACAS faculty, will develop a learning contract for onsite experience working in a local school, agency, business, microfinance project or related setting. The learning contract will include learning outcome goals, specific on site activities and responsibilities and opportunities for reflection and supervisor feedback. If desired these learning contracts could be designed in conjunction with faculty from the student’s home campus.
course includes discussions with Latin American experts and field trips to various sites. This seminar introduces students to:
Students apply to one of four concentrations: Latin American Studies, Advanced Language and Literature, International Business (fall only) or Environmental Science (spring only).
Spanish Language
Core Seminar
Concentration Courses
Regional Study Travel
• The historical development of Latin America, including selected case studies; • A variety of analytical perspectives from which the Latin American reality is explained and understood; • The character, past and present, of U.S. policy in the region; • The nature and influence of the economic reality in the region.
Possible Credit: History, General Studies, Cross-Cultural Studies.
The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16-18 semester hours of credit. Credit distributed is specific to each concentration.
Regional Study Travel [1-3 credits] The LASP group travels to several countries in Central America during the semester. The travel practicum component is not a vacation trip; it is an integral part of the learning process. Students will be required to attend conferences, complete selected readings and maintain a journal of ideas and perceptions developed throughout the trips.
*Enrollment in 18 credit hours requires prior approval of the program and the home campus.
CORE COURSES Spanish Language study, Core Seminar, and the Travel Practicum form LASP’s experiential and academic “Core”.
CONCENTRATIONS Each applicant selects one of the following four concentrations: Latin American Studies; Advanced Language and Literature; International Business (Fall semester only); or Environmental Science. (Spring semester only). Concentration courses take place during weeks 10-15 of the semester and consists of coursework and practicums/internships.
Spanish Language Study [6 credits] Students come to Costa Rica with varying degrees of fluency in Spanish, so LASP places them in the Spanish class that corresponds to each participant’s level of oral proficiency based on a placement exam and interview during orientation. Students study grammar, conversation, phonetics and/or literature based on the results of their tests. Classes are taught by Latin Americans. Because of this, participants hear and learn the language the way it is spoken in Latin America. This is reinforced during everyday interaction with Spanish-speaking host families.
LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES CONCENTRATION Pre-requisite: Equivalent of one year of college Spanish.
Responses to Third World Reality [3 credits] Community Immersion/Internship [3 credits]
Possible Credit: Spanish Language.
This concentration is interdisciplinary by design. Here students are challenged in a seminar that includes diverse perspectives, broad readings and hands-on experience in a practicum setting. Course content is adapted to changes in Latin American society. In recent semesters, the concentration has
Core Seminar: Perspectives on Latin American History and Contemporary Issues [3 credits] This seminar introduces the social, historical, political, economic and theological currents that constitute Latin American society and culture. The
included a study trip to Cuba. The concentration aims that participants: • Demonstrate a critical understanding of how Costa Ricans and Cubans have chosen to respond to their realities; • Re-examine their worldviews by exploring the beliefs of those they meet during the Costa Rican Practicum Experience and the Cuba Study Trip; • Articulate faith-informed positions on the appropriateness of North Americans serving in Latin America, the relationship between humans and creation, and the use of violence in response to conflict; • Allow their telos to direct their praxis, becoming Christian agents for change in the world. Possible Credit: History, Cross-Cultural Studies, Religion/ Theology/Missions, Sociology.
Pre-requisite: Course background should include macro-/microeconomics and introductory-level management. Basic marketing and international relations or cross-cultural studies are also recommended.
Business Seminar [3 credits] Community Immersion/Internship [3 credits] Business concentration students spend an intense six weeks addressing the fundamentals and application of international business. Business concentration students are exposed firsthand to the political, social and economic realities of Latin America and must constantly answer the question: “What should the role of a Christian person be in the face of these realities?” Throughout this concentration, students will:
• Meet Latin American business and government leaders;
This concentration is designed for Spanish language majors with a minimum of one-year of college/ university intermediate Spanish and one semester of advanced-Spanish conversation and/or composition.
• Visit plantations, cooperatives, maquilas and local businesses of interest;
Language & Literature Seminar [3 credits] Community Immersion/Internship [3 credits] This concentration focuses on the social, cultural, political, economic and religious issues of Latin America in the target language. Students examine how Latin Americans view their neighbors to the north and around the world through conversations, conferences and related literature. Presentations by invited speakers are delivered in Spanish and all required readings and assignments are written in Spanish. This concentration is designed to: • Expand students’ Spanish language skills through a seminar taught exclusively in Spanish, a practicum or trip in the Latin American context and the daily use of Spanish while living with a Costa Rican host family; • Examine Latin America through its literature, using it as a means to examine society and culture; • Meet and interact with prominent literary figures in the region; • Attend local theatrical and film productions. Possible Credit: Spanish Language, Linguistics, Literature.
• Participate in a hands-on case study/internship project. Possible Credit: Business Administration.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE CONCENTRATION (SPRING SEMESTER ONLY) Environmental Science Seminar [4 credits] Field Research Practicum [2 credits] Participants in this concentration explore the natural sciences in a tropical setting and study their influence on the process of sustainability. Students are immersed in a variety of ecosystems: dry forests, lowland rainforests, mountain cloud forests, volcanic regions, as well as beautiful coral reefs. Costa Rica serves as a natural laboratory. Students of the Environmental Science Concentration will: • Aid in research projects ranging from ecology to ecotourism; • Examine sustainable development and management of Costa Rica’s protected natural areas; • Investigate the general ecology of several tropical biomes, including highland cloud forest, mangrove forest, coral reefs, lowland rain forests and dry forests; • Study from the perspective of an informed Christian steward creation. Possible Credit: Biology, Botony, Environmental Science.
LOS ANGELES FILM STUDIES CENTER [LAFSC] *Please Note: $350 of labs fees will go towards the
RECOMMENDED CREDITS Hollywood Production Workshop
Faith & Artistic Development in Film
Internship: Inside Hollywood
production cost of the films, which may include location fees, special equipment rental, props, costumes, makeup, expendables, meals, licensing fees, etc. Lab fees are due prior to the beginning of the semester
Faith and Artistic Development in Film [3 credits]
ELECTIVE COURSES (CHOOSE ONE) Narrative Storytelling
Professional Screenwriting
Professional Acting for the Camera
Independent Study
A class that explores the connection between the eye, the heart and the hand, this course focuses on the integration of faith and learning as well as developing the necessary skills for analysis of the culture of Hollywood. The first section of the class emphasizes the eye: discovering your own identity, looking at film’s historical impact, spiritual impact, audience trends, the auteur movement, and vision in film, as well as providing a basis for heart preparation for production. The second section of the course emphasizes the heart: ethics, relationships and communication, passion and art. The last section of the course emphasizes the hand, exploring the collaborative process in Hollywood Production Workshop and Motion Picture Production: roles and aspects of production, the production process, relationships on set, and communication. All students participate in a team-taught lecture seminar led by the faculty of The Los Angeles Film Studies Center.
The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16 semester hours of credit.
CORE COURSES Hollywood Production Workshop [4 credits] Students work collaboratively in groups to create a festival-ready piece, including all the legal documentation and rights to enable the finished production to qualify for festival submission. The course offers students the opportunity to make a motion picture production using Hollywood locations, resources and protocol. Students participate in a competitive vetting process of scripts, pitches and meetings, much like the process of the professional industry. This course operates as a community-building experience in which all students participate in at least one key role in the production process. The course also offers small group tutorials for each student’s production position. The workshop environment is specifically designed to meet the needs of both novice and experienced students. The major emphases of the course are the importance of each contribution to a production, the process of production and effective production management. This course complements the more specialized, skill-focused elective courses and is taught by professional, experienced Christian filmmakers with credits in the Hollywood industry.
Course Objectives: To develop a worldview inclusive of Hollywood cinema and faith. To balance individual beliefs with the pluralistic culture of Hollywood. To articulate what it means to be a filmmaker and artist as a person of faith in the Hollywood entertainment industry, and to explore it as a vocation. To create life-long learners who think more critically and creatively. To develop a thoughtful, holistic Christian worldview and exhibit Christ-like attitudes and habits. To develop the ability to navigate the Hollywood film industry relationally and to complete projects professionally. Academic Application: Biblical Studies/Theology, Ethics, Faith and Culture, Art and Faith
Internship: Inside Hollywood [6 credits] Students participate in an internship experience in some aspect of the Hollywood entertainment industry. These are nonpaying positions primarily in an office setting such as development companies, agencies, management companies,
Possible credit: Film Studies, Communication, Art, Business, English/Writing, Elective.
post-production facilities, etc. Students work 20 to 24 hours a week, spread over a three day schedule and accumulate 200-250 hours for the semester. Orientation to the internship includes an overview of the creative and operational aspects of the Hollywood entertainment business, including the Christian’s role working therein. The internships do not include positions on actual filmmaking locations. Instead, students work in offices as support personnel to producers, writers, directors, agents, post-production personnel and others involved in the total process of producing and distributing a major motion picture. LAFSC provides interns to many of the major companies within Hollywood.
Professional Screenwriting [3 credits] This is a course in contemporary screenwriting, including an understanding of dramatic structure, character and dialogue development, and the writing process. Students complete a full-length screenplay for a feature film or “movie-of-theweek.” Whether novice or advanced, students are expected to develop and improve their skills. Emphasis is given to the role of Christian faith and values as they relate to script content. The course is taught by a working, credited Christian screenwriter. Possible credit: Communication, Film Studies, English, Creative Writing.
Professional Acting for the Camera [3 credits]
Possible credit: Film Studies, Communication, Art, Business, English/Writing, Elective.
ELECTIVE COURSES Students chose one of the following 3 credit classes:
Narrative Storytelling [3 credits] Concentrating on the art form of narrative storytelling, the course places special emphasis on the visual aspect of the discipline. Two tracks are offered in the course. The Structural track covers topics ranging from the history of story in culture and film to the mechanics of story creation to the development of story-writing skills. Instruction in the Technical Story track focuses on advanced methods of cinematography and post-production and how those techniques can be used to improve visual storytelling. After the core instructional period in each track, students from both tracks are reunited and will have the opportunity to hone their narrative analysis skills, participate in workshop style labs and make two short films that demonstrate their ability to utilize storytelling theory on screen. Course Objectives: Story – Demonstrate understanding and improvement in developing story ideas through sight and sound. Narrative history/aesthetics serves as a guide to this process; Technique – Learn to creatively apply the principles and techniques of story creation and telling; Resource management – Learn how to manage time, personnel, equipment, and other resources to complete complex projects efficiently and effectively; Analytical / critical skills – Develop the ability to analyze one’s own completed work and the work of others with constructive criticism aimed at improvement. Students should learn how to accept criticism well; Hollywood professionalism – Develop the ability to navigate the Hollywood film industry to complete projects professionally. This includes following industry standards of courtesy and safety. Academic Application: English, Humanities, Film, Creative Writing, Education
An advanced workshop in the practice and process of acting for the camera aimed at students who have a desire to pursue acting as a career. Instruction includes an overview of current camera acting techniques and thorough discussion of the art of acting. The class primarily consists of acting scene work with all scenes being filmed and critiqued on the big screen. Students will also be required to pursue roles in student and independent films. Several class sessions throughout the course will be devoted to the business of acting for film and television in the Hollywood entertainment industry with an emphasis given to developing the materials and relationships necessary for a successful career.
Independent Study [3 credits] This course may be elected by special request and arrangement. In order to be considered, students submit a portfolio and a project proposal. Students with approved projects will be appointed a mentor who is a professional in the Hollywood industry. Projects could include further development of a portfolio or reel, critical research or a senior thesis project. Please Note: The Independent study option is not guaranteed and is intended for students with experience in a specific area of cinema or those needing to complete a senior project for graduation. The number of independent studies offered each semester will be determined by LAFSC faculty, the availability of a suitable mentor and approval from your school’s film/communications department head.
Islamic Thought and Practice
Conflict & Change in the Middle East
Peoples & Cultures of the Middle East
influential institutions and architecture in the Arab world. Occasionally, students encounter important personalities associated with institutions like Al Azhar, Cairo University, the Egyptian Government or the Arab League. This course frequently makes use of local scholars, experts, religious figures, or other locals in order to enhance students’ encounters with the religion and history of the region.
The program recommends to home institutions that students be granted the equivalent of 16 semester hours of credit.
Possible Credit: History, Religion
Conflict and Change in the Middle East [4 credits]
Possible Credit: Language, Cross-Cultural Studies
This course examines the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or what many scholars now call “the 100 Years War.” Beginning with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the course traces the origin of the conflict from the early encounters between Arabs and Jews in Palestine to the contemporary struggle to achieve a final status agreement between Israelis and Palestinians today. Students learn about the complexity and difficulty of reaching peace in an otherwise tiny space shared by two peoples with competing civilizational visions. The course usually includes a two-week, on-site component in Israel and select Palestinian areas in order to give students first-hand experience seeing and hearing the important people and places that make this conflict so difficult. This component is subject to change based on safety considerations.
Islamic Thought and Practice [4 credits]
Possible Credit: Political Science, History
This course examines many dimensions of Islamic faith—historical, legal, doctrinal, popular and behavioral—from early times to the present. While emphasis is on the early period and its influence on events and people, the course also attempts to relate these early developments to contemporary issues in the Middle East, such as the impact of colonialism, gender equality, modernization, development and democracy. Students are encouraged to begin thinking about relevant similarities and differences between themselves and Muslim peoples around the world.
Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East [4 credits]
Introduction to Arabic Language [4 credits] This course, taught by Egyptian instructors affiliated with the American University in Cairo, aims to help students acquire basic skills in Egyptian Arabic, a dialect widely understood in the Arab world. The course emphasizes the practical use of the language, encouraging interaction with the locals through the use of “Cairo Lab” assignments or during visits to service projects. Small classes four days per week offer a solid introduction to the colloquial grammar and a substantial vocabulary as students take more than 40 hours of instruction. Once completed, the course should bring students to the intermediate level of Egyptian colloquial Arabic.
This course examines the variety of peoples and cultures in the Middle East in societies like Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Israel/Palestine and Turkey. While the selection of travel locations will depend upon safety conditions prevailing at the time of travel, the course nonetheless seeks to introduce students to patterns of thought and behavior which characterize the region generally without losing sight of important national differences. The Middle East is a multiethnic, multiconfessional region and student travel allows them to observe and study a great variety of social, religious and political groups.
The course also makes use of the “Cairo Lab” in order to showcase some of the most historically
In addition, students learn about pressing issues related to gender, conflict economic development, and cultural identity that currently animate the many religious and political communities they visit. As part of our culture component of the program, we arrange week long home-stays with mainly Muslim families. Ideally, each family has a contact person who is the same gender and is an English speaker so students have a way to communicate their needs, ideas and feelings. It is a positive as well as necessary experience in order for students to appreciate the genuine nature of life in Egypt. While most students stay individually with a family, some MESP students may do their home-stays together. Possible Credit: Sociology, Anthropology
ADDITIONAL LEARNING RESOURCES Service Opportunities Students participate in service projects every Tuesday, except when traveling. Opportunities include working with orphan babies, Sudanese refugees, disadvantaged children of Garbage City and the elderly. Subject to change.
Culture and Language Exchange The Culture and Language Exchange program is designed to build person to person relationships between MESP students and their Muslim and Christian Egyptian friends. The idea is for individuals to meet early in the semester, exchange email and phone numbers, and meet occasionally for informal discussion about topics of interest to them. Through the CLE program, MESP hopes to encourage relationships between young people that lead to meaningful and candid discussions.
Travel MESP students have traveled throughout the Middle East and have visited Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco and Turkey, as well as various Egyptian sites outside of Cairo. However, please note that all travel is subject to change based upon safety considerations.
The Christian Tradition in the British Isles
Seminar and tutorial A
Seminar and tutorial B
All students are required to participate in this course lecture programme. The Christian tradition in the British Isles examines the development of Christianity in the British Isles, from the Celtic peoples of Britain under the Roman Empire to the Anglo-Saxons, the medieval church, the emergence of a variety of traditions in the reformation, and the contribution of Christianity to social reform in the nineteenth, twentieth and twentyfirst centuries. Through studying the Christian tradition, central to British culture until the last few decades, participants also get a glimpse into the development of British culture as a whole. The course includes lectures and three field trips to sites of major interest, and provides the historical context for work undertaken in the seminars.
The program recommends to the home institution that the student receive the equivalent of 6 semester hours of credit.
The Oxford Summer Programme (OSP) allows students, as affiliate members of Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford, to do intensive scholarship in the oldest university in the English-speaking world. Students hone their research and writing skills and delve into the areas that interest them most while exploring the relationship between Christianity and the development of the British Isles. Seminars and tutorials are given on specialized topics under expert Oxford academics in the areas of English language and literature, history, art history, history of science, philosophy, theology and religion. The programme is structured for rising college sophomores, juniors, seniors, graduate and seminary students, non-traditional students, teachers and those enrolled in continuing education programs.
Seminars All students participate in a two different seminars. Students are evaluated by the seminar leaders on the basis of written work. Undergraduate students submit two essays for each seminar. Seminars can be taken for undergraduate or graduate credit.
Tutorials As part of each seminar students participate in two individual tutorials during the second part of the programme. Tutorials are given on materials related to the students’ seminar and focus on material studied for the tutorial essay.
Secondary Tutorial
Integrative Seminar
British Studies Core Course
The first semester introduces students to advanced, intense scholarship, the tutorial (which is the most distinctive element of Oxford’s teaching) and Oxford’s libraries—more than 100 of them with 11 million items between them and the portals to extremely large electronic resources. Tutorials are equivalent to upper-division courses, not introductory courses, for which students need adequate preparation. Students wanting to study British history, for example, need to have done some history, though not necessarily in British history. Similarly, students wanting tutorials in Latin may never have studied Latin, but will have an aptitude for languages and experience of literary studies.
Secondary Tutorial
EITHER British Studies Core Course: Further Studies OR Integrative Seminar (different from that taken in first semester) 4 TOTAL CREDITS
Primary tutorial [6 credits] The tutorial is the heart of teaching at Oxford. Each week during the University term the student prepares an essay in answer to an assigned question and this forms the basis of an hour-long conversation between the tutor and the student. Tutorials are chosen from a range of topics within the disciplines of art history, classics, English language and literature, history, modern languages (French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian), musicology, philosophy, psychology and theology. Note that these academic fields include ancillary areas of study in the social sciences and the history and philosophy of science. Students attend University lectures in conjunction with their primary tutorial.
This programme may be subject to minor amendments from term to term. The programme recommends to the home institution that the student receive the equivalent of 17 semester hours of credit. Students have a free choice between either British Studies Core Course: Further Studies or an Integrative Seminar but are advised that many students have found it hard to complete the writing requirement for the thesis and seminar simultaneously.
Secondary tutorial [3 credits]
The Scholars’ Semester in Oxford allows students, as members of Wycliffe Hall and Visiting Students of the University of Oxford, to study intensively in the oldest university in the English speaking world. Students may attend for one or two semesters. Each semester they build a coherent but individual programme of study by selecting options within a concentration.
Students have their secondary tutorial every second week during the University term and they choose a different subject from that studied for the primary tutorial: but in all other respects secondary tutorials have the same characteristics as primary.
Integrative seminar [4 credits] Seminars are offered in classics, English language and literature, history, philosophy, and theology. Students normally attend a seminar in the same discipline as that of their primary tutorial. Seminar
discussion classes and a term paper enable the student to integrate matter covered in tutorials and in University of Oxford lectures. Students reflect on key methodological issues within their discipline and the links between vocation and scholarship.
British Studies Core Course: The British Landscape [4 credits] Students study how the British landscape was formed and reformed by societies which successively conquered and settled in it, looking at the dialectic relationship between culture (the economic, social, intellectual, religious and artistic aspects of each group) and landscape (the natural landscape and the human imprint on that landscape). A key part of the human imprint is Christianity whose particularly British forms and institutions influenced and have been influenced by other aspects of British culture and which has provided some of the most enduring monuments in the physical landscape. The aim is to enable students to “read” and understand a long settled landscape through a sound knowledge of British culture, past and present. Particular emphasis is given to Oxford landscapes and events to enable students to make the most of their time in the city. Assessment is by a portfolio of written work. The wide variety of lectures, field trips, and case studies [writing assignments] allows students to receive credit for this course in a variety of ways to suit all students’ needs. Students may elect to have a free choice of case studies in which case credit will be offered as: The British landscape. Alternatively, SSO recommends that credit be allocated in one of seven disciplines by choosing appropriate case studies:
SECOND SEMESTER COURSES SSO staff welcome students who want to spend a second semester in Oxford to build on the skills they have learnt in their first term. The second semester (normally but not necessarily the spring semester following the first (autumn) semester) keeps tutorials at the heart of the programme, allows students to deepen their understanding of British culture and to pursue independent research. Students are welcome to submit one application for two semesters, or to apply for their second semester while they are in Oxford for their first semester. [Please note that in either case, a student visa is required for the two term programme and is a little harder to obtain if applied for after arrival.]
Primary tutorial [6 credits] Students choose a primary tutorial from the same lists (art history, classics, English language and literature, history, modern languages, musicology, philosophy, psychology, and theology) as in their first term, but cannot duplicate their choice except in language tutorials.
Secondary tutorial [3 credits] Students choose a primary tutorial from the same lists as in their first term, but cannot duplicate their choice except in language tutorials.
Thesis [4 credits] Students develop their ability to write independently by writing a thesis, with specialist guidance, on a topic of their choice, which would normally fall within the same discipline as their seminar from the first term.
British Studies Core Course: Further Studies in the Shaping of the British Landscape [4 credits]
• History and the British landscape
Students develop the studies begun in their first term, attending lectures and field trips, and undertaking written work to broaden and deepen their understanding of British culture.
• Literature and the British landscape
Integrative seminar [4 credits]
• Art history and the British landscape
• Musicology and the British landscape • Philosophy and the British landscape • Psychology and the British landscape • Theology and the British landscape
Seminars are offered in classics, English language and literature, history, philosophy, and theology. Students normally attend a seminar in the same discipline as that of their primary tutorial. Seminar discussion classes and a term paper enable the student to integrate matter covered in tutorials and in University of Oxford lectures. Students reflect on key methodological issues within their discipline and the links between vocation and scholarship.
From Autumn semester 2010 the Scholars’ Semester in Oxford (SSO) is pleased to offer an expanded range of tutorials—the one-to-one classes which form the heart of learning at the University of Oxford. As well as new topics in disciplines which SSO has offered since its inception in 2004 (classics, English language and literature, history, philosophy, theology), there are now tutorials in several modern foreign languages (French, German, Italian, Portuguese), musicology, and the history of art. The SSO website gives details of these new tutorials which greatly increase the choices available to students (www.bestsemester. com/sso/academics/ page/tutorials). More tutorial options will be released in subsequent semesters so please keep checking the website.
Hellenistic Poetry Latin Literature of the 1st Century BC Latin Didactic Poetry Latin Satire Cicero the Orator Horace Ovid Ancient Literary Criticism The Early Greek World and Herodotus’ Histories: 650 to 479 BC Thucydides and the Greek World: 479 BC to 403 BC The End of the Peloponnesian War to the Death of Philip II of Macedon: 403 BC to 336 BC Polybius, Rome and the Mediterranean: 241 BC to 146 BC Republic in Crisis: 146 BC to 46 BC Athenian Democracy in the Classical Age
Alexander the Great and his early Successors (336 BC–302 BC)
Classic Literature
The Hellenistic World: societies and cultures, c.300
The Early Greek World and Herodotus’ Histories, from 776 BC to 479 BC
BC–100 BC Cicero: Politics and Thought in the Late Republic
The End of the Roman Republic: Cicero and Sallust, from 133 BC to 50 BC
Politics, Society and Culture from Nero to Hadrian
Rome, Italy, and Empire under Caesar, the Triumvirate, and Early Principate, from 46 BC to AD 54
The World of Tacitus and Pliny: Politics and Culture from AD 54 to AD 138
Old English Literature
Athenian Democracy in the Classical Age
Old Norse
Alexander the Great and His Early Successors, from 336 BC to 302 BC
English Literature 1100–1509
Cicero: Politics and Thought in the Late Republic Religions in the Greek and Roman World, from c.30 BC to AD 312
English Literature 1509–1642
Beowulf and its Cultural Background
English Literature 1642–1740
Sexuality and Gender in Greece and Rome
English Literature 1740–1832
Roman Architecture
English Literature 1832–1900 (Victorian Literature)
History of the Jews in the Graeco-Roman Period
Modern Literature (1900 to present)
Greek Grammar
American Literature
Greek Reading
Postcolonial Literature
Latin Grammar
Special Authors
Latin Reading
C.S. Lewis in Context
Iliad, Homer
Critical Theory
Aeneid, Virgil
The History, Use, and Theory of the English Language
Aristophanes’ Political Comedy
Linguistic Theory
Greek Literature of the 5th Century BC
Poetry in English
Greek Lyric and Elegiac Poetry
Drama in English
Pindar and Bacchylides
Fiction in English
Medieval and Renaissance Romance
Prose in English
Creative Writing (Secondary tutorial only)
History of Art
Literature in English 600 to 1100
Egyptian Art and Architecture
Literature in English 1100 to 1530
Greek Vases Greek Sculpture, c.600-300 BC
Art and History
Chaucer, Langland, and Gower
Nature and Art in the Renaissance
Textual Criticism
Nobility and Gentry in England, 1560-1660
The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England
Court culture and Art, 1580-1700
History History of the British Isles I 300–1087
Intellect and culture in Victorian Britain Approaches to the History of Art
History of the British Isles II 1042–1330
Anglo-Saxon Archaeology of the Early Christian Period, 600–c.750
History of the British Isles III 1330–1550
The Carolingian Renaissance
History of the British Isles IV 1500–1700
Culture and Society in Early Renaissance Italy, 1290–1348
History of the British Isles V 1685–1830
Northern European Portraiture,1400–1800
History of the British Isles VI 1814–1924
Greek Art and Archaeology,c.500–300 BC
History of the British Isles VII Since 1900
The formation of the Islamic world,550–900
The Crusades 1095–1291
Byzantine Art: the transition from Antiquity to the Middle Ages,500–1100
Literature and Politics in Early Modern England Court Culture and Art in Early Modern Europe 1580–1700 Medicine, Empire, and Improvement 1720–1820 The Age of Jefferson, 1774–1826 Intellect and Culture in Victorian Britain Imperialism and Nationalism 1830–1980 British Economic History since 1870 British Society in the Twentieth Century Nationalism, Politics and Culture in Ireland c.1870– 1921 Political Theory and Social Science Conquest and Frontiers: England and the Celtic peoples 1150–1220 English Chivalry and the French War Nobility and Gentry in England 1550–1660 Revolution and Empire in France 1789–1815 The American Empire 1823–1904 Theories of War and Peace in Europe 1890–1914 Approaches to History General History V (1122–1273) General History VI (1273–1409) General History VII (1409–1525) General History VIII (1500–1618) General History IX (1600–1715) General History X (1715–1799) General History XI (1789–1871) General History XII (1856–1914) General History XIII (1914–1945) General History XIV (1941–1973) General History XV (Britain’s North American Colonies from Settlement to Independence, 1600–1812) General History XVI (From Colonies to Nation: the History of the United States, 1776–1877
Art under the Roman Empire Gothic Art Through Medieval Eyes Art in China Since 1911 Material Culture Studies Literature and the Visual Arts in France (NB: Knowledge of relevant modern languages required) German Expressionism in Literature and the Visual Arts (NB: Knowledge of relevant modern languages required) European cinema (NB: Knowledge of relevant modern languages required) Modernism and After (20th-century Art in Europe and North America) The Experience of Modernity: Visual culture, 1880–1925
French French Language and Grammar Short Texts French Narrative Fiction Introduction to French Film Studies (Michaelmas/Autumn semester only) Introduction to French Literary Theory (Hilary/Spring semester only) Key Texts in French Thought Written French: Advanced level Translation from modern French Translation into modern French: Advanced level Translation from pre-modern French: Advanced level Linguistic Studies I: The History of the French Language up to the Mid-Twentieth century Linguistic Studies II: Modern French French Literature to 1530 French Literature 1530 to 1800 French Literature 1715 to the Present
General History XVII (The History of the United States since 1863)
Early French Texts Prescribed for Study as Examples of Literature
General History XVIII Imperial and Global History 1750–1914
Modern Prescribed French Authors I
Modern Prescribed French Authors II
Latin-American Fiction in Portuguese from 1940
Late-Medieval Responses toLe Roman de la Rose
The Galician-Portuguese Cancioneiros The Portuguese Expansion in Asia
Portuguese Drama in the Sixteenth century
German Film Studies
Twentieth-century Portuguese and Brazilian women writers
Key Texts in German Thought
The Literature of Portuguese-speaking Africa Contemporary Brazilian Literature
Translation into German and essay in German: Advanced level
Brazilian Cinema
Translation from modern German: Advanced level Translation from pre-modern German: Advanced level
Linguistic studies I: the development of the German language from 1170 to the present
Advanced Russian Language Paper I: Translation into Russian and Short Essay in Russian
Linguistic studies II: Old High German
Advanced Russian Language Paper II: Translation from Russian
Descriptive analysis of German as spoken and written at the present day: Advanced level Medieval German culture (to 1450): texts, contexts and issues
Advanced Russian Language Paper III: Translation from Pre-modern Russian Early Russian Texts Prescribed for Study as Examples of Literature
Early modern German culture (1450–1730): texts, contexts and issues
Modern Prescribed Authors I: Pushkin, Gogol, Mandel’shtam, Mayakovsky, Bulgakov
Modern German literature (1730 to the present): texts, contexts and issues Early texts prescribed for study as examples of literature
Modern Prescribed Authors II: Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Solzhenitsyn
Modern prescribed authors
Russian Drama of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Early modern literary texts
Russian Linguistic Studies I: The History of the Russian Language
Russian Linguistic Studies II
Russian Literature from 1953 to the Present Day
Essay in Italian
Russian Literature to 1660
Italian Translation and Prose
Russian Literature, 1660–1830
Translation from Pre-Modern Italian
Russian Literature, 1820–1953
Linguistic Studies I. History of the Italian Language from the Earliest Times to the Twentieth century
Russian Women’s Writing
Linguistic Studies II. Modern Italian
Medieval Italian Literature 1220–1430
Topics in Music History before 1750
Renaissance Italian Literature 1430–1635
Topics in Music History after 1700
Modern Italian Literature (1750–Present Day) and cinema
Musical Analysis and criticism
Dante’s commedia
Musical Thought and Scholarship
Early Prescribed Italian Authors
Techniques of composition
Modern Prescribed Italian Authors
European cinema
Cognitive Neuroscience
Developmental Psychology
Twentieth-century Portuguese and Brazilian Fiction
Developmental Questions in Science and Religion
The Development of the Auto
Individual Differences
Translation into Portuguese and Essay
Language and Cognition
Translation from Portuguese (European and Brazilian)
Learning and Memory
Linguistic Studies I: The History and Structure of the Portuguese Language
Perception Memory, Attention, and Information Processing
Varieties of Portuguese
Philosophy of science and philosophy of psychology and neuroscience
Portuguese Literature to 1540 Portuguese Literature 1500–1697
Psychological Approaches to Literature
Modern literature in Portugal and Brazil Portuguese Medieval Prescribed Texts
Psychological Disorders Psychology of Religion
Renaissance Prescribed Portuguese Authors
Social Psychology
Portuguese Modern Prescribed Authors
UGANDA STUDIES PROGRAM [USP] The Uganda Studies Program is offered in partnership with Uganda Christian University (UCU), a CCCU international affiliate member in Mukono, Uganda—15 miles from the capital city of Kampala.
RECOMMENDED CREDITS UGANDA STUDIES EMPHASIS Uganda Studies Emphasis (USE) Faith & Action in the Ugandan Context
African Context Course
Elective/African Context Course
Elective/African Context Course
Students apply to the Uganda Studies Emphasis (USE); the Intercultural Ministry and Missions Emphasis (IMME); or the Social Work Emphasis (SWE). All students take the Faith & Action course plus some combination of core courses on the African Context, Practicum/Emphasis courses and Elective courses to enroll in a recommended 13-16 semester credit hours.
Elective/African Context Course (optional) 0-3 TOTAL CREDITS
Cross-Cultural Ministry Practicum
African Context Course
Elective/African Context Course
The Uganda Studies Emphasis (USE) attracts students who want their primary cross-cultural relationships to develop through their involvement in campus life at Uganda Christian University. USE students take Faith & Action in the Ugandan Context and at least one African Context Course. They complete their 13-16 credits with additional Elective Courses or African Context Courses.
Elective/African Context Course (optional) 0-3 TOTAL CREDITS
The Intercultural Ministry & Missions Emphasis (IMME) attracts students who want their primary cross-cultural relationships to develop through their involvement with a Ugandan host family.
SOCIAL WORK EMPHASIS (SWE) Faith & Action in the Ugandan Context
Social Work Practicum for Junior Level
African Context Course
IMME students take Faith & Action in the Ugandan Context, Cross-Cultural Ministry Practicum and at least one African Context Course. They complete their 13-16 credits with additional Elective Courses or African Context Courses.
Elective/African Context Course (optional) 0-3 TOTAL CREDITS
Note: Social Work Practicum for Senior Level may also be available to students, but requires direct communication and coordination between the USP and the student’s social work department.
Faith & Action in the Ugandan Context
Social Work Practicum for Senior Level
The Social Work Emphasis (SWE) attracts social work majors who want their primary cross-cultural relationships to develop through their social work internship in addition to their involvement in campus life at Uganda Christian University. SWE students take Faith & Action in the Ugandan Context, Social Work Practicum for Junior Level, and at least one African Context Course. If desired, they complete 16 credits with an additional Elective Course or African Context Course.
FAITH & ACTION (Required for all USP students):
Social Work Practicum for Junior Level [6 semester credits]
Faith & Action in the Ugandan Context [4 credits]
The Junior Level Field Experience provides students with opportunities to integrate social work theory and practice in a cross-cultural setting. Students will complete a minimum of 150 hours of practice at an approved service location in Uganda. Each student will be on-site 2 days per week under the supervision of her/his field instructor and a staff supervisor from the Uganda Studies Program (USP). In addition students will participate in a one-hour seminar class each week. The seminar will provide additional opportunities for reflection and feedback with input from both staff and peers. Available only to USE social work majors/minors.
‘Faith and Action in the Ugandan Context’ combines a traditional classroom component (e.g. readings, discussion, small group processing, lecture) with a broad spectrum of experiential learning (e.g. living and studying with Ugandan students, home stays with Ugandan families, travel to various regions of Uganda & Rwanda, exposure to both missionaries and Ugandans involved in various social services). The course begins at orientation and continues through the debrief retreat. Evaluation methods may include written assignments, verbal presentations, class participation, informal and formal debrief sessions, creative projects, journal entries, and one-on-one discussions. Topics covered in ‘Faith & Action’ reflect the students’ experience in Uganda. After beginning with understanding and learning from cross-cultural experiences we explore how exposure to traditional African beliefs challenges our own faith. We then look at issues related to the way Christians respond to poverty and suffering. Throughout the semester students are encouraged to integrate the academic material.
Emphasis/Practicum Courses: Cross-Cultural Ministry Practicum [3 semester credits] This course is required for participants in the Intercultural Ministry and Missions Emphasis (IMME), and available as an elective to participants of the Uganda Studies Emphasis (USE). This practicum provides students with the opportunity to enrich their understanding of culture and cultural differences and similarities as well as further develop their cultural awareness and communication skills through active service learning and participation in and integration into a Ugandan community. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 40 hours at an approved practicum location, engage in their respective living context communities (for IMME students—local neighborhoods; for USE students—UCU campus), and interact with guest speakers, site visits and travel in Uganda. This course seeks to expose students to a wide variety of perspectives and practices in crosscultural ministry here in Uganda, as each student seeks to understand his/her own unique calling or mission in a global context. (Possible Credit: Religion/Theology/ Missions)
Social Work Practicum for Senior Level [12 semester credits]— requires direct communication and coordination between the USP and the student’s social work department.
AFRICAN CONTEXT COURSES Students choose at least one of the following African Context Courses
African Literature [3 semester credits] This course examines the literature of sub-Saharan Africa. Students will become familiar with the distinctive features of literature from East, West, and Southern Africa as well as to the genres of oral literature, fiction (both short story and novel), poetry, and drama. We will study works on their own merit in regard to theme and style but also for their insights into African society and the concepts of negritude and black aesthetics. (Possible Credit: Literature, English)
Religions in Contemporary Uganda [3 semester credits] Religion plays a very important role in the life of Africans, dominating their social, political and economic lives. This course examines the three religions that have had a strong influence in Uganda— African Traditional Religion (ATR), Christianity and Islam. Students will become familiar with these three major religions in Uganda with emphasis on ATR and Islam. The study of ATR will be phenomenological in its view, looking at the scheme of ideas that help us appreciate the nature of African religions. We will study the religion of three tribes in Uganda: Baganda, Bagisu and Acholi. The study of Islam will emphasize a basic understanding and appreciation of the life of Prophet Muhammad, its formative influence on Islam
as a religion, and its attendant cultural influence in Africa, and Uganda in particular. In this course, we will also examine the influence of Christianity in Uganda. A very important aspect of our study will be the historical interaction between the three religions—ATR, Islam and Christianity. Finally, issues of interfaith dialogue and understanding will be examined.
(Possible Credit: Religion/Theology/Missions, CrossCultural Studies)
Understanding the Old Testament [3 semester credits]
East African History from 1800 to Independence [3 semester credits]
Students may take up to three elective courses from among those listed below, depending on emphasis. Students may also take additional African context courses to fulfill elective credits. Additional electives may be available when students register in Uganda.
Understanding the New Testament [3 semester credits]
This course examines the history of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda from 1800 to independence. Students will become familiar with the pre-colonial era and with colonialism and its effects on East African culture and indigenous social institutions. We will review East African reaction to colonial policies and survey cultural and social changes experienced in East Africa during the colonial period up to the time of decolonialisation. The focus on the history of this period will be done through the eyes of the cultures it affected rather than through the eyes of objective history.
Understanding Worldviews [3 semester credits] Understanding Ethics [3 semester credits] Health & Wholeness [3 semester credits] Introduction to Ugandan Politics [3 semester credits] Law & Christian Political Thought in Africa [4 semester credits]
(Possible Credit: General Studies, History)
East African Politics since Independence [3 semester credits]
This course examines the politics of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda, starting with the struggle for independence and concluding with an analysis of current political events in each country. Students will become familiar with the historical context for understanding contemporary politics in East Africa and with the theoretical and conceptual tools for analysing recent developments in East Africa. We will also look at current political events in other countries bordering Uganda (DR Congo, Sudan) with a particular interest in how Uganda is affected by these events. Therefore, this course will raise profound questions regarding political change, economic development, and the nature of the international state system in African states generally.
For either Luganda or Swahili students may take level I and level II in sequence.
Luganda I [3 semester credits] Luganda II [3 semester credits] Swahili I [3 semester credits] Swahili II [3 semester credits]
Reporting in Washington
Washington, News & Public Discourse
Students will submit story ideas, background research folders and rough drafts of stories. Possible credit: Journalism, Communications, English, Writing.
Washington, News & Public Discourse [3 credits]
The program recommends to the home institution that the student receive the equivalent of 16 semester hours of credit. All students participate in a minimum of 25 hours of service.
REQUIRED COURSES Foundations for Media Involvement [4 credits] Modern media are at a crossroads and many professionals would even say the news industry is in a crisis. This class will utilize lectures, discussion, readings and service learning to raise questions about the role Christians should play in media and culture generally. Topics covered in this class range from contemporary challenges in journalism to historical tensions between the Church and popular culture to the arguments for and against working in the news media. Students will work collaboratively and individually to develop their understanding of their calling and sense of vocation within culture and the news industry.
It’s impossible to study how Washington works without discussing the media. Through readings and lectures, we will study how the history of American newspapers is interwoven with the history of Washington. Also, we will study how the future of American newsrooms and American politics will be affected by what happens in the news bureaus, networks and magazines based inside the Beltway. The course also addresses contemporary patterns of news consumption, such as how we turn to entertainment, the internet and many other unconventional sources for news and information. Students will be challenged to determine how journalists should respond to these trends and to study how the global media marketplace is responding. With help from guest speakers and classic books about the national press, this seminar will help students prepare for their futures in an industry in which Washington will always play a crucial role. Students will choose a topic and additional readings while preparing a major research project addressing a current issue facing the national or global press.
Possible credit: Religious studies, Media studies, Cultural studies, Political Theory, Communications.
Possible credit: History, Media Studies, Political Science, Cultural Studies, Christian Studies, Public Relations, Communications.
Reporting in Washington [3 credits]
Internship [6 credits]
Journalists who work in Washington need all the basic reporting skills and then some. This advanced reporting class will emphasize story development, research and interviewing skills, using one of the most intense news environments in the world as its classroom. The emphasis will be on short-form, hard-news writing—the kind demanded by wire services, newspapers, the World Wide Web and broadcasting. Guest lecturers from the industry will discuss feature writing, computer research, ethics and other selected topics. The course begins with the basics, but quickly moves to advanced topics.
In any industry with professional standards, especially journalism, there is no substitute for practical experience. Gatekeepers want to see that you have “put in your time,” and bylines above a Washington dateline help. With vast amounts of news being generated in Washington, D.C., for every region, state and town in the country every day, this city offers unequaled opportunities to gain news experience. WJC seeks only internships that provide hands-on work reporting and writing. The WJC internship class seeks to provide experience in a “mentored”
environment. Terry Mattingly, a reporter, editor and columnist for 25 years, will serve as a mentor and bridge to the supervising editors in mainstream newsrooms where students will report and write stories. Internships will occupy roughly 25 hours a week for 12 weeks of the semester. Grading will be based on a portfolio of final versions of stories written during the internship and overall improvement of skills, along with input from the internship supervisor. Internships have included: USA TODAY, The Washington Times, Religion News Service, “Religion & Ethics News Weekly,� and can be taken for possible credit in Journalism, Communication, English, Writing.
Service Opportunities Students participate in service opportunities with non-profit organizations serving the Washington, DC community. Special efforts are made to serve in the neighborhoods away from the more familiar federal city center. By the end of the semester, the student will have served more than 25 hours.
BA (Philosophy), West Chester University of Pennsylvania; BA (Bible/Theology), Moody Bible Institute
Peter J. Baker (Director): PhD & MA (Political Science), University of Notre Dame; BA (Political Science), Olivet Nazarene University
CSP students also receive instruction from Xiamen University faculty.
E. Elizabeth Hanna: MA (English), University of Charleston; BA (English), Wheaton College PhD (Higher Education) coursework in progress at George Mason University
C. Gerald (Gerry) Hartis: MDiv, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; BA (Psychology/Religious Studies), University of North Carolina
Warren Pettit (Director): MM (Studio Writing and Production), University of Miami (FL); BS (School of Music), University of Manitoba, Winnipeg; ARCT, (Associate of the Royal Conservatory of Toronto)
Natalie Ferwerda: MA (Entertainment and Media Management), Columbia College Chicago; BA (Music), North Park University
Kimberly Spragg (Director): MA (History), Ball State University; BA (History/International Studies), Taylor University
CMC part-time faculty: Marcus dePaula, Rick Elias
ASC students also enroll in regular course offerings from Wesley Institute (WI). All selected courses are taught by WI faculty. WI Department Heads include:
Heva Chan (Music): DPhil (Composition), Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney; MFA (Musicology), National Taiwan Normal University; MA (Composition), Hochschule fuer Musik und darstellende Kunst, Wien, Austria
Anthony B. Chamberlain (Director): PhD (Political Economy and Third World Development) & MA (International Relations), University of Maryland, College Park; BA, Messiah College
James Harrison (Theology): PhD, MA & BADipEd, Macquarie University
Laura Barnard-Poag: MEd (International Education), Framingham State University; BA (International Studies & Spanish), Nazareth College
Trevor Hotten (Graphic Design): Master of Design, University of Techology, Sydney; Diploma of Graphic Design, Randwick Institute of Technology
Trevor Poag: EdD candidate (International Educational Leadership), Lehigh University; MA (Educational Leadership), Framingham State University; BSW, Roberts Wesleyan College
Adele Hyland (Dance): MEd (Educational Administration), Charles Sturt University; BEd (Music), University of Western Sydney
Javier Arguedas Ruano: MS (Political Science), University of Costa Rica; Professional Licensure in Law, Autonomous University of Central America
Herman Pretorius (Drama): DPhil, University of Pretoria; MA (Drama) & BA (Drama), University of Stellenbosch
LOS ANGELES FILM STUDIES CENTER Rebecca Ver Straten-McSparran (Director): MDiv, Fuller Theological Seminary; BA (Philosophy), Bethel University
John K. Bucher, Jr.: MA & BA (Communication/Film & Media Studies), The University of Colorado
Jay O. Lundelius (Director): PhD (Second Language Acquisition & Teacher Education), University of Illinois; MA (English as a Second Language), West Chester University of Pennsylvania;
Jeremy Casper: MA (Communication/Directing & Cinematography), Regent University; BA (Communication/Film), Southwest Baptist University
Stanley P. Rosenberg (Director): PhD & MA (Early Christian Studies), Catholic University of America; BA (History), Colorado State University
LAFSC part-time faculty:
Elizabeth Baigent: PGDipLATHE, DPhil, and MA University of Oxford
Patrick Duff: BA (Media Communication/Film), Asbury College;
Jonathan Kirkpatrick: DPhil candidate & MSt & BA, University of Oxford
MA (Theology & Cross-Cultural Studies) coursework in progress at Fuller Theological Seminary
Matthew Kirkpatrick: DPhil, MSt & MA, University of Oxford
Christine Krebsbach: MA (Film Producing), Regent University; BA (Communication/Broadcasting), Northwestern College
Richard Lawes: DPhil, MSt & BA, University of Oxford
Nathan White: BA (Communication Arts/Film), Gordon College;
Additional University of Oxford faculty members are coordinated for each SSO student’s one-on-one primary and secondary tutorial courses.
MA (Theology) coursework in progress at Fuller Theological Seminary
Kris Young: MFA (Screenwriting), University of California Los Angeles; BA (Film), University of Southern California
UGANDA STUDIES PROGRAM Mark Bartels (Director): MA (Educational Ministries) & BA (Political Science & Christian Education), Wheaton College
Doctoral coursework in progress at Biola University
David Holt (Director): PhD (Comparative Politics), University of Chicago; MA (Political Philosophy), Claremont Graduate School; BA (History), University of California San Diego
Gwyneth Jones: MSW, University of Denver; BA, Gordon College Rachel Robinson: MA (Community Art), Maryland Institute College of Art; BA, Gordon College
MESP part-time faculty:
USP students also enroll in regular course offerings from Uganda Christian University (UCU). All selected courses are taught by UCU faculty, including: Mr. Brian Dennison, JD; Dr. JoEllyn Fountain; Mr. Meshareh Katusiimeh; Mr. Geoffrey Kwamusi; Dr. Patrick Mukakanya; and Rev. Dr. Sam Opol.
Chahinda Karim: PhD (Islamic Architecture), Cairo University; MA & BA (Islamic Art & Architecture), American University Cairo MESP students also receive instruction from American University of Cairo faculty and local scholars.
Terry Mattingly (Director): MA (ChurchState Studies), Baylor University; MS (Mass Communications), University of Illinois; BA (Journalism & History), Baylor University
Each summer, University of Oxford faculty members are coordinated to teach the selected seminar courses Reoccurring OSP faculty have included:
Richard Lawes: DPhil, MSt & BA, University of Oxford
Rose Welcome: BA (Journalism), Point Loma Nazarene University
Emma Plaskitt: DPhil & MPhil, University of Oxford; BA, McGill University Meriel Patrick: DPhil, MPhil & MA, University of Oxford John Roche: DPhil, MA & MSc, University of Oxford
In addition to regular program faculty, each BestSemester™ program engages local scholars and area experts as integrated components of the program’s academic curriculum.