CCCU Advance Fall 2010

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urban education bringing justice to

CCCU schools, students and alumni work with others to address education inequalities that contribute to perpetual poverty. | 26

Mobile Learning | 16

India Program Launch | 18

Teaching Origins | 22

inadvance COVER: Bringing Justice to Urban Education CCCU schools, students and alumni work with others to address education inequalities that contribute to perpetual poverty.


By Kami L. Rice

BestSemester To Launch India Studies Program BestSemester announces a new frontier to open to students in 2011.


Stay informed with eAdvance

By Kami L. Rice

On Teaching Origins: Take A Stand or Stand Aside?


Professors take different approaches to teaching the beginning of the universe.

Subscribe online at

By Jocelyn Green

A Bittersweet Farewell to the Russian Studies Program


A monthly publication of the cccu

In honor of the program’s last semester, RSP alumni share how their experiences changed their lives.

Stay connected with the CCCU on twitter, facebook, LinkedIn, vimeo & Issuu. Visit

By Aaron Stuvland

JULY 30 - AUG. 1


From the President . . . . . . 04 By Paul R. Corts

Editor’s Note. . . . . . . . . . . . 05 Around the Council. . . . . . 06 The news of the CCCU offices R&D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 First Creation Care Study Shows Commitment | By Jocelyn Green From Capitol Hill . . . . . . . . 14 Regarding Our Rights By Shapri D. LoMaglio

trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Adult Education Moves to Online and Hybrid Classes | By Cynthia Tweedell Open Source . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 How Does Mobile Learning Affect Higher Education? | By Jocelyn Green The Last Word. . . . . . . . . . . 34 Removing the obstacles to female education in India | By Susheila Williams

FSC Certified Seal

from the President by Paul R. Corts, Ph.D. CCCU President

Good Days for Christ-centered Higher Education


he Council staff had a jam-

direction for the development of the

The Board expressed appreciation to

packed series of conferences

2014 International Forum on Christian

the staff for a very successful year,

and meetings during the early

Higher Education that will be held in

reaffirmed the Blueprint for the Future

summer months, topped off

Los Angeles, Feb. 23-26. We will

strategic plan to direct the Council’s

with our governing board meeting at

be naming a Los Angeles Area

work, and encouraged me to give special

the end of July. We had a year of terrific

Host Committee this fall as well as

focus to (a) public policy issues; (b)

announcing a 2014 International

governing board/trustee development for

Forum Planning Committee.

our member and affiliated campuses; (c)

meetings thanks in large measure to many of you who faithfully serve as volunteers in positions of leadership for the Council. With the arrival of fall and the new academic year, we all sense the energy and excitement bursting at our institutions. It is a time for renewed commitment by those of us serving on the Council staff in D.C. Our Board of Directors’ summer retreat meeting this year was held in Oxford, England at our Centre for Science and Christianity in Oxford (known by the acronym SCIO), giving our board members an opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge about one of our outstanding student programs as we celebrated a very successful year serving nearly 700 students from our member campuses. In 2011, the summer Board meeting will be held at the site of our Latin American Studies Program in San Jose, Costa Rica. And at this summer’s meeting the board gave support for the continuation of our plans to begin a new student program in India that should open next year. The Board participated in a very comprehensive assessment of the 2010 International Forum on Christian Higher Education and provided strategic

4 CCCUAdvance fall2010

“With the arrival of fall and the new academic year, we all sense the energy and excitement bursting at our institutions. It is a time for renewed commitment by those of us serving on the Council...”

international affiliate status and services; and (d) CCCU identity/branding. It is a great joy to serve the Council as your President, to work alongside of wonderful staff, and to assist our member and affiliate institutions. These are good days for Christ-centered higher education as we witness the Lord blessing our movement. May we be faithful in our stewardship of the sacred trust to lead, guide and serve our institutions in transforming lives through faithfully relating scholarship and service to biblical truth, building the Kingdom to the glory of our heavenly Father, Christ our Savior and the Holy Spirit!

Paul R. Corts President

Editor’s note


lumni from CCCU campuses are nothing if not missional. By that we mean they have a sense of higher purpose, of answering a calling to serve the world around them through their vocations. Increasingly, our alumni are answering the call to

serve some of the most marginalized people in America—kids in urban schools—before they do anything else after graduation. This serve-first phenomenon in a me-first society is the topic of our cover story in this issue: “Bringing Justice to Urban Education” (see p. 26). See just what CCCU alumni are doing about one of our country’s biggest social problems. The CCCU’s own education programs—the BestSemester student programs— are also featured in this issue. We are thrilled to announce a new program in a new location: the India Studies Program (p.18). The Executive Secretary (Susheila Williams) of our new partner campus and international affiliate in India, CSI Bishop Appasamy College of Arts & Sciences, has written “The Last Word” for this issue (p. 34). At the same time that we joyfully anticipate what the future will bring to your students through the new India Studies Program,

The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) is an international higher education association of intentionally Christian colleges and universities. Founded in 1976 with 38 members, the Council has grown to 110 members in North America and 75 affiliates in 24 countries. The CCCU is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The mission of the CCCU is to advance the cause of Christcentered higher education and to help transform the lives of students by faithfully relating scholarship and service to biblical truth. Distribution CCCU Advance is published each year in the fall and spring and is mailed to members, affiliates and friends of the CCCU. It is also available online at Direct questions and letters to the editor to

care survey reveals about the CCCU (p.12); what’s new in adult

Advertising CCCU Advance is now accepting advertising from organizations that serve the students, faculty or administration of our campuses. For more information and/or to receive a Media Kit please email

education (p.15); and how different CCCU professors approach


teaching the subject of origins in the classroom (p. 22).

Paul R. Corts, Ph.D.

we also pay tribute to the Russian Studies Program, which is now in its final semester (p. 31). This issue also highlights some news and thoughts from CCCU campuses on a variety of topics: how mobile learning affects the traditional college campus (p. 16); what the first creation


We hope you enjoy this issue of the CCCU Advance. As always, we welcome your letters to the editor.

Jocelyn Green

Editor Kevin Zwirble

Graphic Designer Jason Hohertz

Web Manager Kendra Langdon Juskus

Copy Editor

fall2010 CCCUAdvance 5

around the council From the President’s Office Council Approves New Member and Affiliate

cccu members & affiliates members and affiliates totals as of august 2010

The CCCU Board of Directors approved a new member and a new affiliate at its summer meeting. North Central University in Minneapolis, Minn., is a new member, and Pepperdine University in Malibu, Calif., is a new affiliate. There are now 185 CCCU members and affiliates around the world, with 110 member campuses in North America and 75 affiliate campuses hailing from 24 countries.

World Vision Convenes Meeting to Partner with CCCU

august 2010 Members Affiliates Totals





31 States

3 Provinces








19 States

5 Provinces

24 Countries






33 States

6 Provinces

24 Countries

23 Countries

higher education can help shape leaders for the future feels like something big—something exciting.”

FEDERAL WAY, Wash.— By invitation, several representatives from CCCU campuses met with World Vision staff at the World Vision headquarters in Federal Way, Wash., May 20-21, 2010, to discuss how they could better support the work of Christian higher education. Participants included: • Mimi

Barnard, CCCU Vice President of Professional Development & Research

Murdock Trust Roundtable Addresses Gender Issues VANCOUVER, Wash. — Murdock Trust hosted a roundtable meeting June 21-22, 2010 in Vancouver, Wash., to discuss gender in leadership within Christian higher education, covering a broad

• Greg

Carmer, Gordon College (MA)

spectrum of topics, and, particularly, advancing women for

• Mark

Davis, Pepperdine University (CA)

senior administrative roles. Participants included:

• Peter

Held, Bryan College (TN)

• Al

Anderson (retired), Azusa Pacific University (CA)

Jones, North Park University (IL)

• Sarah

Mallard, Carson-Newman College (TN)

• Mimi

• Joseph • Kina

• Pat

Baldwin, George Fox University (OR)

Barnard, CCCU

Ottley, Northwestern College (MN)

• Andrea

Cook, Warner Pacific College (OR)

Pickett, Biola University (CA)

• Sharon

Drury, Indiana Wesleyan University (IN)

• Todd • Les

Steele, Seattle Pacific University (WA)

The group talked about the importance of a perspective that equips the leaders of tomorrow to respond to the critical challenges in our world. “As a result of our meetings, we realized how a partnership with World Vision could provide opportunities for practical

• Roberta • Shirley • Amy

Hestenes (retired), Eastern University (PA)

Hoogstra, Calvin College (MI)

Stumpf, California Baptist University (CA)

COMING SOON New Application System

liberal arts and enhance the work of developing a Christian worldview in our students,” said Jones. Over the coming months, the group will continue this discussion and hopes that a larger conversation will follow, regarding opportunities for faculty development, etc. “Few organizations, if any, have responded to the challenges of global poverty and injustice on the scale that World Vision has,” said Held. “To strategize with them about how Christian

6 CCCUAdvance Fall2010

Watch this winter for a new and improved application system. The new system will be more user-friendly and will enhance both the students’ application experience as well as their pre-departure process.

around the council

The meeting began with a presentation by Mimi Barnard on the state of women in senior administrative roles at CCCU institutions. Roberta Hestenes, the first woman to be president of a CCCU institution, then spoke about her experiences as an early woman leader within Christ-centered higher education. “The folks from Murdock Trust were extremely kind and urged the group to think broadly about leadership needs, pointing to the graying of leadership in the non-profit sector,” said Drury. “Christian higher education cannot afford to ignore one-half of the brain power in their institutions when building leadership capacity.” The Council plans to submit a proposal to Murdock Trust that would allow for a comprehensive leadership initiative to provide opportunities for education and professional development related to gender in Christian higher education. “The roundtable provided a helpful context in which to consider the opportunities and challenges facing leadership in our colleges,” said Cook. “As we look to the future, it is important to consider the mechanisms, resources and opportunities for

The 2010 CCCU President-Led Symposium was held at Trinity Western University in Langley, British Columbia.

encouraging, identifying and raising up leaders to serve the Kingdom and on our campuses. The particular focus on women

Bethel University (MN)

is relevant given the significant percentage of women students

Biola University (CA)

enrolled in our colleges and our responsibility to guide and support them in finding and following God’s call for their lives.”

President-led Symposium Defines Spiritual Formation

Crandall University (New Brunswick) Indiana Wesleyan University (IN) LeTourneau University (TX) Regent University (VA)

LANGLEY, British Columbia—The 2010 CCCU President-led

Spring Arbor University (MI)

Symposium on Spiritual Formation took place at Trinity Western

The King’s University College (Alberta)

University in Langley, B.C., June 24-26. The event, made

Toccoa Falls College (GA)

possible with assistance from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, was designed to ask and answer what defines spiritual formation and how that vision is implemented holistically by the full spectrum of personnel on a CCCU campus. The final definition that the group developed reads: “Spiritual

Trinity International University (IL) Trinity Western University (British Columbia) Watch for announcements regarding the next steps in this multi-stage process.

formation is integral to Christian higher education. It is the biblically guided process in which people are being transformed into the likeness of Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit within the faith community, in order to love and serve God and others.” The group also identified 16 elements to serve as indices of spiritual formation as defined.

Student Programs LASP Director Celebrates 20 Years SAN JOSé, Costa Rica—This summer, Anthony Chamberlain celebrated 20 years of serving as the director of BestSemester’s Latin American Studies Program (LASP), based in San José ,

Sixty-three leaders from the following 11 institutions were

Costa Rica. Since he began in 1980, more than 1600 students

invited to participate in the symposium:

have gone through the program. continued on page 8>> Fall2010 CCCUAdvance 7

around the council

CCCU Faculty Salary survey - 2009/10 update



Average Salary by Rank, CCCU Institutions: Summary Statistics Rank


08-09 07-08 06-07
























































05-06 04-05


08-09 07-08 06-07

05-06 04-05


02-03 01-02 00-01



02-03 01-02 00-01
























































CCCU Faculty Salary Survey: 2009-10 Update by Richard J. Sherry, Executive Assistant to the President, Bethel University from page 7>>

Chamberlain’s expertise in Costa Rican culture is further

techniques and thorough discussion of the art of acting. The

demonstrated in his book, Privatization in Costa Rica: A Multi-

class primarily consists of acting scene work with all scenes being

Dimensional Analysis, published in 2006. The book provides

filmed and critiqued on the big screen. Students will also be

an assessment of the last 25 years of privatization efforts in

required to pursue roles in student and independent films.

Costa Rica, and argues that one-dimensional thinking about the privatization of state services is misdirected. Chamberlain follows a historical perspective on privatization in general, within the context of commercial globalization, with a review of Costa Rica’s political economy and its integration into a

Several class sessions throughout the course will be devoted to the business of acting for film and television in the Hollywood entertainment industry, with an emphasis given to developing the materials and relationships necessary for a successful career.

global market in terms of privatization.

“I strive to train Christians to be professionals in the art of acting

“Anthony´s curious spirit, tremendous capacity to lead, and

excellence with the talent and gifts God has given them,” says

commitment to Christ-centered transformation of the world

Nathan White, LAFSC acting teacher. “Actors are a key element

have enriched the learning experiences of LASP students for 20

in drawing audiences into the story of a film or TV show, and

years,” says LASP Assistant Director Trevor Poag.

also have incredible influence throughout the entertainment

For more about LASP, visit

Los Angeles Film Studies Center Adds New Course

so they can be a positive cultural influence – demonstrating

industry itself.” For more about LAFSC, visit:

LOS ANGELES, Calif.— The Los Angeles Film Studies Center

Scholars’ Semester in Oxford Offers New Tutorials

(LAFSC) is offering a new three-credit elective course this fall:

OXFORD, U.K.— The Scholars’ Semester in Oxford now offers

“Professional Acting for the Camera”. This class is an advanced

students dozens of new tutorial options for their academic

workshop in the practice and process of acting for the camera

experience. New subjects have been added in each of the

aimed, at students who have a desire to pursue acting as a

following categories: classics, English, history, art history, French,

career. Instruction includes an overview of current camera acting

German, Italian, Portuguese, music, philosophy and theology.

8 CCCUAdvance fall2010

around the council To view the complete list of available tutorials, visit http://www.

an anonymous foundation has recently given the CCCU a Free

Market Forum after-care grant of $120,000. This money will continue to support effectiveness in the teaching, scholarship and

“Now with more than 300 tutorials on offer, the SSO curriculum

practice of market economics. It will also build on a developing

further expands the opportunities for students to participate

relationship with the Free Market Forum at Hillsdale College where

in international scholarship and develop their critical skills and

many CCCU business and economics faculty have benefitted

academic voice. Some will eventually take their place as members

from professional development opportunities.

of the academy,” says SSO Director Stan Rosenberg. “Through this we hope to see even more of our alumni heading to all sorts of interesting places and winning spots in major graduate and professional programmes in the US, Canada and Europe.” For more about SSO, visit:

Priority will be given to applicants who participated in at least one of the Forums offered from 2006 - 2008 and this year’s Forum in September 2010. While priority will be given to CCCU faculty, creative partnerships with faculty and students from non-CCCU institutions will also be encouraged as long as the project director has attended the Forum and is from a CCCU institution.


“We face a time when it’s more important than ever that

Free Market Forum After-care Grant Awarded for Business and Economics Faculty

their scholarship, but also to expose them to new pedagogies

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Building on the success of ten mini-grants for business and economics faculty that were awarded in 2008,

faculty have opportunities to collaborate, not only to grow so that student learning increases,” says Mimi Barnard, vice president for professional development & research for the continued on page 10>>

Fall2010 CCCUAdvance 9

around the council from page 9>>

CCCU. “Emerging leaders will be identified, new and fresh ideas

Following is just a taste of the other fruit produced by these

will be brought forward, and existing networks will be expanded

funds for creation care.

for business and economics faculty through the continued

Campus-wide faculty committees to address creation care endeavors

facilitation of this initiative.”

• New recycling programs

Creation Care Mini-grants Yield Results

Storm water drainage areas redesigned into rain gardens to help water flow

In the spring of 2009, six mini-grants made possible by the

Creation Care Fund in amounts ranging up to $5,000 were

Low-maintenance landscaping initiatives

of specialists in the field of creation care and environmental

Upgraded energy saving initiatives with compact fluorescent light bulbs, air filters for trucks, low flow water fixtures, etc.

sustainability. The purpose of these grants was to provide

granted to member institutions selected by a review panel

Earth Day events

seed money to encourage and equip campuses that are

Enhancements to curriculum

at the beginning stages of their creation care journey.

Prairie restoration

Wind energy initiative

• Installation

Awardees were: Carson-Newman College (TN); Eastern Nazarene College (MA); King’s College University (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada); Milligan College (TN); Northwestern College (IA); and Tabor College (KS).

of occupancy censors

• Membership with the AASHE STARS program, a voluntary, self-reporting framework for gauging relative progress toward sustainability for colleges and universities

In June of this year, a webinar showcased the outcomes of

“With the additional funding from the CCCU, Milligan was able

these grants. Each campus completed a sustainability audit.

to implement a campus-wide, staffed recycling program,”

10 CCCUAdvance fall2010

around the council the STARS tracking and rating system created by AASHE. Additionally, the university adopted a strategic plan pledging to ‘incorporate sustainability into campus life by working together as students, staff and faculty to impact changes in attitudes, policy

Presidential Changes

planning and course curricula.’” To read the final reports of the individual campuses, visit:

The following institutions have experienced presidential transitions in the last year. The new presidents are listed with their start dates for each campus. Central Christian College (KS): Hal V. Hoxie, January 2010


Baylor University (TX): Kenneth W. Starr, June 2010

CCCU Summer Events Span Nation

Abilene Christian University (TX): Philip J. Schubert, June 2010

From West Coast to East Coast and points between, CCCU events

Redeemer University College (Ontario): Hubert R. Krygsman, June 2010

during summer 2010. They included:

served 358 faculty and administrators from Council campuses

Northwest Christian University (OR): Joseph Womack, June 2010

New Faculty Workshop Commission on Technology Conference • Leadership Development Institute • Women’s Advanced Leadership Institute • Women’s Development Institute • President-led Symposium on Spiritual Formation • New President’s Institute • Governance Institute • Library Directors Conference • Alumni Professionals Conference • •

Erskine College (SC): David A. Norman, July 2010 Tyndale University College (Ontario): Gary V. Nelson, July 2010 Wheaton College (IL): Phillip Graham Ryken, July 2010 Whitworth University (WA): Beck A. Taylor, July 2010 Regent University (VA): Carlos Campo, August 2010 said Theresa Garbe of Milligan College. “Faculty, staff and

Next year’s conferences that have been scheduled so far are:

administration are very supportive of the program, and our

students are fully engaged in the process. We have discovered

that the more we recycle, the more the campus wants to recycle! Additionally, the increased visibility of our recycling program has inspired students to organize other related events, like a creek cleanup and an Earth Day poetry reading. The Creation Care minigrant has contributed to a positive shift in the way the Milligan community considers issues of environmental sustainability.” Susan Karr of Carson-Newman College calls the Creation Care mini-grant a great success for her campus. “Through the various

Commission on Technology Conference (May 31-June 3, 2011) Public Relations and Communications Officers Conference (June 15-18, 2011) • New Presidents Institute (July 9-12, 2011) • Governance Institute (July 13-16, 2011) Other conferences for the summer of 2011 are yet to be determined, but will appear at as they are scheduled.

New Online Conference Section Launches

projects we pursued we formed connections with campus

The CCCU is launching a series of online events this fall on the

and community groups that were as valuable as the projects

Conferences & Events section of The inaugural

themselves,” she said. “The campus and community feedback

launch starts with a Post-forum Speaker Series as the kick-off.

has been wonderful, and one of our projects, the rain garden, is

The series will highlight several presenters from the February

attracting attention and interest from others in the community

2010 International Forum on Christian Higher Education who are

who want to build their own rain garden. We are very appreciative

presenting on popular follow-up topics discussed at the Forum.

to have had this opportunity and see it as the beginning of bigger

After each session, an online moderator will liaise questions from

and better things to come!”

the webinar’s live audience to the presenters so they can respond

At King’s University College, the CCCU Creation Care mini-grant, along with a student-led initiative, helped generate significant momentum on campus during last year. Michael Ferber explained, “Since obtaining the grant the university has established a sustainability coalition, signed a climate agreement and adopted

accordingly. Through this online service, our institutions can take full advantage of interactive learning and participation while simultaneously experiencing more variety in CCCU resources. To see the schedule and registration information, visit: fall2010 CCCUAdvance 11


around THE AROUND the COUNCIL council

First Creation Care Study Shows Campus Commitment by Jocelyn Green


CCCU-wide assessment of campus operations and curriculum creation care activities reveals member institution commitment to Christian

Would you be in favor of offering sustainability courses on campus?

leadership and service through creation care initiatives. A total of sixty-five (65) CCCU member

institutions responded to some part of the survey in 2009.*


Lipscomb University’s (TN) Institute for Sustainable Practice


and researcher Tracy Puett, M.A., coordinated this survey.


Of responding institutions, 24 percent (16) reported having a creation care policy statement. Five responding institutions report this policy statement as being publicly available on the Internet. Respondents report that their campuses are generally aware of

remaining responding institutions state they are in the process of

creation care issues, though at varying levels of applied action

developing a faith-based creation care academic program.

to the issues. This may be partly reflected in the fact that only

Institutional practices from storm water management to

10 percent (6) of the responding institutions have an operations-

food services composting were explored in the survey. Many

focused creation care department in place. However, more than

respondents report at least some practices as being in place

69 percent of the remaining responding institutions state they

currently, with a few indicating widespread use of innovative

are interested in having a creation care organization/office

technology such as wind and solar power generation as well as

on campus.

open space habitat management and community-supported

Of responding campuses, 41 percent report having defined

local farming. Of all responding institutions, more than 10

creation care academic courses currently in place. Of those who stated they do not currently have programming in place (59 percent), more than 48 percent report being in favor of offering

reported natural storm water practices, 33 use lighting efficiency practices, 11 utilize solar and other renewable energy practices, 31 have recycling initiatives, and 10 have community/university

such courses on campus 72 percent report faculty having

supported gardens.

discussions regarding the formation of a creation care academic

The 2009 data indicates clear interest in institutionalizing both

program, and 43 percent indicate their academic creation care

creation care practices and the development of creation care

courses are scheduled to start within the next 12 months.

academic programming.

Regarding the existence of formal academic degrees in creation

* The results of the survey are confidential and available only to those campuses that participated. Individual reports were made available to participating campuses only.

care, 13.8 percent report extant undergraduate programs while none indicate masters-level or doctoral programs. No responding institutions report having a certificate program in sustainability. Ten percent state that all students are required

Unpacking the Market Research Study

to take at least one creation care or environmental science

Highlights of the 2009 Market Research Study are featured monthly in the CCCU’s electronic newsletter, the eAdvance. View the highlights online at

program as a requirement of their degree, and 35 percent of responding institutions report having creation care-focused, faith-based courses in sustainability while 17 percent of the 12 CCCUAdvance fall2010

From Capitol Hill Regarding Our Rights by Shapri D. LoMaglio

“ Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated, and be the better prepared to defend and assert them.”1 - John Jay, first United States Supreme Court Chief Justice, member and President of the Continental Congress, President of the American Bible Society


legislation and policies that restrict religious hiring and equal access to federal funds by religious organizations. There are some general public sentiments about religious liberties that are also troubling. The survey referenced above found that 19 percent of respondents think that the First Amendment goes too far in the rights it guarantees, and 20 percent think Americans have too much religious freedom. The protections in the First Amendment are essential to our institutions–academic freedom (speech), student newspapers and radio stations (press), the right to maintain our Christian character (free exercise of religion), and others– and we at the CCCU want to support you in your efforts to ensure that your students leave your schools “knowing their rights . . . prepared to defend and assert them.” For as Abraham Lincoln said, “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be

recent survey conducted by the First Amendment Center found that only slightly more than half (55 percent) of Americans can identify free speech as a right guaranteed

by the First Amendment. Even fewer can identify the other four protections outlined in the First Amendment: 18 percent identified religion; 16 percent identified freedom of the press; 14 percent identified freedom of assembly; and only four percent identified freedom to petition the government. This lack of knowledge inherently begs the question that John Jay posed: How can Americans defend and assert rights they do not know they have?

the philosophy of government in the next.” Towards this end, we will be undertaking many new initiatives. In the spring of 2011 we will host a speaker series via webinar devoted to the topic of protecting religious liberty, providing your students the opportunity to engage influential Washington politicians, lawyers, and thinkers with questions and discussion. (We hope that you will choose to make this program widely available to your students.) American Studies Program (ASP) participants can now apply for a new Congressional internship that focuses on religious liberty issues. And we are looking for

Challenges to these rights do exist. In fact, much of our public

campuses that have developed curriculum in civics, religious

policy work here in Washington centers around protecting these

liberty, or related church-state topics that are willing to share it

rights. We work with other religiously affiliated groups to identify,

with us so that we can make those pedagogical strategies more

and eliminate or remedy, troubling legislative proposals, such as

widely available. Look for more initiatives to come.

a current bill to reauthorize the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) grant program. The bill would disallow religious organizations that consider religion when hiring from competing for the grant money. Even more troubling, it explicitly prevents these groups from seeking recourse under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). If passed, this bill would be the first limitation on the scope of RFRA, and would

In the New Testament the Apostle Paul knew his rights as a Roman citizen, asserted them, and gained protection under them. We are encouraged that CCCU students will be prepared to do the same. 1

Charge to the Grand Jury of Ulster County (1777)


2009 State of the First Amendment national survey

likely invite additional attempts at such limitations. Groups like the Coalition Against Religious Discrimination (CARD) actively promote 14 CCCUAdvance fall2010

Shapri D. LoMaglio is the Government Relations and Executive Programs Director at the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities

trends Adult Education Moves to Online and Hybrid Classes by Cynthia Tweedell


n order to maximize their ministry to an increasingly

advantage over some competitors because their reputation for

diverse population, many CCCU schools are developing

integrity and academic excellence is well known in their region.

systems of adult learning that transform the landscape

According to Eduventures, online programs are growing at a

of Christian higher education. The CCCU Center for

much faster rate than traditional face-to-face programs.

Research in Adult Learning at Indiana Wesleyan

University (IN) is finding that many CCCU adult programs started two decades ago and are undergoing changes as the adult education market becomes more sophisticated. In order to keep up with a market that is becoming flooded by for-profit competitors, many CCCU schools are diversifying their offerings in adult education and focusing on their customer-service advantages. One of the current trends in adult education is the move from multi-site to online and now to hybrid classes. Many CCCU schools began their adult education programs in a rented conference room in an urban area. From the beginning they relied on adjunct “practitioner faculty” who could teach courses in locations and at times that were inconvenient for their full-time faculty. Now these universities have graduated from hosting “College of the Marriott” to using regional education centers scattered in many cities and using separate full-time

But student interest is growing in face-to-face instruction— with a new twist. Many students still demand the convenience of online education but would like an occasional meeting with other students. So the fastest growing programs today are the hybrid programs, which bring a class together once a month or so for a face-to-face meeting, while spending the rest of the term in online discussions. Anita Underwood, dean of the School of Business and Leadership at Nyack College said, “Most of our students enjoy the in-class experience, because they enjoy the human connection with their cohort members. But (they also) enjoy the flexibility that online classes provide.” Amber Simos, assistant director for research and program development for Indiana Wesleyan’s College of Adult and Professional Studies, has found that 44 percent of their students prefer some combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning.

faculty for these adult colleges. For example, Indiana Wesleyan

The 21st century began with a proliferation of sameness

University now has 15 education centers and nearly 100 full-

in adult education programs. Many CCCU schools had

time faculty in the College of Adult and Professional Studies.

programs that looked nearly identical to for-profit and public

As new students have made more and more demands for education anytime, anywhere, most schools have expanded their offerings online. Pioneers in online education thought they would be flooded with applicants from throughout the world. Now that the splash of online education has subsided, schools

colleges’ adult programs. As the century matures, there is an opportunity for CCCU schools to assert their distinctiveness as Christ-centered institutions. Successful institutions will find they are recognized not only for their accessibility but also for their integrity and values.

are discovering that the best market for their online courses is right in their own backyard. Eduventures reports that students are looking for a recognizable name when they search for an online program. So CCCU schools have found they have an

Cynthia Tweedell is executive director of the CCCU Center for Research in Adult Learning at Indiana Wesleyan University.

fall2010 CCCUAdvance 15

open source around THE AROUND the COUNCIL council

How Does Mobile Learning Affect Higher Education? by Jocelyn Green

Between iPhones, iPads, MacBooks and other wireless computing devices, many of today’s college students have all the information they could ever want at their fingertips. What does this mean for the brick and mortar college campus? Does the wireless age fight against the traditional classroom setting? Or can they work together? We posed this question to the CCCU Technology Commission. Here’s how they weigh in on what difference mobile learning is making on their own campuses: George Fox University (OR) offers the iPad as an altenative to the MacBook for incoming new students. This fall, we will give out iPads to about 10 percent of our new freshman and transfer students. So some of the changes that mobile computing is forcing at GFU relates to iPads, especially since we have committed to supporting them. But the reality is that most students have multiple Wi-Fi ready devices typically a smartphone or iPod Touch. So obvious pressure comes from the need for greater Wi-Fi coverage, which is an ongoing project. But the iPad is causing us some additional concern since its Wi-Fi reception strength is not as good as many other Wi-Fi ready devices. So we are in the process of increasing the density of our Wi-Fi access points in some academic areas. Of course we are concerned about Web access for mobile devices, so our University Web site is making sure that we have a mobile-ready version. We are much more interested in whether or not our applications of interest have a mobile app. For example we video stream some of our athletic events using Stretch Internet, so we are very interested in their iPhone app. Another one is our CollegeNet R25 Scheduling application, which is about to come out with an iPhone app. And of course many universities, GFU included, have mobile portals providing typical Student Information. Additionally, the Learning Management Systems, LMS, typically need a mobile app, and we are anxious to deploy one for Moodle. Trends that we see so far with the tablets, or for us more specifically the iPad, lean toward the arts. The iPads have proven to be a better way to share and discuss digital art. We have also seen potential with Advancement, in that the iPad can be a more intimate digital sharing device for presenting a concept or vision for a donation campaign. We also plan to experiment in athletics with gametime use of the iPad for presenting a specific tactic supported with video clips. Otherwise the iPads are really just great E-Readers without a lot of great E-Textbooks. They are great note-takers and of course they truly provide information at your fingertips. Greg Smith Chief Information Officer George Fox University One change at Samford University (AL) has been to promote the use of tablet computers to faculty. At the CIO Roundtable at Educause last November, I learned the University of New England has standardized on tablet computers for faculty, in part because it replaces the functionality provided by Smart boards and variants thereof. Some of our faculty seem to be picking up on this capability, like our Dean of Arts and Sciences. Dennis L Self Interim Chief Information Officer Samford University

16 CCCUAdvance fall2010

At Spring Arbor University (MI), we’ve long had a specific study-abroad requirement, our so-called “Cross Cultural Experience.” As one of the SAU profs who regularly lead those 21-day trips, I’ve struggled with the hassle of managing budgets, etc. and the need to haul around a laptop. This time, I piloted the use of an iPad, running Mariner Calc spreadsheet software, Apple’s Pages, etc. The integration with our Exchange server was flawless. Great experience! Now, I’m working with our Cross Cultural Studies department to develop streamlined methods for transporting the myriad of documents (passport copies, health forms, etc.) that must also accompany us. David A. Hopper, Ph.D. Associate Professor - School of Education Spring Arbor University Mobile Learning at Abilene Christian University (TX) began as a way for us to understand how mobility would impact higher education. Our mobile learning program actually began over 10 years ago as we experimented with laptops. By the time Apple released the iPhone, we knew it was the tool we had been looking for. We now have a campus where 100 percent of full-time undergraduates and more than 95 percent of faculty have an iPhone or iPod touch. With smart phones and now mobile tablets like the iPad, our students have a way to engage digital content everywhere, all the time. Our task has been to work to find ways to use these devices to access and more importantly, help students assess the information that is online. The media playback and creation aspects of these devices have also been extremely helpful in addressing the needs of millennials. It is clear that our students have embraced these tools and techniques. Recent polls showed that 93 percent of students approve of the program. These mobile devices have truly been a catalyst for innovation. In just the second year, 84 percent of faculty surveyed report they regularly use mobile devices for class activities (14 percent for every class meeting). For example, some faculty have students listen to podcasts ahead of class time so class discussion can be spent on larger issues. Using polls in class allows students to give opinions anonymously on a polarizing subject. Some professors use polls during class to determine if students are still tracking with them. Education faculty have their student teachers track their own students’ progress on mobile devices. The campus is alive with innovation and experimentation. That is an exciting place to be and places our faculty and students in a position to shape the future. George Saltsman Executive Director, Adams Center for Teaching and Learning Abilene Christian University A quick thought on this is that the explosion of mobile and tablet devices is the stress that it is putting on our wireless networks. We used to see one device per person, but now we are seeing two and even up to four devices (computer, phone, tablet, portable game unit) per person. The bandwidth needs of these devices, coupled with the limits on how many clients can be handled by a single access point, is changing our wireless networks considerably. Steve Morris Director of Information Technology Ambrose University College (Alberta, CANADA)

For more content on mobile learning, visit

fall2010 CCCUAdvance 17

bestsemester to launch

india studies program By Kami L. Rice

“India is just a fascinating country,” said Brock Schroeder after his visit to India in December 2009. Schroeder is Malone University’s (OH) vice president for enrollment management and a member of the CCCU’s Student Academic Programs Commission. Now CCCU students will have the opportunity to discover that fascinating country and her people first-hand.

18 CCCUAdvance fall2010


india studies launch


he India Studies Program (ISP), the newest addition to the BestSemester line-up, will commence in fall 2011 in partnership with CCCU international affiliate CSI Bishop

Appasamy College of Arts and Sciences (BACAS) in Coimbatore in southern India.

Why India? India is everywhere these days: in the news; in best-selling books such as Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love; on the silver screen as the setting for Oscar-winning films like 2009’s Slumdog Millionaire; informing the yoga practices and the philosophies of America’s holistic health movement; and in

“We are excited to launch this addition to our wellrespected culture-shaping and culture-crossing BestSemester programs. It is the right time to open an opportunity for our students to study in India.”

our neighborhoods as Indian immigrants and visitors take up

- Ken Bussema, CCCU Vice President of Student Programs

residence next door. Recognized as a hotspot of economic development and as the world’s most populous democracy, India yet retains connection to its ancient culture. As globalization causes American and Indian cultures to regularly intersect, it is increasingly important for students to have opportunities to understand a culture so different from their own.

ISP students will be able to gain a Christian worldview shaped through the lens of Indian Christians and through learning how these Christian brothers and sisters live out salvation and calling. “A student experiencing India would have their eyes opened to

“On the global stage there are certain countries that are rising

and have a greater awareness of Christ’s work around the world.

in influence,” said Schroeder. “It’s important for us to partner

Christ is not an American concept,” said Schroeder.

with and understand those countries. India is one of them. From a business, cultural and global influence perspective, India is a great opportunity for students.” For business students, for example, understanding how business is done in India is a key skill-set given that most multi-national corporations now have offices in India. India also presents an important opportunity for students to discover how the church functions in a culture that finds its foundation in a non-Judeo-Christian religious system. Today’s Indian Christians have ancient lineage: according to tradition, the apostle Thomas brought the gospel to India, establishing Christian communities in India in the first century A.D. Now the government maintains religious tolerance while enforcing a proselytizing ban. “From a religious perspective, India’s balance of religious tolerance coupled with a government trying to control

Studying in India will help students grow in their ability to be obedient witnesses for Christ in a pluralistic world of beliefs, cultures and needs. Students will also encounter opportunities to learn, through experience, how to address the needs of the poor and disenfranchised. “We are excited to launch this addition to our well-respected culture-shaping and culture-crossing BestSemester programs,” said Ken Bussema, CCCU’s vice president for student programs. “It is the right time to open an opportunity for our students to study in India. The India Studies Program will provide them with a context for being challenged to grow as believers and global citizens, reaping benefits for God’s kingdom as they return home or pursue future international work.”

India Studies Program structure

proselytizing within a context that works for the country - I

ISP will follow the institutional partnership model of the Uganda

believe we’ll see more of that in other countries,” Schroeder

Studies Program and the Australia Studies Centre. Students will

said. “It’s important for our students to explore how we can

take two core courses—”Contemporary India: Culture, Society

fulfill Christ’s mission with governments that are exerting control

and Challenges and India’s Religious Landscape”—designed to

over the work of Christian missions.”

provide a broad overview of the historical, religious, geographical

fall2010 CCCUAdvance 19

india studies launch and economic landscape of India. With the background of this

to interact with BACAS students for whom higher education

basic understanding of both India’s past and its contemporary

wasn’t a given.

context, students will be able to explore issues such as poverty, social justice, rapid social change, and religious pluralism through the eyes and experience of Indian Christians.

“We follow a policy of inclusive education. That is, we want the people who cannot afford to go for higher education to join our college. So we make things easy for them,” explained Williams.

Beyond these courses, students will take courses designed by

“We offer quality education at an affordable fee. There is a kind

BACAS faculty specifically for ISP students. These courses will

of transformation in the lives of the students in the way we admit

build on BACAS’ academic strengths in social work, literature,

them. There are so many barriers for the students when they

costume design and textiles, visual art, culinary art, and business.

want to join a college: economic barriers, gender barriers, social

Field experience will be integrated in the courses, and ISP will

barriers and physical barriers. When we say social barrier, [we

conclude with a two-week study tour to India’s major cities.

mean] the caste system [that] is predominant in our country.

While students will live in an international student housing unit near the BACAS campus, they will have ample opportunity to

People from lower class cannot afford to go for a high class education.”

be immersed in the local and campus community, including

BACAS also seeks to “give encouragement to the disabled

attending BACAS chapel and participating in service

students.” Williams says the college has a disabled-friendly

opportunities with BACAS students.

environment, and these students receive a 50 percent concession in course fees.

Good for students, good for institutions Schroeder says a study opportunity like ISP can significantly shape the worldview of juniors and seniors who are making commitments for how they will live their lives. Studying in India “could change, define or clarify their calling.”

While just under half of BACAS’ students are Christians, 93 percent of its staff and faculty members are Christian, and all of the key administrators are clearly committed to Christ-centered higher education. BACAS has a regular chapel service that non-Christian students are welcome to attend. These students, Williams explained, “come to understand the sacrifice made by

He recognizes the tension faced by administrators in helping

Jesus Christ, and they know that this love is being spread by the

students finance BestSemester studies. Administrators have to

institution through action.”

pay attention to revenue streams and expenses, and campuses struggle to send money off-campus.

BACAS is committed to exposing students to the needs of those around them. “We always believe that the students have

“We need to realize that these experiences are investments in

a responsibility to the community from which they come from,

the students but also in the university,” he says, “because they

to which they will go back also,” said Williams. Thus, students

provide a high level of student satisfaction, and the students

voluntarily help various sections of their community, from

become the mouthpiece for the education you can receive at

supplying rice for 30 families in a leper colony to supporting a

the institution.”

single mother raising two daughters with muscular dystrophy to working with women in prison.

BACAS will be a good host

Williams looks forward to sharing the experience of Indian

“The India Studies Program is a dream-come-true project

in a place where, according to state statistics we are only 2.3

because we always wanted to have a kind of exchange,” said Mrs. Susheila Williams, executive secretary at BACAS and the senior administrative leader guiding the partnership. “In our mission statement we wanted to have an internationally acclaimed institution, and this is an opportunity where we can prove our word.” BACAS is deeply respected in Coimbatore and has taken on the

Christians with ISP students. “Maintaining our Christian identity percent [Christian], still we try to cling on to our identity, and we are well respected in the community. So all these things students can come and see, because maintaining Christian identity in your country is easy. For us it is difficult, but still we are brave enough to do it.”

mission of making education accessible to members of India’s

For more information on the India Studies Program, visit

lower castes. Schroeder notes that it will be good for ISP students

To see more of India, visit

20 CCCUAdvance fall2010

india studies launch

All Photographs courtesy of Kandyce Pinckney

Fall2010 CCCUAdvance 21

n o

teaching origins

g n i h c a te ins:

g i or

reen elyn G c o J By

Steve id a s ” ). , y (M O r time t i e s v r o e n iv olved n ge l U gy a ins ev v ig E r o at n , biolo e o y r u t g m is a ulu hem colle curric r of c d his o e s p “Our s e ip of ,” qu er, pr igned s e B ad g d ing. ly laugh , lligent n e t o s in s nn e “ I t wa ike Te M r o ss profe 22 CCCUAdvance fall2010

teaching origins


espite their keen sense of humor, this pair

If that’s all you learn from us, that there are real Christians who

takes teaching origins very seriously, like any

don’t embrace your opinion and are just as orthodox, then we’ve

other faculty covering this subject on a CCCU


campus. Unlike many other profs, however, they make a deliberate attempt not to let

students know where they stand on the issue during the unit. Instead, they have students read about the young earth position, for example, from writings of young earth proponents. Then they provide writings from the critics of the view. They do this for every origins theory covered in class.

At the end of the unit, Tenneson and Badger may share their own viewpoints one-on-one with students, if students ask. “It’s not a secret, it’s not that we’re unwilling to talk about it,” said Tenneson. “But the timing is so important.” At Corban University (OR), there is less mystery about what views on origins the faculty espouse. The institution’s Statement of Faith says, “We believe that the six day biblical

“The tremendous strength of this approach is that you are not

account of the creation is neither allegory nor myth, but a

placing yourself in the position of advocate for one of the views,

historical account of the miraculous acts of God creating all

so you’re not making yourself a target,” said Tenneson. “By

that exists (Gen. 1-2; John 1:3).”

providing the writings from other people, you can stand to the side of the stage and let the drama unfold in the proponents’ and critics’ own voices. The audience then address their frustration or disagreement with people of each camp, not with us. We’re messengers, not the originators of the message. From a teaching perspective, that’s powerful. It allows us to speak about controversial ideas without being threatened by the audience.”

However, Corban Professor of Theology Tim Anderson states, “One of our concerns as a department has been that the issue should not divide believers, as long as we have the understanding that God providentially was involved in creation. For us, a proper biblical emphasis is not so much how or how long but that he was and still is providentially involved in creation. We want to preserve the orthodox position of the church that God, in a

Badger points out that replacing their own voices with the voices

special way, created the world and humans in his image and

of the proponents and critics of each theory helps them to avoid

preserves and sustains that creation by his providential hand.”

flak from any party who wishes they would teach one view above the rest. “We’re teaching about creation, about evolution,” he said. “There’s a difference. We’re not trying to not indoctrinate.” Tenneson said their unit is more about developing critical thinking skills in the students than about coaching them to believe one particular view. Badger adds, “We don’t try to push students to embrace any

Anderson explains all the theories of origins in his Christian Theology class and readily tells students which one he agrees with. At Bryan College (TN), students can minor in Origins Studies, and Bryan’s Center for Origins Research (CORE, created in 1989), has made significant contributions in publishing and research to the young earth position and endorses that position.

of the common theistic positions on creation/evolution. But we push them to understand the strengths and weakness of each, and why they believe what they do. Most believe what they were taught by parents or youth pastors and haven’t given much of any thought to issues.” In fact, Badger has had students interrupt him in class and say, “I don’t want to know this information, I just want you to tell me what you believe.” Responding to those comments, Badger said, “That’s not my purpose. My purpose is for you to look at the information, think critically with Scriptures and scientific insight, and come to your own conclusion. We are not trying to change your position. But part of our agenda is to help you to see that there are genuine, spiritual, Bible-believing Christians who have differing opinions.

“One of our concerns as a department has been that the issue should not divide believers.” - Tim Anderson, Professor of Theology Corban University (OR)

FALL2010 CCCUAdvance 23

teaching origins The college is named for William Jennings Bryan, the prosecutor in the famous Scopes trial in Dayton, in which a public school teacher was found guilty of teaching evolution. However, “the official position of Bryan College is that we do not take an institutional position on the matter,” said Peter Held, senior fellow for Christian worldview at Bryan. “Its’ not unusual for colleges or universities to have ‘centers’ that take positions that are not necessarily those of the institution to which they are affiliated. It creates a dynamic educational environment.” Written in a syllabus of natural sciences professor Dr. Stephen Barnett is this clarification on the college’s views:

“Christianity can agree to disagree on certain issues, and this is one of them. There is not one view that you must believe in order to be a follower of Christ. As believers, our faith is in Christ, not in science or creationism.”

“We share Bryan’s commitment to the authority of Scripture, but that does not commit us to a particular

- Dr. Tim Eisenback, Assistant Professor of Biology Bryan College (TN)

position on the age of the universe, as Bryan himself noted. A wide range of interpretations of the biblical creation accounts is found among evangelical Christians . . . and because strong cases can be made from Scripture for differing views, we will not insist on any particular position.” Barnett tells his students which position he holds and why, and hopes his students will carefully analyze the evidence and come to the same conclusion. “At the same time,” he added, “I know that competent and careful evangelical scientists and theologians do commonly disagree on how to relate the data of science and of Scripture; to presume that I have achieved the one correct synthesis would be folly. So I encourage my students to constantly evaluate the evidence for various models of origins and to test their beliefs against Scripture.” Dr. Brian Eisenback, assistant professor of biology at Bryan, keeps his students guessing about what he believes. “Many students believe what they do about origins because it is the view they heard from their parents or pastor,” he said. “I am

24 CCCUAdvance fall2010

intentionally cryptic on my personal views because I don’t want to be a surrogate parent causing them to believe a particular viewpoint just because I do. Students need to take this information and make it their own. I would like students to believe their particular viewpoint because they have examined the evidence, the implications, and above all the Scripture in order to understand why they believe what they do and also to understand why someone else may hold to a different view.” The Master’s College (CA) states in its doctrine that it holds the young earth position as an institution. Professor Ross Anderson, a biblical creationist, said he still examines all the views in his classroom (sixday creation, progressive creation, theistic evolution, gap theory, etc.), but more time is spent on the six-day and atheistic evolution views than the others. “We examine both the strengths and weaknesses of each view,” he said. “We also make the students aware that there are many very important, but unanswered, questions regarding origins regardless of view. As an institution, we do not force

students to adopt a particular view. We provide them with the necessary information and resources with which to use their critical thinking skills to arrive at a conclusion that they can rigorously defend both biblically and scientifically.” Teaching all views on origins is not only part of a well-rounded liberal arts education, said Master’s Professor of Biology Joe Francis, but it is also practical. “For instance, our students will attend churches where individual church attendees will have different views on origins,” said Francis. “And as believers we need to learn how to work together and represent Christ in all we do, so understanding someone else’s viewpoint and being able to communicate your own position in a constructive manner is important.” While Evangel, Corban, Bryan and Master’s may vary in how they approach the topic of origins in the classroom, they all share underlying desired outcomes for their students: first, that they recognize the authority of Scripture; second, that they become

teaching origins critical thinkers; and third, that they realize other evangelicals can arrive at differing conclusions and still be genuine Christians. “It is okay to disagree, but we shouldn’t let disagreements stand

Resources from Evangel

1) Christian Perspectives on Origins. This is a short

in the way of working together to advance God’s kingdom,” said

(20 pp.) booklet written by Steve Badger and Mike

Eisenback. “Christianity can agree to disagree on certain issues,

Tenneson that can be used in both science and Bible/

and this is one of them. There is not one view that you must

theology classes. It explores worldview, methods

believe in order to be a follower of Christ. As believers, our faith

of science, the various meanings of and evidences

is in Christ, not in science or creationism. The gospel does not

for evolution, five common origins views, ways of

collapse if God used the process of evolution. Science cannot definitively answer every question regarding origins, morality, meaning or purpose. What we can take from Scripture is that God exists and is good, he made the universe and all it contains, man is different from the rest of creation, man’s sinful rebellion against God is the source of separation from God, and Jesus Christ is the only way to reconcile the separation.”

integrating science and faith, and some useful appendices and references. Ordering information may be found online at 2) Online Origins Survey. Tenneson and Badger have developed a 34-statement survey designed to measure a person’s opinions about creationevolution. The survey is taken online, and the results are easily analyzed with SPSS or other statistical analysis software. If you’d like to use this survey, visit asp. Password: peach . ID code: CCCU. The survey is anonymous, and survey responses will contribute to ongoing studies on Christian attitudes and beliefs about origins. The authors (Badger and Tenneson) are also willing to assist interested faculty in analysis of their class responses, by emailing faculty the data in a spreadsheet if they wish to do their own analyses. Email them at ( and

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urban education

Rice By Kami L.

n a D ia z n m e t P auli re e h C y d h e n M in l in Lo s H ig h S c h o o o v e u N o in at Cam yo n e’s d idn’t fi t an a lin u a P , s A n ge le e sy o f d ent. C o urt tu s l e d o m of a , P au lin a d e s cri pti o n sin g d efi cit s e c ro p ry u d ito ow o r A D D and a u t th e w in d o g n ri ta s s t clas u lin a often sp en h er way, P a it E . ts n e m co m b lurtin g o u t in g mu ch. wasn’t le arn


urban education

But that was three years ago, back when Paulina was a freshman and Cheren, a 2007 Wheaton College (IL) graduate, was a first-year education specialist placed by Teach For America (TFA) at Camino Nuevo, a charter school serving downtown L.A.’s densely populated, poverty-stricken MacArthur Park community. Now Paulina is a rising senior who Cheren says is nearly unrecognizable as the student she first met. Paulina’s lack of confidence has been replaced by real academic achievement courtesy of her own hard work and commitment, her parents’ partnership, and Cheren’s work with her inside and outside the classroom. “Paulina took math, the subject she hated the most, and really put more time into it,” explained Cheren. Paulina finished her junior year as one of the top four students in Algebra II and raised her reading level by six years during the three years Cheren worked with her. She now loves reading and

ensure all students obtain an excellent education. While we have a long way to go before educational equity is realized for all of our students, we’re seeing more and more evidence of the great possibilities within reach.”

Partnering with organizations to change the story Opportunities are increasingly available for CCCU schools and their students and graduates to participate in addressing education inequalities. Organizations already partnering in various capacities with CCCU institutions include Teach For America (TFA), Memphis Teacher Residency

“ An urban teacher education equips teachers to teach and reach students regardless of the obstacles in their lives.” - Jennifer Grove, Assistant Dean of Education

Union University (TN)

is entering her senior year reading at grade level and getting A’s and B’s in all of her classes. She won’t have an individual education plan (IEP) through Cheren for her last year of high school because she no longer needs it.

(MTR), and Act Six. Reform efforts are often focused on urban schools, where the education gap is most concentrated.

“She looks like she doesn’t have ADD anymore,” said Cheren. “The reason I do what I do is so I can see that kind of transformation, a transformation that is possible for 100 percent of my students.”

TFA has been around the longest, recruiting recent college graduates and professionals from all academic majors to teach for two years in urban and rural public schools and become lifelong leaders in the pursuit of education equality. Though TFA is not organizationally faith-based, their mission resonates with Christians.

In the last 20 years growing attention has been paid to the long-standing achievement gap that exists between students in low-income communities like MacArthur Park and those in higher-income neighborhoods. Access to excellent education provides one of the most effective disruptions of the cycle of poverty that plagues low-income families and neighborhoods, which is one of the reasons that addressing the inequalities matters so much. The education tides are changing these days, if slowly. “When Teach For America was launched 20 years ago, it would be fair to say that there was no movement to ensure educational equality,” noted Nicole Baker Fulgham, Teach For America’s vice president of faith community relations. “Today, we have hundreds of examples showing that the achievement gap is a solvable problem. We are seeing increased emphasis on robust, replicable solutions to

“The Bible places significant emphasis on values such as caring for the poor and working for justice,” explained Baker Fulgham. “Millions of children in the United States today aren’t getting the education they deserve, and their future opportunities often are severely limited by their substandard education. Only one out of every ten students from low-income communities graduates from college. As a result, it is much harder for Fall2010 CCCUAdvance 27

urban education

these young people to find jobs that will help them break the cycle of poverty. Christians can help answer the call to care for the poor by working to address one of the fundamental causes of poverty: educational inequality.” Thus, CCCU graduates often make excellent TFA applicants because they can combine demonstrated leadership with commitment to TFA’s mission. In fact, 98 recent graduates from CCCU institutions joined Teach For America’s 2009 teacher corps, more than double the number who joined in 2008. TFA alum Cheren roots her efforts to help reform the education system in the theology of reconciliation: Christ died to reconcile all things to himself and to each other, to restore wholeness. “When kids in my school aren’t getting a good education, it’s like their humanity is being challenged in terms of who they’re meant to be in Christ,” she said. “Providing students a just education and holding them to extremely high standards, no matter what background they come from, is a form of justice.” This summer MTR, a member of the Urban Teacher Residency United network, welcomed its second cohort of residents, many of whom have degrees in fields other than education. Based on the model of medical residencies - Nicole Baker Fulgham, and seeking Vice President of to address Faith Community Relations

“The Bible places significant emphasis on values such as caring for the poor and working for justice.”

Teach For America 28 CCCUAdvance fall2010

the deplorable teacher retention rates in Memphis as well as to prepare and support teachers specially equipped for teaching in troubled urban schools, MTR requires residents to work alongside a mentor teacher for one year while earning a master’s degree in urban education from Union University. Residents also live in community with each other. As graduates, they remain closely knit to the family-like MTR community while completing their required three years of service in Memphis schools. The particular needs of urban students make MTR’s specialized training critical to the success of new teachers. “It is imperative that teachers desiring to uplift urban students be keenly aware of how to develop their knowledge by reaching and maintaining the attention of children [who often] have their hearts and minds burdened with adult-like concerns and fears,” said

“ Just because [they] live in a poverty-stricken area doesn’t mean these kids don’t deserve a good education, Jesus’ passion was for the downtrodden. We have the opportunity to go in and show these kids the love of Christ and help them be successful.” - Jessica Chestnutt, resident Memphis Teacher Residency (MTR)

From Top Left: Brittany Steele with her Memphis Teacher Residency mentor. Jessica Chestnutt and Brittany Steele at KIPP Diamond Academy where they participated in training activities with students this summer (Images courtesy of David Montague) Paulina Diaz (far left), Mindy Cheren (center right) and friends from Camino Nueva High School. Mindy teaches at Camino Nuevo High School and is a former Teach For America teacher. (Image courtesy Mindy Cheren)

Jennifer Grove, Union’s assistant dean of education. “An urban teacher education equips teachers to teach and reach students regardless of the obstacles in their lives.” The faith-based aspect of MTR was part of the reason 2010-2011 residents Brittany Steele and Jessica Chestnutt, recent graduates of Tennessee Tech University, joined the program. “I love that it’s so God-centered,” said Steele. “It was so refreshing to come down here and everybody’s hearts were beating in sync with Jesus’ heart.”

“Just because [they] live in a povertystricken area doesn’t mean these kids don’t deserve a good education,” added Chestnutt. “Jesus’ passion was for the downtrodden. We have the opportunity to go in and show these kids the love of Christ and help them be successful.” Act Six, presently working in the Northwest, partners with community-based ministries to identify urban student leaders who traditionally don’t have access to Christian higher education. These students—99 percent of whom are students of color, the first in their family to go to college, or from lowincome families—receive scholarships as well as intensive training during their senior year to prepare them to lead and succeed in college as well as in their communities after college. They enter eight partner colleges, including CCCU schools Whitworth University, Northwest University, George Fox University and Warner Pacific College, as cadres of at least seven students. “The [Act Six] students begin to reflect a picture of shalom that students around them are attracted to,” said Ben Sand, chief

executive officer of Portland Leadership Foundation, which administers Act Six in the Portland area. Tim Herron, Act Six national director with the Northwest Leadership Foundation, said that Christian institutions have been good at attracting students who are interested in social justice but have not done as well introducing their students to real relationships with people from troubled urban communities where social justice issues are most visceral. Thus, Act Six is good for partner campuses, not only for Act Six cadres. “When you begin to introduce students from the city who share those [social justice] commitments but have also lived it, other students now have relationships with them as roommates and classmates. You have a bridge back to the city [for all of the institution’s students],” Herron said.

As the city goes, so goes the world Connection to the issues of urban centers or to urban students is increasingly critical for Christian institutions as the demographics of American high school students change. “The pipeline of future college students is following an overall diversification of the United States,” said Herron. “Cities represent for higher education one of the primary places those students gather.” Sand added, “Those who understand cities will be on the front end of where the world is heading.” Andrea Cook, president of Warner Pacific College, reiterates this, noting that 85 percent of people in the United States live in urban centers, which mirrors worldwide urban population concentration. “If they don’t live in urban centers, they’re still impacted by what happens in urban cultures,” she said. This is among the reasons Warner Pacific College is transforming itself into an urban Christian liberal arts college, recognizing the opportunity afforded by their location in the middle of Portland. “Rather than insulating our students from the city, we believe

Fall2010 CCCUAdvance 29

urban education

From Left: Students from Camino Nuevo High School’s Young Life program.

2010-2011 cohort of residents in the Memphis Teacher Residency program.

“We know that education opens opportunities for youth, especially youth from urban settings. This theme carries throughout the program. We are seeing our graduates embody this mission as they choose where to live and work.” - Candice McQueen, Dean, College of Education Lipscomb University (TN)

we are to be preparing them to be in the city, encountering the messiness of the city,” Cook explained. Welcoming an Act Six cadre this fall is part of that transformation, which includes joining local efforts to address Portland’s enormous education challenges and adapting to serve the population of students now attending Warner Pacific. More than 45 percent of them are firstgeneration college students. In Memphis the high teacher turnover rate has meant that students regularly have teachers who are in their early years of teaching, which is when they are least effective as teachers. Memphis Teacher Residency hopes to grow from its current resident cohort of 27 residents to 200 residents per year, which would allow it to supply one third of Memphis City Schools’ new 30 CCCUAdvance FALL2010

teachers each year in a city that is at the forefront of urban education reform efforts. As teams of MTR’s well-prepared, Christ-committed graduates begin teaching together in schools with the support of MTR’s Christian community, real change is happening. This excites director David Montague: “You literally help change the academic culture of a school from the inside out through the teachers.” Lipscomb University (TN), which partners with TFA in Nashville to prepare TFA teachers for licensure and offer them a master’s degree in education program, sees growing numbers of its education graduates choosing to serve in Metro-Nashville public schools or other urban school districts rather than the private Christian schools they’ve historically gravitated toward. Lipscomb’s participation in a new transformational partnership for improving Nashville’s under-performing Cameron Middle School provides another opportunity for Lipscomb to impact urban education. “At Lipscomb in our initial teacher education retreat for new students, we have as our theme our mission as Christian educators to serve those in need and to help better the lives of those we serve,” said Candice McQueen, dean of Lipscomb’s College of Education. “We know that education opens opportunities for youth, especially youth from urban settings. This theme carries throughout the program. We are seeing our graduates embody this mission as they choose where to live and work.”

Find More on the Web: Act Six: Memphis Teacher Residency: Teach for America:


RSP reunion This fall semester will be the last for the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities’ (CCCU) Russian Studies Program (RSP), one of nine BestSemester culture-crossing programs managed by the CCCU. Beginning in 1994, RSP has provided a challenging, intimate and inspiring study abroad experience for 523 undergraduate students and typified the Council’s mission of transforming lives by relating scholarship and service to biblical truth. The decision to conclude the program after the fall 2010 semester

A Bittersweet Farewell to the Russian Studies Program

was approved by the CCCU Board of Directors earlier this year: “While Russia continues to be strategically important in the world today, and our appreciation of Russian people and culture has not diminished, current trends in study abroad have made it increasingly difficult to attract students in sufficient numbers to continue offering a high quality culture-crossing experience,” said Ken Bussema, vice president of student programs. With the program closing soon, a total of 27 alumni and 13 distinguished guests gathered at the Council’s Dellenback Center during the last weekend in July to reflect on RSP’s lasting impact, enjoy some Russian food and music, and reconnect with other RSP alumni for a time of sharing and community. Asked what aspect of their Russian experience proved most surprising, alumni most often reported that it was the warmth and hospitality of the Russian people, destroying a stereotype—still perpetuated in popular American culture—of Russians as dispassionate and cold. The time spent studying in Russia was also commonly accompanied by more

By Aaron Stuvland Alumni and guests gathered at the CCCU”s Dellenback Center to take part in the RSP Reunion and reflect on the programs lasting impact.

introspection and self-critique than students were accustomed to. As a result, many alumni trace key decisions they have made later in life to various lessons primarily about themselves, learned in Russia. “Russia taught me the value of opening yourself up to other cultures for the chance to make yourself a better person,” shared Kristin Coker, a spring 2003 alumna from Northwestern College in Minnesota. “I realized how much I didn’t know and how much I had yet to learn. There was so much I didn’t understand: about people, about other parts of the world, about myself,” added Sara Tanney, a fall 2005 alumna and graduate of Nyack College (NY). Matthew Wilkinson, a Southeastern University graduate and spring 2009 alumnus, said RSP “provided an outlet for better understanding myself and my relationships, who I am as an individual and as part of the global community.” Grappling with questions of identity, especially in encountering a culture completely new, expresses a significant feature of RSP. A core objective of the program—and all BestSemester culture-crossing programs—is to make students aware of the interconnectedness and complexity of the larger human community within which they consider questions of faith, identity and calling.

JULY 30 - AUG. 1


Resonating with alumni on a more significant level, however, was the distinctive impact of Harley Wagler, the only director since RSP’s inception in 1994. Much of

Fall2010 CCCUAdvance 31

international forum

Images taken during the RSP Reunion.

32 CCCUAdvance fall2010


All photography by Aaron Stuvland.

International Forum

“Russia taught me the value of opening yourself up to other cultures for the chance to make yourself a better person.” - Kristin Coker, a spring 2003 RSP alumna from Northwestern College (MN).

the weekend

work in English Literature; his desire to teach at the college level


one day was impacted greatly through his time with Wagler


and especially the type of student-teacher relationship Wagler


fostered. “He thought of academics as a conversation,” said


Whittet. “He emphasized collegiality over competition. He would

contribution to

never try to win debates but focused instead on what one could

students’ lives

learn in any interaction—academic, casual or otherwise.”

as RSP’s most visible and instrumental figure. As director of the program and its only full-time faculty, Wagler wore several hats, at once serving as professor and

spiritual counselor, language translator and cultural interpreter. Hoping to enlarge many students’ understanding of God and the diversity of religious expression, “Harley encouraged us to grow and helped us focus on seeking God and building better relationships,” Wilkinson said. “Harley challenged us to see God as bigger than we’d ever imagined, especially than the box that we’d put him in,” added Alysha Tagert, a spring 2006 alumna from Olivet Nazarene University (IL) .

Coker agreed: “Harley taught me that I can learn from the simple interactions in my everyday life.” Throughout its 16 years of operation, RSP undoubtedly bears the unique imprint of Wagler’s love for the Russian people. His patient dedication to and passion for Russia and humble Christ-likeness in leading and relating to people, make him a director par excellence and one who will be deeply missed. Evident from this small sampling of a much larger diaspora, the RSP experience that he shaped, semester after semester, will continue to live on in the best convictions of those students fortunate to attend. Many alumni present left Wagler with words of encouragement for the next chapter in his life. Layne Bittner, representing one of the earliest RSP semesters during the fall of 1995, stated succinctly, “God bless you Harley. Keep leading, keep teaching and keep serving.” “What he set out to accomplish in Russia— his goal and purpose— was to inspire us to get involved in the culture,

Evident in Wagler’s teaching and gentle spirit was a passion

to learn about Russia

and zest for life that he communicated in many ways, whether

from Russians,” Tagert

through a lecture on Russian politics or a recitation of Pushkin

added. “Harley, you have

from memory. This was one of his attributes most treasured

changed our lives, and

by alumni. “It was by Wagler’s example that we fell in love with

we are greatly indebted

Russia; his desire to learn and seek wisdom was contagious,”

to you.”

commented Tagert.

“Harley helped us focus on seeking God and building better relationships.” - Matthew Wilkinson, a spring 2009 Almuni from Southeastern University (FL)

“He changed so many

One example of Harley’s passion was particularly inspiring for

people’s lives for the better. I hope he knows that,” Rozell

Griffin Rozell, an alumnus of the spring 2003 semester from

echoes. “Harley, your life is a monument to God’s love.”

Abilene Christian University (TX): “He would tear up while reading poetry outside in the bitter cold. And his tears would freeze to the corners of his eyes. Seeing how much [Russian literature] meant to him made it mean a bunch to us.”

This summer’s RSP reunion will be followed by an additional celebration at Nizhnii Novgorod State University, the Program’s host university. The event, tentatively scheduled for late November, will specially commemorate the individuals at the International

So what distinguished Wagler’s remarkable leadership of the

Studies Office as well as relevant faculty at the University and

Russian Studies Program?

denizens of Nizhnii responsible for making each semester

“He led by example,” Ethan Whittet stated. A fall 2003 alumnus from Gordon College (MA), Whittet is now pursuing doctoral

academically and experientially rewarding for students. Aaron Stuvland is a fall 2003 alumnus of the Russian Studies Program. fall2010 CCCUAdvance 33

the last word

by Susheila Williams Executive Secretary of CSI Bishop Appasamy College of Arts & Science

Rolling The Stone Away


And they said among themselves, “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?” But when they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled away – and it was very large.

Bishop Appasamy College of Arts & Science is situated in

Mark 16:3-4

kids and settle the fees.” It was a gentleman’s agreement.

the prestigious race course area, the center of the city of Coimbatore. Career-oriented and innovative courses offered here attract students from all walks of life. “Well, which are the courses your girls want?” I asked. The students’ service co-coordinator explained to him the features of the undergraduate courses offered in the college. He settled for social work for his eldest daughter and commerce for his second daughter. He also wanted to put both of them in the hostel. The fee structure of the course fees and hostel fees was explained to him. “I cannot pay so much. Every time my goats yean I’ll sell the However, through the state government scholarship scheme part of the course fee could be met. We found sponsors for

want seats for my two daughters in your college,”

the balance amount. That was three years back.

demanded the pathetic figure standing in front of me. It was a very hot summer afternoon. With shrunken

This summer: “I want a seat for my youngest daughter in

eyes, hollow cheeks, two front teeth missing and his

computer science, and for my first daughter in master’s of social

frail body in a thin shirt and dhoti, his age appeared

work.” The familiar voice made me look up. “My second daughter

to be of 70 years. In reality I estimated it to be 50. Poverty in

who finished her bachelor’s degree in commerce in your college

India means getting old at 40 and dying at 60.

has started earning. She will support her sisters in the college. As usual I will settle the balance whenever my goats yean.” I

His narration revealed that he was from a village called

calculated that the whole amount would meet only a fraction of

Devanamputhur, 30 km from Coimbatore. As a goat herd,

the college dues, but this man’s faith has been taken care of by

his meager earning was substantiated by working as a night

the Lord through this Christ-centered college. The cross led him

watchman in nearby shops. Believe me, he was not illiterate.

to the right place and the stone has been rolled away.

He had studied up to the 10th standard but could not pursue higher studies due to his financial inability.

In a country where women are treated as the children of lesser gods, the stone blocking the progress of women has been rolled

“My name is Shanmugam,” he said. “I have three daughters,

away. Christian institutions continue to serve the Savior, who

and two of them have completed +2 (school finals). I have

has redeemed us from our bondage, by serving his children.

been seeking admission for my daughters in undergraduate courses from college to college, walking up and down the road in Coimbatore without success. The cross in your name board attracted me, and I know that I can expect justice in a Christian institution here.” 34 CCCUAdvance FALL2010

Mrs. Susheila Williams is Executive Secretary of CSI Bishop Appasamy College of Arts & Science in Tamil Nadu, India.

Coming Soon: Women in the Halls This fall, watch the CCCU eAdvance for the new series “Women in the Halls,” which will explore the challenges and delights of juggling marriage, family, and singleness with roles in academia, as well as ways to model for students the challenges and opportunities inherent in an academic calling and in a woman’s life. Showcasing this topic is intended to stimulate discussion both among faculty and administrators at CCCU campuses, but between women leaders and students, as well. “What we know about young people today is that they’re experiential,” said Shirley Hoogstra, vice president for student life at Calvin College (MI). “Experience matters because it feels like it is truthfulness. So students need to have role models, both role model couples and role model singles in academia. If we want women to say, ‘I want the responsibility of leadership,’ you have to give them real life examples of people who are doing that joyfully. If it looks like a drudge, if it looks like it’s just tiring and such hard work, who would choose that? So you really have to show a portrait that shows God’s fruit and love and joy in your life.” To receive the CCCU eAdvance, subscribe online at




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